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Between Hedge and Manor

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The new kitchenmaid at Dunsany Manor has heard dark whispers about its young lord. Polly has good sense and hedgemagic to keep her safe, but desire will take her right to the boundary between his world and hers.

Written as a choose-your-own-adventure style story for SilkWords LLC, the go-to source for interactive women’s fiction. Blurring the line between fiction and gaming, SilkWords.com offers high quality romance and erotica that allows individual readers to choose how stories proceed.

81 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 11, 2014

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About the author

Skyler White

16 books119 followers
Skyler White writes angels and scientists, demons and revolutionaries, secret societies and sacred sex to play in the places where myth and modernity tangle.

OFFERINGS :: Lands of Sex & Magic (October 2013):
An episodic erotica set in the mythical Arcai and modern America

THE INCREMENTALISTS (Tor, September 2013, with Steven Brust): A secret society with an epic history and an almost magical memory must gather in Las Vegas to save itself ... and maybe the world

IN DREAMS BEGIN (Berkley, November 2010): A dark time-travel horror/romance set among luminaries of the late Victorian 'Golden Dawn' occult movement

AND FALLING, FLY (Berkley, March 2010): A dark fable of desire between a fallen angel and a self-medicating neuroscientist in a steampunk hell

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
Profile Image for Tracey.
1,439 reviews69 followers
June 27, 2015
I loved the idea of this book, choose your own route through a book. Unfortunately for me it didn't work. I Struggled with authors writing, it just didn't grab me. The book also felt too short.

I hate giving a two star, but I feel it's all I can award.

**i received an arc for an honest review**
Profile Image for Tracey.
1,114 reviews278 followers
October 19, 2015
What a nice surprise. A grown-up choose-your-own adventure – which must be fun to write, to explore the different possibilities. It was – inevitably – a bit repetitive, but I enjoyed the writing much more than I expected to. ("His eyes, dark and deep as any well, looked up into mine. For a moment I thought I'd fall straight in and wind up with my neck broken, and me never heard from again. Or I'd drop the tray on him.") There's an interesting setting here I would enjoy seeing more of. Fun.
Profile Image for Rachel Cotterill.
Author 8 books101 followers
May 30, 2015
I like the idea of a Choose Your Own Adventure for adults, and Polly is a fun character - unfortunately this is a really short book, and if you go back to take previously unchosen options, you end up with a lot of near-repetition. I think I could have enjoyed this a lot if it had been longer and more developed.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews

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