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Zombies Calling!

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"Survival is usually ambiguous in a zombie movie, but we have the rules to protect us. We will survive."

Joss' life sucks. She's in the middle of university exams and student loan debt when she'd much rather be watching the zombie movies she loves. So it's no surprise that when she tells her roommates that she's been attacked by a swarm of real-life, brain-hungering zombies--zombies!--they think the stress has finally cracked her.

But Joss knows she's sane--and it's a good thing, too! Because the zombies are real, and she's the only one who knows how to fight them. Armed with "The Rules," truths about fighting the undead gleaned from zombie movies, Joss, Sonnet and Robyn just might make it out of their dorm alive.

108 pages, Paperback

First published November 7, 2007

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About the author

Faith Erin Hicks

95 books1,585 followers
Born in the wilds of British Columbia, the young Faith frolicked among the Sasquatch native to the province before moving to Ontario at age five. There she was homeschooled with her three brothers, and developed an unnatural passion for galloping around on horseback, though never without a proper helmet (because you only get one skull). After twenty years of suffering through Ontario’s obscenely hot summers, she migrated east, and now lives beside the other ocean in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She worked in animation for a bit, and now draws comics full time. She’s not sure how that happened either.

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17 (2%)
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Profile Image for Gretchen.
397 reviews
August 1, 2008
Shaun of the Dead meets Scott Pilgrim for girls. This one rocks.
Profile Image for Dov Zeller.
Author 2 books121 followers
January 18, 2016
This was entertaining and charming in moments. Cute as far as zombie invasions go.

Two people into zombie flicks who have worked out a list of zombie movie rules (for example, one rule is that a not all that kick-ass mundane kind of person winds up all of a sudden being able to kick zombie ass as if they've been training for it all their lives) live with a third person who isn't into zombie movies and isn't as excited about the rules as they are. Before long narrator/protagonist, Joss, stumbles upon real zombies on campus, and she uses zombie movie rules to strategize fighting them.

The plot gets a little shaky when Joss worries about student loans while being chased by zombies, and starts comparing the zombie apocalypse to her student loan debt apocalypse. It didn't quite make sense nor was it all that amusing. I get it that both are a bummer that can leave us feeling trapped and kind of suck the life out of dreams of a perfect post-collegiate future, but I don't think one works as a metaphor for the other (feel free to argue the point with me if you are so inclined).

The second half of the book was pretty disappointing, but if a book can run on charm as a fuel source, I guess the book kind of limps over the finish line (or at least, I find myself giving it three stars for reasons I can't quite explain, that I think are related to charm and enthusiasm.)

The art is okay. I like her style for the most part, as I've seen her work in color format, but because of the black and white format and the small trade paper-back size of the book, the art gets a bit muddled.

A little weirdness around sexuality. I always get some kind of queer vibe from her books, but there are no explicitly queer relationships so far that I've come across. And in this book it turns into a sort of "how I (a female narrator) survived a zombie apocalypse with some intense gazing into my (female) roommate's eyes while talking about sex, and then went abroad and affirmed my heterosexuality" story. Not sure why that had to happen. I get the feeling she is working some stuff out in these pages she's not necessarily all that aware of.

Profile Image for Sesana.
5,814 reviews335 followers
July 30, 2013
I really like Faith Erin Hicks. And I'll be honest, I doubt that I ever would have read this particular book if I didn't already know that I really liked her. It wouldn't have been a great loss. Think of this book as a B-movie, and you'll be satisfied with what you get, because it very much reads like something that could follow Sharknado. That said, the plot is paper thin and the best part (using zombie movie rules to survive actual zombies) isn't given as much development as I'd like. Hicks implies that there are tons, but only gets around to showing a few of them. Shame. Her art style here is recognizably her own, but she's certainly improved quite a bit in her most recent works.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
February 2, 2016
I am a Faith Erin Hicks fan, and if this is the first you have heard her name, read her best (so far) (imho), Friends with Boys and Adventures of a Superhero Girl. Great drawing, great characters, and very funny. Humane and warm, likable chewy carmel center to it, at its best, yum.

Zombies Calling I think may be her first book, a college setting where roommates playfully lay out zombie rules (which is what this should have been titled, I think) for a skeptical roommate amidst discussions of student loans and some light sexual exploration. Oh, and an actual zombie apocalypse that happens, though the set up in the first half is better than the actual zombie story that follows.

But this is signature Hicks drawing and humor right from the get go (do people say this anymore?! My parents used to say it, and here I am channeling it). Likable, fun, you can see she is going to have comics as her day job, and yay for us. It's not as good as she is now, the layouts are not as good, the drawing a little dark, maybe it's the small book format. But whether it is this one or one of those above, check out Hicks, most definitely, though!
Profile Image for Lauren.
927 reviews926 followers
February 22, 2019
This was a cute read!

I think it shows that this was Hicks's first published comic, whilst the illustrations were brilliant (I love how Hicks captures her character's expressions), I couldn't help but think that the storyline was weak in places and not a patch on the beautiful Friends With Boys.

There were a few funny moments, but again, not nearly as funny as the skits in Superhero Girl.

It wasn't a bad read but it wasn't a great read either. It was all pretty silly (which I do often love) but having read quite a few of her graphic novels, I felt it lacked the emotional charge and deeper storytelling I know Hicks is capable of. Basically, I think I expected a bit too much.

Zombies Calling is still a fun way to pass an hour or so, just don't expect anything mind-blowing.
Profile Image for Kelly.
319 reviews
August 13, 2016
Another delightful Faith Erin Hicks' graphic novel, and I think this one was her first (?). Much like "The Adventures of Superhero Girl," "Zombies Calling" takes a tongue-in-cheek look at a classic genre.

The protagonists are three college roommates: Joss, Sonnet, and Robyn (who is male). Joss has a self-processed love of all things British and zombie films. I enjoyed the "rules" which Joss created from her extensive knowledge of zombie films, but they did remind a bit of the rules from the movie, "Zombieland," although the rules in both are different. (And to be fair, I think this book came first, before "Zombieland.")

As for the cause of the campus-wide zombie attack, a university professor upset with the way most students seem to just want to pay for a degree and not actually learn anything, I found this to be an interesting statement about the many zombie-like students who shuffle from class to class and seriously do just only want their degree, but also a bit of a disappointment. The whole story was fairly lighthearted, with the humorous zombies and rules, etc., but then suddenly, there's a fairly serious statement about higher education and student loans and the realization that all of the students who became zombies were killed in the end. Kind of a downer.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed this graphic novel.
Profile Image for Megan.
964 reviews78 followers
February 6, 2009
Zombies Calling is cute.

Things that are in comics and fiction by young authors all the time and are *usually* annoying - like, characters that are American but use lots of British slang terms, and characters with names that are ridiculous and trying to mark them as "cool" - are present here but with... explanation within the context of the story, that makes them more tolerable I guess.

Hick's drawing style is what I originally thought was impressive for someone's first work, but apparently she's been doing a successful online comic for years. The style looks much the same and is excellent in it's facial characterization, but looks way too dense for the page; there's generally just too much ink for a really clear layout or clear lines. I realize this could be due to the slightly smaller than usual format size of the trade paperback though.

Another reviewer described Zombies Calling as "Scott Pilgrim for girls meets Shaun of the Dead" and I think that description is dead on.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book667 followers
August 15, 2018
Wonderful tale of zombies and a fascination for zombie movies and British culture. Set in Canada, this tale depicts friends who are caught up in a nightmare, but our hero is completely prepared with all of the rules of the game.

A fun combination of Shaun of the Dead and self-aware characters like in the movie Scream, this book will entertain young adults and adults who enjoy zombie tales.

The ending is quite bizarre. but to be expected given the nature of the plot. Overall, a fun summer read.
Profile Image for Steve Chaput.
612 reviews25 followers
June 18, 2017
Fun zombie spoof of a young, horror fan who finds herself and friends trapped by the sudden appearance of the undead. She couldn't be happier as she has prepared by watching zombie movies for years.

Written and drawn by Faith Erin Hicks.
Profile Image for Peter N. Trinh.
17 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2008
A greatly amusing tribute to the zombie apocalypse phenomenon, it brings into light what everyone in today's young generations tend to think about: will zombies destroy us all in the end, and are we ready for it? In an almost metaphoric way of shattering the fourth wall to dust Joss, Robyn and Sonnet live the exact moment, putting the Rules to play and going for a comedically epic assault against the undead.

Being a fan of Hicks' webcomic Demonology 101, I had high expectations for her first published book. With detailed and high-contrast artwork and great character design and development, I enjoyed it greatly. Disappointed, I was not.
Profile Image for Carrie Wilson.
54 reviews8 followers
July 21, 2016
I really enjoyed The War at Ellsmere, and I LOVE zombies (ew, no, not in that way!)so I thought I'd love Zombies Calling. I was disappointed--the characters weren't very well developed, the dialogue had a sitcom feel, the zombies weren't scary, and the ending was anti-climactic. I did think the reason behind the zombie outbreak was pretty funny and unexpected. What the evil professor said about college students was hilarious (and sometimes true)! The artwork was good, and this is what kept me reading. Verdict: Overall, this book is just okay.
Audience: Hicks fans and zombie fans will want to check it out. Just don't expect The War at Ellsmere-caliber storytelling or artwork.
30 reviews26 followers
July 5, 2010
Zombies Calling started on the internet, where I first encountered it, and was rewritten and completed for print when Hicks got herself a publication deal. It should've stayed where it was. The artwork is engaging, but the story is practically nonexistent and the characters are two-dimensional with one quirk apiece slapped onto them in an attempt to make things interesting. There is a single joke that carries the whole plot and it was done better the first time around.

Still, her Demonology 101 webcomic was pretty excellent.
Profile Image for mary ❀.
175 reviews55 followers
October 5, 2012
2 stars.

Well that was underwhelming.
I guess I understand that it was supposed to be more humorous and a play off of zombie movies, but frankly I thought it was boring. The dialogue seemed kind of random to me and everything happened quickly and ended just as quickly. The characters weren't really interesting. I felt like we didn't learn enough about them to actually care what happened to them.

The book wasn't terrible. I just didn't see the point to it.
Profile Image for Sam.
3,345 reviews255 followers
June 1, 2011
This is a fantastic book that is thoroughly entertaining and highly amusing. All the classic zombies rules are there with the added twist of the zombie source (it's not the usual one thats for sure) and there is plenty of detail in the illustrations to add to the depth of the characters without taking over the story itself. And of course the spork cover is fab!
Profile Image for Lisa.
37 reviews3 followers
August 2, 2012
Three sort-of-heroic college flatmates face both the undead and final exams, playing out familiar horror movie tropes. With an appropriately limited vocabulary (Yargh! Argh! Brains!), heavily outlined black-and-white drawings, and no ominous soundtrack, the zombie caricature is hilarious. A light and fun graphic novel, unless they're coming to eat your brains and you don't even have a spork.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,540 reviews143 followers
August 15, 2011
Fun, fresh - an authentic voice in her characters, and nothing too contrived or phony. Good little zombie takeover.
Profile Image for Ian.
1,217 reviews6 followers
May 26, 2017
Mistakes trope literacy for storytelling.
381 reviews
June 10, 2018
Entertaining. I like the illustrations. Strange, cautionary tale of student loan debt. I thought that was funny & accurate. Ended too quickly.
August 5, 2019
I actually really liked it, I actually liked it so much that I read it in less than 2 days which is saying a lot because I got it just before the library closed!!! must read morreee!!!
Profile Image for Sara.
120 reviews
September 11, 2019
This was a cute/funny quick read! I love Faith's illustrations! There now needs to be another rule for Zombie movies: Always carry a spork.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 139 reviews

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