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Brīnos, ka esmu tik priecīgs

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Johanness Mario Zimmels (1924) ir viens no populārākajiem 20. gs. vācu rakstniekiem. Latviešu lasītājiem Zimmela vārds saistās ar romāniem “Mīla - tas ir tikai vārds”, “Atbildi zina tikai vējš”, “Cilvēks nav vientuļa sala”.

Zimmela romāns “Brīnos, ka esmu tik priecīgs” Latvijā tiek izdots pirmo reizi. Tā pamatā ir patiesi notikumi, kas risinājās 1943. gada vasarā kādā Rietumvācijas pilsētā. Autors tikai izmanījis darbības vietu, laiku un personu vārdus.

“…nelaime ir mūsu mazdūšība. Mēs krītam izmisumā, iekams uzdrošināmies darīt kaut ko tā labā, ko gribam iegūt. Turklāt nevajadzētu būt nekādām grūtībām iet tālāk. Mums ir mīlestība, kas mūs dara stiprāku par visiem nāves spēkiem.”

321 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1949

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About the author

Johannes Mario Simmel

113 books81 followers
Johannes Mario Simmel was an Austrian writer.

He was born in Vienna and grew up in Austria and England. He was trained as a chemical engineer and worked in research from 1943 to the end of World War II. After the end of the war, he worked as a translator for the American military government and published reviews and stories in the Vienna Welt am Abend. Starting in 1950, he worked as a reporter for the Munich illustrated Quick in Europe and America.

He wrote a number of screenplays and novels, which have sold tens of millions of copies. Many of his novels were successfully filmed in the 1960s and 1970s. He won numerous prizes, including the Award of Excellence of the Society of Writers of the UN. Important issues in his novels are a fervent pacifism as well as the relativity of good and bad. Several novels are said to have a true background, possibly autobiographic.

According to his Swiss lawyer, Simmel died on January 1, 2009 in Lucerne, at 84 years of age.

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Profile Image for Daniel Marín.
Author 1 book3 followers
February 2, 2020
6 individuos se encuentran encerrados en una sótano después de un ataque aéreo al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Viena. Simmel me ha vuelto a sorprender con una prosa y diálogos muy claros y exactos. Pertenece a una lectura perdida, casi desconocida y hoy prácticamente olvidada. Por supuesto, he leído la versión traducida al español.
Cuando los personajes se dan cuenta que no pueden salir del sótano, comienzan a aflorar toda su humanidad, y la manera como el autor lo explica, con todos su claroscuros, es magnífica. Al final ¿Qué o quién es el ser humano?
August 20, 2018
Quasi ein Kammerspiel, als Ausgangssitutation interessant. Fand die Dialoge jedoch moralisierend und künstlich.
Profile Image for Jennifer Lott.
Author 11 books9 followers
October 8, 2014
This novel is very insightful. I liked the dynamic between ages and viewpoints: it made the cellar a community in itself as the characters themselves observed. Dialogues involving the little girl felt the most natural to me. Next to her, the soldier who deserted felt the most real. At times, they all seemed to be vessels for philosophies the author wished to express. The debates on various beliefs were not necessarily out of place, but unfamiliar to me in the pacing of a story. I did find myself pulling individual quotes from the book and thinking them over quite thoroughly. If I read purely to provoke critical thinking, I would have enjoyed this book even more. My favourite quotes: "It is easier to start a war than to try to cope with peace." "The memory of something lost floats away on the calm waters of time, and we soon tire of watching it leave us." "As long as we are miserable and forlorn, we meet only people who feel the same way." "We have fed evil too well with its favourite food: our fear. So evil has grown big and is at home all over the world."
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