A new saga arrives in the universe of The Path of the Ranger!
A human with dragon blood who tries to hide it. A world ruled by tyrannical dragons that have enslaved the different races and beings that populate it.
A martial school where those who have dragon blood and manifest the Power are sent to learn to fight for their dragon lords.
A new world to conquer for the greater glory of the dragons. A war of massive proportions.
Enjoy adventures full of action, adventure, magic and romance!
Pedro Urvi is a bestselling fantasy author who some years ago began to write as an experiment. Without any deliberate intention on his part, the experiment in writing turned into a novel which went on growing until eventually it evolved into a saga. He is also a technologist with many years of experience working in the world of computer systems and cyber security. He has lived in the US, UK and Spain and worked all over Europe. He is the author of three epic fantasy sagas: The Secret of the Golden Gods, The Ilenian Enigma, Path of the Ranger. It is currently working on a fourth one: Path of Dragons. His other passion is reading. He defines himself as a fan of epic fantasy, science fiction and thrillers.
Pedro Urvi es un escritor de fantasía, que un día hace unos años comenzó a escribir como un experimento. Sin él quererlo, el experimento narrativo se convirtió en una novela, que finalmente ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una trilogía. También es un tecnólogo de Bilbao con muchos años de experiencia trabajando en el mundo de los sistemas de información y de la seguridad informática. Ha vivido en diferentes países: Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, España, y trabajado por toda Europa. Es autor de tres exitosaa sagas de fantasía épica: Los Dioses Áureos, El Enigma de los Ilenios, El Sendero del Guadabosques. Ahora está trabajando en una cuarta saga; La Senda de los Dragones. Su otra pasión es la lectura, se define como fan acérrimo de la fantasía épica, la ciencia ficción y el thriller. Otra de las actividades que le apasionan es salir a correr por la ría cerca del Guggenheim Bilbao, para escapar de sus ideas, imaginación, y sobre todo relajarse.
This first book in this new series by Mr. Urvi was long and will have to admit different. This is a land ruled by dragons and other races must do as they say. Even when some of their children are recruited at a young age to fight in the dragons wars to take over other lands. Some of these children like Nahia a young girl who is being trained to be a fighter and Wielder of elemental fire magic. She is sent to clean the prisons as punishment where she comes across a prisoner in a golden. Which is where this series and the "Path of the Ranger" series start to intersect. I strongly advise you to read it first. But it's getting interesting and I'm looking forward to how it all turns out.
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This series takes place in a different continent-world from the ‘The Path of the Ranger’ series and starts after it ends. It is from the POV of the dragons who invaded Tremia at the end of P0tR.
For centuries, the eight races of the continent-world of Kraido have been divided into six realms of races each harshly ruled by great King Dragons. Nahia is from a small village of humans. At age 16, on the Day of Servitude it is discovered that she is Flameborn, chosen to be Ascended. She, and others, are to be trained in the Path of the Dragons to fight for them in their wars.
The group dynamic training in the Way of the Dragons is similar to the training of the Way of the Rangers only harsher and if you fail or are disrespectful or make a mistake, you’re killed.
Fave scenes: seeing & entering the pearl, Nahia awakening her pearl, Daphne’s wings and guarding the gathering.
This book had everything. Spoilers warning. Spoilers Warning.
This was a great 1st book. Introduced us to a new lead in Nahia, who is Flameborn. we also get introduced to Logan, who later turns out to be a stormson. Nahia's team of Daphne, Lily, Aiden, Taika and Ivo were fantastic. Some of their characteristics reminded me of characters from other books that the author has introduced. Seeing them go through their training was nice. Seeing the competition was cool.
Now for the important stuff. Mid book we got a tease to something I hope had a payoff at the end and boy did it have a payoff. I basically highlighted all the teases in hope i was right. I was 50% right. Glad EGIL is back!!!! Egil went in front of dragons and explained everything. But that isn't all that happened. In the final mission Nahia and company went to TREMIA!!! which was awesome, prior to heading out Egil told Nahia to find LASGOL!!! Which if they encountered him was one in a million but come on the author wouldn't tease and not deliver. When the descriptions of Ona, Argy and CAMU and then a fourth LASGOL, I got really excited. This is important as last we saw CAMU he was in hibernation, Lasgol still had memory problems. We didn't get enough information on Lasgol, but Camu is back for sure. I'm not certain but there is a prophecy revealed and reveals something about Fire, Arrow and 5 crowns. is that a tease of the 5 medallion bearers from the Llenian enigma series? I could be reaching but it would be amazing to see all characters unite to defeat the dragons. Can't wait for book 2. which is about 2 months away.
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This book is fast paced and starts with you identifying yourself to be one of the characters❤ Bahia starts out as a physically delayed weakened girl with a physical disability. Never tell you what it is but just that something disables her daily activities. When she is selected to have dragon blood in her makeup she is chosen to be taken to the dragon home world and indentured to become a slave to a dragon world. She starts off being slower, weaker, not capable of training to fight for the dragon home world. She could be destined to death for her complete lack of fighting abilities. She is punished in the dungeons of the dragons where she befriends another human from another humanoid world. They are in danger of being wiped out by Nahia's dragon captors. When she is ordered to the world of this other human, she knows that she need to find a way to save his world. I look forward to starting on book 2 tonight so I can hurry up and find out the next chapter of this story! Good work Pedro Urvi. Thank you for the exceptional work❤🎈
Continuing in the pattern of John Flannagan’s The Ranger Apprentice series, Pedro Urvi has created a new series, this time following the Path of the Dragon instead of the Path of the Ranger (another series by Mr. Urvi.) Once again, he has assembled rival teams being trained for expertise warfare. It is a three-year training under their gargantuan dragon lords who openly despise them.
Many of the same elements of his previous series are present: the likeable girl, the huge guy, the dangerous trainers. This time the protagonist is a girl who hates their dragon lords with a consuming passion.
The characters Pedro Urvi has designed are wonderfully engaging, and the dragon lords appropriately despicable. I find the worlds he dreams up fascinating, and the conflicts and subplots riveting. This series is another fun clean read!
Flameborn is similar to the Ranger series. I disliked the Ileanian Enigma, so that was very positive for me. The ranger series started strong, but the quality dropped towards the ending.
In my opinion this was a solid read. The story and characters were interesting. I also liked that this is a single POV book. The ending felt rushed.
Obviously, the quality of the book is limited if there is a release every couple of months. On the other hand, it also very annoying to wait many years for the next book, so this compromise is ok for me.
Overall, I bought this for 1 Euro on Amazon, so there isn't really anything to complain about.
Having no experience with any other books written by this author, I found this book to be poorly written. The plot was promising, but with poor quality, it made it hard to finish even the first half. Nahia is a pitiful character for a long time, and the descriptions of her feelings and thoughts leave much to be desired. In what seems an attempt to garner pity and sympathy, the author instead creates an annoying and slow main character for a slow plot with little description and background. What is given could have been written for a kindergarteners understanding. Overall had high hopes, but were dashed in the first 1/4 of the book and never recovered.
My boys both loved the Path of the Ranger series. At ages 12 and 13, they devoured Flameborn, and came into the room giddily exclaiming when they finished it, “That was so good! I loved it so so much!” They loved seeing favorite characters like Lasgol, Egil, and Camu from Path of the Ranger. They both agree that this could be read on its own, but they recommend reading the other books too. They’re obsessed. Flameborn was a fast paced adventure. They describe it as Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings.
I enjoyed this first book about Nahia and her friends. They live in a world where dragons are the top of the predators. Dragons use the other races of people's as slaves. However, those that have "Dragon blood" are recruited to an academy where they're taught how to fight so that they can further the dragons conquering of other worlds through war. You will have to read this book to find out more about Nahia and her friends within the academy that is run by the dragons!
I liked the overall theme and storyline. A young woman thrust into an inconceivable scenario, making the best of it. The writing, however, took away from what could make for a great book. It was lacking in some ways. It felt a bit simple… perhaps would be a good read for a young reader. Like I said, the storyline is good and has great potential. I’ll be reading the other book in the series for that reason alone.
The story was entertaining. The character development was good. The story was a bit simplistic in places, perhaps because it was written for youth. The book was tedious in the middle. The ending is definitely set up for a sequel. I am undecided whether it was good enough to buy the sequel. Probably not.
This was pretty exciting. I usually love books with dragons but more often than not the dragons work with the main character and friends, not against them. It was tedious reading through all of the training that Nahia and her squad goes through but it was necessary... it got exciting at the end and then it ended. Luckily book two is available for me to continue Nahia's story now!
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From start to finish the storyline captured my attention and didn't let me put it down. It was an entertaining ride with the heroine going from weak to strong in body and magic while trying to survive the dragons trials. Looking forward to the next book in this series.
Wonderfully detailed characters who at first were strangers, than a team . Friends who help each other and fight for the same goal, freedom for all. Well written and captivating book, but also so much more. A great book for anyone from teen to pensioners.
Sure,the last several ranger books were awful, still I liked the first few books, so I tried this new series. I will not continue to waste my time,this is horrible.
This book is the beginning of the series that is the culmination of Pedro's writing. You can really tell how his story telling has come along making this his best book yet. I'm excited to see how this series will progress.
Very wooden and clunky. It's unfortunate given the idea the author had, however I struggled through it and wish I hadn't. They would have been well served to have an editor or someone looking over the work helping polish the story.
Loving the continuation of the Saga!!! Great story, fairly predictable which was more cool to see that I was right then boring...as of you're a fan and caught up on the other series, this one will make you happy. If you haven't, a good standalone book.
Very exciting story with good development of characters. This version definitely needs more proofreading. Sometimes it is a distraction from the story.
Just like the path of the ranger, absolutely awful writing. The repetition of a thought goes around and around for pages and none of the characters speak or react like normal people. All so one dimensional. Terrible