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Triadic Philosophy - 100 Aphorisms

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This is the Revised Fourth Edition of B0026RI8OA.

Triadic Philosophy can lead to global nonviolence and a world built on the values of tolerance, helpfulness, democracy and non-idolatry. It all begins with whoever embraces it. For the price of a cappucino you can change your life and the world.

82 pages, ebook

First published December 19, 2012

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About the author

Stephen C. Rose

127 books811 followers
Born and raised in Manhattan.Attended Phillips Exeter Academy and finished Williams College Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in Political Science and English. Received a Masters from Union Theological Seminary in New York and founded Renewal Magazine in Chicago in 1961. Active in the Civil Rights movement, reporting from Birmingham, Oxford and Selma. Interviewed Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., C. A. Doxiadis and Saul Alinsky. From 1968-1980, lived in Stockbridge, MA. Became head of the Albert Schweitzer Center. Now live in Manhattan where I worked for UN agencies, including UNICEF. At UNDP I edited CHOICES. Magazine. Author of 15 books including "The Grass Roots Church" and, recently, "Abba's Way" and "Beyond Creed". . Email: steverose at gmail dot com My most recent books are on Kindle and can all be found on Goodreads.

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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews
Profile Image for Charles  van Buren.
1,873 reviews268 followers
November 6, 2019
After reading "CE 430: Adventures of Jesus" near the end of 2016 and finding it to be poorly written and reasoned, I read this book on Triadic philosophy to make sure that I was giving Mr. Rose's ideas a fair examination. Someone following my reviews recently asked why I had not written a review to accompany my one star rating on GoodReads.

So, I am just now writing a review after reexamining the book to try and remember why I didn't write a review in 2017. The answer is pretty simple. Either this book is far beyond my intellectual ability or it has much in common with Hans Christian Andersen's tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes."
Profile Image for Stephen Rose.
Author 127 books811 followers
February 17, 2014
Triadic Philosophy - 100 Aphorisms is available only on Kindle and can be read almost universally. This is the fourth edition. Subsequent editions will contain added material. The following is drawn from Aphorism Four:

History has always been the result of what we have thought. And it has also been the result of habits we have formed over centuries. Sure, you say. But think about it. If you can control your thoughts, you can literally make history. That is such a huge reality that most people do not dare to deal with it. After all, history has not always been a great success. We have had our share of wars, crime, corruption and cruelty. And we have learned to blame everything and everybody but ourselves. Triadic philosophy understands that the reason we have so often failed over time is because we have shrunk from examining what is present in our minds. We all know something is there. But few bother to call it what it is and fewer still acknowledge the implications. What is present within us are the values that power progress.

The book is a description of the way anyone can begin to think and in doing so to change the course of history.
Profile Image for Joan DeArtemis.
34 reviews12 followers
May 25, 2011
What can one say about the Tao Te Ching? I could not bring myself to give it less than 5 stars, if, for no other reason, that it is 500 years older than the New Testament and still very much in use today.

It is sometimes a little hard for a modern Western reader to understand, but it is well worth the effort for anyone who is on a spiritual path. Much of what is said here is repeated by Jesus 500 years later. But, read it carefully, thoughtfully, and always remember, it was written 2500 years ago in China. For example, some of the gender references are no longer considered valid.

However, the book itself is worth careful consideration.
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