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Eighth Day Prayers (Volume 1): Daily Hope for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany

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An Invitation to Reflect and Pray During Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany There is no busier time of year than Christmas. So much is vying for our time and attention that it seems impossible to slow down and ponder the true meaning of the season. What a relief it is that God understands our desire to be still and wants the same for us. His Word helps prepare our hearts for the miracle of Christmas—the story of an almighty God sending his only son into the world to save us. Eighth Day Prayers is meant to usher us into a place of reverence and prayer where we await the coming Messiah (Advent), celebrate Jesus’ arrival (Christmas), and realize the fulfillment of his promises to us (Epiphany). Eighth Day Prayers encourages readers to engage with God’s Word and pray words taken from Scripture. Each entry a Scripture passage to read as you begin your time in the Word a brief reflection to take you deeper into Scripture a Scripture-soaked prayer to conclude your quiet time and refocus your day and a calendar at the top of each page to help you stay on track We are all living in the eighth day—one of new creation. One where the kingdom of God is “already here and not yet fulfilled.” Eighth Day Prayers invites us to draw closer to Him as we reflect on His goodness during this sacred season.

224 pages, Hardcover

Published September 3, 2024

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Willa Kane

4 books

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