How can words convey a message which is wordless? What can be said about an enlightened master? The essence of the message beyond words is paradox, and Osho and Chuang Tzu ask us to accept paradox, set aside mind and logic, and become empty. Only when empty of our conditionings, ideas and expectations - our egos - can their enlightenment become our own. Chuang Tzu millennia ago, and Osho today, conspire to make us nobodies, empty vessels who can receive the wordless, the eternal, which they embody. In these discourses Osho makes obvious that in our present state of being/doing, there is no room for the wordless to enter us and rest. It is there waiting for empty space in us; preoccupations, plans, close the door and we miss it But any effort to attain this emptiness reveals the paradox—effort and ambitions build ego and doom us to ultimate failure. So what can we do? Osho tells us there is nothing to be done, all doing is of the ego. But we can be in a state of receptivity, we can be open and accepting of existence. Bypass the critical mind and his words sink into us, deep into us, and we become like empty boats. To ponder over the words, their meanings, is the road to confusion. Osho uses contradiction as a technique and through it addresses all types of personality. He knows every quirk and twist of the ego, every trick of the mind; he is many jumps ahead. Osho is not trying to turn us into slaves of his rules, he is not our enemy. He has so much love for our monkeyish nature that his whole effort is to help us to become aware of our enslavements, not more adjusted to them. He shocks, jolts us from our comfortable cages, so that through understanding and awareness we can transcend them.
Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990) and latter rebranded as Osho was leader of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader and mystic.
In the 1960s he traveled throughout India as a public speaker and was a vocal critic of socialism, Mahatma Gandhi, and Hindu religious orthodoxy.
Rajneesh emphasized the importance of meditation, mindfulness, love, celebration, courage, creativity and humor—qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious tradition and socialization.
In advocating a more open attitude to human sexuality he caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru".
In 1970, Rajneesh spent time in Mumbai initiating followers known as "neo-sannyasins". During this period he expanded his spiritual teachings and commented extensively in discourses on the writings of religious traditions, mystics, and philosophers from around the world. In 1974 Rajneesh relocated to Pune, where an ashram was established and a variety of therapies, incorporating methods first developed by the Human Potential Movement, were offered to a growing Western following. By the late 1970s, the tension between the ruling Janata Party government of Morarji Desai and the movement led to a curbing of the ashram's development and a back taxes claim estimated at $5 million.
In 1981, the Rajneesh movement's efforts refocused on activities in the United States and Rajneesh relocated to a facility known as Rajneeshpuram in Wasco County, Oregon. Almost immediately the movement ran into conflict with county residents and the state government, and a succession of legal battles concerning the ashram's construction and continued development curtailed its success.
In 1985, in the wake of a series of serious crimes by his followers, including a mass food poisoning attack with Salmonella bacteria and an aborted assassination plot to murder U.S. Attorney Charles H. Turner, Rajneesh alleged that his personal secretary Ma Anand Sheela and her close supporters had been responsible. He was later deported from the United States in accordance with an Alford plea bargain.[
After his deportation, 21 countries denied him entry. He ultimately returned to India and a revived Pune ashram, where he died in 1990. Rajneesh's ashram, now known as OSHO International Meditation Resort and all associated intellectual property, is managed by the Zurich registered Osho International Foundation (formerly Rajneesh International Foundation). Rajneesh's teachings have had a notable impact on Western New Age thought, and their popularity has increased markedly since his death.
قرأت كثيراً اسم اوشو عبر صفحات الانترنت وعلى أرفف المكتبات ولكن لم يسبق لي أن قرأت له أو عنه أي شيء, فهذه هي اول مرة اتعرف فيها عليه وعلى فلسفته ومبادئه لذلك يمكنني القول بأنني بدأت بقراءة كتاب "المركب الفارغ" دون احكام مسبقة لا على الكتاب ولا صاحبه ويعلم الله أني اثناء قراءتي للكتاب حاولت أن ابقى منفتحاً على افكاره قدر استطاعتي وأن لا اطلق الاحكام حتى انتهي من القراءة, اما وقد أنهيت قراءة الكتاب فأستطيع أن اقول بضمير مرتاح بأن هذا الكتاب هو عبارة عن قليل من الحكمة وكثير من الكلام الفارغ .
الكتاب مقسم الى 11 فصل يشرح فيها أوشو اقوال "تشيجوان تسزي" او "لاو-تسي" وهو احد حكماء العقيدة الطاوية في الصين ولا أدري إن كان ما ورد في الكتاب هو ما تدعو له هذه العقيدة حقيقةً أو أنه فهم وتفسير اوشو لها, ولكن الأكيد أن كثير من الافكار المضمنة في الكتاب لا اوافق عليها بل وأجدها دعوة خالصة للجنون, يقول اوشو في الفصل الاول من كتابه "كن لا أحد حتى تستطيع الاستمتاع بالسعادة الروحية" وهذه هي الفكرة الرئيسية التي يدور حولها الكتاب, ولكن عندما اكون لا احد فما معنى السعادة ؟ كيف يمكن ان اكون سعيداً وانا لا أحد ؟ ثم أننا لم نخلق ارواحاً فقط, وهذا التناقض بين الروح التي تتوق للسماء والجسد المتشبث بالأرض هو ما يجعل الإنسان انساناً وقدرة الإنسان على التوازن بينهما هي السعادة الحقيقية . لست ضد العلوم الروحانية كليةً ولكن هذه المبالغة في التعاطي معها لا تعجبني, كما لا تعجبني نقيضتها "الفلسفة المادية" التي ترى أن المادة هي الحقيقة المطلقة, فخير الأمور اوسطها .
Its a sequel (i.e volume 2) to the book 'when the shoe fits foot is forgotten'. Its one of the best books by osho. Its philosophy is life changing and is very simple. Worth a read.
Read it long back. The most impressive lesson I remember from this book is
“If a man is crossing a river and an empty boat collides with his own skiff, even though he be a bad-tempered man he will not become very angry. But if he sees a man in the boat, he will shout at him to steer clear. If the shout is not heard, he will shout again, and yet again, and begin cursing. And all because there is somebody in the boat. Yet if the boat were empty, he would not be shouting, and not angry. If you can empty your own boat crossing the river of the world, no one will oppose you, no one will seek to harm you…. Who can free himself from achievement, and from fame, descend and be lost amid the masses of men? He will flow like Tao, unseen, he will go about like Life itself with no name and no home. Simple is he, without distinction. To all appearances he is a fool. His steps leave no trace. He has no power. He achieves nothing, has no reputation. Since he judges no one, no one judges him. Such is the perfect man: His boat is empty.”
This is one of the gems from Osho, on saying of Ancient Mystic, Chuang Tzu, explaining beautifully, the importance of 'just being' without harbouring any attachments under happiness, sadness, anger, greed or such. The actual Life is in this present moment, not in past or future, was stated beautifully with various epitaphs as 'The toast is burnt', 'the empty boat', 'when Fish is caught, the trap is forgotten' and such. When you read Osho, it's mostly 4 or 5, nothing less; from one of the greatest mystic who walked on this earth in 90s. His talks are relevant even today & I think, it would be in any future. When you read his thoughts as transcribed in his books, you can't but agree to his thoughts, reflections and visions, such is the power of his talks.4 stars.
المركب الفارغ هو رحله يجب ان تتاكد من استعدادك التام قبل ان تخوضها الكتاب عميق جدا..الى حد اني استغرقت فيه ما يقرب الشهر كل فصل ينبغي ان تجلس جلسة تأمليه بعده لتدرك كم هو حقيقي جدا عُرف اوشو لدى الكثيرين ب إلحاده ..مُنعت الكتب التي تحدثت عنه و اصبح الحديث حوله كالحديث حول الممنوعات لكن حين حلقت معه.. في كل فصل كنت انبهر لاختلافه و لعمق إيمانه حتى يخيل للقارئ لأول وهله انه مجنون في الكتاب تحدث اوشو عن رباعيات المتصوف عمر الخيام و كيف اتهم بالفجور حين يتحدث عن السكرة و الحب و لكن ما كان يعنيه حين تحدث عن السكرة هي السكرة الالهية و العناق الابدي مع الله وتحدث اوشو عن لاو تسري و تشجوان تسزي و كيف جعلوا من حياتهم و عياً خالصاً حينما تخلصوا من كل الماديات و قرروا بشجاعة ان يكونوا عديمي نفع اوشو يتحدث بلغة النور و العرفان .. أنصت لما وراء العبارات و الكلمات لا تأخذها بحروفها ..لأنك ستغرق عرفت ان المتنورين يتحدثون عن العناق والحب كتعبيرا عن حبهم للاله يتحدثون عن السُكرة ..ليست سـكرة الخمر إنما السُكرة الإلهية و العناق الابدي مع الله اوشو بوضح ان التدين الحقيقي يبدأ حين تنصت جيدا ..حين تقرر ان تتخلص من كل الماديات و الأمور الظاهرة يوضح اوشو ان لا صلاة في وجود الكلمات نحن مملؤون بالثرثرة حين تنصت جيدا و توقف الأفكار و تمتلئ بك ستصلي اول صلاة حقيقية اوشو يحطم كل ماجاء في الفلسفه و كل ما يقوله ابو الفلاسفه سقراط اوشو يرى ان الفلاسفه و المتمنطقين هم من جعلونا نعيش بالوهم و نفتقد جماليات الحياة حين نسال عن كل شي نفقد المتعه و الإيمان اوشو يعلمنا كيف نُوجِد الله بداخلنا و ليس في المعابد كيف نعيش بتلقائية ..كيف ان كل شي مُتقن و يجب ان يسير بالشكل الذي يسير به اوشو يدعو للعودة للفطرة و الحب و التسامح اوشو صادق جداً ف لست اعجب سوء فهم الكثيرين و جدلهم حوله لان صدقه مُعدي ما ان تقرأ له حتى تمتلئ نوراً و تنظر للحياة بمنظور جديد و تتخلص من خداع نفسك لنفسك و للحياة اوشو يدعوك للتخلص من كل ماهو مزيف و غير حقيقي اوشو يدعو للحب الغير مشروط .. للتخلص من الشكليات بالعلاقات للحب الحر و التخلص من القيود
أكرر لا تقرأ الكتاب ان لم تكن مستعدا و أكرر اقرأ ماوراء العبارات و الكلمات و لا تأخذها بحروفها
Nothingness is the fragrance of the beyond. It is the opening of the heart to the transcendental. It is the unfoldment of the one-thousand-petaled lotus. It is man’s destiny. Man is complete only when he has come to this fragrance, when he has come to this absolute nothingness inside his being, when this nothingness has spread all over him, when he is just a pure sky, unclouded.
This nothingness is what Buddha calls nirvana. First we have to understand what this nothingness actually is, because it is not just empty – it is full, it is overflowing. Never for a single moment think that nothingness is a negative state, an absence, no. Nothingness is simply no-thingness. Things disappear, only the ultimate substance remains. Forms disappear, only the formless remains. Definitions disappear, the undefined remains.
So, nothingness is not as if there is nothing. It simply means there is no possibility of defining what is there. It is as if you move all the furniture from your house outside. Somebody comes in and he says, “Now, here is nothing.” He had seen the furniture before; now the furniture is missing and he says, “Here there is no longer anything. Nothing is.” His statement is valid only to a certain extent. In fact, when you remove the furniture, you simply remove obstructions in the space of the house. Now, only pure space exists, now nothing obstructs. Now there is no cloud roaming in the sky; it is just a sky. It is not just nothing, it is purity. It is not only absence, it is a presence.
Have you ever been in an absolutely empty house? You will find that emptiness has a presence; it is very tangible, you can almost touch it. That’s the beauty of a temple or a church or a mosque – pure nothing, just empty. When you go into a temple, what surrounds you is nothingness. It is empty of everything, but not just empty. In that emptiness something is present – but only present for those who can feel it, who are sensitive enough to feel it, who are aware enough to see it. Those who can see only things will say, “What is there? Nothing.” Those who can see nothing will say, “All is here, because nothing is here.”
The identity of “yes” and “no” is the secret of nothingness. Let me repeat it; it is very basic to Buddha’s approach: nothingness is not identical with no, nothingness is the identity of yes and no, where polarities are no longer polarities, where opposites are no longer opposites.
Well, he is not strictly a Buddhist, but that is the impression I got while reading. I just finished this book yesterday and I thought it was good, but not amazing. This is a transcription of talks given by the author in 1974, and in giving his talks he does provide some genuinely valuable insights in to the parables of Chuang Tzu, Taoism and life in general. I found the 8th chapter ("The Useless") to be excellent, describing what might be called "existence-in-contradistinction", or the idea that for anything to exist, it must be set in opposition to or against something else.
However throughout this book I couldn't help but feel that what we get is not wholly in the spirit of Taoism, but rather what the author selectively wants to impart from Taoism, to the exclusion of other things. This world is often deprecated as being unreal, secondary or of no real importance; a sentiment not to be found in great degree in the primary sources of Taoism. The self takes a serious beating as well... but then again the title of the book is "The Empty Boat", named after a Chuang Tzu story which suggests that the source of blame is personal identity. Lastly the author fictionalizes stories about historical figures (as an avid student of the ancient Cynics of Greece, I can tell you that most details he gives about the meeting of Alexander and Diogenes of Sinope are patently false) in order to reinforce his point.
Perhaps I am being overly critical. This book is worth reading, for there are many gems of philosophical insight to be found within it, but just make sure you have read Chuang Tzu for yourself before approaching it. Reading this book I felt like looking at a picture of "The Vinegar Tasters" and seeing the words of Lao Tzu coming out of Buddha's mouth.
اوشو مفكر هندوسي ذاع صيته خاصة في الاوساط الاوربيه في وقتنا هذا، الكتاب مكتوب باسلوب سلس والافكار واضحه وكثرة ضرب القصص فيه تزيد من متعة القراءه وتقلل من جفاف الفلسفه ،لماذا اذا قيمت الكتاب بنجمه واحده؟لفكر الكتاب والكاتب الذي لا استطيع ان اتقارب معه او ارضي ببعض مافيه،فكرة الكتاب تجسيد للديانه الهندوسيه التي لاتؤمن بجنه ولانار ولا حساب ولايوم دين وان كانت تؤمن ب اله خالق للكون،الخلاص في العقيده المسيحيه تكون بالايمان بان الرب ضحي بابنه لتكفيرعن خطيئة ادم ،،،والخلاص في اليهوديه لايكون الا لابناء الله من اليهود ،،والخلاص في الاسلام باتباع ماجاء به النبي محمد،،الديانات الثلاث تجعل هناك يوم للدينونه ،،،واما نعيم في جنه او جحيم في نار ،،اما مايتفلسفه لنا اوشو عن عقيدته الهندوسيه فخلاصك لايكون الا اذا ذابت نفسك وتوحدت في الذات الالهيه وذلك يكون بتلاشيك عن نفسك بتفاني نفسك ،توقف لايعني العباره الاخيره من تفاني النفس هو الزهد مثلا!!!لالا ثم الف لا فزهدك نفسه وجود وماتسعي اليه فناء،باختصار ان تري نفسك ،،،معزره الاتري نفسك اى ان لاتكون شئ اي لتفني في الذات الالهيه وبهذا يتحقق خلاصك بالنرفانا ،،معزرة اوشو لاستطيع ان اوؤمن بما جئت به
الكتاب الثاني اوشو! هل هو شيطان بشري ؟ لا أعلم لعلي منذ مشاهده جزء من حلقاته على منصة netflix برنامج wild wild west كرهته مع انني اعلم مدى تأثيره على الناس لم اقرأ له وكنت رافضاً الاقتراب منه، ولكن بعد مرور عده سنوات وحديثي مع احد الاصدقاء عنه، بأن كتبه له فكر مختلف قررت ان اقرأ له ، قرأت له كتاب اسمه ( المركب الفارغ) قبل ان ادخل الى فكرة الكتاب كمختص بالبرمجة العصبيه اللغوية وجدت انه طريقه كلام اوشو وكتبه يستخدم طرق وحيل لاقناع الناس منها انه يصب انني كنت مثلكم وكنت تائها ليبني الترابط الفكري ويبث افكاره لهم تحدث بهذا الكتاب اننا يجب ان لا نكون أحد ! بمعنى بمجرد ما ان نثبت انفسنا ونبين للعالم من نحن او ما نملك نقع في المشاكل مثل جميع الانبياء والمفكرين والفلاسفه بمعنى يجب ان لا نكون موجودين اكثر من اللازم لا ان كنا موجودين سنسبب القلق او الشعور بالغيره لمن هم حولنا. هاجم الفلسفه مع العلم انه له شهادة ماجستير بالفلسفه حيث يقول ان الفلسفة تبدأ من السؤال (لماذا) وهنا تبدأ المشكلة وكذلك هاجم التفكير بان ليس له نفع يجب علينا التمتع باللحظة الحاليه فقط وان نبتعد عن التخطيط. تحدث عن اهميه الصدق والحب بالعلاقات من غير اقنعة، وهاجم اساتذة التنمية بانهم يعلمون الناس الكذب لكسب الاصدقاء والمنفعه بدلاً من الشعور الحقيقي بالحب لكسب الاصدقاء. هاجم العادات والفكر القديم حيث مجد العيش باللحظة الحاليه والامبالاة من وجهة نظري هو كالحية ولكن يملؤه السم !
My fav quotes (not a review): -Page 27 | "Socrates was poisoned because he didn’t know Chuang Tzu. Nobody thought him to be serious. And you could not find a more sincere or serious man than Chuang Tzu. But nobody thought him to be serious. People enjoyed him, people loved him, and through this love he was sowing seeds of his wisdom. He changed many, he transformed many." -Page 276 "A circus was traveling in a special train from one town to another and a cage was damaged and the lion escaped. So the manager gathered all his strong men and said, ”Before you go into the night, into the jungle to find the lion, I will give you some wine. It will give you courage.” All twenty of them took big shots. The night was cold and dangerous and courage was needed – but Mulla Nasruddin refused. He said, ”I will only have soda.” The manager protested, ”But you will need courage!” Nasruddin replied, ”In such moments I don’t need courage. These moments are dangerous – night time and the lion, and courage can be dangerous. I would rather be a coward and alert.” When you don’t have power and a drug can give you courage, it is dangerous. You can move madly on a certain path – this is the danger of drugs."
كلا إنها ليست دعوة لان تكون لا شيء بل إنها دعوة لأن تكون كل شيء . كلا انك لست مطالب بان تترك حياتك بل انك مطالب بان تغادر فكرتك عن هذه الحياة.
ان اوشو كما قرأته انا يدعونا لمغادرة سجن العقل و الافكار لانها دائما ما تزيف ما نعيشه من حب و صداقة و تدين لاننا عندما نكون موجودين فعلا في اللحظة الراهنة لهذه الاشياء نحن لا نفكر فيها ولا نفسدها بالتفاسير و لاننا عندما نتوقف عن عبادة الجنة و النار فان عبادتنا لا تعود سياسة و لاننا عندما نكون في الوسط فاننا حقيقيوون اكثر ان الوسط جميل ان الوسط يعني عدم الانحيااز لواحد منك فقط بل هو ان تكون الشيء و نقيضه داخلك اي ان تكون انت باكملك و لانك عندما تحب حقا فانت تكون داخل موضوع الحب وليس خارجه تنظر اليه و تفكر فيه و كذلك الامر مع الحياة نحن لن ننلها مرة واحدة باكملها داخل رؤوسنا و لهذا توقفنا عن التفكيير فيها و في احتمالاتها يعني عيشها حقااا يعني ان تكون موجوودا حقا .
انا لا اقول ان كل ما قاله اوشو هنا وجب العمل به لكنه يسحق التامل بل هو دعوة للتأمل. 💡
People like Chuang Tzu have a certain flow in whatever they say or do. That flow is contagious - a reader is somehow invited to follow along and to find their own flow in doing so. There is also a kind of special poignant silence that quiets the mind and invites a more lucid, grounded state.
Osho is in the same category, and if you like to read Chuang Tzu with commentaries that create an informed insightful context for his concise wisdom, give this book a chance.
Good leisure time reading, when you are utterly depressed and your mind feels numb. If you want to feel something, this book is for you, or the whole work of Osho is available for you.
There are lots of sermons in way of jokes, anecdotes, philosophy and facts. The language is so simple that your mind will do only one thing: read. Without getting troubled with comprehension or difficult words. All is simple and plain. Perfect for reading when you are depressed. As Osho says over and over, don't read to acquire, just read for the joy of reading.
To be honest, I was expecting something completely different. I can neither call it bad nor good, because it totally depends on your personality and thoughts.
Well, reading books like these certainly help you understand different life perspectives, but in my opinion you become more uncertain about yourself and your actions.
The author warns us that we will be lost and transformed into nothingness, but perhaps that is what became the beginning of everything.
He deciphers the cryptic Tao. What is the meaning of a boat being empty? Every page is filled with little stories and metaphors used to conceptualize the non-conceptual. It's very accessible for beginners as well as has hidden gems for the more advanced.
الفلسفة الشرقية التي جائت من هذا الرجل الهندي، فيها غرابة وسذاجة في بعض الأحيان.. لم أفهم كيف أن هذا الرجل كان لديه اتباع كثر... لا أعتقد أن ما جاء في هذا الكتاب يمثل الفلسفة الشرقية !!