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The Butcher of Graywall

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Introducing The Butcher of Graywall, the seventh installment of the captivating dark fantasy series, The Akken Chronicles.

After a mad wizard reduces the bustling city of Akken to rubble, Abbee Danner, an anti-hero burdened with a ruinous secret, finds herself forced into hiding from relentless wizard hunters.

Experience the smoldering rage of a warrior thrust into an unwanted fight born of vicious betrayal. Explore the darker depths of the human soul as the hunted becomes the huntress. Will Abbee find redemption or succumb to the horrors of her cursed existence?

This latest Akken Chronicles volume unveils new friends and old enemies alike, promising a world forever changed and brimming with unexpected twists. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey that will leave you eagerly turning each page, hungry for more.

564 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 12, 2023

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Cy Tidd

8 books6 followers

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