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298 pages, Hardcover
First published June 18, 2024
Forty-something Lula Dean has always lived in the shadow of her arch-rival Beverly Underwood in the small (fictional) town of Troy, Georgia. Lula has finally hit celebrity status, thanks to her latest campaign: ridding the local libraries of inappropriate books. To set the right example and provide the townspeople with quality reading material, Lula sets up a Little Free Library outside her home and fills it with “wholesome” books. Unknown to Lula, Beverly’s daughter Lindsay sneakily changes the composition of the free library, by replacing Lula’s books with the banned books but retaining the original “wholesome” dust jackets. As the neighbours borrow books from Lula’s library, they realise that the content isn’t exactly what the cover promises, and see how the right book can change their lives. A secret revolution is brewing in Troy, and Lula doesn’t even know that she has caused it.
The novel comes to us as interconnected stories from various townspeople, with each chapter coming from one specific character.
When you have everything, the only luxury left is taking things away from others. It was an indulgence that Lula Dean certainly seemed to relish.