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The Divine Connection: Unlocking Your Infinite Potential

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The Divine Connection takes many of the popular self-help techniques and gives them a spiritual dimension. For example, self-talk becomes prayer-talk, and visualization becomes vision. The author discusses such topics as following eternal precepts rather than temporary tactics, developing a personal manifesto, removing our judicial robes, living with power and purpose, and believing in ourselves as children of God with inherent and infinite worth and potential. The author maintains that with an understanding of our divine identity, we are better able to face life's challenges. This book clarifies and distills that understanding for all who desire to fulfill their heavenly birthright.

275 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 1992

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About the author

Lloyd D. Newell

33 books6 followers

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Profile Image for Linda.
1,098 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2019
I picked up this book and was surprised at myself. I don’t usually read self help books, but this one struck a cord with me and helped me find a path to understanding myself and those around me. Thanks for your efforts and inspiration.
Profile Image for Paul.
29 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2009
I read the hardbound editon publish in 1992. I really enjoyed this book. I purchased this book after attending a lecture given by Lloyd Newell at Education week. His lecture and this book on diffierent subjects were very inspiring.
Profile Image for Jenette.
255 reviews
October 24, 2011
Read in College as part of an institute class. Has good points and concepts.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews

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