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Robert Hunter #6

An Evil Mind

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A freak accident in rural Wyoming leads the Sheriff's Department to arrest a man for a possible double homicide, but further investigations suggest a much more horrifying discovery - a serial killer who has been kidnapping, torturing and mutilating victims all over the United States for at least twenty-five years. The suspect claims he is a pawn in a huge labyrinth of lies and deception - can he be believed?

The case is immediately handed over to the FBI, but this time they're forced to ask for outside help. Ex-criminal behaviour psychologist and lead Detective with the Ultra Violent Crime Unit of the LAPD, Robert Hunter, is asked to run a series of interviews with the apprehended man. These interviews begin to reveal terrifying secrets that no one could've foreseen, including the real identity of a killer so elusive that no one, not even the FBI, had any idea he existed ... until now.

496 pages, ebook

First published July 31, 2014

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About the author

Chris Carter

117 books72 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Christopher Carl Carter (born October 13, 1956) is an American screenwriter, film director and producer, best known as the creator of The X-Files and Millennium.

He was born in Bellflower, California to William and Catherine Carter. In college, he majored in journalism, graduating from California State University Long Beach in 1979. His brother, W. Craig Carter, is a Lord Foundation Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.

Carter began writing for Surfing magazine out of college. For the next five years, he traveled around the world both as a freelance writer and as the magazine's associate editor.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,662 reviews
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,235 followers
October 16, 2022
Forget Hannibal Lecter, meet Lucien Folter who Chuck Norrises him like a boss.

Sociopathic superhuman
Will is everything and the manipulation of humans and controll of one´s own emotions to turn into the perfect killing machine are important steps toward becoming the ultimate über killer. How Lucien is self monitoring his evolution is interesting to watch and not as unrealistic in reality as one might suspect. Because

Imagine an evil genius like him in real life
Other real life and fictional killers were crazy, hungry, horny, or sadistic, but someone with the forensic, psychopathological education, money, and motivation could slaughter like a boss for decades without end as long as he stays fit and healthy. What should stop him, who could track him down? And I deem

His work is potentially really important
You´ll see, I won´t spoiler, but the idea has something to offer. There is of course the ethical question if it´s cool to make so many people suffer and die for maybe saving more people, but moral has never been a driving force of my motivation. So maybe more qualified people should philosophize about that aspect. However, it´s just

Soooo overachieving how he organizes the gore
It´s the pedantic, perfectionist standpoint of not just doing good, but extraordinary work. And it doesn´t end there, each good scientist and researcher should do self evaluation, critical reflection, and introspection to see how she/he reacts to the screaming study objects and mutilated guinea pigs. And this good, clean scientific practice is what makes Lucien my current all time favorite mass murdering torture prodigy. Sadly still no double blind studies and comparison groups available, but maybe young scientists will continue his legacy.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
Profile Image for Maxine (Booklover Catlady).
1,367 reviews1,404 followers
November 18, 2024
Can you rate a book 6 stars yet? No? Well you should be able to, as this one would get an easy 6 stars from me. Let me start by saying I read a LOT of crime, it's my most read genre, and even better if it involves a serial killer and a good element of psychological twists. I love Carter's penmanship and Robert Hunter is one of my favourite literary Detectives. Chris is in another league as a crime writer, absolutely brilliant stuff!

This is book six in the Robert Hunter series, but it also worked well as a stand alone. Chris really can get into the mind of the killer, this book had so much more insight into the serial killer's twisted mind, in such a very clever way. I always think books that give us the killers perspective seem to be so much more interesting, do you? Robert Hunter is skilled at getting into the minds of the most depraved but has he met his march in this one?

It's not for the weak of heart, Chris writes with graphic detail, the kill scenes are graphic and explicit, but if you are a crime/serial killer novel fan you know this makes you want more of it in a sick weird kind of way, it makes the book so much more real and even though you want to turn away you just don't.

Robert Hunter comes face to face with an old college friend in this novel, but he is not all that he seems, not quite the nice college friend he once remembers.This is a book where you can read how and why a serial killer does what they do, and it's in very clever detail, Chris Carter knows his stuff. This would be one of the best crime/kill novels I have ever read in over 30 years of reading crime genre books. Big call? Well deserved. I can't get enough of Chris Carter's books.

This book takes us on a chase through the mind and eyes of the killer, I loved it, could not put it down, outstanding writing indeed. It will grab you from start to finish and not let you go. Absolutely fantastic! You can't go wrong with this series, every book is a page turning experience and takes you into the darkest recesses of evil minds. 5 paw prints from Booklover Catlady and a few purrs for extra measure too.

I received an ARC of this novel via the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review, my thanks to both.

Thanks so much for reading my review! If you’d like to connect you can follow me or please send me a friend request. 🐱I love to read other reviews and talk about books we are reading.

If you are an Author and you’d like me to consider reading and reviewing your book please just message me.

You can also find me on Twitter @bookishcats (I follow back) and on Amazon U.K. where I am a Top 500 Reviewer as Booklover Catlady.

Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,719 reviews6,454 followers
August 23, 2015
3.5 stars

A random accident in a small town reveals a suprise for the local sheriff. What develops from there is a serial killer that no one had on their radar. The very scariest kind.

Once arrested the guy that had the little surprise will speak to no one but a detective from the LAPD, Robert Hunter. Hunter is a former criminal behavior psychologist who just happens to be the guys former college roommate.
By the age of nineteen, Hunter had already graduated summa cum laude in psychology, and at twenty-three he received his PhD in criminal behavior analysis and biopsychology.

That begins a game of cat and mouse with the killer (Lucien) plays with Hunter and a female FBI agent.

This book kept me up last night reading it. So why not the higher stars?
Here are my reasons.
1. I felt like it pulled from too many already been told stories. The psycho Lucien in telling his info on previous kills goes towards Hannibal Lector way too much.
"Tell me about when you were a kid, Robert. Tell me about your mother."
Hunter's jaw tightened.
Taylor looked a little confused.
"Quid pro quo," Lucien said.

Then there is a twist that was straight up in my mind pulled from the movie "Seven".

(Those pesky wives/girlfriends should always just run) It's not done exactly like that it just rang a bell in my mind if you are wanting to yell that I did a spoiler.

2. Every single chapter (and there are a ton of chapters in this book) ends in a wanna-be cliffhanger. I say wanna-be because sometimes it wasn't pulled off very well. It wore on my nerves. I actually want to try another of Chris Carter's books but I want to know first if this is something he does every time.

3. Suspension on belief that the FBI would cave to someone who had such a personal stake still continuing on a case.

However, the story is pretty decent. Carter is obviously smart and it comes across in his writing. He tells a lot about the FBI's tactical treatment of a prolific serial killer and I ate up that part.

Now for the gore factor. This book will push all those buttons. As my friend Kelly likes to call it..the "stabby-stabby" is very high in this book.

That part didn't bother me. Because I think I've jaded my own self with some of the books I read.

Sometimes sour, sometimes putrid, sometimes sickly sweet, sometimes bitter, sometimes nauseating, and most of the time a combination of everything bad.
Most would say that there's no specific smell to death, but it chokes your heart and saddens your soul in a way that nothing else does.

Book source: Netgalley in exchange for review.
Profile Image for Expectobooktronum.
25 reviews835 followers
December 23, 2020
Mein Herz rast noch, ich hab das Buch vor 5 Minuten beendet. Hallelujah, was habe ich denn da gerade gelesen?! Absolut gigantischer Thriller.
Profile Image for Emma.
1,001 reviews1,141 followers
November 12, 2015
My new life plan is to refrain from reading any Chris Carter books when I'm alone. They are too damn scary. Carter gets top marks for creating the most sick and twisted individuals in crime fiction. The murders might as well have come from Saw. The mental pictures make me feel sick.

Even so, the books are brilliant and this one is no different. Not for the squeamish, but a do-not-miss for anyone else.
Profile Image for Tonkica.
706 reviews139 followers
January 25, 2019
Kada su likovi i zaplet rađeni po istinitim događajima riječ "zlotvor" nije dovoljno teška, grozna, nevjerojatna, hladna, šokantna! Trebali su, ako ništa, izmisliti novu za opis osobe o kojoj čitamo u knjizi. Nevjerojatno je kakvi ljudi mogu postati. :-(

Ovog puta Robert Hunter je dobio sebi ravnoga po pitanju inteligentnog i domišljatog razgovora!

Ova mi je rečenica bila simpatična, te uspijeva dati jednu ljudsku notu onome kod koga upravo to tražimo.. :

"Pa ja bih mogao bolji argument od tvoga zahvatiti žlicom u juhi s paštom u obliku slova."
Profile Image for Angela DeSilva.
153 reviews239 followers
October 12, 2016
This book is BEYOND brilliant!!!. Chris Carter is my new favorite crime-thriller author, his writing is excellent. He deserves way more recognition, as in my opinion this book is Best Crime Fiction novel of 2015 material. Time for a re -read, I just scored it at the friends of the library book sale for 50 cents in hardcover, whoo hoo.
Profile Image for Katerina.
542 reviews62 followers
September 20, 2020
I didn't want to read this book after reading a review that gave the perpetrator's name away but after asking a friend she told me to read it and I'm glad I took her advice. This book is different from the previous ones' of the series and as it resulted the most personal one for Robert Hunter. If he was a real person and you knew him you would just go and give him a big hug because of all he has had to endure not only during this case but because of his past too and mostly because of his amazing character. I wish I could ask Chris Carter to give him a break and a second chance to find some happiness since I can't think of another detective in a series that deserves it more.

In An Evil Mind Robert Hunter is being asked to help the FBI after the man in custody asks for him specifically and the most gruesome case and most personal starts to unfold for him. In this installment we get to know more about Robert Hunter's past and what was the thing that changed his life completely and was only insinuated in previous installments of the series. In this story Carlos Garcia isn't present but even though I like him and his dynamic with Robert I must confess I didn't miss him. ups!

In this book for me at least we get to know the most villainous perpetrator not only in a series but in general. I really found myself hating him and the only thing I wanted was for him to stop talking, stop existing and just stop inflicting more pain to those around him.
Also in this story we get to know his identity early on since it's essential for the development of the plot but still I won't mention his name. I must confess that despite knowing from the first page who he was I wasn't prepared for what was coming.

As in the previous books many question arise as to why someone becomes a murderer and how he deludes himself to believe that what he is doing is right but in An Evil Mind the explanations come from the perpetrator himself in a sort of confession. The one question that really made me think was if a person being pushed far out of his limits can forget who he really is deep inside and commit murder. Got some Seven movie vibes too at some point but only a little.
There were twists as always and it's the story I enjoyed most reading from the series even though it was heartbreaking. Something I found unbelievable was that a team went to help a person that might be dying without any medical reinforcement not that it took something away from me enjoying the story.

In a roundup Robert Hunter which after this installment I love to pieces has to face the most intelligent and villainous perpetrator and at the same time he has to face his past and his inner demons and overcome them or succumb to them.
Profile Image for Luna .
187 reviews90 followers
February 27, 2025
Insanely good. If you want to have an idea of what drives a person to becoming a serial killer this book gives you incredible insight. Lets not forget the author has extreme credibility as he worked for the Michigan State District Attorney's Criminal Psychology team. Think of murder city in its hay day here, Detroit, which is a stone's throw from me, lol. These days its one heck of an incredibly safe city. Quite the turn around!!

The foreward grabs your interest right off the start as Carter lets you know that this the sixth book in the Robert Hunter series differs from his previous books as the plot and characters are based on real facts and real people he has met through work. When you sadly finish this book and think back on that foreward its like wow!!!!! Yes it is a sad thing this book ended, lol.

Though the sixth in the series this can stand alone. Detective Hunter who has his phd in criminal psychology and works for the LAPD gets loaned to the FBI in this book so the story line is a tad different. The FBI needs him as they have captured a serial killer who they were not aware of at all and they need to know how many he has killed and where all the bodies are for closure for the families. Oh, did I mention the serial killer asks for Robert Hunter and says he will talk to no one else. The reason for asking for Hunter is that our killer Lucien Folter was Hunters roomate at Stanford while they both studied criminal psychology. He has kept tabs on Hunter since then and for good reason.

Hunter is of course stunned that his former best friend and roomate is a serial killer and from the get go when the two finally reacquaint we are taken on one hell and let me repeat that, one hell of a ride. So many stunning surprises, so many twists and turns. Just incredible.

The writing style, just classic Carter. Short quick chapters ending on cliff hangers. Like you just can't put the book down. Here is an example of that and of Lucien's deviancy when he tells Robert about notifying a victims parents "I wonder how they'll feel when they find out they ate their own daughter". Like wtf, just an example of how crazy Lucien really is. Could you really stop reading with this as the last line of chapter? lol.

In dealing with the issue of why one kills Carter uses his insights to try and explain things. He gets into things like the Macdonald triad a theory suggesting three common traits in serial killers. Our killer Lucien seemed to always know he was destined to kill and in fact he has been chronicling his thoughts and feelings with each kill he has done. He has compounded a series of these books into what is termed an encyclopedia of killing. One thing I will state is that personally I do not believe there can be one collective theory on why serial killers kill. I think that yes there will be commonality of sorts but I think what drives each one will differ imo. Yet of course psychology and policing will always try to gather more and more info on this. Through both Hunter and Folter we learn so much of Carter's personal knowledge in this field and it is quite an education into the mind of serial killers. Just so fascinating - remember that foreward!!

Again this is one wild. As per this series it is quite quite graphic and can disturb many. It is not your average thriller that everyone will be comfortable reading. It may be too much for many. Yet the twists and turns are constant. Always a surprise. Always a wow, didn't see that coming. Just a great fun and disturbing read with just a classic ending which I kind of saw coming but think that most would but it cleans everything up nicely.

I had been in a kind of reading slump which is quite unusual for me. I give a lot of five star reviews save for my last few but I have been on such a great reading streak these last few years and have so enjoyed that. Due to my reading funk I went to one of my go to authors and man oh man this may be the best book in this quite lengthy series. An easy five stars. Just awesome!!
Profile Image for Book Addict Shaun.
937 reviews317 followers
July 29, 2014
This is a serious contender for my book of the year. I can't believe I only discovered Chris Carter a year ago and I now consider him to be one of my favourite crime authors of all time. For that reason this is a difficult review to write because I really want to show just how fantastic this book is.

It's a huge departure from what we are used to from Chris, this book is very different from the books that came before. That said it could not have been more successful in my opinion. After five books of Hunter trying to capture a serial killer it makes sense to shake things up a bit and Chris has done that in the best possible way. By allowing us to get inside the head of one of the most evil characters I've ever read about. It is also the first book based on real facts and events from Chris's criminal psychology days and that makes it all the more shocking and fascinating.

Chris Carter's imagination knows no bounds and I love it. The scenes, the characters, whatever he comes up with is both original and mind blowing and that has never been more so than with this book. I feel like I can't even mention the plot even just a little bit. This is a book that should be read in the same way that I read it: with my heart in my mouth, my eyes unblinking and in a state of complete obliviousness to the world around me while I was well and truly hooked on this book. This is addictive reading at its absolute best and I was devastated when I turned the very last page.

Robert Hunter, after the events of the last few books is looking forward to a much needed break in Hawaii. Before he can escape however his Captain calls him to her office. Arriving, Hunter recognises someone - one of the most senior members of the FBI who needs his help. They have in custody one of the strangest individuals they have ever come across, a man who is more machine than human and who for days has uttered not a single word. Until one morning he utters seven: 'I will only speak to Robert Hunter'. The man is Hunter's roommate and best friend from college, Lucien Folter, and found in the boot of his car are two severed and mutilated heads. Lucien cries innocence and Hunter, a man incredibly difficult to read or surprise is played just as much as the reader is by Lucien.

There are a million and one things I want to say but I just can't. You really have to discover how this story unfolds for yourself. In this book we learn so much more about Hunter and get inside his head even further than we have before. There's a chapter that almost brought me to tears such is the talent of Chris to connect the reader with Hunter. This is a character like no other and he is now one of my favourite detectives of all time. We go back in time and learn more about Hunter when he was younger, and also when he was in college with Lucien. Lucien is evil. The scenes depicted in this book are some of the most graphic I've ever read and you know what, I loved it. After five books of some of the scariest and goriest scenes I've ever read I wondered whether Chris could come up with something even worse (in a good way), but trust me, he does. This book is horrifying, terrifying and near impossible to put down until you reach its conclusion. I spent my days like a zombie and my nights practically giving myself paper cuts turning the pages.

If when reading this book you think you have an idea of where it will go, prepare to be wrong. I've learnt never to underestimate Chris, keeping readers on their toes he takes them on an absolute rollercoaster of a ride with the twistiest of turns and the biggest of drops you will finish this book reeling. I am on a serious book hangover, what book can I read next that can even compare to this? I have no idea but if you are planning on reading An Evil Mind I cannot reccommend it enough. Not only is this probably my book of the year it is probably the best crime fiction book I have ever read. An exaggeration you might say but my opinion is my own and this really is a seriously outstanding piece of crime fiction. Chris has really outdone himself with this one and I for one will be at the front of the queue for the next installment. I just cannot wait for my next Hunter fix and would swap every book I own to have it in my hands right now.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,094 reviews
April 3, 2016
Abandoning this one after the half-way mark. Too many similar plot points as The Silence of the Lambs (a much better book). The way the author kept ending his chapters with a "teaser" got old after awhile. In the end, I really didn't care to find out more about this serial killer.
Profile Image for Athena.
177 reviews49 followers
August 1, 2021
Το καλύτερο βιβλίο του Carter απ' όσα έχω διαβάσει. Φαίνεται η εξέλιξη του από το ένα στ' άλλο. Οι περιγραφές δεν είναι τόσο επιφανειακές και η ιστορία μου φάνηκε πρωτότυπη. Θέλω , όμως, στα επόμενα βιβλία να εξελιχθεί ο ήρωας. Νιώθω ότι μένει κάπως στάσιμος.
Profile Image for Eline Van Der Meulen.
364 reviews78 followers
September 11, 2024
De beste vriend van Chris Carter is het zesde deel intussen van de Hunter & Garcia reeks. In dit deel komt Garcia er niet aan te pas en is de hoofdrol dus volledig weggelegd voor Robert Hunter. Na een ongeval wordt er een verdachte gearresteerd en die blijkt geen onbekende te zijn van Hunter. Beiden waren immers oude schoolvrienden en waren heel close ten tijde van hun studie. In dit deel wordt dan ook meer gefocust op het verleden van Hunter.

Via verhoren leren we de verdachte beter kennen en komen er toch ook wel wat gruwelijke scènes voorbij. Mensen met een zwakke maag laten dit boek dus maar beter aan zich voorbij gaan. De beste vriend heeft een iets andere opbouw dan de voorgaande delen omdat we nu al vrij snel weten wie de verdachte is en is het vooral het kat-en muisspel tussen beide kanten die het boek verder bepalen. Toch is deze ietwat andere insteek zeker een mooie meerwaarde voor de reeks en zie je dat Chris Carter perfect vanuit beide oogpunten kan schrijven. De beste vriend was absoluut weer een superspannend boek om te gaan lezen en neemt je vanaf de start weer meteen mee. Voor je het weet is het boek uitgelezen en kijk je alweer uit naar het zevende deel. Gelukkig wordt dat in januari 2025 op de markt gebracht in Vlaanderen. Weer iets om naar uit te kijken dus! Ik ben fan van deze gruwelijk goede serie! Voor dit deel geef ik de volle 5 sterren!

Profile Image for Gary.
2,875 reviews412 followers
August 4, 2014
The 6th book in the Robert Hunter series by Chris Carter.
Chris Carter's books get better and better, I loved his very first book and I have felt the same about every subsequent book. His books have an edge are are certainly more graphic than some of his contemporariness. His plots are different and the characters are so strong. This book instantly had me hooked and I read it at every possible moment. I can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
3,073 reviews435 followers
May 27, 2017
Chris Carter delivers an edgy, razor-sharp, evil, dark, and twisted psycho-crime suspense thriller, AN EVIL MIND —a sadistic, psychotic serial killer with only seven words, “I will only speak to Robert Hunter.” A man who has not spoken a word since being arrested.

Haunting words which will forever change LAPD detective, and the former criminal behavior psychologist's life.

A labyrinth of creepy twists and grotesque turns. The secrets of the past refuse to keep quiet in this disquieting, taut thriller. Readers beware: what flows through these pages is not always easy to stomach, but I dare you to take your eyes off the page.

A freak accident at the local Wyoming diner starts the unraveling of gruesome brutal murders, a chain of events of a sick and twisted serial killer, whose thrills come from torturing and killing. Beginning with two severed heads in the trunk of a car.

Detective Robert Hunter is all set for a vacation in Hawaii, when he receives the call from FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime and its Behavioral Analysis Unit. A FBI specialty department providing support to national and international law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation of unusual or serial violent crimes.

For years the FBI had made attempts to recruit Hunter. Hunter would rather be a detective with the LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide Division than join the most advanced serial killer—tracking force in the US, and even, the world.

Hunter is the lead detective for the Ultra-Violent Crimes Unit, a special unit created by the LAPD to investigate homicides and serial homicides where overwhelming brutality and or sadism had been used by the perpetrator. Hunter was the best at what he did. His arrest record provided that. He had always declined their offers.

Now the FBI needs Hunter’s assistance, as he is personally involved with some of the victims and the perpetrator. He is the only one which will be able to provide answers to the clues. What makes this so shocking---the person in question and prime suspect, is Hunter’s former Stanford roommate and fellow criminal psychologist! The three friends in college: Robert, Lucien, and Susan.

How could be have been friends with Lucien? Of course, Lucien was always smart and after obtaining his psychology degree from Stanford, Lucien applied to Yale for a PhD in criminal psychology. He was accepted, did three years of coursework, and then simply disappeared. He never completed his doctorate. When did he turn into a sadistic killer?

Instead of Hawaii for a leisurely vacation, Hunter is quickly whisked away to the FBI Behavioral Research and Instruction Unit in Quantico and into something that could only be described as a hellish nightmare. No one had ever come across anyone quite like this monster. Brutality is actually minor, with what is yet to come. Hunter soon will learn of his own past, and how the evil mind of someone he once knew would bring to light to these events.

At first Lucien says he is innocent, leading Hunter with a series of clues to the remote Western North Carolina area (know this area). However, when Detective Hunter and Taylor arrive at the cabin, a shocking discovery. Lucien is indeed a sociopath, guilty, and worse, the gruesome haunting killings are people close to Hunter. He is taunting, everyone, especially Hunter.

Lucien plays a sick game of cat-and- mouse, so he can showcase his work. He loves to brag, thinking he can change the world. He is proud. All the puppets play along with the puppet master, until they find all the hidden information and notebooks to lead them to all the victims, bodies, remains, and families.

Lucien. Going under many other alias and identities. A living, breathing, walking mystery. Someone who had lied to everyone throughout his life. He was focused and determined. A manipulator. Before it is over there will be 80 families. Someone has to stop this monster. Justice. A twenty-five year murder spree. Sadly, Lucien has all this information and knowledge about psychology and criminal behavior; however, fails to see his own psychosis.

It's gruesome, grisly and attention grabbing!

Original, dramatic, dark, and disturbing-- readers will find themselves holding their breath, for the next page. My first book by talented Chris Carter, a former profiler—who definitely knows his way inside the criminal minds of the twisted and sadistic serial killer. Scary, psychopaths abound in our everyday life. Watch out for those pies.

A wicked horrific ride! Carter delivers raw and intense emotions, not only from the killer; also his main characters, pulling you further into the unfolding drama.

Fans of Karin Slaughter and Paul Cleave (two of my favorite crime authors), will devour. I had pre-ordered the audiobook, and after reading the advanced reading copy, glued to my iPod, listening---a chilling performance by
George Newburn. Having spent time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil --could imagine myself back on the beach—with the breathtaking views of the mountains. This is one spot you can see both at one time.

Intrigued. After finishing the book, immediately going to Audible to purchase Carter’s books, especially the Robert Hunter series. Was so bummed, as NO other books in the series, offered in English??? Hopefully they will be added (similar to Paul Cleave) . . We are slowly getting some of his backlist, here in the states. Publishers: Please get Chris Carter’s books on audio for all the US fans. I typically read only new books—my blog focuses on new releases, so when I find an author I love, I rely on audio to get my backlist “fix”.

Highly recommend AN EVIL MIND -- if you want an intelligent, and sophisticated—well-written chilling page-turner. An intriguing series, and an author, who not only is a profiling expert---a talented criminal psychological novelist. He nails the details. Carter has been added to my favorite author list.

Can't wait for I AM DEATH coming to US July 14, 2016.

A special thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Love the new covers
Profile Image for Paula Fialho Silva.
214 reviews112 followers
September 4, 2019
Este livro é muito diferente dos outros 5. O autor refere isso logo no início. Mas o facto de ser um pouco diferente não faz com que seja menos entusiasmante. Foi uma grande leitura! Espero que a tradução para português seja mesmo publicada em breve.
Profile Image for Xana.
788 reviews46 followers
January 11, 2020
Uau... Que livro!!!
Bela maneira de começar o ano
Profile Image for Gedankenlabor.
829 reviews122 followers
September 23, 2020
... Lucien lehrt einem wirklich das Fürchten! Und wieder kann ich nur sagen, haut es mich echt vom Hocker, wie Chris Carter sich von Buch zu buch jedes Mal wieder übertrifft!
Profile Image for Matt.
4,387 reviews13k followers
September 11, 2014
Carter returns with his most thrilling novel yet, pitting LAPD Detective Robert Hunter against the most devious serial killer he's come across to date. When two severed heads turn up at a small-town diner, the locals turn over the case to the FBI as fast as possible. With an unresponsive suspect, the Feds can do nothing to move the case forward. That is, until he gives them an out; send in Robert Hunter. Reluctantly, Hunter agrees to help when he realises that he has a personal connection to the suspect, his old college roommate, Lucien Folter. What begins as an attempt to rectify an apparent mistaken identity soon becomes the most horrific case that Hunter has ever come across. Spanning over 25 years, there are many bodies at countless murder sites, with proof at every turn that Folter is responsible. It is only when the possibility that a live victim remains that Hunter and his FBI counterpart, Agent Courtney Taylor, begin to race against the clock to crack the case wide open. If only they knew of this when the whole farce began. Carter ramps up his writing and morbid description in this story that will shake the reader to their core. As psychologically chilling as any Hannibal Lector novel, Carter delivers with a punch, right to the gut, in this fast-paced psychological thriller.

I stumbled upon Chris Carter one day, expecting an entertaining few novels that sought not only to intrigue, but also to pique my ever-growing interest into the macabre. With each successive novel, I was pulled deeper into the chasm of psychopathy and serial murder. Not only entertaining, but also highly disturbing, Carter leads the reader by the end, then lets them drown in the detail, forcing all those who have taken the journey to rush to the end (part out of enjoyment, part to release themselves from its clutches). Just when I thought the books could get no better, Carter returns with something even more sadistic, hitting closer to home. An added bonus, as Hunter is closely tied to the killer, the reader gets more glimpses into this reclusive man's past and what he was like prior to joining the LAPD. With short, teasing chapters, the book flows so well and left me to want "just one more chapter" before putting it down. Carter outdoes himself and will surely garner a number of new fans with this masterful piece of work.

Kudos, Mr. Carter for such a thrilling novel and so detailed a writing style. I could not put it down, worried that Hunter would get lost and taken over if I stepped away.
Profile Image for STEPH.
461 reviews59 followers
July 6, 2024
Oh My God. I missed this series so much! Almost forgot how this book took so much of my time a couple years back. Just. Wow.

And Robert Hunter? I am simping over him so bad I didn't want him hitched. Can he stay single until book 20, please? Chris? Haha. I can't begin to describe how perfectly he is written. I felt so familiar with him, like, he's someone I know, like an old friend or an old flame. He's quite magnificent.

Fast-paced, intriguing, brutal and clever. Everything you could ever want in a thriller. The mind games between Robert and Lucien carried the whole thing, the personal connection between them added to the complexity and contrast of their characters. It makes you really ask yourself how some very smart and capable people could really veer into the dark path.

Anyway, I'm just in the mood to continue this series. I don' think I'll stop until I've finished the most recent one.

Get into this series now!
Profile Image for Susana Palma.
175 reviews4 followers
December 8, 2019
Um pouco fora do habitual, este é capaz de ter sido o melhor de todos. Merecia ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Marloes.
1,004 reviews120 followers
July 17, 2024
Na een bizar auto-ongeluk op het platteland van Wyoming wordt, na de ontdekking van onthoofde en verminkte vrouwenhoofden in een kofferbak, een man gearresteerd op verdenking van dubbele moord. Hij beweert dat hij onschuldig is en hij wil maar met één persoon praten: Robert Hunter. De FBI schakelt zijn hulp in en zodra tijdens zware verhoren lang bewaarde geheimen boven water komen, wordt een meedogenloze seriemoordenaar ontmaskerd die zijn schokkendste onthulling tot het laatst bewaart…

Hunter en zijn tijdelijke partner Taylor krijgen te maken met een kille, emotieloze, intelligente, zelfverzekerde en zeer berekenende moordenaar die iedereen telkens een paar stappen voor is en die het verhoor alleen op zijn voorwaarden wil laten plaatsvinden. In ruil voor informatie over de slachtoffers duikt deze dader in Hunters verleden, waardoor dit een zeer persoonlijke zaak wordt, Robert de heftigste periodes uit zijn leven moet herbeleven en oude wonden worden opengereten.

Het onderzoek resulteert in een intens psychologisch spel vol manipulatie en onvoorspelbare en heftige wendingen, waardoor je steeds dieper in de zaak wordt getrokken, en terwijl de verdachte aanwijzingen geeft die alleen Robert kan ontcijferen, wordt de omvang van deze zaak steeds afschuwelijker. Je daalt af in het brein van een psychopathische moordenaar die volledige controle over zijn daden heeft, die het leuk vindt om mensen pijn te doen, die een uniek motief heeft, zijn slachtoffers op gruwelijke wijze verminkt en op zoek gaat naar zwakke plekken om mensen te breken.

Dit is een snelle, slimme en gelaagde thriller, een zeer sterke pageturner waarin persoonlijke en psychologische elementen een grote rol spelen en de toon onheilspellend blijft. Het geheel bevat iets minder op-het-puntje-van-je-stoel-spanning en de dynamiek verandert door het gemis van Garcia, maar in ruil daarvoor wordt Hunters karakter uitgediept terwijl de spanning en het tempo steeds verder worden opgevoerd door de inzet van kleine cliffhangers, volgt er in deze bizarre zaak telkens een nieuwe onthulling als je denkt dat je het ergste wel gehad hebt, mondt de psychologische oorlogsvoering uit in grote gewetensvragen en kruipt het beklemmende verhaal onder je huid. Deze serie is zo goed!

Profile Image for John Wiltshire.
Author 25 books800 followers
February 25, 2017
I reviewed this book last year and gave it a one star.
I admit, I think I got that completely wrong. I apparently clicked on this book at random (that's the trouble of having a kindle) without realising it was part of a long series. That's not giving the author due credit for all the development that's gone into creating his world. My original review makes me chuckle because, yes, the pov switches are truly awful in all the books -- but I've gotten used to it! I overlook it! I find it funny now! Yes, the killings are ridiculously gory and over-the-top, but (again) after five of these books I'd be disappointed if Carter couldn't outdo himself!
So, basically, I'm totally into this series, the world of Robert Hunter and Caros Garcia, and can't wait to see what this next evil mind (hah) has in store for them. So, this is a revised review. I've taken off my one-star rating. I'm deleting my original comments, which basically said it was derivative (of Silence of the Lambs) and badly written, and I will write a new review when I've finished it, which at the rate I've devoured the previous five won't be long...
This is definitely my least favourite of the series. In a switch from the format of the previous stories, the killer is caught in the first few pages and the subsequent action consists of him slowly revealing the extent of his crimes to the FBI. I didn't really find any of this credible to be honest. He was some kind of mastermind psychology student who decided to turn to sadistic murder as an experiment: testing the expert theories as to what makes someone kill. I do believe ordinary, rational people can kill fairly easily, but I don't believe they would be able to torture someone (in the most heinous ways) out of little more than curiosity. Human nature doesn't work that way. Besides my doubt about the whole set up of the plot, I frankly found Lucian and his tale of evil boring. There was far too much talking and not enough action, and when the action did come (obviously Lucian manipulates the FBI into letting him out so he can take them personally to one of his victims who might still be alive), it was as unrealistic as the rest of the story.
However, it's three stars because I did finish it; it is part of a series, and I still like Robert Hunter as a main character.
Profile Image for Γιώργος Δάμτσιος.
Author 41 books295 followers
February 7, 2021
Το πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς με πρωταγωνιστή τον Ρόμπερτ Χάντερ μου είχε φανεί πάρα πολύ καλό. Δεδομένου ότι πλέον βρισκόμαστε στο έκτο, και συνεχώς λέω ότι ξεπερνάει τον εαυτό του, μπορεί κάποιος να καταλάβει εύκολα ότι έχει γίνει ένας από τους αγαπημένους μου συγγραφείς.
Στο συγκεκριμένο, πάντως, το πραγματικά σοκαριστικό είναι ότι τα γεγονότα του βασίζονται σε πραγματική ιστορία. Δεν γίνεται να το διαβάσει κάποιος και να μη σφιχτεί το στομάχι του, γνωρίζοντάς το. Είναι απλά αδιανόητο.
Profile Image for Φίλιππος ²³.
347 reviews42 followers
January 31, 2021
Πάνω στου LA τα βουνά, πού'ναι σαν κωλομέρια
Καθότανε ο Κάρτερ, με το στυλό στα χέρια
Έμπνευση δεν είχε, βιβλίο για να γράψει
Ιδέα του κατέβηκε, τον Harris ν' αντιγράψει!
(διασκευή γνωστού "ποιήματος" των εφηβικών μου χρόνων!)

*Αν η άποψή μου σας φανεί μπερδεμένη, και δεν καταλάβετε Χριστό, δεν είναι η ιδέα σας...είμαι κι εγώ μπερδεμένος! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Το "Διαβολικός" 👹 είναι το βιβλίο του Κάρτερ που οι περισσότεροι το θεωρούν ως το καλύτερο του συγγραφέα! Έχει μάλιστα και την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία από όλη τη σειρά εδώ στο Goodreads!
Ένα βιβλίο διαφορετικό από τα προηγούμενα του, μιας και πλέον δεν έχουμε τον σίριαλ κίλερ που ο ήρωας μας προσπαθεί να τον σταματήσει πριν ξανασκοτώσει, αλλά έναν σίριαλ κίλερ που εμφανίζεται και συλλαμβάνεται από τις πρώτες σελίδες και ο οποίος παίζει με το μυαλό των ηρώων μέσα από το κελί του! Ο Carter αποφάσισε να αφήσει για λίγο στην άκρη την αγωνία που προκαλούσαν τα υπόλοιπα βιβλία του (όχι ότι αυτό δεν έχει αγωνία) και να το κάνει από καθαρά αστυνομικό, περισσότερο αστυνομικοψυχολογικό (δεν ξέρω καν αν υπάρχει τέτοιος ορισμός, αλλά εμένα μου αρέσει) θρίλερ!
Η γραφή είναι η γνωστή του Κάρτερ, με τα μικρά κεφάλαια που συνήθως σε αφήνουν σε (cliffhanger) σημείο που θέλεις να διαβάσεις το επόμενο ώστε να δεις τι συμβαίνει στη συνέχεια, και κάπως έτσι περνάνε τα κεφάλαια το ένα μετά το άλλο και το βιβλίο τελειώνει σε χρόνο ρεκόρ.
Υπό διαφορετικές συνθήκες, το βιβλίο θα μπορούσε να είναι καταπληκτικό, ο ορισμός του page turner, με τα ψυχολογικά παιχνίδια του και την κατάλληλη δόση αγωνίας που περιέχει!
Αλλά... Και έρχεται τώρα αυτό το αλλά που ανατρέπει τα πράγματα...!
Για μένα προσωπικά, δεν ήταν το σούπερ ουάου βιβλίο και θα σας εξηγήσω το γιατί αμέσως...


Επίσης μπορείτε να προσπεράσετε το κείμενο ανάμεσα στα χεράκια που περιέχει και τα όποια σπόιλερ (λέμε τώρα!) και να πάτε στο τέλος για το πόρισμα της νεκροψίας!


Δεν με ενθουσίασε το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο, γιατί απλά το θεωρώ μια αντιγραφή...τι εννοώ; Ακούστε...

Ποια είναι η συνταγή για σίγουρη επιτυχία (ή αποτυχία, εξαρτάται πως το βλέπει κανείς!);;;
Παίρνουμε για αρχή (ίσως) τον κορυφαίο και πιο γοητευτικό κακό στην ιστορία της λογοτεχνίας και του κινηματογράφου, τον κάνουμε πιο ..."αδυσώπητο" 🙄 και αιμοσταγή 👹 και δημιουργούμε έναν νέο και πιο ...εξελιγμένο(;) 🥴 κακό! Μετά, βάζουμε έναν σούπερ ντετέκτιβ (σαν άλλον Γουίλ Γκράχαμ) απέναντί του και μια wannabe Clarice να τον ανακρίνουν μέσα στο γυάλινο κελί του, και αυτός (ο σούπερ κακός ντε) προσπαθεί να παίξει με το μυαλό τους, πετώντας πολλές φορές μάλιστα τις ίδιες ακριβώς εκφράσεις του κανίβαλου της καρδιάς μας...«Quid pro quo Clarice...ε συγγνώμη, Robert ήθελα να πω αλλά μπερδεύτηκα στην αντιγραφή!» Σοβαρά τώρα; 🙄 Αντιγραφή ακόμη και τις εκφράσεις; Τέλος πάντων... Σε κάποια φάση που λέτε, όταν η ιστορία με το κελί είναι έτοιμη να κουράσει, αρχίζουμε και πετάμε στο μείγμα κάτι από (το τέλος του) Seven (πραγματικά, υπάρχει μια σελίδα που διαβάζοντας την νόμιζα ότι βλέπω συγκεκριμένη σκηνή από την ταινία!) και έτσι δίνουνε νέο ενδιαφέρον στο βιβλίο... Και εκεί που οι ήρωες μας δίνουν μάχη με τον χρόνο και το ενδιαφέρον αναζωπυρώνεται, έρχεται μια "έκπληξη" που σε ξενερώνει μέχρι τη φτέρνα. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Καλή (θα) ήταν σαν ιδέα, απλά εμένα προσωπικά δεν με έπεισε! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Περνάμε και από αυτό το στάδιο, και μετά έρχεται για αρχή κάτι απολύτως προβλέψιμο και μετά μια βολική σύμπτωση η όποια μας οδηγεί στο τέλος και την κάθαρση...Ίσως! Ισως πάλι και όχι! Θα προτιμούσα διαφορετικό τέλος, αλλά...Αμερικανιά! Βέβαια με το διαφορετικό τέλος που θα ήθελα, το βιβλίο μετά θα έπρεπε να γράφει στον τίτλο ότι είναι διασκευή της 🤐🐑🐑🐑


Εν κατακλείδι, αν δεν έχετε διαβάσει τα βιβλία του Harris ή δεν έχετε δει τις ταινίες που βασίζονται στα βιβλία, ή αν δεν σας ενοχλεί η τόση ομοιότητα, το βιβλίο θα το απολαύσετε! Είναι πραγματικά πολύ δυνατό αν το δεις από αυτή τη σκοπιά!
Εμένα που είμαι περίεργος 👺 δυστυχώς με ξενέρωσε η συγκεκριμένη ομοιότητα και γι'αυτό δεν το απόλαυσα όπως θα μπορούσα. Μάλλον παίζει ρόλο και το ότι τα βιβλία του Harris είναι από τα πιο αγαπημένα μου της αστυνομικής λογοτεχνίας.

Όσο για την βαθμολογία του, αντί για το 10άρι που θα έπαιρνε υπό άλλες συνθήκες, θα πάρει ένα 5αρι επειδή απλά αγαπώ Κάρτερ και δεν μπορώ να του βάλω κάτω από τη βάση!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,662 reviews

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