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329 pages, Kindle Edition
First published March 21, 2013
At first I thought of Rosemary's Baby.....young couple move into the perfect new "old" flat with super weird and suspicious neighbors. Next, Pacific Heights came to mind when all the strange little creepy crawlers started to appear among hoaxes, threats and sabotage. And then, I just couldn't believe it.....an eerie dream about running down a hill being chased and attacked by masses of black flying creatures.....ok, that was definitely a scene from The Birds!
Now I don't mind all those similarities; I like super creepy, scary stuff, but what really bugged me was the inane predictability of what happens next.....the crash, the loss, the takeover, and the sabotage. I saw it all coming a mile away. And then there's the sex; now once again, I do not mind some descriptive interludes, but some of what was presented here was just over the top.....GEESH....and the comment where Jamie says he's tired and decides to sit down to pee instead of stand.....Lord have mercy.....I lost it!
Overall, I liked the plot of THE MAGPIES, I really did, and the "final letter" and the author's epilogue revealing that as a young man he had a 'somewhat' similar personal experience (to a lesser extent) but all of the above combined with my recently purchased trade paper copy (complete with typo's) and need of editing caused me to lower my rating down to 2 Stars.
I know this won't be a popular rating as many of my GR friends loved it and I respect that, but bottom line, I was disappointed, and bc I really loved FOLLOW YOU HOME look forward to reading more Mark Edwards novels.