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The Magpies #1

The Magpies

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Meet the neighbours from hell, in the gripping thriller that reviewers and readers describe as "fast-paced," "chilling," and "impossible to put down.”

When Jamie and Kirsty move into their first home together, they are full of optimism. The future, in which they plan to get married and start a family, is bright. The other residents of their building seem friendly too, including the Newtons, a married couple who welcome them to the building with open arms.

But then strange things start to happen. Dead rats are left on their doorstep. They hear disturbing noises, and much worse, in the night. After Jamie's best friend is injured in a horrific accident, Jamie and Kirsty find themselves targeted by a campaign of terror.

As they are driven to the edge of despair, Jamie vows to fight back—but he has no idea what he is really up against . . .

The Magpies is a gripping psychological thriller in which the monsters are not vampires or demons but the people who live next door. It is a nightmare that could happen to anyone.

329 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 21, 2013

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About the author

Mark Edwards

34 books5,367 followers
Mark Edwards writes psychological thrillers in which scary things happen to ordinary people.

He loves hearing from readers and always responds. Mark can be contacted in the following ways:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter @mredwards
Facebook/Instagram: @markedwardsauthor

You can download a free box set of 'Short Sharp Shockers' by visiting www.markedwardsauthor.com/free

Mark has sold over 5 million books since his first solo novel, The Magpies, was published in 2013 and has topped the bestseller lists numerous times. His other novels include Follow You Home, Here To Stay and The Psychopath Next Door. He has also published six books co-authored with Louise Voss. His next novel, The Wasp Trap, will be published in the UK/Australia in July 2025 and the US/Canada in September 2025.

Mark lives in the West Midlands, England, with his wife, their three children, two cats and a golden retriever.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,223 reviews
Profile Image for Christine.
619 reviews1,387 followers
January 6, 2021
Dear Mr. Edwards,

I have just finished The Magpies. Let me just say that you are one smart little thriller writer, yes indeed!!! I have to say this is one of the cleverest, if not the cleverest, suspense novel I have ever read. And this is your debut book? Brilliant!

As I waded into your story, I noted how fast the tension starts, actually beginning in the prologue. Nice start. As the story progresses, the tension meter veeeery sloooowly sneaks up little by little, to a taut 4-5, with an occasional heart-jolting blip to 7-8 and even a couple of dreadful 9-10s. The meter never falls below 4, keeping the reader on edge relentlessly. I have only experienced this type of non-stop tension in one other book over these last 2 years that I have been seriously reading. That book is called Because She Loves Me. I think you know that one, Mr. Edwards. What a fabulous method you have here. Very, very effective if you are looking to create stress ulcers or even heart attacks in your readers.

Every time anyone did anything in this story, I went on red alert, asking myself if I was facing a real clue or if my thoughts were just a manifestation of my newly acquired paranoia. There were so few characters in your book; it should be easy to figure out, right? Well, shoot, you made it so unclear, I had to suspect every one of them of being involved at some point. And what about that boatload of clues that kept coming? So many clues, but you made it impossible to get them to add up to anything I could figure out; and then it was laid out so nicely in the end. I hate feeling like I am fooled, Mr. Edwards, and by golly, you got me good. And yeah, I admit in retrospect that all the clues were there to lead me to the answers, but you weren’t going to make it easy, were you?

And how about that ending, Mr. Edwards? Have you not been to Hollywood to learn about Hollywood endings? My, my, my. Apparently not. Lucky for you, I think an author brave enough to steer away from a Hollywood ending should get a gold star.

How can I not say how delighted I was to see your note about this book being based on a true story (yours) and is therefore a memoir of sorts. Write what you know, right? The real capper is the part about a potential recurring “something” that just might be popping in and out of your other writings. Great way to ensnare us readers into checking out your other novels. Clever, I say, very clever.

I read The Magpies along with 3 reading buddies, and we had loads of fun critiquing it to death. Even though for the most part you tripped up all of us, I must begrudgingly admit this is one heck of a story you wrote, Mr. Edwards. I am also going to have to recommend this tale to all fans of psychological suspense and thriller lovers, albeit with a warning: Make sure you check with your doctor first to see if you can take it.

Kudos, Mr. Edwards!


Christine, your fan.
Profile Image for Delee.
243 reviews1,309 followers
April 2, 2017
How do I love thee fiction about crazy neighbors???...let me count the ways...

I love thee not so frightening crazy neighbors ...

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...and even more I love thee reeeeallly scary, bat-poop crazy ones...

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THE MAGPIES falls under the category of reeeeeeeally scary bat-poop crazy ones...

When Jamie and Kirsty buy the flat of their dreams- they have happily ever after in mind. Soon after they move in- embarrassing junk mail, unwanted parcels, un-ordered fast food and noise complaints bombard their love-nest and the two love-birds are slightly annoyed...but the tiresome pranks turn into something much more dark and sinister- and within a short time- Jamie and Kirsty are questioning their sanity, their relationship, and fearing for their lives.

This book had me up half the night wanting to finish. High tension...high anxiety...never a moment of peace after the first few chapters- complete torture... a lot of shouting in my head to the fictional characters to make smarter choices- but fictional characters rarely make smart choices in novels like this- which- when done well- is what makes them so damn entertaining!
Profile Image for Sandra.
734 reviews6 followers
February 7, 2020
A young couple (Jamie Knight and Kirsty Phillips) move into a new apartment building. They love their new apartment and look forward to living there. They eventually meet all the neighbors in the building. Soon after, they begin to have problems. One day they find a dead rat on their doorstep. They keep getting deliveries of parcels that they didn't order. Then the letters start coming. Things rapidly get worse. A certain couple in the basement flat (the Newtons) seem to be trying to make Jamie and Kirsty's life a living hell...

This was a totally captivating, entertaining, and intense read. Talk about your neighbors from hell! The Newtons were a very strange and scary couple. I felt bad for Jamie and Kirsty, seeing how optimistic and happy they were in their new apartment, and then how they became depressed and worried as the Newtons started and continued their terror campaign against them. I would have moved out of that building a long time ago!

A hard to put down, tension-filled read.
Profile Image for Maxine (Booklover Catlady).
1,367 reviews1,404 followers
April 26, 2023
This top notch psychological thriller is an outstanding read. The Magpies is a stunning and frightening novel of how everyday suburban life can go horribly wrong. Mark Edwards has the knack of getting into the human psyche and scaring us all with the brilliant characters in his books. Especially the neighbours in this book. Scary indeed.

Jamie and Kirsty are a happy young couple, both have good jobs, both madly in love and so excited to have bought their first dream home together, a flat in a suburb of London they picked up for a brilliant price. Everything about it seems idyllic, they FEEL it's the right place for them and move in ready to embrace and embark on a new life together.

One by one we are introduced to the neighbours that also live in the building, everyone is friendly and welcoming. Soon Jamie and Kirsty are getting to know the young couple, Chris and Lucy that live in the downstairs garden flat from them, hoping for a mutual friendship with the couple. At first it's all friendly and pleasant, but oh how things can turn so quickly.

Really weird things start happening to Jamie and Kirsty, hoax pizza deliveries, dead rats left outside their front door. Things escalate with letters and more and more bizarre events. It just gets worse and worse until Kirsty and Jamie are feeling very unstable and unsure, even questioning their own judgement and reality. But these things are just the icing on the cake. Because there is so much more.

My spidey senses were tingling. (You will get that one later).

It's a chilling book that grabs on and does not let go, I was fascinated watching the events unfold on the page, hoping there would be some logical explanation as do Jamie and Kirsty. But when you live in the same building as psychopaths it's never going to end well now is it?

Nobody takes them seriously, not even the police, they are on their own in this madness that is meant to be a safe and cosy home for them, their whole life gets chucked into chaos and fear. As the book continues the events get more and more bizarre, the fear creeps up a notch, I had chills reading this book. I was yelling at the pages "run, get out, move for goodness sake!" but human nature is such that you want to defend your own piece of turf, stand your ground, not give in. But at what cost? What cost indeed.

It's taut and tense all the way through from early pages and it just gets better and better, yet again Mark Edwards threw me off when I was looking for certain things in this book that I was SURE was going to happen then they didn't. I had the same experience recently reading another fantastic book of his, the newly released Because She Loves Me.

Touche Mr Edwards!, you beat me again and I am a clever book detective (normally).

It's like watching a car crash with Jamie and Kirsty as their lives are impacted by the neighbours from hell, you want to look away but you can't, it's fascinating, it's a true insight into the sick mind of the psychopaths who live downstairs. Even better, I love the way we get to see what it's doing to the minds of Jamie and Kirsty too, the undoing of their own sanity to a huge degree.

The plot is excellent, the characters are memorable (I particularly loved Mary who lives upstairs) and the pace is non stop from the first word to the last. I read this over a couple of hours, I even kept reading as I ate my dinner. I could not miss a thing!

There is one moment in this book that really impacted me, I can't tell you but I had to briefly stop reading to absorb what I had read. Really good writing, very good indeed.

It's a fantastic psychological thriller in a nutshell, can't share too much more or I will spoil the journey for you dear reader. The events leading up to the grand finale are tense and taut, I was on the edge the whole time, it felt like I was there, in the book, feeling it all. The ending was exceptionally well done. Then just when you think it can't get better, it still hits you with more surprises until the very last word.

You just never know who you are living near or next to in this day and age, you just want to hope YOUR neighbours are nothing like the ones in this book. If they are, move and don't dilly dally along the way.

Five easy stars from me. I am a huge fan of Mark Edwards and think we will see many more exceptional books from him in the future. Grab this one and hold on for the ride. If you like a book that will stay with you and is a grab on read from the start, you will love The Magpies.
24 reviews13 followers
March 8, 2014
Dear Mark Edwards,

Hi. I know it can be hard: you're starting out on your own as a new author, and it takes a lot of time to find your voice, so to speak, as an author. I just finished your novel "The Magpies," and I'll be blunt--I hated it. I thought it was complete dreck. However! For this review to be helpful not just to you as author but to any readers who might be naive enough to pick up this book (let alone purchase it), I will make this review constructive by offering my own unsolicited advice on what went wrong and why.

1. "The Magpies" was published in 2013. Therefore, when such concepts as "masculine pride" are unironically trotted as an excuse for the main character's idiotic stubbornness, it comes off to the reader as a bit, ah, outmoded. Also, the "guy lifts weights/exercises in order to get tough" montage just feels so '80s. The gender characterizations were so retrograde as to belong more to pulp novels of the '30s and '40s than a contemporary piece of fiction.

2. Learn to characterize your characters. As it stands in this novel, they are so flat as to be non-characters. When the only way the author demonstrates emotion is by having (only female, natch) characters cry constantly, something is off. Also, the relationships you build in your work have to be believable in order to be worth the reader's time. Were we, the readers, really meant to buy that Heather would be so madly in love with Paul after one date that she would be reduced to a crying wreck later on in the novel at the mere mention of [SPOILER]? Not once in the course of the novel did I ever feel that Jamie, Kirsty, or any other character were actually human beings and not, say, cardboard simulacra of people in an extremely amateurish attempt at characterization.

3. No one wants to read about Jamie and Kirsty having sex, in off-putting detail, 6 times. No one.

4. The following three words are your friend: Show, don't tell. If you cut out the exposition that clutters this novel in lieu of actually showing character and plot, there would be no novel.

5. You actually had the germ of a good idea in this novel. In more competent (or experienced) hands, it might have been a genuinely tense, enjoyable ride. But any semblance of a good story was killed early on by frankly poor writing and characters so flat and non-compelling that you could bounce a coin off of them.
Profile Image for Kylie D.
464 reviews587 followers
August 13, 2019
Meet your new neighbours, the Newton's, they are a happily married couple, friendly, helpful, and are about to make your life a living hell...

Jamie and Kirsty have just bought their dream flat in London, they are full of optimism for the future and are looking at starting a family down the track. They invite their new neighbours over for dinner and soon they and some other friends go go-karting together. An accident at the go-kart track leaves a friend badly injured, but was it really an accident? Other things start to happen. There's hoax callouts to the fire brigade, packages delivered that haven't been ordered, dead rats, spiders. Then the letters start. What seemingly starts out as a joke soon escalates into something terrifying. As Kirsty and Jamie try for some semblance of a normal life, they are soon too scared to do anything. Then the worst happens and Jamie finds he must take desperate measures to protect his family.

Wow, what a ride! I found myself devouring this book, as desperate as Jamie to get to the bottom of the Newton's terror campaign. Mark Edwards weaves a tale so scary, yet you think that yes, this could really happen! You'll never look at your neighbours the same way again! This is a top rate domestic psychological thriller and I have no hesitation recommending it to all lovers of suspense.
Profile Image for Bren fall in love with the sea..
1,827 reviews397 followers
October 4, 2023
“In cities, after all, you are always within screaming distance of a psychopath.”
― Mark Edwards, The Magpies

My first 2020 book!

So I finally read The Magpies.

People, this book is good. But more then that..it is GENUINELY frightening. And I do not say that about many Domestic thrillers.

So a brief plot outline..Kirstie and Jamie have moved into the flat of their dreams. They fell in love with the place and plan to make their lives here. Then they met their neighbors, Lucy and Chris.

I do not even know what to say without giving stuff away. Needless to say, the book had me at hello. I could not put it down. I bet you will not be able to either.

One thing that was tough for me..as the harassment went on I started getting more and more angry at these neighbors from Hell so that I'd have to put the book down every so often. I wanted so badly to punch them. And I am not a violent person. But these two nutters would test ANYBODY'S self control. Read all about em and see for yourselves.


I would REALLY like a part two of this. I would like to see what happens to Jaime, what happens to Paul and Heather..also even a prequel as to how the two sociopaths got together would be a cool idea.

EDIT:..There IS a part two which I did not know when I wrote this..there is a part three too..I'm on it!

I must confess..my patience eroded with Jaime. He did not even seem to love his wife anymore. All he cared about was getting even with the neighbors. How many of YOU would stay after some of these things? And just giving away all their money like that? I understand he was slowly losing his mind but still..

I read that the most common question the reader gets is what the heck happened to Paul. Paul was my favorite character. I also really did not get why he did not blame Chris for what happened and was so quick to dismiss Jaime's concerns.

Was shocked to see this was based on a true story..glad the writer did not do what Jaime did. It must have been terrible to go through.

So in short..a brooding, intense book with an ever encompassing feeling of dread that I believe would hook most thriller fans. It is SCARY..really so much so..and the atmosphere created is terrific. Now I want to read every book this incredible writer has ever written.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,389 reviews5 followers
December 1, 2014
The Magpies is a psychological thriller by Mark Edwards, giving new meaning to the phrase, “Neighbors From Hell". First I liked the title choice, as magpies are birds known for destroying the nests of other birds. And so begins a nightmarish tale, where a young couple's life is tested to the extremes...to force them out of their home. This book had me sitting on the edge of the seat, flipping the pages, with apprehension, to see what would happen next. Very creepy!

Jamie and Kirsty, a young couple, are excited about buying their first home, a new life, a plan to get married and have a family. The other residents in the building seem friendly, and Jamie and Kirsty want to make new friends and start a new life.

Lucy and Chris, the "Neighbors from Hell" live in the Garden Flat/Basement. Jamie and Kirsty had moved into the ground floor flat, Mary, a herbalist/witch lived on the first floor and Brian and Linda lived on the top floor. Most of the women worked in the Healthcare field, while the men shared similar jobs in the IT field.

But then strange things started to happen. Jamie and Kirsty started receiving complaints that their music was too loud,threatening letters, numerous hoaxes, tapes of their personal sex life, parcels, computer viruses and phone calls. Dead rats were left on their doorstep, spiders in their flat... Jamie's best friend is injured in a horrific accident, and remained in a coma. These "Neighbors from Hell", wanted them out! But WHY!

Jamie becomes obsessed with stopping this couple, and risking everything, as he is determined not to allow his neighbors to run him out of his own home.

I like that the characters are real people in this novel, and the concept is not far-fetched. It is a nightmare that could happen to anyone...but how would we handle it?

Would highly recommend reading this terrifying novel.

Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,309 followers
May 26, 2017
2.5 Stars. Oh Boy.....I had my ups and downs with this one.

At first I thought of Rosemary's Baby.....young couple move into the perfect new "old" flat with super weird and suspicious neighbors. Next, Pacific Heights came to mind when all the strange little creepy crawlers started to appear among hoaxes, threats and sabotage. And then, I just couldn't believe it.....an eerie dream about running down a hill being chased and attacked by masses of black flying creatures.....ok, that was definitely a scene from The Birds!

Now I don't mind all those similarities; I like super creepy, scary stuff, but what really bugged me was the inane predictability of what happens next.....the crash, the loss, the takeover, and the sabotage. I saw it all coming a mile away. And then there's the sex; now once again, I do not mind some descriptive interludes, but some of what was presented here was just over the top.....GEESH....and the comment where Jamie says he's tired and decides to sit down to pee instead of stand.....Lord have mercy.....I lost it!

Overall, I liked the plot of THE MAGPIES, I really did, and the "final letter" and the author's epilogue revealing that as a young man he had a 'somewhat' similar personal experience (to a lesser extent) but all of the above combined with my recently purchased trade paper copy (complete with typo's) and need of editing caused me to lower my rating down to 2 Stars.

I know this won't be a popular rating as many of my GR friends loved it and I respect that, but bottom line, I was disappointed, and bc I really loved FOLLOW YOU HOME look forward to reading more Mark Edwards novels.

Profile Image for Jan.
423 reviews279 followers
February 16, 2016
You've found your perfect home, the one you've always dreamed of and you can't believe your luck...
It has it all: the size, the view, and of course the price! You move in with your better half and life is GOOD!!!

But little by little, odd things start happening. Fire trucks show up at your flat for a fire that isn't there, pizza is delivered that you didn't order, excessive amounts of junk mail and parcels start to arrive. Some you chalk up to a mistake, some gets under your skin and starts to ferment....

Things ratch up a bit with dead rats and spiders, a tape of your lovemaking gets sent to you, and you feel like someone is watching you 24/7. But who...and even more puzzling is why? What's real, and what's just plain paranoia??

So that's basically what the book is about...the shattering of ones dreams and hopes for the future taken by the hands of some crazed, nutty neighbors. I didn't give any spoilers away there, as the author clearly wants you to know the journey you are about to embark on. He wants you to feel the love and happiness of this couple Jaime and Kirsty, just as much as he wants you to feel their terror and paranoia.

I have to say that this is one of the creepiest, intense, spell-binding books I have read in a really long time, yet I have to give credit to the creative side as well. The way the author spins this tale with hidden clues, innuendo's and mixed messages, I found myself becoming paranoid myself as to the who and the why. Spectacular!!!

If you are looking to purchase this book, do yourself a favor and make sure you get a copy that has the letter from the author at the end. Reading that was like having the perfect dessert after an amazing meal....lots of nuggets of gold in there to chew on as you finish processing what you've just read, including discussion on the ending. I'll share one with you that made me giddy: this story came to life from the author's own real life experiences! BRILLIANT!!!

In case you couldn't tell, this is an easy 5 star rating, and well deserved in my opinion!

Profile Image for Mary Beth .
406 reviews2,212 followers
October 25, 2016
A Creepy Halloween Book
I didn't really know what was going on with this book until I read the authors note.
Jamie and Kirsty are a new couple with everything going for them. They’re fabulously in love and have just taken the first big step by buying a new flat together. It is exactly what they were looking for: old world charm and close to the city for an easy commute. Although it was at the top of their price bracket, neither one could believe the price they got it for – it was a steal. The old owners wanted a quick sale. Why did they want to sell it so quickly!

The flat they’ve chosen is on the first floor. Above them is an herbalist who deals in holistic healing and new age therapies (or is she a witch?), and on the top floor is a horror writer with a blacked-out writing room decked out with skulls, candles, pentagrams, and other items seen in horror flick backdrops. In the basement flat, preferred to be called the garden flat by the tenants, live the Newtons – a strangely detached couple who warmly welcome them to the building nonetheless.

Beginning at the night of their housewarming party, the hoaxes begin. The fire department is called and they show up looking for Jamie, who has supposedly called them. They get books in the mail that they didn’t order, including books on Satanism. Magazine subscriptions for dirty magazines are issued in their name, hoax pizza deliveries are made, dead rats are found on their doorstep.

All of this has happened to them! It seems like a spooky haunted house or maybe something more sinister a witch! Read this book and find out what really is happening. I know if I lived there I would of left a long time ago. All of the neighbors are all so creepy.
Profile Image for Margitte.
1,188 reviews640 followers
October 7, 2017
A creepy story. A thrilling read. A psychological litmus test for the sane. A neighborly disturbance on steroids. Based on true events, or rather, true events inspired this novel. Halloween for grown-ups.

After finishing the book I wanted to go and hug our wonderful neighbors, tell them how much we loved them and probably have the gossip-mongers in a spin. Finally proof, this woman is crazy. Point is, they have not read The Magpies by Mark Edwards.

And that's all I'm going to say. Uhummm...goodness, what an experience! And that's really all for now. :-))
Profile Image for Brenda.
725 reviews143 followers
November 3, 2015
Star rating did change after I wrote the following review:

I’m not thrilled with this book. The premise had lots of promise. It could have delivered much more psychological suspense, but there were inconsistencies, unanswered questions, and unnecessary sidelines. This review is going to be full of spoilers. Read at your own risk.

I find it odd that the author had to include a note at the end to explain things and answer questions his book left in readers’ minds. Either the author shouldn’t have left the questions in the first place, or he should have answered them within the book.

Profile Image for Tulay.
1,202 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2017
Don't recommend this book.

Didn't like the any of the characters, especially Jamie was the worst one. Grown, educated man making stupid decisions, neighbors not getting alone. Even the police and fire department not doing anything. At least the wife knew what to do to save herself.
Profile Image for Evie.
469 reviews70 followers
August 6, 2016
Books like The Magpies are risky investments for me. They can be either incredulous and/or poorly written. This book was neither of those things. In fact, I have subsisted on a heavy diet of mystery books for so long that it is nearly impossible to shock me...and yet this book managed to do so, and with the last few chapters in the balance, at that.

Jamie and Kirsty are a young couple very much in love, with a promising future ahead of them. They manage to find the most perfect flat in the middle of London at a price they can afford. Their neighbors all seem nice and the neighborhood couldn't be more perfect. That is until strange things start happening to the couple. Before they realize it, their peaceful abode is anything put the haven of peace it should be. Someone is harassing and stalking them. But who?! Surely not their new neighbors? That'd be crazy, right?!

I couldn't help but think of films like The Tenant or Rosemary's Baby. This book is definitely a psychological thriller, and even though the characters make dumb decisions and are slow to piece things together, I liked how it all came together in the end. I can't decide if it's a 3 or 4 star read; maybe it's somewhere in the middle? Either way it was very entertaining!
Profile Image for Gary.
2,875 reviews412 followers
December 20, 2015
'The Magpies' by Mark Edwards is a book I have been waiting to read for sometime following the rave reviews I have read from fellow Goodread friends.

The story focuses on computer expert Jamie and his girlfriend nurse Kirsty who move into a dream flat in London. In the beginning everything seems fine, they make friends with the neighbours and generally feel good about their move. But things start to change and there are unexplained goings on.

This psychological thriller is addictive and is very difficult to put down. Mark Edwards is a fine writer and I love his imagination which produces excellent books.

I believe there are flaws in this novel, with unexplained happenings and a few things that don't quite add up but the thrill of the novel and the tension produced throughout make the minor issues forgiveable.

When I read Mark Edwards books I enjoy them so much I invariably follow them with another of his novels and that is exactly what I did after finishing this one.

Profile Image for Michelle.
1,494 reviews222 followers
November 6, 2021
The only thing I've achieved today is reading this book, once I'd started I couldn't stop. Totally gripped, felt like I was in the plot and that I had nightmare neighbours!

Good story line, good characters (even if I did want to shout at them at times) and I will be reading the rest of this series (I believe its a trilogy).

At time of posting this title is available on Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews867 followers
July 20, 2014
Home sweet home. It is our sanctuary, where we have everything we need, where our loved ones sleep, where we keep our stuff, our very own comfy nest. Unfortunately for Jamie & Kirsty Knight, their dream flat is housed with someone who is a most unneighborly neighbor. Someone is turning the Knights' happy life into a nightmare. Is it the nutters downstairs, or the quiet herbalist with the cat named Lennon? Perhaps it is the older couple upstairs with the creepy Halloween decor? One thing is for certain. You do not want to tick off your neighbors. And for the sake of all that is holy, be quiet in everything that you do.

A decent dip into the murky waters of the psychological thriller genre. Loved the dress-up party with the vampire who had bloodcurdling halitosis. This was loaned to me by a GR buddy who won it in a giveaway, thank you.
Profile Image for Lisa.
931 reviews
October 3, 2015
I am just getting over what i have just read & i must say THANK YOU Mr Mark Edwards for writing an original story that can happen to anybody the characters really grabbed me & were believable.
Jamie & kirsty were madly in love they thought all their christmases had come at once when the found their new flat seemed like the perfect spot to spend the rest of their lives they held a house warming to get to know the neighbours everything went well untill fire trucks turned up junk mail kept coming from places they never heard of then rats were left at the door then letters were left under their door.
Lucy & Chris invited Kristy & Jamie to go go carting Kirsty Paul & Heather went along as well anyway Chris & Paul were competing each other when all of a sudden paul crashed & was in hospital Heather was consumed with grief she stayed by his bedside day & night he slip into a coma Jaime was beside himself as his best friend lay comatose & could not believe how chris & lucy reacted they had shown no reaction just got on with their lives.
Then Kirsty saw some spiders in her house was terrified again they were let in somehow jamie got rid of them as they were only small but then the spiders got bigger the second time again Jamie got rid of them.
Kristy & jamie said it had to be Chris & Lucy but they could not prove it so jaime goes to the police he sees detective Dodds & Sutton he explains it to them but they seem disinterested so when a virus gets into Mikes Computer who lives upstairs he checks his own all his files were wiped out BUT!! it also wipes his bosses computer files also so he quits & takes matters into his own hands but when Kirsty has a miscarriage that breaks the camel's back Jamie hires these friends of Mikes to give Chris & lucy a scare but it will cost a lot of money he sets it up but he has been had so he lost his & kirsty's savings it is making him just like them. Kirsty leaves as she cannot live there anymore what happens from then on i wont disclose but if you like a twisted thriller READ THIS!!! you wont be disappointed
Profile Image for Matt.
4,387 reviews13k followers
April 6, 2015
In my first exposure to Edwards and his work, I was quite impressed with both the storytelling and the thrill factor. After moving into their first flat together, Jamie and Kirsty find themselves ready to embark on an adventure; new life, new experiences, new neighbours. Everyone seems so welcoming, especially their downstairs neighbours, the Newtons. However, things soon take an eerie turn, with prank calls, unwelcome gifts left on their stoop and in their letterbox, and eventually malicious letters and recordings. Jamie and Kirsty begin to wonder what might have caused so many issues with Chris and Lucy Newton. A freak accident to one of Jamie's close friends begins a new wave of horror, in which both Jamie and Kirsty are the prime targets. They utopian view on life in the flat has become a horror story even Stephen King could not pen. Facing all odds, Jamie vows to get to the bottom of things, even if it costs him everything. However, with the sly and cunning ways in which the Newtons act, it's his word against theirs. A book sure to leave the reader wondering about their neighbours for months, Edwards paints a wonderfully disturbing picture within these pages.

Edwards aptly titles the novel, whose meaning is finally properly revealed in the epilogue. The story spins on many an axis and keeps propelling forward effectively from start to finish. Just when you think things can get no more awkward, Edwards adds a layer and keeps the Newtons as the most hated characters in the story. Edwards is able to flesh out the story to show how all the characters play a role in this larger narrative and keeps multiple storylines developing. While there is no doubt that the novel has to be a one-off, the reader is bound to want more. That is the sign of a good author; keeping the reader begging for another glimpse. Edwards' style reminds me a lot of Canadian Linwood Barclay, though they certainly are not carbon copies of one another. Very well done and surely bound to gather more fans and additional narrative momentum the more he writes, Edwards has made a mark on the scene.

Kudos, Mr. Edwards for such a great first solo novel. Keep them coming and you'll have no issue gathering a following of your own.

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Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,577 reviews716 followers
May 28, 2017
Excellent psychological thriller that takes an ordinary set of four flats occupied by seemingly normal people and turns it into a nightmare for one young couple. Jamie and Kirsty are thrilled to have bought their first home and after moving in do everything to try to make friends with the neighbours. But one set of neighbours is not happy and start to make their life hell with complaints and strange happenings. Jamie and Kirsty try to ignore them and carry on with their usual lives but this soon become impossible. The tension ramps up gradually until it culminates in an explosive finale after which no ones lives will ever be the same.
September 14, 2019
Audio...4.5 stars
Story..4.25 stars

My second book by Mark Edwards, and this time the people from hell are the neighbors. I gotta say that even though I found parts of the story long winded, I couldn't stop listening.

I had a hard time feeling sorry for the victims. Seriously, when you move into a new flat, what's the first thing you should do? And if you didn't think to do it right away, don't you think you should when you started to suspect someone's been in your home? Idiots!!

The ending was another...WTF? But TF there are two more books continuing the story. So off to book 2 I go...
Profile Image for SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted*.
536 reviews106 followers
June 19, 2016
Not my cup of tea. I found the characters reaction to their predicament irritating and irrational. They were so ineffectual. I know a book is supposed to evoke emotion(s) while you read it but aggravation is not the headspace I want to be in while reading.

Sorry,this book was just not for me,alot of my friends enjoyed it,so apparently it's just me.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,645 reviews1,069 followers
March 26, 2013
I think if I read any more good books this month, my head might explode. No, really, it might explode. Luckily for Mr Edwards, the police will not be arresting him for manslaughter because despite the brilliance of his solo novel, I managed to drink a decent cup of coffee just in time having finished it, so my brain is still intact. Just. Jamie and Kirsty find their perfect home (remember that feeling? I do!) and move in with visions of a happy fulfilling future together. At first everything really is perfect. They settle in, meet their neighbours, plan on a baby and basically do everything you do when you are expecting a fairly standard but absolutely terrific future together. Then, slowly and inexorably, things change. At first its little things - pizza's arriving unexpectedly, subscriptions to magazines they have no interest in, and hoax calls to the fire brigade...but this is just the start. The beauty of this novel lies in the small details and the descriptive prose used to make us feel what Kirsty and Jamie are feeling..to be right there at their side when at first bemusement, then disbelief, then terror strike. Their state of mind and actions are extremely realistic - and the cause of their problem, a particular set of neighbours, are mundane enough in their appearance to be truly frightening. What can you do when anyone you tell looks at you as if you are the mad one? If the Police can do nothing, and indeed can't even admit there is a problem? These are the issues that face this couple. I read this in a day and some terrific writing means that, having read it, even knowing that my own neighbours are lovely people, I am going to be viewing them with a certain amount of suspicion for quite some time. Sorry neighbours! Brilliant stuff. More please.
Profile Image for Kelli.
917 reviews436 followers
September 29, 2015
Oh, The Magpies! Add this to the growing list of books that others adore but about which I am a little nonplussed.

Choppy writing and too much back-and-forth dialog killed this for me. The premise is fantastic and had it been better executed, it could have been off the charts. My version had typos and missing words. It seemed like an early draft that needed editing. That said, I still found myself engaged in the story. I did want to know what happened in the end. For me this falls between 2.5 and 3 stars, sadly.
Profile Image for Sean Peters.
771 reviews117 followers
October 9, 2014
The Magpies by Mark Edwards.

My September book pal read, so thanks to Samantha., and also a first for this author, although this is his first solo book, but also semi based on a true story from his own past.

When Jamie and Kirsty move into their first home together they are full of optimism. The future, in which they plan to get married and start a family, is bright. The other residents of their building seem friendly too: the horror writer and the middle-aged herbalist who live upstairs, and the Newtons, a married couple who welcome them to the building with open arms.

At first, the two couples get on well. But then strange things start to happen. Dead rats are left on their doorstep. They hear disturbing noises, and much worse, in the night. After Jamie’s best friend is injured in a horrific accident, Jamie and Kirsty find themselves targeted by a campaign of terror.

The Magpies is a cunningly crafted piece of psychological chilling fiction which burrows into the brain with a plentiful supply of ‘what if’ moments that’ll have you concerned about your own closest neighbours next door or below you, whilst also (hopefully) giving you some assurance that you’re probably much better off than the central characters in this story.

Often with this genre of novel, or indeed film of this type (of which this would make a great one), the story suffers from those moments where little is happening, when the reader/viewer is left to ponder what the next set piece might be coming along, not here.

With The Magpies, Edwards has built the tension and the elements of the unknown sufficiently well enough that, even in those quieter moments, you’ll be clutching your book tightly with concern about just what is to unfold on the next page.

How this book unfolds to a mighty last few chapters is not what you expect at all.

A great book that I highly recommend.
Profile Image for NZLisaM.
524 reviews582 followers
July 12, 2018
Sadly, this was only a little above average for me. A quick read, that did hold my interest, and I liked the idea of ‘Neighbours from Hell’, but it didn’t have the spooky feel, and multi-layered twisty turns that I’ve come to expect from Mark Edwards. In fact I would go as far as to say that there were no twists that weren’t obvious, accept for one satisfying reveal in the last chapter which I thought was well done. I was also left with some unanswered questions, which annoyed me, but they may be addressed in ‘A Murder of Magpies’. On the plus side, his writing, and plots have drastically improved since he wrote this book, strictly my opinion of course.

Furthermore, the characters were a real letdown. Even before the harassment escalated, both Jamie’s and Kirsty’s behaviour and reactions, felt off to me. Their paranoia, lack of empathy, quick to anger, and bouts of hysteria had me struggling to hold back the laughter, and didn’t endear me to either character. And not to be a prude or anything but was it really necessary to the plot to include so many sex scenes between them? To be honest, if this had of been my first read by this author I wouldn’t have been in a hurry to pick up another book by him. So glad I started with ‘Follow You Home’, which was incredible – as were ‘The Devil’s Work’ and ‘The Retreat’. Will see how I go with ‘The Lucky Ones’.
Profile Image for Miriam Reynoso.
52 reviews16 followers
February 28, 2020
Mark Edwards is just such a fantastic writer, and I will devour everything he writes in a second. I started (read/ listen) The Magpies Thursday and finished it the same day. Yes, you hear that right, in a day. The Magpies novel takes you through the journey of a young couple who, after moving together to their first apartment, encountered the neighbors from hell. It is a disturbing and kind of sadistic story, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I will give this 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Kim Nash.
Author 19 books634 followers
March 27, 2013
Flipping heck! Talk about being a nervous wreck!

The book started off really nicely following the life of Jamie and Kirsty as they move into their new flat and start their exciting new life together. The first few things that happened made me wonder who it actually was that was doing them and whether they were just coincidences even. My blood pressure and heart rate started to increase as the incidents got worse.

OMG! My heart was pounding! I was totally and utterly transfixed by the terrible things that were happening to this lovely couple that I felt I knew so well and I found myself wanting to shout out at them to warn them of danger! I could not, at any stage of the book, predict what would happen next. Even to the last few pages I still had no clue whatsoever how this book was going to end. When I read the last few lines, I heard a huge sigh of relief and then realised that it was mine!

I never thought you could ever get the same effect in a book that you would get in a film, but this book made me feel as scared as I did when I originally watched the amazing films Fatal Attraction and Jagged Edge and found the writing at least in the same class as the writing of these films if not better. If I could have hidden behind a cushion and read at the same time, I would! The heart-stopping moments that Mark wrote were purely brilliant. It has also made me never, ever, to want to live in a flat! Not in this lifetime! No way! I think this book has affected me for life.

I think that if any TV producers get the chance to read this book, they'll be ringing Mark up to buy the TV rights at least if not film! It would transfer SO well, although I'm not sure if my heart is strong enough! If it only gets to stay as a book, then readers will get the chance to read a spectacularly gripping novel, full of intrigue, mystery, fear and suspense.
Profile Image for Stefanie.
42 reviews
October 1, 2015
Rating 4.5 Stars

What a creepy, psychological thriller! The Magpies is the debut novel by Mark Edwards. This is the second book I have read by this author and I was not disappointed. Mr. Edward's writing is very unique in that he ratchets the tension up early to a 4-5 and every so often it soars up to an 8 or a 10 then settles back around 4-5 but is never 0. I love that! There are a lot of books I read that use the first 1/3 or even more to set up the book where a lot of back ground is introduced before any of the plot points mentioned in the blurb start to occur. Not so with Mr. Edwards. It's not that I don't enjoy a good set up but this method of writing had me on edge throughout the entire read. I think I suspected everyone of not being on the "up and up" at some point throughout the novel. Like a good friend of mine said, I developed my own brand of paranoia as I read this book!!

I really don't want to give anything away here about the plot as I believe this book is a ride the reader has to take from start to finish without to much information to fully enjoy. I had read some reviews prior to reading, and I can't say that any contained "spoilers" but what I read tarnished my enjoyment of the "who dunnit " portion a bit. Although this isn't a traditional whodunit and you will see what I mean when you get to the end. But throughout the novel I was kept guessing about the strange happenings and the possible motivations behind the "evil neighbors". No, Evil with a capital E!
My Kindle copy contained a letter from the author at the end of the book which only helped solidify my enjoyment of this stellar novel! I will mention that the neighbors from hell plot was based on Mr. Edwards own personal experiences!!!
The only thing that kept me from a 5 star rating was that I felt the ending was slightly rushed, in that all the explanations for the strange events came in a very short time frame. But the authors note helped clear some of my questions up at the end.
So, in conclusion, those who love thrilling, psychological suspense, pick up a copy of this novel. I really don't think you will be disappointed. But by the end, you may never look at the people next door the same way.
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