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The Bright and Shining Breadboard

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A young man in Colonial America sets out to find a bride who can show a clean breadboard.

32 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1969

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About the author

Rosalys Haskell Hall

20 books1 follower

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Profile Image for Katie Fitzgerald.
Author 13 books236 followers
January 4, 2019
I loved this story about a young man seeking a wife whose mother has told him that a suitable marriage partner will always have a "bright and shining breadboard." The tone of the story is very humorous and clever, and the quest to find the perfect breadboard reminded me a bit of the prince's search for the foot that would fit Cinderella's glass slipper. The illustrations lend some personality to the main character, Resolved, as well as to the women he considers as potential mates. I haven't read this with my kids, but I think it can be enjoyed by almost all ages, and I probably will borrow it from Open Library again to read it with them in the future.
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,012 reviews66 followers
October 28, 2013
A long-ish picture book. Fun little tale of a Puritan who sets out to find a wife. His mother recommends that he inspect each woman's breadboard (the board she uses every day to mix and knead her dough). A clean breadboard equals a good housewife- a very important thing, especially in that day and age!

We're briefly introduced to a few young women who won't make good wives: a scold, a lazy-bones, a day-dreamer, etc. The end is of the happy-ever-after sort, of course.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews

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