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Serena hasn't been herself lately. She has been having sudden lapses of memory and acting like a completely different person -- one she doesn't like very much. To add to her confusion, she knows that someone has been following her. It all started the night an elderly woman helped her. Now Serena is beginning to wonder, who was that woman? And what has she done to Serena?

275 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2002

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About the author

Lynne Ewing

45 books849 followers
Lynne Ewing is an American author and a screen writer.

She always had to move around a lot when she was growing up because her father was in the Marine Corps. She has two sisters. Lynne graduated from high school in Lima, Peru after attending seven other schools. While she was in Peru, she learned to speak Spanish. She attended the University of California at Santa Barbara. When she was 30 years old, she began writing for newspapers, documentaries, magazines, and did screen writing. She also counsels troubled teens. Her first books were Drive-By and Party Girl. Drive-By took six years to write, and Party Girl has been made into a movie called Living the Life. She has written the completed Daughters of the Moon and Sons of the Dark series. She lives in Los Angeles and Washington D.C.. Ms. Ewing has two children, Jonathan, a molecular biologist, and Amber, an international lawyer. She has also traveled to Japan, China, Russia, Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. She has begun a new series called Sisters of Isis.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,203 reviews117 followers
October 22, 2018
The series is starting to take a darker turn here, with a little less emphasis on the dressing for battle and more on the battle itself. Also, the girls are actually starting to get hurt.
The writing was a little simplified at times, and the plot is similar to Moon Demon, with one of the girls being possessed. I do enjoy the relationships in the books, between the girls themselves and with thier parents, siblings, boyfriends and such.
Profile Image for HorrorBook HellHound.
231 reviews14 followers
May 8, 2024
This book was enjoyable. Glad to have Stanton back! The ending felt a little rushed again, but I will be continuing with this series.
Profile Image for Juana "Darkness" Duran.
271 reviews25 followers
January 16, 2016
Serena is not an ordinary girl, she is a Daughter of the Moon along with her friends Tianna, Vanessa, Catty, Jimena. Together they are trying to save the world from an ancient evil called the Atrox. Serena is feeling a little trapped and has a lot of anger in her because of Stanton her boyfriend. She feels that Stanton betrayed her by going back to the Atrox willingly. One day Serena is walking to the bus stop to get home when she bumps into an old lady. That old lady then gives her some nasty tasting water that is acctually a potion so they can switch bodies. So it starts Serena starts having bad headaches and dizziness until she completley blacks out and finds herself in strange places. At a foam party at Planet Bang a local night club Serena hits on her friends boyfriends. But when they don't respond the way she wants them to she uses her powers to push back any thoughts of their girlfriends. Thankfuly Jimena her besfriend stops her from making a fool out of herself and doesn't tell the others what she is doing. One day Serena goes to sleep and when she wakes up she doesn't wake up in her bed she wakes up walking on the street near where Jimena lives. So she walks quickly to Jimena's house and breaks down in front of her. Jimena is concerned for her friend so they both go find their friends. After that they try to find some answers but come up with nothing. So from there they ask Catty's mom to help them find answers. The girls reach their peak and tell Serena to as Stanton for help but stubburon as always she disagrees. When they find out what Catty's mother had to say they kind of just loose it and they go home after Jimena says that she will give them a ride home. Outside is where they find Stanton and Serena confronts some of the pain and anger she has towards him. Serena trys so hard to not love him that in the end Stanton has to force her to see inside him for the truth and that is when Lambert a follower disloyal to the Atrox is freed. Serena can't let the followers take Stanton so she hatches a plan but unfortunatley she has to do it alone because her friends are scared to face Lambert again. Serena succeeds in freeing Stanton only to realize that he is being possessed by Lambert and wants to give her immortal life as a follower. Naturally she refuses to do anything he says untill Lambert threatens her with the life of her friends. So she goes with him and then realizes that she is not only a Daughter of the Moon but she is part of the darkness too. And using her powers she takes back Stanton's soul after her attack on him and defeats Lambert and foils Aura's plan to take over bodies. In the end Serena has to make a choice: Become a gardian spirit, loose her memories of everything or become a dark goddess like Hecate. But for now she makes the choice of being with Stanton.
Profile Image for Delia.
31 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2021
This has been my favorite book out of the series so far! I read this series many, many moons ago (pun intended) when I was a kid and it was actually the series that got me into reading and fantasy. I decided to reread the series since I hadn't read it in nearly 20 years - even though the books are meant for a younger audience, I have still been greatly enjoying my reread of the series. I love Serena and Stanton's relationship and the friendship dynamic between the main characters. As I said, this has been my favorite of the books, I adore Serena and the plot for this book felt like it tied in with the main story rather than just throwing an obstacle in the way of the character.
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Profile Image for Natalie Fagan.
22 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2018
Fun! I read this book when I was in High School and the tales told in them are fun for that age group and slightly younger. In this book, we follow a young girl who is losing track of time. As the title suggests, she is being possessed by an ancient being. We follow Serena, a daughter of the Moon, on a magical journey to set things back to order. These books are fun. While you read the books, you become a popular young woman, who juggles social parties, romance, friends, school, and powers. It was a wonderful escape when reading these books all those years ago.
Profile Image for Sheleene.
5 reviews
December 24, 2008

This book starts of with a BANG and then it calms down. I like her choice in the guy she loves. The book has an captivating way of bring you in.
I thought it was extreamly good twist for Serena to be posest. It also helps you understand a whole bunch more about book 10 and maggies character and her love life with Hector, and you have to read both to understand it all but it is all meshed together and it mackes a whole lot more sence in the end. See for yourself and you'll understand.
Profile Image for Emily.
50 reviews
June 22, 2008
I was getting tired of all the retelling of past events in the beginning and the reexplaining of everything, but once it got into it the book was really great. The last few chapters were exciting and heartbreaking. Every time Stanton was killed/lost forever I wanted to cry, but then everything turned out okay...well he is alive. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
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9 reviews
March 10, 2009
is so awesome and serena should stay with stanton he is so cute and he needs to chose between her and the atrox
Profile Image for Mosley.
1,304 reviews2 followers
April 27, 2024
Serena is by far my favorite daughter in this series. Stanton and her have that twisted romance you just cant help but love. This volume is in my top 3 for the series and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Bri.
58 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2020
I remember finding this book at a Myrtle beach bookstore when I was in middle school. After I read book 8, I searched every public library for the rest of the series and about a year or two later, I finally finished the series.

I think I’ve read this book well over 10 times. Every page has my adolescent scribbling on it and the spine is literally about to fall off. I’ve decided to re read the series to see if it really was as awesome as my middle school brain thought. I was seriously obsessed.

So far, I’m not disappointed! I think Lynne Ewing is an excellent story teller. I love reading the prologues of her books. It’s always a story within a story. Every chapter leaves you wanting to turn the page and read one more. There’s just something about her writing, it’s descriptive and action packed all at the same time!

About the book:

Book 8 is about Serena Killingsworth.

This is the second book in the series that follows Serena (the first is book 2, Into the Cold Fire). The title, Possession pretty much sums up what book 8 is about. Serena starts experiencing black outs after a chance run in with an old lady. She starts acting out of character, and she can’t shake the feeling that she is being followed by someone or something. With the help of the other Daughters, she has to figure out what has happened to her and if she can stop it before it’s too late.
Profile Image for Christi B.
257 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2023
This series is the equivalent of a mythological music video. It has beautiful imagery and some substance (but definitely not too much), but, even though it's just fluff, the nostalgia is so real and my 30s-year-old self loves it just as much as the 12 year old me that wanted desperately to be a badass goddess of the moon. It's absolutely terrible and I freaking love it so much.

Possession carries forward Ewing's transition to the more complex writing style that she premiered in DotM 7. I'll be honest...as a Serena/Stanton shipper since I was a teenager, Possession made my heart so happy. Plus the spirit jump element of the storyline was really intriguing to me. Was the plot concluded too quickly within this story with no long-term effects? Absolutely. Was it still inconsistent writing that wavered between compound sentences and jarringly short feeling statements? You betcha. Did I love it just the same? Hells, yeah.
Profile Image for Michelle Seckinger.
467 reviews4 followers
January 31, 2022
I love revisiting series as an adult and Daughters of the Moon was one of my favorite as a preteen.

When I read it the first time, I remember I didn’t like Possession as much for the same reason that I like it better as an adult, there is more depth and it’s “darker”. Rather than being about the partying and dressing up, this book delves more into good and evil, choices, and free will.

But above all, I love the girls’ loyalty to each other and themselves. I love the trust they place in each other and that they follow their instincts.
Profile Image for Hannah.
121 reviews
June 3, 2023
I really like where the story is progressing! I'm wondering if it's just because I've gotten older, but it kind of feels like the writing has gotten much more blunt with the development of the characters and story. no more fun detail, just here's what happens next. It makes it very fast paced so I can get through it quickly and it doesn't lull anywhere, but idk, I find charm in the mundane and drawn out, more show than tell. I know from other reviews that this is common and happens even more in the last number of books, but, regardless, I'm still looking forward to reading them. :)
Profile Image for Sarah Dunmire.
460 reviews4 followers
July 27, 2021
Serena is my favorite of the goddesses, so good to have another one with her as the main character. So glad Stanton is back, yay! And they can be together because he’s the Prince of Night, yay! The storyline of Aura taking possession as a wind spirit of Serena was kind of strange and wanting to get Lambert back, but it got better as it went along. Serena now has a bond with Hekate, the dark goddess.
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Profile Image for Rune.
56 reviews
July 14, 2021
Serena starts having lapses of memory and can't remember thee things she has done lately, she doesn't like how the new her is treating her friends Tianna, Catty, Vanessa and Jimena. to them she is completely unrecognizable. if this book weren't fiction I would say she has DID or a type of amnesia where you completely disassociate.
Profile Image for Jourdyn Glaman.
39 reviews1 follower
June 18, 2019
Serena is one of my favorite daughters to read about. But I was getting so annoyed by the cliche "oh no, this couldn't be happening to you" from her friends. Reading these books reminds me a lot of watching Charmed or Buffy...very cliche yet still somehow entertaining.
Profile Image for Gina.
534 reviews
October 12, 2019
The only thing that really confused me about this book in the series is whether or not Serena's face has changed as a result.
Profile Image for Valerie Crump.
96 reviews
August 26, 2020
I love this series, but most of this book was excruciating. The last 50 pages are why I'm not giving it 1 star. So disappointed.
Profile Image for Koorihime-sama.
100 reviews
July 2, 2011




3 out of 5

After an old woman forces Serena to drink some very odd water, she starts to have lapses of memory, mood swings, and acting like a completely different person at times. Not only that, the old woman who gave her the water is following her. What has she done to Serena, and is it a part of bigger plan?

I decided to do a better review of the Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing since my first ones weren’t done very well. This book is really a fast read, but since I really didn’t like this one, it took longer than the other two books.

I’m not too familiar with all of the mythology legends, but it sounds like it starts with another legend in the beginning. However, I’m not too sure about it. Though, it is a pretty interesting story, even if it is a kind of false legend.

I was a little bored with this book because it really didn’t have the same “wow” factor as the other books in the series. However, the tone and dialogue reminds me a lot of my teenage years and my high school, so the author did a really good job at writing the book in teenage words and their world. The descriptions were also very well done, and both of these things made the book go a little bit faster than most other young adult books. So, I really like this book from this stand point.

Another thing I liked about this book is the mythology that is incorporated in it. Also, the character growth and their personalities are believable (for a supernatural book). Despite the descriptions, there is very little growth. Also, I wish the author would take a different twist with Serena and have her character grow a little bit more. With all the books I have read so far, they all seem to be similar with Serena acting this way, and that makes it a little bit boring. However, it’s better than most books that have a series. :( As the books/series goes on, you get more information about the Daughters of the Moon and the Atrox, which is good because it won’t overload you with information with just one book.

Anyways, this book of the series is pretty average and a little bit boring. The series is a good read, but I wish this book had a little more “wow” to it.
Profile Image for Megan.
339 reviews53 followers
September 30, 2010
Just finished reading this volume of the Daughters of the Moon. This was the second book narrated by Serena. She has been having blackouts and acting in a way that is totally unlike her. I love that she is both a goddess of the moon and the dark. It makes her incredibly unique in the grand scheme of things. I think the only other daughter who is as interesting would be Catty because her destiny is pretty amazing as well. I'm getting really sick of this Lambert fellow and the fact that he seems to be so indestructible. I thought it was pretty amazing that Serena and Stanton could join forces and be so amazingly powerful. I wonder what they could do if they joined their power with the other daughters? I think that would bring a much swifter stop to the Atrox but that's just me. I really liked the myth involved with this book. I can't imagine how Aura became such a jerk when originally she had sacrificed herself to save her family and whatnot? I also can't figure out why Lambert thinks he can destroy the Atrox? I mean basically it created him and the Atrox is like the source of all evil so it has to be next to impossible to kill. I do feel a little bit bad for Aura because the Atrox stole her body for deceiving it and the Atrox was really the reason she had to go around possessing other people's bodies. When Stanton was possessed by Lambert I can't figure out how Serena couldn't tell. I mean I pretty much knew right away. I guess that she was so distrusting of him that she could believe he had deceived her the whole time? It was pretty cool though when Serena was at the end of her rope with no way out that Hekate showed up and funneled her power through Serena. That was some serious mojo and I think it should have been enough to kill Lambert, but apparently not.
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