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When Tianna wakes up one day, she doesn't know where she is. And more important, she doesn't know who she is. All she has is a note she found in her handwriting, warning the police that is trying to kill her. Soon Tianna realizxes that she has the power to move things with her mind. Then she notices Vanessa, Serena, and Jimena watching her. What is her connection to the Daughters of the Moon?

274 pages, Hardcover

First published October 1, 2001

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About the author

Lynne Ewing

45 books849 followers
Lynne Ewing is an American author and a screen writer.

She always had to move around a lot when she was growing up because her father was in the Marine Corps. She has two sisters. Lynne graduated from high school in Lima, Peru after attending seven other schools. While she was in Peru, she learned to speak Spanish. She attended the University of California at Santa Barbara. When she was 30 years old, she began writing for newspapers, documentaries, magazines, and did screen writing. She also counsels troubled teens. Her first books were Drive-By and Party Girl. Drive-By took six years to write, and Party Girl has been made into a movie called Living the Life. She has written the completed Daughters of the Moon and Sons of the Dark series. She lives in Los Angeles and Washington D.C.. Ms. Ewing has two children, Jonathan, a molecular biologist, and Amber, an international lawyer. She has also traveled to Japan, China, Russia, Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. She has begun a new series called Sisters of Isis.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews
Profile Image for Geli.
254 reviews9 followers
June 11, 2012
I love the Daughter of the moon series! I have just recently finished book 6. And let me tell ya, it was AWESOME! I truly enjoyed this one. It was suspenseful and funny. I highly recommend this Series to everyone!!!
Profile Image for Katie Rios.
387 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2017
3.5 stars, but closer to 3 for this one. Mainly because Tianna just REALLY took a minute to like. I really didn't like her for most of the book until she decided to calm her tits and trust the person who could OBVIOUSLY READ HER MIND instead of thinking, "No, ya'll are witches." BITCH, you can MOVE THINGS WITH YOUR MIND and you think Serena's crazy? I just didn't really believe that. In the end I really liked her, but it took too long for me to warm up.

I did really like Derek and I hope he stays around. Though it was MAD confusing the way Michael was with Tianna. I mean, was he even WITH Vanessa in this book? I was WAY confused there. That being said, I really liked the end, and I really ended up liking Tianna. I'm SO HAPPY about Catty and I'm really happy Tianna is there with them now.

I'm starting over with perspectives now. I'm onto another Vanessa book then another SERENA book and I'm so happy to see Stanton again.

Seriously, as ridiculous as the covers are and as juvenile as the storyline can get, I'm really enjoying this reread and I can't wait to finally finish this series.
Profile Image for HorrorBook HellHound.
230 reviews14 followers
May 3, 2024
Other than the male characters in these books being self-absorbed and overly sensitive idiots....I am enjoying this series! Also, I usually do not like the "amnesia" trope but here it worked really well and I like an addition to the Daughter's crew. Will be continuing on with the series!
Profile Image for Hannah.
121 reviews
September 13, 2021
not my favorite out of all of the ones ive read so far, it felt a bit rushed ( then again i did finish the whole thing in a few hours), but it was still good. im a bit confused about where exactly tianna fits in with the group, and im a bit disappointed with the climax, it happened too quickly and it feels like not enough of the story was fleshed out. maybe it was intentional with the amnesia and span of a couple days plotline.
what i think i like most about this book was the dynamic between tianna and derek. tianna as a character was ok, but her interactions (and sometimes lack therof) made it hard the read this in the traditional daughters of the moon sense/ style. but anyway i did like how eventually she realized how good derek was, instead of stupidly pining after Micheal :p, and recognized how much he liked her and how well meaning he was. honestly it almost felt like he didn't really deserve her, considering how badly she treated him, but ill give it a pass since she had literally no memories.

other than the whole thing feeling abit rushed and detached, it was overall pretty good
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Profile Image for Sara.
96 reviews
November 4, 2018
Average writing. Good enough story and idea. I've determined this series is and will continue to be a solid 2 across the mark with the reading consideration being between 10 to maybe 13 or 14 years old. However, it's debatable if I'd want my own spawn to eventually read the series because of the boyfriend obsessions (which, although relatively accurate for teenagers, not the influence I would particularly want on my kiddos). But if this gets someone to read, then it does and that is wonderful enough.
Only continuing with this series for nostalgia and the mental itch to finish the series and finally read the last book.
Profile Image for N.L. Riviezzo.
Author 54 books40 followers
October 17, 2010
While the essence of the plot/story line remains predictable, I remain interested in the outcome of the events. A new character is the MC for this particular installment. I'm curious how this character will play out in the remaining 7 books of this 13 book series. 13 books that are obviously very quick fluffy YA reads that have an interesting twist on Greek Mythology.
Profile Image for Jessi.
45 reviews
June 5, 2008
I really liked that this book introduced a new goddess. I like Tianna. This book was different from the others. Actually, now that I think about it, each book is different from the others. That is what makes the Daughters of the Moon series so colorful and beautiful.
885 reviews
July 8, 2010
Didn't like this book as much as the rest of the series. IT moved a little slow and it was predictable.
Profile Image for Belle.
548 reviews36 followers
November 4, 2024
This 👏🏼 was 👏🏼 so 👏🏼 GOOD!

I did remember especially enjoying this one the first time I ever read it as a teenager, so I’m so glad that my memory of this held up all these years later because I cannot sing enough praises.

There was the “memory loss” trope in this book, but unlike Into the Cold Fire, it didn’t bug me at all. Maybe because there was never a point where it felt like a copout? Like, the point of this book is that we’re introduced to this new character who we know nothing about, so part of the intrigue is piecing her story together along with her, and I loved it. it made the plot so much more interesting. Between that, uncovering the mystery behind where Catty’s been (!!!) and Tiana discovering her powers and joining forces with the other goddesses, this book had a lot going for it!

Hands down my favorite aspect of this book though is the overwhelming theme of “belonging” and found family. The book starts out in such a tragic way that actually really took me by surprise. I didn’t remember the series ever getting that dark. So then we skip forward years later and Tiana has been in and out of foster homes all her life and constantly running away, never truly feeling like she’s had a real home. So for her to get the resolution that she does in the end is so sweet and heartwarming. When Tiana admits she doesn’t have a place to stay, but then everyone else chimes in with their offer for her to stay with them and reassure her they she has plenty of places she can call home? And then they all end up safe and warm in Maggie’s apartment, freshly showered and sitting together with their hair up in towels as Maggie is gifting Tiana her own moon amulet… it’s such a comforting scene that fully just drives home the found families element that not only this book but that this entire series conveys so beautifully. And even the final scene, when Maggie reassures Tiana that her current foster family loves and cares for her and that she doesn’t have to run anymore. I just…this book hit all the feels for me.

”Tiana felt happy. Since she had lost her family, she had wanted to belong somewhere.”
Profile Image for Kourtney.
203 reviews3 followers
February 8, 2023
The Lost One by Lynne Ewing is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of identity, loss, and the power of friendship. The book is set in a dystopian world where people are forced to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Throughout the book, Ewing masterfully weaves together elements of science fiction and fantasy, creating a world that is both fantastical and believable. The characters are well-developed, and their relationships with one another are complex and emotionally charged. The story is full of twists and turns, keeping readers engaged and on the edge of their seats.

The writing style is evocative and lyrical, capturing the reader's imagination and transporting them to the world of the story. The themes are universal and timeless, making the book relevant and accessible to readers of all ages. The climax is particularly powerful, bringing the story to a heart-wrenching conclusion.

Overall, The Lost One by Lynne Ewing is a well-written and thought-provoking novel that is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers. It is a must-read for fans of science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian literature.
Profile Image for Sarah Dunmire.
460 reviews4 followers
July 7, 2021
This was the worst one of the series thus far. Tianna is a completely new character, in which she has memory loss for 206 out of 274 pages. So you, the reader, are stumbling around blindly with her as she is introduced to the Daughters and Followers chasing her. The writing was worse in general as well. By the end, Tianna is made an honorary Goddess of the Moon because of the Atrox killing her family and her help with telekinesis.
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Profile Image for Rune.
56 reviews
July 14, 2021
when Tianna wakes up she has no clue what happened to her or where she is. The police are trying to kill her if I can remember correctly. She stays with an old lady who she barely knows using her powers of telekinesis, she gains the woman's trust during a séance where she is trying to speak to her deceased dog. As the book goes on, Tianna slowly finds out who she is and what her purpose is, while also gaining four new friends and a mentor.
Profile Image for Christi B.
257 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2023
This series is the equivalent of a mythological music video. It has beautiful imagery, some substance (but definitely not too much), and a super simplistic writing style. But the nostalgia is so real and my 30s-year-old self loves it just as much as the 12 year old me that wanted desperately to be a badass goddess of the moon. It's absolutely terrible and I freaking love it so much.
Profile Image for Carly Crusade.
48 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2018
This is my favorite from the series so far. I loved reading things from Tianna's perspective because her lack of memory made it feel really necessary to keep reading while she puts together the puzzle.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,203 reviews117 followers
September 15, 2018
This was much more action packed than the last few, though Tianna did come off as rather shallow at first. I found it interesting that she was not born a Daughter but was allowed to become one through her actions. So, how did she get her powers then??
Profile Image for Canned Bread.
213 reviews6 followers
March 25, 2022
Tldr: better than the others, but Tianna I would never want to hang out IRL, she's kinda a biscuit
Profile Image for Lex.
16 reviews
November 21, 2022
There a new goddess I'm not sure about her
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Profile Image for Koorihime-sama.
100 reviews
July 2, 2011




2 out of 5

When Tiana wakes up one day, she finds that all of her memories are missing, including who and where she is. However, the only clue she has is a note, in her own handwriting, to the police that someone is trying to kill her. She then finds out that she isn’t like other people — she has the gift to move things with her mind. But when the Daughters of the Moon notice her, will she discover she is apart of a greater destiny?

I decided to do a better review of the Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing since my first ones weren’t done very well. This book is really a fast read, but since I really didn’t like this one, it took longer than the other books.

Like the previous book, this one doesn’t begin with a mythology story. Instead, it begins with Tiana’s past. Also, you can tell that the author was trying to make this book like the previous one because she was trying to put a different spin to the series that you wouldn’t thought would happen.

However, for me, it wasn’t a good spin or that interesting. In fact, I think it made the series a little worse than it I have come to expect from this series. With Tiana added in to the mix, it made the storyline more complicated than I would have liked, I guess. I get that she is need to try and save Catty, but to let her have a choice of becoming a Daughter of the Moon because of that, her power, and past is a little annoying. However, at least Tiana had to prove herself worthy first, but it is still annoying. ^^;

Anyways, the tone and dialogue still reminds me a lot of my teenage years and my high school, so the author did a really good job at writing the book in teenage words and their world. The descriptions were also very well done, and both of these things made the book go a little bit faster than most other young adult books. So, I really like this book from this stand point. Another thing I liked about this book is the mythology that is incorporated in it. Also, the character growth and their personalities are believable (for a supernatural book). Despite the descriptions, there is very little growth, and it is not as interesting as the other books. However, it’s better than most books that have a series. :( As the books/series goes on, you get more information about the Daughters of the Moon and the Atrox, which is good because it won’t overload you with information with just one book.

Anyways, this book of the series is my least favorite one because of the character, Tiana, and the small amount of character growth. The only reason why I would read this book of the series is just to see what happened in the series in order of the books.
Profile Image for Megan.
339 reviews53 followers
September 23, 2010
Another great volume of this on going story. This one was told from the perspective of Tianna. When we meet her she has no idea who she is or why she has this intense urge to run away. Through most of the book we ride along with Tianna on her quest to figure out who she is, who is after her, and what the real deal is with Serena, Jimena, Vanessa, and their missing friend Catty. We learn about a quarter or so of the way in that Tianna has a special gift, she can move things with her mind. I thought the way the author portrays her gift is really unique because usually with telekinesis you literally have to think of moving something and then will it to happen. But in Tianna's case she can wish something to occur and then it does. I have to admit I was a little concerned when she was hitting on Michael because I was pretty sure he and Vanessa had gotten back together but that all turned out a-okay in the end. I am also super glad that Catty is back and in my personal opinion Tianna now has the most power of all the Daughters. I mean seriously, she can part the veil between worlds which is fairly amazing. I wish we knew where Tianna's power came from because she wasn't born a Daughter she was given the choice. So where did her telekinesis come from? Was it a family thing that she inherited or is she some kind of anomaly. Also who else is tired of those Follower jerks going back in time and ruining people's lives? I know I am. Why doesn't someone go back in time and squander their childhood? Anyway, I loved the book and am of course looking forward to finding out what happens next.
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Profile Image for Khalia Hades.
Author 9 books59 followers
November 26, 2013
The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of five was I thought Tianna was a jerk,she tried to take Michael away from Vanessa and she also thinks too much of herself in my opinion. She kind of acts like a jerk in the upcoming books too.
But what happens is she wakes up with no memories what so ever she can't even remember her name but she found a note telling her that her name was Tianna Moore and that these strange guys are after her (who she later finds are Followers)and that the police won't believe her.
Then she goes to school and all these people are starring at her. She meets this one guy in the hall and decideds that she has to go to the bathroom she goes in and finds that she is beautiful. Then she meets this one girl and they become friends.
She then finds out that she is on the soccer team and she plays great. But then something wierd happened. She wishes this one girl will break her ankle and she does (really bad). She wonders how she could make that happen or if it was just a accident not caused by her.
Also she finds these strange bruises on her body. She finds out where her house is and goes to it thinking mabey she will be able to meet her family or see them at least. She finds her room and a journal of hers.
Also in the book she finds that in her powers she can also go to a different world just by concentrating but it's a world of mists she meets a girl there and wonders who she is......... There thats all I'm going to tell you. I highly recemend all the Daughters of the Moon since I've read them all.
Profile Image for Kat Day.
Author 2 books30 followers
March 5, 2012
Tianna is an interesting character. With her memory gone, she brings a new point of view to the table when describing the other girls so you see a whole new side to them, even though if the readers have read books 1-4, they know what they're like. Vanessa's pessimism really shows and the creeped out vibes readers got to see from Morgan in book two when dealing with Serena are described a lot more.

Her power to move things with her mind has always been cool but her ability to transport herself and others into alternate dimensions is even cooler. It makes me think that there will be a showdown in other planes of existence in books to come.

And since I want to be honest on reviews although I hate to do it, I do have one negative thing to say. Tianna's memories are gone at the beginning of the book, but eventually, she gets bits and pieces of it back. Somehow she knows that she had to save Catty from the other dimension, but how she somehow knew that was meant to be her destiny is uncertain. When she expands on her memories, it makes sense why she was in LA, why the Followers were after her, and why she lost her memories - but saving Catty was never part of the picture, so how did Tianna know that's what she was there for? It was just something random.
Profile Image for Britney (BookDrunkSloth).
330 reviews6 followers
October 15, 2015
I must say that The Lost One has been my favorite of the series so far. I find this pretty hilarious considering that I remember not liking when I read it back in my teen years.

The author's writing style is still the same, but I do feel that she has grown since her first book.

This story was full of action because Tianna is almost always on the run. She wakes up one morning in an unfamiliar place and realizes she's lost her memory. As she puzzles through her missing sense of self, she finds out she is telekinetic.

What frustrated me the most with this book was how quickly Tianna would change her mind. At one second she's feeling trapped and she feels an urgency to accomplish some task or to run. In the next second she's all sultry and into a guy. I hate that this make it seem that guys are the most important things in a girl's life. This isn't very different from Ewing's previous books though.

Also, while Tianna's confidence in her self is admirable, she acts kind of slutty. I found this confidence pretty weird considering she's never been kissed. That just doesn't make all that much sense.

The problems with this book were not often however, so it didn't annoy me all that much. I am enjoying this trip down memory lane.
Profile Image for Anica.
2 reviews27 followers
July 8, 2010
I've read the first six so far, and this might be my favorite of them (:
Tianna's story is compelling and emotional. i was worried that this book would resemble how Vannessa and Catty discovered their powers but this is completely different. (also i liked Tianna's character more than Vannessa, though Vannessa is a good character, she complains about things and i have to say, slightly annoys me. But i do think that she makes a good secondary-character that compliments the others). the story of Tianna who wakes up one day with no memory of where she is or even who she is takes everyone on a journey. she discovers that she went to La brea high (sp) and tries desperately to discover who she is, while struggling with the discovery of a strange gift. she can move things with her mind, but will that help her escape the two strange guys that have been hunting her? and why are they hunting her anyway? these questions are all answered in "The Lost one".
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