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Movin' On Up

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In this beautiful short story Barton introduces us to Anne Mercer, a feisty old spirit struggling in a low rent convalescent home. Anne's mind is fine, but her body has betrayed her, and she wants nothing more than some help finding the treasure she's left in her dresser. But what is it she really wants? And what happens when she gets it?

A heartfelt story about aging, love, and the power of letting go, Movin' On Up shows how ordinary objects can sometimes become quite extraordinary.

14 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 1, 2012

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About the author

Jen Barton

8 books14 followers
I grew up in Pennsylvania and spent most of my life in the East. In 2007 my family and I moved to California. With two cars my husband and I moved two dogs, two guinea pigs, a cornsnake, and our 10-year-old daughter across the country (whew!). The five-day road trip (including a near escape by both dogs on Day 3) was one of my best (and most interesting) experiences ever. In fact, I'm not sure why that isn't a book yet...

A few years later, after an especially boring day in the car (where the kids and I told stories and built characters instead of griping), I found writing again. Fiona Thorn was born on that day, and I’ve been writing ever since. :)

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