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In this gripping finale of The Lair of the Wolven series, destiny and desire are at war in the Black Dagger Brotherhood World as a deadly male holds the key to Lydia Susi and Daniel Joseph’s future…

Lydia knows time is running out, Daniel’s terminal diagnosis has doomed her to grief, and she just wants to spend as much time as she can with him. When his doctor goes missing, however, their secret lab’s location is compromised and suddenly she is at war with an enemy she doesn’t understand.

As a former black ops soldier, Daniel is very familiar with the danger they’re in, and he’s determined to keep his beautiful wolven safe. This means he must turn to his former boss—and relying on a sympathy for anything is a worst-case scenario on a good day. But what choice does he have?

With Daniel’s sixth sense telling him there’s more to the kidnapping, he and Lydia must work with their allies to defend the underground facility. Little do they know that the sympathy has something even more valuable to offer them… but at what cost?

478 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 23, 2024

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About the author

J.R. Ward

219 books50.7k followers
J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews
Profile Image for Alexis.
100 reviews5 followers
January 25, 2024
Oh, where to start. First let me say that I really did enjoy this one. Four stars was my knee-jerk reaction when I finished it and I stand by it, but that does not mean I'm without complaints or lingering questions.

This book, like so many others that JR Ward has put out lately (bombastic side-eye towards Lassiter), has left me conflicted. On the one hand, I still think this whole spin-off series is the best thing she's put out in a while. I have been chasing the high of the suspense and the plot-twist that she delivered in Claimed in all the books she's published since and nothing else has come close for me. On the other hand this series, and specifically this book, are still plagued by the same issues that have been popping up in her writing more and more as of late. I somehow keep walking away with the impression that I have received a mountain of information (much of it a bit repetitive) and yet somehow, it's never enough to actually tie up the whole plot. And don't tell me it's a situation where I need to keep reading because for one, this spin-off series is done as of this book, and for another, she's given me no impression that she'll ever remember to go back for some of this stuff she's thrown out onto the page, both in this series and in the main one.

So let's start with what I still want to know now that I've finished the book, and then go from there (buckle in, we're gonna be here a minute). Warning, I do have to talk about the main BDB series a bit to get it all out there, but nothing too specific if you're caught up to say, The Savior. And obviously I'm going to talk about Claimed and Forever in some detail as well. Anyway. Cue the spoiler blocker in 3, 2, 1:

Okay, if you made it through all that, you get a cookie. Or my eternal gratitude; idk which is worth more to you. I just needed some place to talk through my thoughts on this series. I hope it's clear to everyone that this lengthy commentary comes from a place of love for the world JR Ward has built for her BDB readers - I'd like to think I wouldn't dedicate this much brain space to something I don't have a deep affection for. I just also believe that it's okay to be critical of things that we love on occasion. Anyway, that's all. Byeeeeee.
Profile Image for TinaNicole ☠ Le Book Nikita ☠.
304 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2024
What. The fuck.


Edited to add for myself b/c a day later and I’m still fucking annoyed about this book and trilogy as a whole and I just need to scream into the void. What the fuck was even the point of this whole thing?

The trilogy starts off making it seem like there’s a mystery to be solved and things to be unraveled around the wolven and the mountain and possibly bad guys doing bad guy shit but there’s literally no world building or story related to her being a wolven. She just is one and she changes a few times and that’s that.

The mountain seems to be pretty important but…why? I don’t know. It has some kind of supernatural/spiritual shit going on but you have to just figure that out for yourself, I guess, because we don’t really get into it.

The majority of the second and third book is just a lesson is suffering through watching a loved one die of cancer.

A large amount of page time goes to Hhexs collapsing grid and Blade reflecting and then bonding with Lydia because, sure, why not? The majority of the plot, other than the dying of cancer, is actually completely unrelated to the supposed main characters. No, seriously. It has nothing to do with them. At all. They’re just collateral damage in the most inane way possible.

And Wards complete lack of continuity is just a joke at this point. How many times were we told things that are just completely thrown aside in later books?

We were told Hhexs father abducted and raped her mother, right? And his father was appalled and glad Tohr killed him because…sympath. But now she has a brother who is conveniently also half vampire and apparently a cousin too because now it was a breeding experiment that the sympaths were doing. So when did her father have the brother? And she wasn’t sent to the labs because she was half vampire, it was because she was messing with a vampire.

Oh, and her brother, who she’s been estranged from and who was part of the family who sold her out to the labs, has actually been secretly avenging her for the last 20 years by using humans, who he convinced were part of a super secret military unit, to destroy any labs he can find.

Aaaannnnd, the other half breed cousin has been secretly thwarting his avenging by making cyborgs (yes, fucking cyborgs!) to hinder his efforts and try to kill him because he was disgracing the bloodline by trying to avenge his sister.

And Hhex is randomly killing bad guys in Caldwell (that have nothing to do with this story) but can’t remember so she turns herself in for judgment to Wrath. Which lasts all of five seconds because she’s healed when she finds out what her brothers been doing and forgives him. So why did any of that happen? I don’t know.

I almost forgot about CP and Gus. Probably because they don’t really have a point either. They’re just there. Doing things that have no real impact on the story. Like CP getting pregnant and then immediately having a miscarriage. Or like creating a cure for cancer that nobody actually uses or does anything with. Or like Gus getting kidnapped and tortured. Which would seem like an important plot point but it’s not. It doesn’t even make sense that he would be kidnapped. Why does the cousin, who’s trying to go after Blade, remember, need to kidnap Gus to get codes to the lab? Blades not even there! What does the lab have to do with him? And apparently the mind control (that Blade uses to get into the lab) wasn’t an option for the cousin? I don’t know.

Oh yeah, and there’s a ghostly mountain lady apparition who steers everyone together/onto the right path. Why? What is she? I don’t know.

And a random sheriff who is also something supernatural but he doesn’t really do anything or have any impact to the plot except that he leaves Lydia his house and ‘the mountain’ at the end. Why? What is he? I don’t know. Not important. Just like the vast majority of what happens in this trilogy.

The climax is as quick and anticlimactic as you’d expect from this shit show. Cousin and cyborgs raid the lab, Blade has a scorpion that cures everyone’s cancer, and Hhex and the brothers swoop in to save the day.

This whole thing was just..what. The fuck.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dianne.
1,741 reviews144 followers
April 19, 2024
Well, I can't tell you how glad I am that this is over. I am no Squee Girl by any means. My problem/s with this book, well, one of my problems, is the pacing. Dragging out some parts while seriously giving short shrift to other parts is my main complaint.

Unanswered questions? I have many. Too many questions to list. Perhaps this should have been a 4 book mini-series so we could have found out everything.

Cyborgs? Or whatever you want to call them? Yeah, perhaps we have elementary ones in this century, but the way they were shown in this book reminds me SO much of a YA Steampunk series I recently read, the Finishing School Series, by Gail Carriger, or J. D. Robb's In Death series which is set in the future.

Yes, Daniel and Lydia do get their happily ever after, as well as Gus and Cathy. But that was to be expected, wasn't it? After all, these are romances, aren't they?

All in all, I should have stuck with what I said in my review of book 2 and gotten it from the library instead of using my hard-earned cash on it.

So take some really steamy, descriptive sex and add in some YA Steampunk, and you have this book.
978 reviews15 followers
January 26, 2024
A dramatic ending.

Daniel and Lydia are still hoping for some.sort of miracle to cure his cancer. Cathy Phalen has resigned herself that for her.no miracle exists as her pregnancy means her cancer can't be treated. Gus, the oncologist who worked on the new cancer treatment for Cathy's company has been abducted by the same group that attacked the wolves sanctuary, though what the connection is Daniel.has no idea. So, no happy endings here. Then there's Xhex, she's also having issues, she's been blacking out and apparently falling back into old habits while unaware, added to which her emotional grid is disintegrating which for a Sympath is a death sentence.........so there's not a whole lot of happy times to look forward to. Lydia and Daniel are just determined to make the most of whatever time they have left it only they knew who this enemy was and why he was pursuing them.........
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.7k reviews517 followers
January 27, 2024
This series within the BDB world isn't my favorite, things seem off somehow to me. Not always explained (like the sheriff and the old lady), which drives me nuts.

I'm glad that things ended up well for Lydia and Daniel, glad for Gus and Cathy too. Both couples seem like they have a bright future. Things were weird for Xhex, very foggy on what was going on there and while part of her was fixed, we never got answers on if she did what she went to Wrath for. then there is Xhex's brother, Blade. Everything about him was odd, I felt like I was scratching my Head anytime he was on the page. Sure he helped with Xhex and saved Daniel at a big sacrifice for himself, but he was odd.

So many things weren't wrapped up, that I feel should have been.
Profile Image for adeline Bronner.
429 reviews7 followers
January 24, 2024
Looks like there is something seriously broken in JR Ward’s ability to bring strong emotions and suspense in her series. Like with the very disappointing Lassiter, Mine seems unable to keep the strong pace of the first two episodes. No real development of the Xhex/Blade sitch, all rushed in order to let too many repetitive scenes between Daniel and Lydia, or CP and Gus. Repetitive because the chapters looks like copy/paste. It’s sad really, I had so much pleasure and fun with her series. Time to move on. Maybe be later. With Blade?🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Beth F.
422 reviews370 followers
June 25, 2024
I do not like this trend of publishing one good story into three separate books. This trilogy would have been so much better if it weren't split into three with a bunch of unnecessary bullshit crammed in between.
Profile Image for Paola Melendez.
204 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2024
Not even sure why I keep reading JR Ward. Pretty sure the last book of hers I enjoyed was 4 years ago. Her writing has gotten really convoluted and honestly she should just quit romance. She clearly has no interest in it anymore so she should switch genres and do her latest passion, urban fantasy cuz that’s all she’s been writing.
Profile Image for Nicole Marshall.
198 reviews7 followers
July 31, 2024
This series could have easily been a true standalone from the BDB. This series is actually my first time reading JR Ward, so the additional characters (of which there were too many) that were from BDB just overcomplicated the story line and confused me.

If you took out Xhex, Blade, and the too many other BDB characters out of the story, there would be almost no change to the story. Any "value" those characters added could have been easily replaced with something unrelated to BDB. Or even just brief cameos from BDB without totally incorporating these characters into the storyline.

Then there's Blade's character... He just shows up, falls madly in love with Lydia at first sight, even though it is repeatedly said that he prefers men. And then he magically has the cure for Daniel's cancer and then peaces out. It's all so... Dumb.

There were a lot of loose ends... And maybe they were supposed to be some "artistic interpretation" or whatever, but way too ambiguous for me.

And as someone who didn't read BDB, the naming of the characters is absolutely ridiculous (and not in a good way). Blade is okay. But Rehvenge, Vishous, Zsadist, Sahvage, Phury... I rolled my eyes so hard I almost passed out.
Profile Image for Gabby.
103 reviews
March 15, 2024
This series has not been my favorite and had lots of ups and downs. First off, it's supposed to be about wolven, but it's focused on just one. We find out more about the wolven in the prison camp series. This was the final book in the series, and while we get our HEA, we are left with some plot holes. One of the many....if Blade was the target, why kidnap Gus and want access to the lab????? I enjoyed the BDB character crossovers and especially meeting Blade. I look forward to seeing him again in this universe. Overall, i had high hopes for this series, and it just wasn't what i had hoped.
Profile Image for Belkis.
790 reviews16 followers
January 26, 2024
That was freaking awesome! I SO needed this. Thank you J.R. Ward for giving me a wonderful book hangover. I’m glad I decided to finish this series in the BDB world. Such a wonderful wrap up.
Profile Image for kamila (ig: arcturuslibrary).
254 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2024
Please J Ward, stop creating these bad stories. This book was bad, it didn't have anything relevant, I'm getting bad memories of a universe that I love so much!
Profile Image for Vamp68.
48 reviews2 followers
May 2, 2024
I love JR Ward, but whew this one gave me some whiplash.
1,898 reviews72 followers
February 15, 2024
*Title: Mine-The Lair of the Wolven Book #3

*Release date: 1/23/24 read: 2/11/24

*Author: J.R. Ward-an auto buy author for me

*Format: audiobook

*Narrator: Jim Frangione-great, has done all books in this series

*Run time: 10:46

*Setting: NY

*Genre: PNR

*Tropes: fated mates, secret pregnancy(not h), vampires, werewolves

*Look out for: miscarriage, terminally ill H, experimentation(not H/h)

*Synopsis: Lydia and Daniel are dealing with his illness hoping for a last minute cure. C.P. Phalen who created Vita 12b is dealing with the same illness. Daniel's doctor Gus St. Clair has gone missing and Lydia and Daniel are trying to find him. Xhex and her sympath powers having deadly problems. I love her morally grey yet fascinating brother Blade. He's a bad boy with a thing for Lydia.


* Lydia
* Daniel
* Catherine C.P. Phelan
* Dr. August St. Clair
* Xhex w/ my beloved John Matthew
* Blade

*Review : As the last book in the series, I enjoyed it the most. Ward kept the storylines to a minimum and didn't go too far-okay maybe with the cyborgs, lol. I have rooted for Lydia and Daniel from the start, and am glad things didn't end tragically. I would love to read more about Blade and Xhex's sympath powers.

*Rating: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

*Spice level- 3/5 🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for Morgan.
376 reviews11 followers
April 7, 2024
I'm glad this little mini series is over. It was such a slog. This one had some weird stuff going on with cyborgs and cancer curing scorpions. I don't even know at this point.

The story involving Xhex was worth it, the MC story was lame and the spice was almost non existent and what there was was pretty boring in general and way too full of the MMC whining about his cancer related dick issues. Why is that even in a *romance series* that's been defined by it's spicy elements? Ward, my goodness...

Honestly, lamest werewolf/wolven genre series I have ever read. I don't even know why she bothered with the element at all. I'm 90% convinced this was ghost written.

10/10 narration by jim frangione. He is one of the best in the business and can make any boring book worth finishing.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,953 reviews57 followers
June 29, 2024
I have pretty complicated thoughts on this. Like as an isolated story, it's not bad...actually is good. I loved Lydia and Daniel overcoming the odds. However, this being a spin-off trilogy of the bigger series complicates things. Where does this fit in the timeline? Cause some significant things happen to some main characters. And there was some really hefty ideas for world-building things here like a big bad pharma guy...and Blade and his place amongst the Sympaths. And why?

Maybe I'm overthinking it cause the story itself is cute and I liked the twists and turns but shoe-horning into the tight world/rules of BDB is tough.
Profile Image for Stacey.
799 reviews21 followers
February 3, 2024
3.5. What felt like an unusually long wait between
Books 2 and 3 may have contributed to this one not working as well for me. I do enjoy the new additions to the black brother daggerhood world and would really like to see the characters and concepts appear again on the larger series. The plot featuring Xhex was interesting and I liked catching glimpses of a couple other long time characters.
September 8, 2024
4.5 ⭐️ maybe it because of the cancer aspect. Maybe it’s because my hormones are super extreme right now because I’m on my period but holy hell this book hit hard, unexpected and just awww 🥰 one of my fave jr ward books.
Profile Image for Denise.
16 reviews
June 12, 2024
I enjoyed this (Spoilers)

Lydia and Daniel get their happy ending which they totally deserved. I was rooting for them the whole time.

Gus and Cathy... man.. I wouldn't mind an entire book dedicated to them.

But the REAL stars of the show (for me) were Xhex and Blade. Man. I cried so HARD when they reconciled and then cried even more as Blade left. Just as he and Xhex finally reunited, he leaves. JR, I am telling you NOW: I better get a Blade book. I need loving, silly siblings moments with Xhex and Blade. I BEG.
Profile Image for Aisha.
413 reviews16 followers
October 31, 2024
The best book in the series with its fair share of FLAWS and one question unanswered. Full Review coming soon.
Profile Image for Dawn Marie.
521 reviews8 followers
September 12, 2024
Glad this series is over. Is it just me or does it seem like someone else is writing for J.R. Ward. This didn't feel anything like how she wrote BDB. 😕

There are so many holes and questions in the whole series. Let's look at a few things:

1) The series is called Lair of the Wolven. You would expect that to mean it would be about wolf shifters. Nope. The storyline has nothing to do with Wolves other than he fact that Lydia is a shifter. That's it. It's not about a wolf lair, pack or even Lydia's life as a wolven.

2) The series dragged on for too long and nothing made sense. There were at least 4 or 5 story arcs that had nothing to do with each other. Well maybe the arcs with Xhex and Blade but that's it.

3) Speaking of Xhex and Blade. There was so much promise in their storylines but both fell a little flat. Xhex's grid was crumbling and all she had to do to fix it was forgive Blade. And just like that she's all better. Sooooo we're just going to forget about the vamps she supposedly killed? We're not going to find out if she really did it or what Wrath's decision is about her possible actions? And Blade...just gets the short end of the stick? Everyone else gets their HEA but he has to walk away empty-handed because his mate is in love with someone else. Lydia and Daniel were together before Blade bonded with her. And once that happened I thought it would be about her being torn between who she really wanted. Nope. She didn't like him from go and that never wavered so why even put Blade through that. Seems rather cruel even for a sympath.

4) The most confusing arc was Blade/Kurling/Gus. It just didn't make sense why Kurling kidnapped Gus to flush Blade out. There was not connection between them. Blade could care less about Gus. It would've made more sense for him to have kidnapped Lydia.

In the end, the only character I actually felt for was Blade cause he really did get a raw deal. I hope he appears in another book (a well written book) and finally gets his HEA. I also hope J.R. Ward goes back to her writing formula that made BDB so popular. This new formula is not it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,339 followers
April 14, 2024
Reviewed for THC Reviews
Mine is the third and final book of J. R. Ward’s Lair of the Wolven series, which is a spin-off of her Black Dagger Brotherhood world. This one picks up exactly where the previous book, Forever, left off. Daniel and Lydia have just gotten word that Daniel’s doctor, Gus, has gone missing. They rush to Gus’s house, but aside from blood at the scene, they find no useful evidence to indicate who might have taken him and where. Since Daniel is still wracked with cancer, he struggles with not being able to do more for his trusted physician and friend. Partly to distract herself from Daniel’s deteriorating condition, Lydia approaches Xhex, Blade, and Sheriff Eastwind in turn, trying to get their help in locating Gus, but none of them will cooperate at first. Meanwhile C. P. Phalen, who also has terminal cancer, believes that Gus may have been taken because she had just signed over ownership of their promising cancer treatment, Vita-12b, to him. But in reality, their enemy is a far more dangerous one who will stop at nothing to gain access to the lab under C. P.’s mansion where Gus worked. As the clock ticks down for Daniel and C. P., all the players must join together in order to save their futures and defeat their new enemy before he kills them all.

Having declined to become patient one in Gus and C. P.’s clinical trials for Vita-12b, Daniel is in his final stages of life. As the story opens, he has a little more energy now that the effects of chemo are wearing off, but it doesn’t last long before he starts having more critical moments as he’s essentially waiting for death to claim him. He still wants to protect Lydia but finds himself unable to most of the time, which eats at him, and he’s equally perturbed that he can’t really do anything for Gus. If he’s going to die, he longs to go out fighting, not lying in a hospital bed. For her part, Lydia feels helpless to do anything for Daniel, so she turns her efforts on finding Gus, but no one who might know something is willing to help her at first. She has visions that show her Blade is part of her future, and when the symphath comes through for her in a surprising way, she finds herself having complicated feelings toward him. She appreciates what he’s done, but still doesn’t entirely trust him, nor does she have any designs whatsoever on a romantic future with him even when Daniel’s inevitable death arrives. Daniel and Lydia do their best to enjoy what time they have left together, while fighting to defeat the enemy that is coming for them and facing Lydia’s eventual destiny as a wolven. I really like Daniel and Lydia together and how they both give so much of themselves to comfort each other during such a difficult time. Daniel may still long to protect Lydia, but she has grown in strength to be able to protect, not only herself, but also him and others when everything hits the fan. While I don’t want to give away spoilers on just how it happens, readers needn’t worry about Ms. Ward killing off a main character like she dared to do in one of her previous books. There is a happy ending for our intrepid couple.

As with the other books in the series, there are a number of other supporting characters with their own POV scenes. C. P. Phalen is trying to face her own terminal cancer diagnosis, along with the prospect of unexpectedly becoming a mother. Her carefully ordered world is falling down around her, but when she’s needed most, she really steps up. Her biggest regret is possibly not ever getting the chance to tell Gus that she’s in love with him. The story opens with Gus being held prisoner and tortured for information by their new enemy. He turns out to be pretty strong for a rather geeky doctor/researcher, putting in his own good showing. Xhex is the character who really ties the story to the BDB world. Her emotional grid is still deteriorating and she finally becomes aware of the kills she’s been making but doesn’t remember. It leads her and John Matthew to temporarily leave the mansion for everyone’s safety, but healing is ultimately tied to her brother, Blade. Blade initially still finds himself rather obsessed with Lydia and waiting for Daniel to die so that he can help her pick up the pieces. However, the actions he took to ahvenge Xhex don’t go unnoticed, and he proves that he’s capable of suppressing his symphath side again when he discovers who’s really out to get them all. Again, I don’t want to give away spoilers, but Blade did some very surprising things in this book that left me intrigued by him and hoping that we see more of him at some point.

I liked the first two Lair of the Wolven books, but I didn’t love them like I have with many of J. R. Ward’s other works. They were rather slow-paced, leaving a lot of open questions, so I wasn’t entirely sold on the series. I’m glad I stuck with it, though, because Mine really stamped paid to the whole story arc. It did start out a tad slow, and the darkness of having not one, but two characters, suffering from terminal cancer was a little emotionally heavy. But as all those questions I’d had from the first two volumes started to get answered, I became more and more invested. By the end, everything came full-circle and all the mysterious happenings finally made sense. There’s also some good suspense and action sequences to make things more exciting this time around, as well as some character development, particularly for Lydia and C. P. However, the most development undoubtedly occurred for Blade. His actions basically drove the narrative from the very beginning of the series even though we didn’t know of his involvement until the previous book, and his choices in this book really impressed me, showing how a person can change if they really want to. I enjoyed seeing him and Xhex make peace. And I was thrilled with the HEAs pretty much all the way around. I hope that we haven’t seen the last of these characters, particularly Daniel, Lydia and Blade, and that Ms. Ward might find a way to incorporate them into future offerings in this world.
Profile Image for Linda.
789 reviews
July 31, 2024
JR Ward does it again. I loved how the story unfolded. It doesn't look like there's going to be anymore. I hope her next one will be of the Black Dagger Brotherhood 🗡
Profile Image for Missshea86.
200 reviews4 followers
February 24, 2024
Seriously, her first 8 books were sooooo good, then she got a ghost writer, and these books are terrible. Glad this mini series is finished
Profile Image for Kristine.
2,950 reviews37 followers
January 28, 2024
3.5 Stars

This was the conclusion of the trilogy with Lydia and Daniel, and I guess with Cathy and Gus as well. I did enjoy it, but it actually seemed to leave me with more questions than answers.

This series is named "The Lair of the Wolven" but after 3 books, we really have absolutely NO more information or answers about the actual Wolven. A better description or title would include the Sympaths because it felt like ALL 3 books really focused more on the Sympaths. We are not given ANY information on the actual Wolven. How did they come about? How are they existing right in the middle of the BDB territory? Any background on Lydia would be very helpful. Yep, not really sure that the Wolven were the stars of this series.....

Then, there were so many things that were not tied up - without going into spoilers, let me just ask one question. Who (or what) the heck was the Sheriff? and the entity? (okay, that's 2 questions...)

It felt like Ms. Ward kind of threw things out there without really thinking them through. Okay maybe I will spoil a little bit with these questions:

So, yeah. Way too many questions and not enough answers.

Thank goodness that at least we got 2 HEA's.
Profile Image for A.K. Guardián.
Author 9 books24 followers
August 25, 2024

Es un cierre de la trilogía en general, al menos de su trama principal, aunque no de todos sus personajes, todavía queda por saber si Blade lograra su HEA en algún punto de la historia del universo de la HDN.

El final, estuvo bien, aunque lo sentí muy, muy, muy rápido. Un conflicto que se desarrollo a lo largo de 3 libros, se resolvió en prácticamente los 2 capitulos finales de este... Me hubiese gustado que tuviera un poco más de amplitud. Aunque eso no desmerece que tuvo un cierre de esa parte de la historia bastante intenso, interesante, e ingenioso (Sí, las tres I, yyyyyy sería genial que en la realidad actual que vivimos fuera cierto, pero quien sabe.... 👀) Esta misma "rapidez" se extendió a lo que fue la resolución entre Cathy y Gus, hubo tanto desarrollo de su drama y sus conflictos, que sentí su resolución y HEA muy suave, y hasta un poco sin fuerza... Queda claro, eso sí, pero una vez más fueron 3 libros batallando con ese par, y poof, un rush del momento, un beso desesperado, y listo, estamos juntos... Me hubiese gustado que al menos tuvieran un poco de charla y un HEA más significativo.

Sin duda alguna, Xhex y Blade fueron mi motivación y movilidad para leer la trilogía, Sobre todo, Blade. Me encantó como funcionó para ellos, y que pudieran reconciliar su relación de hermanos, que Xhex tenga ese apoyo en su vida de ahora en adelante no es menos. Que Blade, no tenga que andar escondiendo sus acciones y sentimientos, al menos en lo que a Xhex se refiere, es genial y todo un logro. Ahora estoy intrigada por saber que es de la vida de Blade y que ha hecho luego del salto temporal en la línea principal de la historia de la HDN.

Me quedé con ganas de ver mas de Rhev, pensé que tendría su momento de cierre de situación con Xhex, y también su momento con Blade para hablar sobre todo lo ocurrido con Kurling, los laboratorios y demás, como rey de los sympath y quizás, como un nuevo amigo...??? También, me quedé con ganas de ver, que decidía Wrath con toda la situación de Xhex, Blade, Kurling, los asesinatos, los laboratorios... Pero solo tuvimos un "sobrentendido" de la decisión, con la aparición de Xhex y La Hermandad en el momento de la batalla y ataque final... 🤷🏻‍♀️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,523 reviews196 followers
April 3, 2024
MINE is the third and final instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult THE LAIR OF THE WOLVEN paranormal, urban fantasy series-a spin off set in the author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood world. This is drifter/handyman Daniel Joseph, and wolven/scientist/wolf behaviorist Lydia Susi’s storyline. MINE should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events of book two FOREVER.

NOTE: The Wolven were first introduced in JR Ward’s LOVER UNLEASHED, and first appear in THE JACKAL.

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives, following two intersecting paths MINE is the culmination of three instalments in which our hero Daniel Joseph, slowly dying from cancer, struggles with the inevitable, and his relationship with Lydia Susi, a wolven who is desperate to save the man whom she loves. Meanwhile, Dr. Gus St. Claire, has developed a possible cure for cancer but his lady love, Dr. CP Phalen, has refused his treatment, and the doctor becomes a target of someone hoping to claim what the doctor has developed.

Adding to the already complicated story line, sympath, and John Matthew’s shellan Xhex is fighting her own battles, and the demons from the past may be interfering in with her life going forward. All is not well with John Matthew’s love, and the evidence reveals Xhex may have crossed a line of no return. Struggling with the return of her brother Blade, Xhex discovers Blade has a softer side for family and friends.

MINE is a complicated and detailed story line building upon the previous two instalments. Cancer is pervasive throughout the trilogy, a cure, a stumble, greed and a couple of happily ever afters, as well as a cyborg army but saying that, there remains many unanswered questions including the reveal of the person(s) behind a series of grizzly murders, and Xhex’s brother Blade’s future, a man who fell in love with a woman who was in love with another man. The premise is dramatic; the romance is fated and impassioned; the characters are dynamic and charismatic.


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Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
772 reviews244 followers
September 16, 2024
3 Estrellitas. No ha estado mal, pero tampoco me ha parecido gran cosa. La verdad es que este spin-off, aunque no está mal, me ha resultado totalmente prescindible. No adentra lo suficiente en el mundo de la Hermandad de la Daga Negra como para avanzar en la trama general, de hecho solo aparecen Xhex y John Matthew.

Aquí tenemos una trilogía con una pareja protagonista, Lydia Susi y Daniel Joseph, una novela de hombres lobo, que tampoco adentra nada en lo que son los hombres lobo de la Ward, pues ha quedado mas bien en una novela con romance y acción, donde los protagonistas se enfrentan a un enemigo insuperable, el cáncer, y su lucha por vencer a la enfermedad y también por lo que supone la innovación en un tratamiento y la lucha entra farmacéuticas por lograr esa medicación.

La trama no es gran cosa, pero la Ward sabe meter acción y sensualidad a pares y en esta conclusión lo ha conseguido. La novela empieza donde terminó la anterior, con ese final impactante hacia uno de los personajes, cuya intervención es clave para la trama y la posible cura del cáncer.

Por otro lado, tenemos a Lydia y Joseph intentando combatir la enfermedad que inevitablemente los va a separar. Sin duda, lo que más me ha impactado en la intervención de Blade. ¿Cómo un medio symphant, hermano de Xhex, es capaz de ser tan siniestro y conseguir lo mejor y más humano de la propia humanidad dentro de un mundo de sociópatas? Si algo he sacado en claro, es que creo que me gustaría seguir sabiendo más de Blade.

Por lo demás, no hay mucho donde comentar porque la trama sigue las novelas anteriores y no quiero desvelar nada si nadie ha leído ninguno de los anteriores libros. Únicamente lo recomiendo si eres muy, muy fan de la Ward, pero si no te llama la atención, hay libros mucho mejores por ahí. Para mí ha supuesto el entretenimiento de los días que he estado leyéndolos, pero estoy segura de que no tardaré en olvidarlos.
Profile Image for Phoebe.
113 reviews24 followers
November 29, 2024
Lydia knows time is running out. Daniel's terminal diagnosis has her wanting to spend all the time she has with him. When his doctor goes missing their secret Lab's location is compromised. Suddenly she is at war with an enemy she doesn't understand. As a former black ops soldier, Daniel is very familiar with the danger they're in, and he's determined to keep his beautiful wolven safe. With Daniel's sixth sense telling him there's more to the kidnapping, he and Lydia must work with their allies to defend the underground facility. Little do they know that Blade had something even more valuable to offer them...but at what cost?

Mine is the third and last book in the Lair of the Wolven series that concludes the journey of the lives of Lydia Susi and Daniel Joseph. It seems like Blade against better judgment he rescues Gus and delivers him to Lydia barely alive. Lydia and Daniel try to spend the last moments that Daniel had to live their love story to the max. The moment that Cathy had lost the baby had been sad because even though she wasn't expecting to be pregnant she wanted that baby so much. To make that moment more meaningful it was an emotional moment when she told Gus that she lost the baby but she couldn't lose him too.

It was such a happy moment when Daniel proposed to Lydia in the way he had because even though it was not in the traditional way it was his way. It was such an emotional journey that Lydia and Daniel had to go thru was filled with so much love but also sadness. I enjoyed that Cathy and Gus finally were able to get thru their own fears to let themselves live the love each other had for one another. In the end I loved that Daniel and Cathy were cancer free and are living with their true loves because they both had gone through so much that they deserve to finally be happy with their partners.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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