What is found within the depths of the human soul? Does wickedness linger, as if the Devil’s thumb is ready to pluck the strings of certain choices? And with the strumming, just how far will Evil spread?
13 is the story of random souls pitted against the tragedy of the modern world.
Will they decipher the unknown and make it out alive?
Warning: strong language and scenes of violence /horror
Hello everyone. If you haven't guessed by now I have a passion for words and have numerous books published in a variety of genres and lengths, in addition to short story anthologies with other authors in the Mind's Eye Series.
Several of my stories are also included within several box sets with Paper Gold Publishing.
I cannot ignore my dreams, so many of them, with names and places and ideas that spark my imagination and compel me to write; to create stories, whether fantasy or horror, or mystery or psychological thriller or murder or even humour and adventure. So, my garden is sown, flourishing, with all manner of growth, and still the dreams come.
Julie Elizabeth Powell, my soul lingering within my imagination; maybe you’ll join me?
This is a great and unusual read! Each chapter depicts a violent murder before a final chapter brings together the killers for a fascinating denouement. Not a book for the squeamish; it is a page turner, which I read in one morning. The author has an interestingly dark and imaginative mind, constructing short sharp plots for each chapter. The author is also a very talented writer and there is real quality in the writing. One particular sentence has stayed with me; "Death smacked it's lips in anticipation." A short but exciting and unique read. Enjoy!!
There are writers and then there are artists who express themselves through writing. I would say Julie falls into the second category. I always enjoy her books, and 13 was no exception. The thing I love about her writing is that it is so engaging that you must read on. Her characters are so real, and they grab your attention and take you away to a different world where often it is unclear what is happening, but the journey is always well worth it.
With '13' Julie Elizabeth Powell brings us a horror, in the true sense of the word and genre. What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in a situation where the only way you could survive was to kill off the competition? This imaginative tale is a reflection of the darker side of the world we live in, where selfishness and brutality are highlighted, where people take actions without considering the consequences or the effects.
Each chapter brings us a short snippet introducing the characters. When I read the first few chapters I admit to being confused and wondering whether this was just a collection of very short and confusing short stories. It is only after all the characters are introduced that the book really begins to become clearer. I would say that as there are so many characters, it may sometimes be confusing to the reader as to who is who, especially as in the final part of the book they are all just known as a number, rather than their name. But this turns out to be a minor point because what is more important is the characters' motivations. I think this is the sort of book that will become even more enjoyable on each subsequent reading as you begin to remember who each of the characters is and how they fit in to this complex tale.
This is a wonderful idea, which is expertly crafted. It must have been very difficult to write, but yet is a quick and satisfying read. The last line gave me goosebumps. I would definitely recommend this book, but be prepared for some shocking stories... this is horror, after all.
13 is a series of stories, in which some evil is committed. Sometimes, it is not clear what is happening, at first, but each episode is written in such a way that you have to read on. Then, there is the final, equally horrific episode which draws all of the stories together.
This is Julie Elizabeth Powell’s latest book and is one of her best, in my opinion. I have admired this author’s imaginative work in the past and have to say that her imagination is to the fore in this book. It is a gritty read, but the use of violence and strong language is certainly not out of place within the context of the book.
I’m not going to write any more about the stories as it would certainly spoil the book, but I would recommend it to anyone who likes horror with a twist in the tail. An excellent, quick read!
13 is a unique horror novella that gives glimpses into some very dark moments. It is told in short segments, each with a different person, some very gruesome, others mildly dark, all fully engaging. The characters, while not necessarily endearing are real, and grab your curiosity.
There is a feeling as you read the distinct tales that they are all connected somehow, though it isn’t quite clear until the end. I actually read this in one sitting, as I was compelled forward by each snippet to the next, trying to piece it together. The end was powerful and gave me a lot to think about.
With a great style and creative take on the evil that men do, this author has made a new fan of me. Horror and thriller fans should really enjoy this.
13 by Julie Elizabeth Powell is one of the most imaginative horror novellas I have read in recent years. This author has a wonderful gift to create such a surreal world of nightmare vignettes, 13 of them and so expertly bring them together when the Joker is played. This novella is a card-playing casino dripping blood where each character becomes a killer to compete in our violent world. The cards are dealt and the hands are rigged right from the beginning, but not till the last card is dealt does the reader finally get clued into this gory mystery. This FIVE STAR horror novella is a must read and very highly recommended.
13 is a short novella style book that is made up of short vignettes essentially consisting of killing and violence. Each chapter tells a different story, being expressed from the first person. Initially I was somewhat confused by the stories, I couldn't see the connection but the connection becomes clear at the end of the book.
Julie's writing style is quite unique and aspects of it I liked yet I felt unable to connect with the story or the characters because of the way it's written. Each chapter was too short to really know any of the players in what is ultimately a game.
The concept is to see into the hearts, mind and souls of those features in the book. The dark side of human nature is laid bare but somewhere along the way the book just lost me and instead of fully enjoying the read I was spending more time asking myself what the overall point was and looking for the plot/story.
It's the only book I've read from this author so have nothing to compare to and from this first example I don't feel enthralled enough to seek out more. Others have found it a great read and enjoyed it immensely. This one just left me feeling a bit...unsatisfied and somewhat frustrated. I wanted something to hold on to, something I could connect with.
It's hard to even review (as you might be able to tell).I will say of all the stories of each individual in the book, the one where a man is driven to kill many in order to save his baby daughter that featured a cat I thought was the best in the overall book and not just because I like cats! It just flowed nicely that part.
I've wrestled with a rating too. Goodreads says a 2 star rating is a book that's "just okay" which for me is really how I feel. Then I think "is that too harsh?" But I have to be honest right? I'm settling on 3 stars meaning for me it was okay, not awful, has some shining moments and if others wanted to give it a whirl I'd happily say "see if it's more for you than it was for me".
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, many thanks.
"13" is actually a group of fourteen stories, all involving murder. The numbers are like a deck of cards, including the Ace, Jack, Queen, and King. Each number is also reflected in some aspect of the story. At the end, in the Joker's story, the thirteen characters are brought together to account for their sins. Only one can escape alive. Who will it be?
Most of the stories are told in a stream of consciousness style, relating the characters' thoughts in short, sharp, single sentence paragraphs. The characters themselves include common thieves, witches, hired assassins, zombies, and mass murderers, each with their own agenda.
This book is like a puzzle. You have to fit the pieces together and figure out what's happening. But it all comes together neatly in the end, when the numbers become the characters' names. Make sure you remember who's who, or take notes, otherwise it might get confusing.
My favorite stories were numbers 2 and 9. Which one is your favorite?
This is a short story that is filled with murder and mayhem. Each chapter tells a different story of murder, revenge, and death without giving names, places and sometimes reasons. In the end, the author brings the first thirteen individual chapters together and assigns names to her characters according to the chapter number they appeared in. Following the story at that point can be confusing. Because there is little backstory, or reason for the initial mayhem, the reader is not invested about the characters as they suffer a reciprocal fate in the last chapters. But, I think that aloofness by the reader about the fate of the characters mirrors the mind of the murderous characters of the book. They didn't care about their victims; the life of their victim meant nothing to them. The reader is made to feel the same indifference about the death of those characters as those characters felt about the murder of their victims. Quite genius.
The words of the book are sometimes lyrical and Ms. Powell is an excellent writer. I look forward to reading more of her books.
A collection of short stories written in an experimental manner. There is much to praise here. The author attempts to get in the mind of their character without naming them, without describing much other than what they experience and also what they think of the experience they are having that momment. I think she was successful in writing interesting stories that way. They all had something to confront or a plan to execute in the near future, which made it all entertaining if one is after stories of mystery.
What kept me from rating the collection higher even, was the fact that the punchline every short story needs, was missing most of the time. I can accept/imagine how that *is* the punchline, ending a story without one, that is. But it wasn't done effectively enough, or as much I would have liked it anyway.
Kudos to Julie Elizabeth Powell for attempting something new, for bringing something unique to the table.
I have gotten this book in exchange of providing an unbiased review for the author. My review for this book is honest and true. This author displayed quality writing style as I flipped through the pages. She displayed the characters with some elements of mystery and horror. The moment I saw the cover, chills was sent to my spine and I could expect some violence on this novel. When I was reading chapter 4 of the novel, I realized the author brought the true colors of this novel and this move really surprised me. There are certain scenes that are truly well-written describing the evil side of man. Oh, if I continue, I am afraid I would reveal too much of the novel. In anyway, I would highly recommend to anyone who likes some evil, horror and violence in the fictional world. It is really fantastic read! Good job!
The question that rises is: what would you do if your only means of survival was to kill the people around you? It’s not like you haven’t done it before, so would you do it again?
In 13, a collection of shorts asks just that question of thirteen people. What I find so intriguing about this book is that there are no names. Each person is a number, like on a deck of cards. The first 13 chapters introduce us to the characters (the numbers) and the parts they play.
I was a bit put off at first by the short snippets of character “introductions” but learned quickly their motivations and mindsets. Ms. Powell has put together a unique story that makes you think of the horrors in the world along with the ones we commit ourselves.
I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Ok where to begin? This is a seriously strange book, its a series of mini tales that focus on death and killing and the whole thing felt dis-jointed and frankly left me wondering where it was heading to, I needn't have worried as it all comes together in the final chapter (13 of course). The book is well written and moves along at a hectic pace, the characters are not what you would call engaging, though you would not want to engage with a bunch of killers anyway. It's a very quick read and I had it completed in less than an hour. Would I recommend it? Yes. If you are looking for a quick, quirky, spooky read then jump right in.
I really enjoyed 13. This book is dark,graphic and filled with grim stories of horror, evil and pure wickedness. I can't say too much more because I never do spoilers, but I will say my favorites were, Five, Nine & Thirteen.
People who enjoy horror/thriller/psychological thrillers will love this book of shorts. I look forward to more work By Julie Elizabeth Powell
This is a unique, provocative, insightful, wonderfully weird story.
The first 13 chapters are all told from the perspectives of different characters. While seemingly unrelated, these vignettes share a common theme. We look at how values and motivations shape choices, and how those choices ultimately shape our lives, setting us toward our ultimate destination.
Powell has a gift for bringing characters to life. Each has his/her own personality, full developed and captured in a way that feels real. We're shown all the nuances and idiosyncrasies that make us individuals.
The final chapter masterfully ties together all of the previous chapters, bringing the characters together for a fascinating finale.
This was an interesting read. Each chapter before the final one has various characters either being killed or murdering someone. There was one chapter where the crime was theft. Each chapter is the name of a card from a deck. You don't think the stories are related to each other until you get to the last chapter. There the stories merge together in a mad dash for a "winner".
This story was dark and graphic in some places. If that isn't your taste in books, you might want to pass this one by. But if you can handle a little of the darker side to life or it doesn't bother you.....read on! It's worth the read to get to the end.
Wow - amazing stories from an amazing mind. I had to read it, and then reread it, to get the full "story." It's a puzzle of sorts and you cannot go through it quickly.
Most of the tales are told in the characters' stream of consciousness so it takes you directly into their heads and sometimes that is an uncomfortable place to be. But that's the sort of story I like, one that takes you out of the norm.
Once I got to the end, the beginning made more sense. I love the deck of cards analogy; in fact, I think I need to read this one again, to make sure I've got it all figured out. But first, I want to read GONE by this same author. I've seen it around and I am putting it at the top of my TBR.
First, you have to understand that this author writes musically. I don't know if she is a traditional musician, but the way she crafts her stories is in the highest lyrical style. They are like a song-cycles and the words themselves supply the melody, the rhythm, the meter. When you read her work, you almost have the sense that you are hearing a melody playing in the background. She is truly gifted. And truly warped. Yes, I just used that word, and before I let you assume that it is negative or a criticism, it is just the opposite. Warped in a wondrous way. The very minute you think you know where she is going, she changes course and surprises you. All with a lightness and lyricism that is charming.
13 is a wonderful read, it is the essence of darkness and light, a snapshot of the human psyche through the filter of a deck of cards. Each chapter is rather like the first time you played computer solitaire. One hand, simply isn't enough. I thoroughly enjoyed this gifted author, and this gift of a book. Great storytelling.
This was a different book. It is a quick read and interesting. I never completely understood the plot. Ms. Powell did pull things together in the very end; however, there wasn't anything that I could figure out that made it real to me.
The characters were not relatable as only their actions were a part of the storyline. I never connected emotionally with them or the story.
The Author's writing was good. Action was fast paced and kept you reading as you wonder what is going to happen next. I don't want to spoil this book for anyone so it is difficult to voice my thoughts without spoilers. I think it is a book you will either love or dislike.
Psychological Thriller? Maybe. I am not sure I could recommend this book. Go ahead, give it a try, see what you think. It just isn't my kind of story.
I really enjoyed this book. I was surprised at how detailed and complex the story was. The story was packed with so much in such a short period of time. It was so well written and I enjoyed every part of it. You don't often find short stories to have such great plots as this book does. Usually there's not enough time to fit it all in, in a short read but somehow Julie Elizabeth Powell made it work. A great enjoyable mini read. I felt like you really got to know the characters. When the book was done I came away feeling like it was so good it deserved another read. I did actually reread it this morning in case I had missed something since it was so packed full of stuff and I'm glad I did. I did miss something in the very beginning and the book was good enough for a second read anyway. I'm looking forward to reading more of her books.
This is more like a short story and starts off extremely confusing. But in the end it is not that important to remember every single character in the beginning. They all kind of fall into place and the finale was very telling. This is different from anything I have read and makes for a "fun" read. In this case I really wished it was longer and given me more, not saying it needed it but I enjoyed it so much I wish there would have been more of it to read.
Julie is a well articulated writer and her work is a pleasure to read. In the end she makes you think but doesn't spell out the answers for you.
Definitely an intriguing read that I highly recommend for fellow lovers of the paranormal and horror world.
I have received this book from the author for an honest review.
I'm giving this a 3 because it's not really my thing. I didn't really like the first 13 chapters, especially chapter 6. I pretty much hated chapter 6. I don't enjoy reading sexually violent stories. Now, while chapter 6 wasn't very descriptive about the events, there was enough insinuation to throw me off. The best, and almost only chapter that I enjoyed, was the last one, chapter 14. I thought the author did a good job creating the plot of and reason behind Fool's game. Other than that, I didn't really enjoy this story. I will more than likely not be reading/listening to this one again.
13 tales of murder and mayhem. Each story takes you inside the mind of a person dealing with murder or revenge. I thought this was an interesting book and each story took you some place different. A good book for thriller and horror fans. I would recommend it.
13 is anthology heaven but I suspect most of the characters won't make it there.
I must confess that I absolutely love anthologies if they are compelling and diverse enough. 13 delivers on both counts. The characters are full of believable human flaws like most of us but unlike most folks, they all cross a line most of us wouldn't. Or would we?
Ms. Powell's premise seems at times to make the reader ponder that perhaps we are not all as innocent as we believe ourselves to be. Paraphrasing from Stephen King's Dark Tower series, "What we really are and what we think we are don't have much in common."
13 is well worth reading and best of all the author does a great job of working all of the stories together for a dramatic finale.
Spine tingling! I loved it! Each chapter felt like a mini story, each a new mystery! You can't help yourself from being hooked, and wanting more. Till it all comes together in a epic unexpected ending! 13 is filled with glorious terror! You will not be disappointed!!