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City Knight #1

City Knight: Working It

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What happens when two broken men collide?

Marcus works the streets of Atlanta, determined to keep it a safe place. An ex-cop, he buried his heart years ago. Ben works the same streets, selling himself to pay for college. The victim of a horrible crime, he decided to Just. Not. Care.

When their chance meeting leads to an unlikely attraction, will the ghosts that haunt them bring them closer, or separate them forever?

Caution: This is the first in a three part series, and you WILL want to come back for part 2. Hot men WILL have sex, and I can guarantee hot angst in my stories.

50 pages, ebook

First published February 13, 2013

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About the author

T.A. Webb

32 books630 followers
T.A. Webb is the writing name for the Mean Old Bear That Could. He's worked with people living with HIV/AIDS and with children in the foster care system for over twenty years, and took the smaller pay for the chance to make a difference for those who can't help themselves. After hours, he's the proud single papa of two (now three) rescue dogs, was born and raised in Atlanta, where he still lives, and is a pretty darned good country cook.

His sister taught him to read when he was four, and he tore his way through the local library over the next few years. Always wanting more, he snuck a copy of The Exorcist under his parents' house to read when he was eleven and scared the bejesus out of himself. Thus began a love affair with books that skirt the edge, and when he discovered gay literature, he was hooked for life.

To reach him, please email [email protected], visit him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/authortawebb orhttps://www.facebook.com/twebb7813, tweet him on Twitter @TomBearAtl, or visit him blog at www.tom-webb.blogspot.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews
Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
February 15, 2013
Just Fucking Amazing, Heart poundingly good, full of angst and action, powerful, compelling, totally engrossed and damn hot in the bedroom… and this is only the first in the Trilogy! Mr Webb I heart you and I want more NOW!!!!!!

Sometimes you come across a book and the power of it just excites you so much you want to jump up and down and shout to the world READ THIS BOOK!!!!!. This is a short read and the intensity of it was mind blowing, the writing… Un-fucking believable! and do you want to know why? well I picked it up and started reading, I think I held my breath throughout the whole 50 pages… the tension was palpable! the POV’s are constantly flip flopping between the MC’s which keeps the action moving and the emotion was all consuming! For me, a 5 star read is a book that makes me feel some emotion at either end of the spectrum and everything in between, it means I have connected with the characters and I am invested in them, my passion for them becomes fierce as I want to jump in and make things right, whether with a big hug or when I get so cross I want to do some serious damage… and this has it ALL in spades!!

Sometimes when you come across such an amazing author, you just have to stop and think how can they create vivid imagery and evoke such emotions with their words alone, I call that genius and I have a few favourite authors that can do just that and now Mr Webb you are amongst them… I LOVED THIS book!

I really don’t want to go into to much detail with this review, as we learn about our characters as the layers are slowly stripped away and the information is drip fed keeping us riveted to the action and the pages turning and the synopsis tells you all you need to know to start with, without giving too much away. However…

Ben and Marcus are both two damaged, lost and lonely souls, existing rather than living with harrowing nightmares from their past haunting them, each consumed by their pain on a daily basis. When they meet, they easily recognise the deep sorrow buried and hidden behind their individual personas and the connection between them was instant… for a little while at least those bad memories were pushed into the background, and as the ice that so guarded their hearts begins to melt their vulnerability and their circumstances could only lead to more heartache, but in each other they have hope and the desolate loneliness of the past is not somewhere either of them wants to return to. There was such raw emotion, intensity and passion between them my stomach was in a constant knot and my heart was hurting, never mind the fact that I was almost turning blue through lack of oxygen!

This is another one of those books I purchased on a whim and I am so very glad I did it is however the first in a trilogy and I have to tell you at the end of this book you will be shouting and screaming WTF… NO!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes it is one mother of all cliff-hangers! Personally, I am a masochist and I just love the adrenaline of a cliff-hanger and I would not have missed reading this for the World, as it truly is an amazing read for such a short book.

I have nothing more to say other than READ THIS BOOK!!!

Series order ~

City Nights #1 ~ Working it
City Nights #2 ~ Knightmare ~ Release 15th April
City Nights #3 ~ Starry Knight ~ Release 15th June

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Profile Image for Rosalinda *KRASNORADA*.
268 reviews539 followers
April 6, 2013

Where the hell is book 2???!!! I need it N-O-W.

I've read this 3 times!!! BR with Dawn, Stella Sarah, Christy, Lili & Aimie :)

Marcus is an ex cop who wants to keep his neighborhood "clean" so he goes out every night and makes sure everything is safe out there. His life hasn't been easy the last few years. Every night he sees Benjamin, the beautiful guy who sells his body. Benjamin is a young guy who is trying to paying his bills, he's planning about doing this for a year and then start his new life far from the ghosts of his horrible past.

One night, some idiot is trying to molest Benjamin and Marcus help him so they meet each other.

After that first encounter, Marcus offers Benjamin to have some pancakes together and CLICK! You can feel the chemistry between them :)

"Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, you've been holding back on me. Hiding all...that behind those old man clothes. I hope you're a top, because that has to go in me"

"You are a treasure, and whoever you choose to love and let love you will be the luckiest man on the face of this earth"

Go read this GREAT book now, the writing style is exquisite and I cannot wait for book 2.

If you want to read a coherent and GREAT review, pls check Monique's review and see more info about sequels releasing dates on her blog :)



Thanks Monique, great rec!
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,110 followers
March 24, 2013

4 Stars!! I'm having a love/hate relationship with this author!! I love his writing...brilliant, but I hate what he does to my mind and most especially my heart...okay I lied...I love it!!

Three of the most dreaded words you can read!!!

to be continued...

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That did not just happen!! The only reason I can forgive for this atrocity, is because I know there will be more, more, more! My heart pounds just at the thought.

How is it possible to get a reader so invested in characters and their story in a matter of a few pages? I have no idea, but this author definitely knows how to do that. He has a gift that he's chosen to share with us. Thank you!

*Monique, Susan...I'm planning a kidnapping. I say we nab T.A. and make him finish this series and then we can keep him, so he can write just for us. Are you girls in? You did not hear that T.A., so act surprised when we grab you!*
863 reviews230 followers
March 14, 2013

Interview with the author, T.A. Webb over at Love Affair with an e-Reader

Two broken men, each having faced deep, deep pain, make an unlikely coupling and fall in love.

This book is ACHINGLY fantastic. Marcus and Benjamin affected me in such an intense way. I found myself pleading with the author as I read..."please let them find healing and love from one another!" I was mesmerized.

My only frustration is that it's WAY too short for its own good. I NEED MORE of the details...the in-between moments...I want more of Marcus and Benjamin!

The writing is outstanding and the story addictive. And though it would have been a treat to have been exposed more to the development of their relationship and the deepening of their feelings, I'm also just DYING to know what happens next.

SO EXCITED to have been drawn in...SO LOOKING FORWARD to more...

Profile Image for Sarah.
349 reviews132 followers
April 3, 2013

Ok first off apologies in advance for my language in this review, in fact you can't even call this a review it's just going to be collection of all my thoughts because you seriously can not review a book like this without spoiling it for others.....but seriously..........

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Did my iPad lose the other half of this book??????? Do I have to write a strongly worded complaint letter to Amazon for sending me only half a book????? That can't be the end.....surely no kind hearted, decent, respectable author would do that to us???????


I'm not kidding I just read THE hottest MM sex scenes I have EVER read, and when I say HOT, I mean serious orgasm inducing, pass me the tissues, and I don't mean for my tears, HOT.......

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One minute i'm sitting there all like...come to mummy boys.........

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and then BAM that shit happens!!!

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When the hell is the next book out????? If someone tells me I have to wait six months for the next instalment to this magnificent book, I'm getting on a plane, I'm hunting down this author and I'm tying him to a chair until he writes it.......and believe me us 'tight arsed frigid' British women don't lie about something as serious as this!!!!!

Right, glad I got that off my chest........and to all of you who haven't read this book yet....my question is simple.....WHY THE HELL NOT?????

Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,794 reviews3,938 followers
August 26, 2014

"Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, you've been holding back on me. Hiding all… that behind those old man clothes. I hope you're a top, because that," he looked down at Marcus's cock, so hard and long and thick, "has to go in me."

Word. I triple dog dare you not to drool. This little jewel that's only fifty pages packs one helluva naughty, sweltering hot and action-packed punch. How Mr. Webb always makes me believe his protags have formed a bond in so few pages continues to amaze me.

You would think with that quote coupled with a rent boy twink that this would be PWP. Not so. Not so. City Knight is the beginning of the City Knight series which centers on Ben and Marcus *hopefully* helping each other put the pieces of their battered selves back together. They both have baggage and, it seems, that baggage came back to bite Benjamin in the ass. It does end on a cliff. Thankfully, they're all published so I can just press on to part deux of this bear/twink romance..

I've said it before but I'll say it again twinks and bears go together like… peaches and cream, PB&J, duck and fruit… ok, I'm getting weird now. You know what makes that pairing better? When the bear is growly. Marcus is one growly bear.


But, wait! The bestest thing about Marcus happens when he and Ben finally meet. He offers to take Ben to a late night waffle breakfast, Ben tells him his name and Marcus automatically starts calling him Benjamin. *nodding* THEN they get to the restaurant and the twink waiter thinks he can get a little too familiar with Marcus and gets smacked on the ass! IN THE RESTAURANT!!! HOHOHOHOHOHOHO HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHA!!! I see the raised eyebrows. Don't worry the kid dug it probably as much as I dug this story. T.A. Webb strikes again.

*round of applause*

Great storytelling plus hotness plus action, who can say no to that?

Profile Image for Christy.
4,294 reviews35.3k followers
April 4, 2013
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First things first... THANK GOD book 2 comes out soon! I’m not sure how long I can wait to find out what happens to these two!

Meet Marcus and Ben

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Marcus is an ex-cop/P.I. who lost his partner due to a meaningless crime. Ever since, he has spent his time trying to clean up the streets where he lives, not wanting history to repeat its self. Ben only has a year left of college. He can’t afford it right now so he is selling himself to make ends meet.

Ben and Marcus both have damaged pasts. They are living with the pain, both lonely and broken. One night, Ben gets ‘picked up’ by a no good guy and Marcus saves him. They go out for breakfast together and the rest is history.

For such a short story, this was full of angst, steam, and emotion. I loved it- but while reading it I was a mess

First I was like this...
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Then like this...
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Followed by this...
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And then that ending made me like this...
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Yes... that pretty much sums it up! I loved it! Now I am just WAITING for April 15th to hurry up and get here so I can read book 2, because really-
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Profile Image for Andrew.
72 reviews
April 22, 2013
This is me after reading that dreadful line...

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I could NOT believe it has to end that way! I mean, it was expected, sure. But I refused to believed it after repeatedly reading that "to be continued" thing. Ugh. WHY?!

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I'm going to just take a huge breather before continuing. I'm not sure I could stomach whatever inhuman things Ben might be subjected to by monsters in disguise.

Still have hopes, though. Always. That's the one thing I've learned from T.A Webb.

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Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,048 followers
April 16, 2013

Holy shit you guys! This ended on a cliffhanger, a HUGE, HUGE pet peeve of mine, and I didn't even care because this book is THAT GOOD!

This came as a recommendation from the fabulous Monique of http://sinfullysexybooks.blogspot.co.uk/, a groovy chick who knows her M/M angst/romance. Was I going to read a recommendation from her? Um, duh! No brainer! She's got taste, class and style to burn! She was SPOT ON that I would love this book. Now I'm just going to go crazy with her for the next several months while waiting for the sequels. According to Monique, part two comes out April 15 and part three June 15.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you love M/M angst, hurt/comfort and ex-cops on a mission of justice. Seriously, this first part of the series ticked ALL of my buttons. If the next two books in the series continue on this path, there in no doubt in my mind the series will make my "fuck yeah 5+ stars" shelf. For now, I put this one on my favorites shelf.

Thanks Monique! *smooch*
Profile Image for Awilk -never sleeps- .
1,033 reviews6 followers
April 14, 2013
I normally don't like short stories etc. I always feel like too much is missing. Not this time. T A Webb must be planning on making himself the only author I can be bothered to read. His writing grabs me from the first word and doesn't let go.

City Knight has two damaged main characters. These men understand loss and pain. They meet in an unusual, but so very realistic way. The feelings they have for each other developed naturally. I loved everything about this story.

Now all I have to do is read the next part. Plus I will probably read this one again. Many times. When the whole story is finished I will read it all again. Over and over. I am sure you get my point. This is the best short story I have ever read. I want more, and I want it now.

T a Webb, I leave this review with just a few simple words. 'Write faster.'
Profile Image for JR.
874 reviews31 followers
February 14, 2013
I just bought this about 1 hour ago. Read it and am I in love.
This is a series, so it reads like a short story, but don't let that fool you. This is as well written as anything I have read to date. So much is packed into such a short space, it makes you bounce off the walls. A good thing.
Beautiful prose, wonderful characters. These broken men are Marcus a retired cop, now PI, and Ben graduate student turned rent boy to pay student loans. Unfortunately, Ben's past catches up with him quickly leaving a cliff hanger ending. Sex is beyond hot even though there is only a little, it's enough.
God, do I want more. I hope T.A. Webb is a fast writer.
I give it a street corner busted lamp full of stars. See ya in book #2.

Profile Image for Laura.
1,482 reviews246 followers
February 22, 2013

Pain, loss, and love are powerful jabs and jolts we all share and relate to in life. People tend to shut down, run and try so hard not to feel a thing after suffering. But sometimes life brings individuals together at just the right time and place to help us feel, heal, and trust again. These two lost, lonely, and broken men find their way into each other’s hearts and mine.

T.A. Webb’s City Knight introduces us to Ben and Marcus. Two hearts that recognized, understood, and locked on to each other in a time of need, loneliness, and pain. Ben is selling himself on the streets of Atlanta for money to get through school, but his cool, sexy saunter hides a scared, guarded heart. While Marcus, a retired police detective trying to keep his neighborhood safe, walks the streets at night for his own haunted reasons. But both of their worlds tilt and shift when they meet, click, and reach for each other in the dark.

”something that was dead in his chest suddenly come roaring back to life”

Instant sparks and emotion flow through Ben and Marcus as they interact with smart ass comments, humor, sarcasm, and warm touches. I loved them at first sight! Marcus and all his sweet, protective, lonely, “growly” ways fit right up against Ben’s young “trying-to-do-it-all-on-my-own” determination and vulnerability. My heart flipped and shivered every time Marcus uttered "Benjamin". A very, sexy pair with layer after layer of tenderness, healing, and hotness.

City Knight is a true hidden gem on the GR block. The writing could go from gritty to tender in a blink of an eye. A straight forward, tough shell with power and emotion underneath. Sudden punches of emotion slammed into my heart more than once here. This one line brought tears to my eyes…

And that ending! That was one hell of a cliff dive! That final scene had me muttering “No. no. no. no” and cursing Monique up and down! ;) hehe…

I’ll be watching for more from T.A. Webb for sure!

My GR friends have introduced me to some great reads this week. I love this place! Thanks so much, Monique! Sorry about the cursing. :D
Profile Image for Macky.
1,956 reviews230 followers
February 14, 2013
I am a self confessed T A Webb fan so when I saw that City Knight had been released today it was a no brainer purchase.
This is going to be a three parter so I gathered it was going to have some sort of leave you wanting more style ending but I didn't expect to be left in such a state! True to form I was immediately drawn into the lives of these two damaged men. One an ex cop who for reasons of his own is trying to keep the streets of Atlanta free from crime and one a hustler - a young guy trying to get on with his life after becoming victim to a horrible crime that has left him numb, and inadvertently because of what has happened to each of them they meet and form an attraction that begins to bring them both slowly back to life. As promised in the blurb we do get some HOT men, some HOT sex and some HOT angst but what they don't tell you is that you will be lulled into a false sense of security only to be punched in the face with a cliffhanger, that will leave you feeling all of a doodah ! ( Google it, its a Brit thing :D )

Well I'm now waiting with bated breath for part 2 and hoping its not going to be too long before Marcus and Ben make their next appearance. Shortish in length but never feeling rushed, as the start of a serial it does exactly what it should... grabs you by the short and curlies and makes sure you'll be back for more! Please don't keep us waiting to long Mr Webb, my nerves won't stand it!! * gulp* :D
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,274 reviews268 followers
April 4, 2013
It's impossible to write a review on this story without spoiling the story so I'll just tell you how I felt....
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And then....
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Damn it! How could it just end that way!!!!
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As soon as book 2 comes out my behind will be on Amazon clicking buy and then I will go hole myself up somewhere to read it! Hurry up with book 2 Tom!!!!!!!!!!!

Also- I want to say a BIG thank you to my wonderful friend Rosalinda for introducing me to T.A. Webb's books :))
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews539 followers
April 23, 2013
Fifty pages and T.A Webb makes in onto my favorite author shelf.

His talent shines in these pages, and it's obvious that I will establish a happy addiction with T.A Webb in the future. He skillfully induces that mix of emotions I crave. Angst, heartbreak, damaged souls and danger.

But is it all credible and believable in 50 pages? No, not quite. I'm not entirely happy about this story even though I really liked it. 4 Stars liked it.

You see, I have a nasty greedy habit of wanting to establish a plausible relationship between my MC's

It's obvious that this was way too short. I really don't like this idea that publishers think it's okay to make us pay for every 50 pages of the same story. This one I got free from all Romance, so I have no right to complain but on principle it makes me grumpy because they've got me over a barrel after that cliffhanger.

So do I submit and buy the next?
Of course I've bought the next one, duh! I have to know what happens next. <-- See capitalism at it's finest, well done publishers.

This is good reading that I wish had been released as a complete novel. There is no denying Mr Webb's talent and I look forward to more of his books.
Profile Image for Nick Pageant.
Author 6 books919 followers
September 12, 2016
The title of this made me think of Batman and Robin and I haven't been able to stop. I'm fine with that as I've always suspected Bruce Wayne of being inappropriate with young Dick Grayson. I'm sure it's just me. Anyhoo, this is really, really good, just as you'd expect from T.A. Webb. The characters are easy to love, the cliffhanger of an ending has me moving straight to part two, and the sex...

Profile Image for Ingie.
1,427 reviews167 followers
September 30, 2014
Heartbreaking and beautiful - a short tender novella

5 Big Stars ★★★★★

Sometimes it's so nice to read short stories. Many authors manage to create so much emotion and mood in just a few book pages. This short, introductory, story about two tormented souls, Marcus and Benjamin, was a heartwarming great reading for me. I got EVERYTHING in just 50 pages. I can't wait to read more about these two men's shared (love) story, in the upcoming second part. Longing.
‘Their eyes met, and something passed between them. A shared something…grief, pain, regret?’

So tenderly and beautifully written, my heart pounding for these two grieving men. Give them love. Touching. See them. Please.
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I want to have more of this.
‘Pushing away from the wall, Marcus reached out for Ben’s hand and led him toward the hallway, flicking off lights as they went. Something about the gesture was oddly intimate—not the sexual excitement, but the handholding and the slow ramping up of the passion.’

I LIKE - Touching!
Profile Image for M.
268 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2013
BR with the fabulous Rosalinda, Pavlina and Anne :D

*5 well deserved stars*

I didn't think I could love these two men, so quickly and in only 50 pages, but I DID! Ben and Marcus love ya *sigh*

I instantly felt a strong connection between the two. I understood what drew them together, especially after reading about their past...so heartbreaking.

These were two hurt souls that found comfort in each others arms.

"You are a treasure, and whoever you choose to love and let love you will be the luckiest man on the face of this earth."

"I love you too, Marcus," he whispered just before the connection broke.


Amazing book, that drew me in all the way. I was trying to soak up every word written, not to miss anything and now I'm craving more!

T.A Webb you're simply...awesome.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,525 reviews154 followers
May 9, 2013
Can a simple midnight breakfast after a rescue change two men, can a chance meeting mend two broken souls?

There are times when you pick up a book and expect to get one thing and you get another. Usually you expect a great read to be left wanting. This is not the case here at all. I had City Knight on my Nook for a bit, always intending to read it, I do love a good Rent Boy story, but last night I finally did. What I expected was a good read before bed, what I got? What I got was me in tears at 2% into the book and literally hugging myself to get through the few paragraphs of back stories for these men. 2% in…there is only one other author out there who has set me on my ass as firmly. Mr. Webb, you are in mighty fine company on my shelf.

City Knight is a short read, only 50 pages in length but what the author delivers is nothing short of brilliance. You are instantly drawn into the characters of Ben and Marcus. You get to know them within a few pages; you want to know more about them, about their past that has left them broken and you want them to heal.

Ben is a college student, working nights to pay his way through school. Marcus is an ex-cop, keeping a promise to make his neighborhood safe. On a cold night when things turn bad, the men meet face to face in the darkness and in each other look to find a light.

I won’t go into much detail about the story, it’s too short for that and, well, I don’t do the whole spoiler deal but…

Let me gush a minute about the writing of this story, it’s simply fantastic. There is no telling the reader what they are going to feel, you are sucked in from the first word and you are there. You feel it; the cold, want, hurt, loss and longing. The words flow freely off the page and into your soul. There aren’t many books that I can say that about. Sure, there are book that make you feel but to get so much emotion in very little pages…that folks is talent. I am in awe, my jaw is on the floor after reading this for a few reasons but the beauty of words strung together to make my heart race, yeah…this is a work of art.

He snapped out of his reverie when a cold hand grasped his, fingers curling around his palm. Marcus looked up, surprised, into a knowing gaze. The kid’s eyes were gentle, all that hot anger and spice gone and replaced with kindness and…understanding. He let the moment stretch on, only because there was no trace of pity or sympathy and Benjamin – he couldn’t call anyone who gave him this without asking questions kid now – squeezed once more before leaning back.

Marcus and Ben, their stories are heart wrenching, their meeting is special and their story is just beginning. I have to say, this is a MUST READ BOOK. Regardless of gender of the main characters, this writing is something that should not be missed.
Profile Image for Silkeeeeeereads.
1,434 reviews93 followers
December 4, 2013
OH HELL FIRE! I know someone said, "Cliffhanger," but I don't remember hearing, "I have to put some whoop ass on somebody. Just tell me who," cliffhanger. Dang, I have to find out how long before Book Two is out.

Marcus, the ex-cop, widower, works at cleaning up the streets around his home. The same streets that took his doctor husband. Ben is a grad student who works as a prostitute to make ends meet. Both MCs had traumatic events in the past. They found each other and those events threaten their future.

If you like emotional series, here ya go. This is a doozie, Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Anne.
165 reviews
July 8, 2013
I won’t even try to describe my feelings or this story. Read it and be prepared to fall in love with Marcus and Ben.

“So good. You fit so well inside me, Marc.” - Ben

Note: At 68% I felt the urge to stop and have a private moment with some M/M videos. *cough* Ok, I just thought this would be an important information… ;)
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,888 reviews473 followers
June 2, 2013

That was a cruel place to leave it hanging. Sheesh! Actually fill in a bunch of other expletives to really get the gist of what I said.

Anyway, about the segment...good characterizations, not groundbreaking, but solid and I'm definitely invested. Plot, goes from psychoanalysis to suspense and BAM! Yep. Cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Natalie.
388 reviews
February 17, 2013
Interesting start to a series. This had lots of things I like in a story (gruff, bearish ex-cop falls for younger rent boy? yes please), although the pacing felt uneven. We go from their first encounter to declarations of love in a heartbeat, and it feels like I was told what happened instead of experiencing it. The story ends on a melodramatic cliffhanger, but I'm intrigued enough to keep reading.
Profile Image for LenaRibka.
1,462 reviews426 followers
November 19, 2014

Don't see my 2 stars rating as a BAD recommendation.
Actually it is the best promotion for a book in the category contemporary MM-romance, the most popular category under the MM-romance readers, but for me the most disliked one. I'm well known for not liking the genre.
But I swear, when I picked it up I had no idea what it is about!

Don't, please, think that T.A.Webb wrote something UNREADABLE, it is a nice lovely MM-romance that followed the rules of a genre that I try to avoid.

Good news:
It is not the writing that I didn't like.

Bad news:
It is the plot that I didn't like.

Good news:
I'm in the minority here!
A lot of readers found it pretty entertaining.
No, that is actually wrong - a lot of readers found it fantastic.

Bad news:
Me not.
Though I think that many of my GR friends would order this revelation under the good news.


I don't like the format. I am not against series, but I don't like series that consists of many short sequels. And I really HATE when every single sequel in it ends with a cliffhanger. A very insidious tactic when a reader being forced to buy the next and the next and the next sequel.

For this short length it was too less story and too many sex scenes. You're surprised to read it? Yes, I can be prude, believe me or not. I can accept and enjoy a LOT OF SEX SCENES in erotica genre, but it is not erotica. It is romance. A seriously meaning romance. Without dirty talk but with some kind of conversation that I'm not a fan of. Like:
"You are a treasure, and whoever you choose to love and let love you will be the luckiest man on the face of this earth."

said by the second meeting. I'm too spoiled with a RL to take this kind of statement seriously.

Yes, I'm definitely spoiled. Because reading this
"Oh sweet Jesus, he loves me too."

I rolled my eyes very far inside into my skull. Because it was meant SERIOUSLY. I told, I'm spoiled.

There were more other issues for me in this book, but I am not going to bother you with my problems.
The fact is - I'm not going to read more of this series.

However, there is one positive point I should make:
I have not given up on T.A.Webb. I'm full of hopes that my next book by this author will blew me away. Because he can write. Oh yes, he can.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,480 reviews168 followers
February 17, 2013
I liked this book but I didn't love it. I just felt it would have been much better as a completed story because of the subject matter and the characters themselves.

I felt that Marcus and Ben got together too easily, given their individual sad/traumatic past. I found myself kind of asking why Ben had no problem hooking, given his trauma, but intimacy was an issue...and then that suddenly wasn't a problem either. I'm also not fond of being told months had gone by and I didn't read/see what had happened to connect them, I needed to connect enough to wait for part two. I felt like I was just told things I needed to experience as the reader. I'm not sure if I'm invested enough to read part two.

This is ordinarily my kind of story and I really wanted to love it. I really wanted to feel the pull, the angst, the love, and connection I did in Second Chances, but they were not really there for me this time with these characters.
Profile Image for StellaR.
277 reviews2 followers
April 3, 2013
I read this three times back to back last night.

I’m not a fan of books which have less than normal pages because most of the time I found them lacking in characters depth and plots. Rare things happen sometimes, like the time I got lucky for the chance to read something this good in a short story.

I feel for both of Marcus and Ben, they’re survivors of horrible tragedies and carry their own scars. For some reasons (I say this because I don’t believe in coincidence :D) they met when Marcus saved Ben, the circumstances led them to get to know each other, thus starting a relationship which was a healing process for those broken men. That’s what beautiful about this book, in such a short time (pages), the author brought alive this story.

Note to T.A. :
What’s with the ending??? PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON US, GIVE US BOOK #2 SOON
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,418 reviews186 followers
April 16, 2013
Damaged souls. Thrillicious. Sheer-drop ending.
Sometimes broken pieces have a mirror image meant for them, a precise fit allowing them to piece together.

Anguish and torment shatter two souls. A chance encounter ignites a passion between Marcus and Benjamin instantaneously. Safely intertwined together they open old wounds and allow the other to slip inside their guarded hearts.
The passion is highly calibrated and the suspense level is unsafe if you have a cardiac condition. I believe I may have held my breath the entire exhilarating time...so, if you would please excuse me I need to visit an

before I move onto the second dose of this heart-pounding, mouth-watering tale.
*4.5 erotic & electrifying stars*
Profile Image for T.A. Webb.
Author 32 books630 followers
November 1, 2013
Thanks to all the wonderful fans who love Marcus and his Benjamin and who have put up with their antics for five stories.

I have some news, which I hops you will like!

All four authors-Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows, Laura Harner and myself-are co-writing the last book in the series, tentatively titled "Odd Man Out", and it will be out before the end of the year. It will tie all the loose ends up, and the mystery that's been building will be explained and resolved.

And...in 2014, we will reboot the series in Flagstaff, Arizona, with new characters.

Again, thank you to all the fans of the series, especially the "City Knight" fans! I love you all.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews

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