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It is winter on Gotland, and fourteen-year-old Fanny is missing. She had no friends to speak of other than the horses she took care of at the local racing stable, and seems to have been an unhappy and isolated teenager, the daughter of an absent Jamaican musician and an instable Swedish mother. Is her disappearance somehow connected to the recent brutal murder of alcoholic photographer Henry Dahlström, who had won a large sum of money at the racetrack right before his death? Inspector Anders Knutas and his team investigate under pressure from the media.
            Fanny is finally found, strangled to death and left on a lonely heath, covered by moss and branches. At the same time, grainy but explicit photographs of the girl with a stranger are discovered, hidden in Dahlström's darkroom. Intrepid TV journalist Johan Berg, sent from Stockholm to cover the two deaths, pushes the investigation one decisive step ahead while still trying to resolve his relationship with Emma, which has been simmering since they first met during the investigation into a series of murders on Gotland this past summer.
            All evidence points to one of Fanny's coworkers at the stable, an American who has left the country for a short vacation. As Knutas and his team wait for his return to make the arrest, the inspector takes a well-deserved weekend off with an old friend, and at the lonely cottage in the woods, the pieces finally fit together. But this time, Knutas has gotten too close. . . .

256 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2004

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About the author

Mari Jungstedt

44 books450 followers
Mari Jungstedt is a Swedish journalist and popular crime fiction author.

Jungstedt worked as a reporter on Swedish national public radio and television, and was an occasional presenter on TV4's daily talk show Förkväll.

Her first three novels are set on the island of Gotland and feature Detective Superintendent Anders Knutas and the journalist Johan Berg. Two of her novels were filmed for Swedish TV, and her work has been translated into English by Tiina Nunnally.

Mari Jungstedt lives in Stockholm. Her husband comes from Visby, Gotland, and they spend their summers on Gotland.

* Anders Knutas
* Málagasviten

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 221 reviews
Profile Image for Elena.
110 reviews80 followers
February 1, 2022
Es el Segundo libro de la serie Knutas. Como lectura ligera ha estado bien, entretiene pero no esta a la altura del primer libro que me gustó bastante más.
En este, el final ha sido muy apresurado, se sacó el asesino de la chistera y resolvió el caso. Tampoco entiendo porque le da tanta importancia la autora a la aventura amorosa del periodista, parece que lo haga para rellenar hojas.
Seguiré con la saga porque son libros entretenidos y me recuerda a como escribe Camilla Lackberg, que por cierto creo que va a publicar otro libro de la Serie Fjallbacka 👏👏

Ojalá el próximo de Knutas esté mejor 👍🏻
Profile Image for Lee.
864 reviews111 followers
June 2, 2016
I really enjoyed this Swedish novel. Fanny a 14 year old girl goes missing and her body later found, she was a quiet girl that preferred the company of horses than people and spent most of her spare time at the stables caring for them. While this is happening another murder of a local photographer Henry Dahlstrom occurs. Henry had just had a very successful night at the races and had won a considerable amount of money. Are these deaths connected? what could these two people possibly have in common? A good strong plot that kept me engaged throughout the book.
Profile Image for Livia.
16 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2012
I have mixed feelings about this book. The beginning is strong, and very intriguing, and it pulled me into the story immediately. When the character of Fanny Jansson is introduced I immediately empathised with her and was willing her to get out of the horrible situation she was in. In the latter half of the book I had some idea who the murderer might be, and it turned out I was correct. I was pleased that Jungstedt chose this character as the murderer, as I thought it was the right direction to take the story in. However, the ending of the book is far too rushed. Had the same story been written by Henning Mankell he would have taken at least a chapter or two to explore the effects of the crime on the story's protagonist. Jungstedt throws this in almost as an afterthought at the end. Also, I wish to goodness that the characters of Johan and Emma had been written out at the end of the first book. Obviously Jungstedt is using Johan as her author avatar, as he is a journalist like her, but I'm really not at all interested in his work as a journalist - it derails the narrative of the story. I also struggle to find anything remotely likeable about either him or Emma, I find them both extremely annoying. Overall I've given this book four stars, mainly because it has such an enjoyable plot, but three and a half would probably be a closer rating.
Profile Image for João Carlos.
662 reviews309 followers
May 5, 2017

Visby - Cidade Património Mundial - Ilha de Gotland (Suécia)

Depois de “Ninguém Viu” a sueca Mari Jungstedt (n. 1962) leva-nos de novo para a cidade património mundial de Visby, no cenário idílico da ilha de Gotland. Desta vez “Ninguém Quis saber” protagonizado pelo já conhecido inspector Anders Knutas na resolução de um novo caso policial. Primeiro o assassinato brutal do fotógrafo alcoólico Henry Dahlstrom, depois o desaparecimento e morte de Fanny, uma rapariga de 14 anos – dois crimes aparentemente autónomos mas que progressivamente se vão interligando.
Descrição admirável dos ambientes/paisagens suecas e das questões sociais que marcam a marginalidade da maior parte das personagens. A actualidade dos temas – pedofilia, alcoolismo, dramas familiares e conjugais, famílias desestruturadas – descritos na história deixam antever a complexidade do quadro criminal, mas que Mari Jungstedt resolve de uma forma perfeita e linear – sem sentimentalismos.
Uma escrita de excelente qualidade, sem formalismos e com uma resolução final surpreendente.
Indispensável a leitura de “Ninguém Viu”, uma vez que existe a óbvia continuidade dos principais intervenientes.
Profile Image for Laura.
248 reviews97 followers
April 26, 2015
Un libro que está muy entretenido, pero tiene una gran cantidad de paja innecesaria. Un final potente e inesperado, seguiré el rastro de Knutas y compañia
Profile Image for Eva.
110 reviews16 followers
October 28, 2012
Mari Jungstedt has become one of my favourite Swedish female writers. This one is also a solid detective/whodunnit story. I kept guessing (almost) till the end. I would have given it 5 stars if it wasn't for some passages that have no direct link to the plot (but are important for following novels). The author's strength lies in the description of Visby, which makes me long to visit the place, and the plot. Recommend it a lot.
Profile Image for J Jahir.
1,033 reviews87 followers
April 4, 2019
3.75 stars
Bueno. Knutas sigue manteniéndonos en tensión, aunque si me preguntan, el primer caso con el libro anterior (nadie lo ha visto) me gustó mucho más. siento que tuvo más peso y motivaciones para ser una bomba. aún así, claramente podemos notar que este libro continúa de forma totalmente consecutiva, ya que por ejemplo, y el caso paralelo que hubo con lo de fany le dio un poco más de atractivo. la desaparición y muerte de la chica.
pero un detallito que le debo al libro es al final: ahora quedará esperar cómo continúa esta serie, que pienso leerla hasta el final, a 8 libros más para llegar. recomendable, más que por los casos, te vas encaiñando cada vez más con anders y su equipo, y por supuesto, paralelamente, con Emma y el periodista. me intriga qué será de ellos.
Profile Image for Oda.
430 reviews17 followers
September 23, 2021
This was so sad, I felt bad for Fanny. No one really cared about her at all, and after her POV ends no one even talks much about her. It's as if even the author only saw her as a plot device, thrown away when she was no longer useful.

I saw the murderer coming from a mile away, as Jungstedt is not very discreet about introducing them all over the place. And I'm really sick of Emma and Johan, especially Emma! Childhood bully turned manipulative bitch who only thinks of herself. Really lovely. Yet we don't really get insight into what makes her tick, the characters are extremely shallow.

Reading these for free through my library app, I'd never pay for them.
529 reviews
November 6, 2013
Although this book made me want to visit Gotland, Sweden, it didn't make me want to read more mysteries by Jungstedt. I didn't manage to figure out the mystery, but to be honest, I don't think there were enough relevant details throughout the book to care about the rather rushed climax.
Profile Image for Carol Jean.
648 reviews12 followers
February 1, 2020
Better than the first, but this is not a greatly gifted writer. And I couldn't be more tired of the on again/off again romance between the journalist and the local lady. LET IT GO!
Profile Image for kyma_booklover.
425 reviews34 followers
May 7, 2020
Henry Dahlström, fotógrafo alcohólico, vive en la isla de Gotland. Un día aparece asesinado. A simple vista parece que es una pelea de borrachos. Sin embargo, antes de morir recibió una suma importante de dinero y no aparece dicha cantidad. A su vez, Fanny es una chica de catorce años con una madre alcohólica que no le hace apenas caso. Se verá inmersa en una relación con la que no está de acuerdo. El inspector Knutas se pondrá al frente de estos sucesos e intentará averiguar toda la verdad.

Ha sido una novela corta y fácil de leer. Tiene un estilo de narración que no se hace pesada en ningún momento. Además, la autora sabe crear esos puntos donde consigue llamar la atención del lector y mantenerte pegado al libro.

Si que es verdad, que he tardado un poco en meterme en la historia. Algo que no sucedió con la primera que me enganchó desde el principio. Pero es una buena historia. La forma en la que se van mezclando los sucesos, me gusta, porque no parece forzado en ningún momento. Todas las piezas van encajando a la perfección.

Podemos ver la evolución de ciertos personajes que ya hicieron su aparición en el libro anterior, y que me imagino que los seguiremos viendo en posteriores novelas de la saga. Por lo tanto, recomiendo leer estos libros en orden.

Con esta saga he podido llenar un poco el vacío que me quedó al terminar todos los libros de Camilla Läckberg. Me quedan todavía muchos por delante. Así que solo quedar sentarse, prepararse un buen té o café y disfrutar de la lectura.
Profile Image for Dann.
112 reviews4 followers
March 19, 2023

Lehenengo 100–150 orrialdetan 4-5 izarretako nobela bat, bigarren erdialdean erabat desitxuratu egiten dena eta nahiko soberan dagoena. Bigarren liburua –2/2, saga honetan– non Mari Jungstedtek ez daki "denbora-lerro bikoitz" deritzon hori modu egoki/interesgarrian erabiltzen. Hori gutxi balitz, thriller batean barkaezin diren bi akats betetzen ditu: i) liburuaren %50a irakurri baino lehen hiltzailearen motibazioa erabat ebidentea da, eta ii) Bestalde, trigger pila ditu ere liburuak, bapatekoak, gehienak erabat preszindible direnean.

Sagarekin jarraituko dut? Bai. Espero dut Jungstedtek denbora-lerroak probetxuzko testuinguru batean erabiltzen ikastea? Baita ere.
Profile Image for Elin.
63 reviews
June 9, 2023
Jag blev tyvärr inte lika investerad av berättelsen, karaktärerna. Däremot blev jag drabbad av det öde som uppdagades.
Profile Image for Sónia.
531 reviews53 followers
November 16, 2013
Tinha alguma curiosidade em ler um livro desta autora, depois de tão boas críticas com que me tenho deparado. Logo que possível, agarrei a oportunidade e, só depois de findo, soube que é a sequela do livro anterior, Ninguém Viu.

Nalguns casos, não é necessária a leitura do volume anterior, mas, neste caso, é bom ler, no que diz respeito à estória entre as personagens Johan e Emma. Todavia, Ninguém Quis Saber não tem pontos em comum com o outro, pela natureza das investigações criminais neste abordada. A saber: o caso do homicídio de Henry Dahlstrom, um fotógrafo em declínio, face ao vício do jogo e do álcool, e o desaparecimento de Fanny Jannson, uma menina que se vê envolvida num caso de pedofilia. Aparentemente, os dois casos nada têm em comum, mas, a partir de certa altura, começam a estar mais relacionados do que seria de supor.

No fundo, o livro deslinda, num espaço temporal de mês e meio, aspectos que dizem respeito à investigação em curso, recorrendo, por vezes, a episódios que ocorreram meses antes. Interessante é também a abordagem que faz à temática das crianças negligenciadas e às consequências, por vezes aterradoras, que o vício do álcool e do jogo acarretam.

Foi uma leitura que gostei de acompanhar, embora a acção tenha pecado por algo minuciosa no início. De repente, aquilo que se supunha confuso, começa a encaixar, como se de um puzzle se tratasse. Aliás, a partir de determinada situação, descobri logo quem estava por detrás dos crimes. Nesse aspecto, foi um pouco previsível, ou então tenho o sexto sentido bastante apurado.

Um livro que recomendo sem sombra de dúvidas e que obrigará a ler o primeiro volume.
Profile Image for Zelly.
861 reviews21 followers
October 27, 2019
Om man kan säga småtrevligt om en deckare så gör jag det, detta är en småtrevlig deckare helt enkelt. Kräver inte mycket av läsaren, handlingen går snabbt framåt utan en massa krusiduller. Helt ok intrig, underhållande bok som man kanske inte kommer komma ihåg längre fram men funkar för stunden. Jag lyckades lista ut vem mördaren var rätt tidigt men spänningen höll ändå hela vägen till slutet.
Profile Image for Xana.
772 reviews45 followers
August 15, 2015
Apesar de não ter custado ler, é uma história fraquinha, com um final precipitado e sem grande nexo para mim.
Nunca imaginei quem seria o assassino e a explicação que foi dada não me convenceu.
Até quase ao final ia dar-lhe 3*, mas com este final já não as posso dar...
December 16, 2018
When I read my imagination allows me to feel myself right there in the story. Oh I'm not delusional, I know what's real and what isn't but I still feel myself in the story in almost every book I read. Good authors allow me to do that more than so so or bad authors will. Usually that's a good thing. Not so in this book to an extent.

This is the first Scandinavian mystery I've read for a bit and I enjoyed coming back into the land, feeling the cold, seeing the snow, the cold waves crashing on the beaches. And the people; the procedures of crime investigation, the social dynamics are all interesting to me.

So what was bad about this book? I'm not sure that's the right question. The right question would be, in spite of a very well written book, a good plot, interesting characters, why was this book so unsettling to me?

Fanny Jansson.

Fanny was a 14 year old girl, bi racial, bright, pretty, lonely, depressed. Her father was absent in her life though she knew where he was. Her mother was present in her life but in a very fractured way. The mother was an alcoholic and spent far too little time being aware of her daughter, of how her daughter felt, of offering comfort and love.

Fanny didn't have friends. You might say part of that was her fault and it would be true, but how much blame can you lay at the feet of a child who has to go home, to be the parent to her dysfunctional mother, to walk the dog because that mother can't be bothered, to fix dinner, to clean, in short, to run the house? How could she have friends when she didn't have time to be friends nor if she had friends, could she bring them to her house?

So it's little wonder that when an older man showed interest, complimented her, boosted her ego, that Fanny was impressed.

But the man wasn't a friend, he was grooming her. And when Fanny tried to back out, to end the relationship he not only didn't accept that but raped her instead. He continued to bully and groom, to groom and bully. But eventually Fanny had enough. In spite of her fear of this man she told him no. So he killed her. And I cried.

Fanny is not the only victim in this novel nor is indicating that she was murdered a spoiler. That's told in the dust cover blurbs. There is another murder victim, there are violations of friendships, of marital vows, of lovers.

This is a good mystery, filled with hidden clues and the interaction of police with colleagues, with husbands and wives, lovers and other strangers (OK, I'm stealing that from an excellent 1970s era movie but it's appropriate), and between police and suspects. But if that sounds good to you then be aware, Fanny can steal your heart and her fate may just break that heart.

I am not sorry I read this book, on the contrary, like the first book of this series, I liked it quite a lot. But my heart was broken.
Profile Image for Vitalija.
2 reviews
May 6, 2018
Iš šios knygos daug nesitikėjau, kadangi paėmiau ją tokiam "neįpareigojančiam" paskaitymui, kai aplink triukšminga ar kai mintys klaidžioja ir sunku susikoncentruoti ties sudėtindesniu turiniu. Iš esmės ši knyga ir buvo tai ko tikėjausi: lengvai skaitoma, nors skyruose ir buvo šokinėjama tarp skirtingų veikėjų ir siužeto linijų. Įdomus pasirinkimas - Emos siužeto linija taip ir lieka "kaboti ore", suprantu, kad autorė tokių būdu norėjo palikti intrigą ir pritraukti paskaityti sekančios knygos, tačiau man tai nesuveikė...
Taigi, kam patinka skandinaviški detektyvai rekomenduoju, tačiau pradėti reiktų vis dėl to nuo pirmos knygos (tik vėliau supratau, kad ji yra dalis serijos) ir skirtingai nei tarkim Adler Olsen knygos, kurios ir po vieną skaitosi neblogai, manau šias skaitant iš eilės daug labiau "užkabintų".
16 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2020
Kuigi ma arvasin mõrvari ära, oli see ikkagi mõnusalt põnevalt kirjutatud. Väga lahedad karakterid ja hea lugu!
Profile Image for Morten.
250 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2023
El final me ha parecido un poco apresurado, aún así es una novela negra entretenida, con partes de relleno.
3 reviews
July 2, 2022
Spännande ända till slutet, rekommenderar hennes böcker då man får följa huvudpersonernas liv i varje bok på sidan av själva händelserna.
73 reviews
June 8, 2023
This was a very good second book, but so dark and actually very sad. I’m really liking this author, and the fact that this is a long series makes me so excited!
Profile Image for Aure Martinez .
590 reviews23 followers
October 31, 2019

En esta segunda aventura del comisario he sentido toda la emoción que me faltaba en la primera, por eso ya la he puesto en mi lista de autoras favoritas ,si eres adict@ a la novela negra ,es una serie de 11 libros aunque creo que en España están todos publicados por Maeva Noir ,un imprescindible que no debe faltar en tu biblioteca lectora de la novela negra.
Un segundo caso de asesinato con la desaparición de una menor , primeras páginas con mapas de la Isla y Suecia ,comenzando por un domingo 11 de Noviembre hasta un miércoles 26 de Diciembre y 270 páginas. Ha llegado el frío a la Isla de Gotland ,la niebla es espesa ,la tranquilidad es rota por un asesino ,un pederasta y nadie sabe nada, una situación que se repite del primer volumen , pero con una diferencia abismal ,el grado de suspense ha subido con respecto al primero. En primer lugar la narración nos va a permitir conocer mejor al comisario ,algo que me encanta y os invito a descubrir, en segundo hay una subtrama uniendo los dos libros con misterios amorosos ,ahí ya me ha dejado súper intrigada , esta claro que no os lo voy a contar ,pero eso le da a la novela un realismo bestial entre la brutalidad de una trama puramente policíaca a otra realidad de difícil situación.

A todo ello se le suma temas escabrosos que la autora escenifica de maravilla , el ambiente oscuro a pesar de ser una Isla que me encantaría visitar ,sin asesino claro! un dúo de protagonistas brutal y mención especial a una pluma que trasmite emociones formidables con especial intensidad.Es un tema muy delicado que la autora borda con realismo en una sociedad donde el trabajo es antes que los hijos, una borrachera es normal ,los indigentes son apartados de la sociedad , un matrimonio es roto a diario o un asesino en potencia es en apariencia "normal".
Nueva serie empezada que recomiendo leer desde el principio y que os va a sorprender a los amantes del género , señor comisario Knutas estoy deseando leer la tercera parte , sorpréndeme!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 221 reviews

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