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In Arne Dahl’s riveting follow-up to Misterioso, the Intercrime team is assigned the task of tracking down an American serial killer on the loose in Sweden—quietly, and as quickly as possible.

When a Swedish literary critic is found tortured to death in a janitor’s closet at Newark International Airport, the police realize that the murderer made off with the victim’s ticket and boarded a flight to Stockholm. Swedish authorities are placed on high alert, but the killer manages to slip through the customs dragnet and vanishes into the night.

With no clear motive in sight, Detectives Paul Hjelm and Kerstin Holm of Intercrime’s A-Unit take over the investigation. They learn that the method of torture used was not only a highly specialized means of extracting information secretly developed during the Vietnam War—allowing the victim to whisper, but not to scream—but also that it was the modus operandi of an allegedly deceased homicidal maniac known only as the Kentucky Killer.

As additional victims are discovered on the outskirts of Stockholm and the terror grows, the team finds itself coming up empty-handed. Hjelm and Holm fly to New York, hoping to discover both the killer’s identity and the source of his interest in Sweden. What they quickly learn, searching through the past, is that bad blood always comes back around.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Arne Dahl

61 books566 followers
Arne Dahl is the pen name of Jan Arnald, an internationally known Swedish crime author and literary critic.

His writing can also be seen in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. He published Barbarer (2001) and Maria och Artur (2006) under his own name, but under his pseudonym he has written the A-gruppen (Intercrime) series, involving the A-team, a group highly trained in dealing with criminal cases in Sweden.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,611 reviews5,179 followers
November 16, 2021

In this 2nd book in the 'Intercrime' series, the Swedish detective squad is on the trail of a vicious serial killer. The book can be read as a standalone.


Stockholm's Intercrime Unit A squad deals with serious crimes that extend beyond Sweden's borders. As this book in the Nordic crime series opens, the team hasn't had a case in quite some time and is concerned about being split up.

Before that happens though, the FBI calls Unit A leader, Detective Superintendent Jan-Olov Hultin, to report that a Swedish literary critic named Lars-Erik Hassel has been murdered at Newark International Airport.....and the killer is on a plane headed for Stockholm.

The FBI tells DS Hultin that - before he was killed - critic Hassel was rendered mute by a diabolical device inserted into his neck.....and mercilessly tortured.

This is the modus operandi of a serial murderer called the Kentucky Killer, who first used this torture method during the Vietnam War - to squeeze information out of the enemy. Afterwards, the Kentucky Killer employed this technique for his own deadly purposes. However, the Kentucky Killer died in a fiery car crash many years ago. So it looks like a copycat killer is on his way to Sweden.

Detectives from Unit A are deployed to Stockholm Airport to try to apprehend the copycat when he deplanes. However, there are too many passengers and too much confusion, and the murderer gets away.

As the intercrime unit waits for the killer to make his next move they investigate Lars-Erik Hassel, to see who might have wanted the literary critic dead. Turns out Hassel was a self-important snob who mistreated his former wives and skewered many writers, ruining their careers.

Almost everyone disliked Hassel, including his son. Was Hassel's murder random? A hit? Something else?

Meanwhile, the copycat killer gets busy in Sweden, and dead bodies turn up here and there. The police try to see connections among the victims, but make slow progress.

Thus two members of Unit A, Detective Paul Hjelm and Detective Kerstin Holm, fly to the U.S. to consult FBI Special Agent Ray Larner - who spent years pursuing the Kentucky Killer. Hjelm and Holm makes important discoveries in America.....and their colleagues back home also obtain new evidence. This leads to some startling discoveries and a dramatic denouement.

The detectives in Unit A are an interesting bunch who navigate diverse private and professional lives. Paul Hjelm and Kirstin Holm deal with the aftermath of their illicit affair; Gunnar Nyberg - a former Mr. Sweden - is torn with guilt about his previous bad behavior; computer whiz Jorge Chavez adds a light, exotic touch to the team; and so on. The ongoing characters add engaging elements to the novel.

I enjoyed the story and recommend it to fans of Scandinavian thrillers.

You can follow my reviews at https://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot....
Profile Image for Thomas.
236 reviews74 followers
February 6, 2017
Βαθμολογία: ★★★

Ο Dahl δυστυχώς συνεχίζει να μη με πείθει με τη γραφή του. Στην αρχή σου δημιουργεί αγωνία, το τέλος είναι πάντα δυναμικό, αλλά στη μέση... σε χάνει. Δεν μπορώ να πω ότι με κούρασε καθώς το διάβασα σε 3 μέρες (αν και οι αγγλισμοί του είναι άκρως εκνευριστικοί από ένα σημείο και μετά), απλά δεν με κέρδισε.
Profile Image for David Carr.
157 reviews27 followers
October 16, 2013
This better second book, after Misterioso, was written in the pre-dawn of the current century and it has to be read with that awareness. It is Swedish, and so I think that awareness must also include the residual shock surrounding the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986, a crime without a certain perpetrator. It is a police procedural, serial killer novel of the kind I have been reading since finding David L. Lindsey's Mercy 25 years ago. So many have been written, and (since the cannibal genius Hannibal Lecter) so many have been unreadable, gaudy and repulsive, over those years. (It has been redeemed, in my view, by the Millennium novels of Stieg Larsson.)

Crime books of the best kind in the latter half of the last century (and still) have kept to the practice of exhuming details, motives, killers and their unusual mentalities. Digging, exposure, then revelation and relief from the horror. What I noticed here is a theme that is now (to me) dominant in the air that surrounds most of my reading. Here is what one voice says at the conclusion of this book: "The Cold War is over. What has replaced it almost feels worse, because we don't understand what it is. The world is shrinking, and above all, we seem to be shrinking." This, before September 11, meretricious wars, the shallow culture of the web, and a deeply harmed ideal of democracy.

As a reader, my preference in crime novels is the book that addresses the unsolvable, almost unknowable, even invisible, crime. The detective may demonstrate a process of inquiry leading to "justice," but it is more authentically about a darkness that is resistant to light, something that cannot be exhumed. Such books -- and this is one of them -- are about the irresistible desire to overcome that resistance. Bad Blood offers the qualities of ambivalence and ambiguity that readers of the ancient Sjowall/Wahloo novels about Martin Beck will recognize and appreciate. Forget guilt, forget innocence; try to understand complicity and uncertainty. As another voice says, reading in the dim light of one small candle, "There can never be too little light." The novel, of course, is set in ceaseless rain.
Profile Image for Leo.
4,711 reviews575 followers
December 18, 2020
Didn't enjoy it as much as the first book but it was a classic and decent take on police procedures. I still think the pacing in these books are good and we uncover little by little in a good pace
Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books165 followers
October 14, 2016
H δεύτερη περιπέτεια της Ομάδας Α περιλαμβάνει και αρκετή δράση στην απέναντι πλευρά του Ατλαντικού.
Ένας Αμερικανός serial killer έρχεται στη Σουηδία και στο "Αρχηγείο" σημαίνει συναγερμός,όταν αποκαλύπτεται πως έχει ήδη βρει τα πρώτα του θύματα επί ευρωπαϊκού εδάφους. Η Ομάδα Α αναλαμβάνει να τον ανακαλύψει και να σταματήσει τη δράση του,πριν ο μακάβριος κατάλογός του μεγαλώσει κι άλλο. Ταυτόχρονα,οι Χολμ και Γελμ ταξιδεύουν στην Αμερική,προκειμένου να συνεργαστούν με τον πράκτορα του FBI που είχε αναλάβει επί χρόνια το κυνήγι του συγκεκριμένου serial killer. Όμως τα πράγματα είναι πολύ περισσότερο μπερδεμένα απ' ότι φαίνονται.

Το δεύτερο βιβλίο του Arne Dahl με την Ομάδα Α είναι πιο ώριμο και "συγκεντρωμένο" από το πρώτο. Οι χαρακτήρες έχουν εξελιχθεί αρκετά,και οι σχέσεις ανάμεσά τους το ίδιο. Είναι περισσότερο οικείοι στον αναγνώστη,ο οποίος έχει αρχίσει να μαθαίνει τα προσωπικά 'κουσούρια' του καθενός και να τους ξεχωρίζει ευκολότερα απ' ότι στο προηγούμενο,που η κατάσταση ήταν λίγο συγκεχυμένη,μέχρι να μπουν όλα σε μια σειρά. Το δυσκολότερο κομμάτι συνεχίζει να είναι αυτό που αφορά τα...ονόματα των περιοχών στη Σουηδία! Τόσα χρόνια που διαβάζω Σκανδιναβούς συγγραφείς,δεν νομίζω πως έχω δυσκολευτεί τόσο να προφέρω τα διάφορα τοπωνύμια,οδούς,περιοχές κτλ. :Ρ

Και η ίδια η υπόθεση μου φάνηκε πιο καλογραμμένη από το "Misterioso" - όχι ότι δεν ήταν κι εκείνη,και μάλιστα ήταν και πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα,απλά νομίζω πως,όπως συμβαίνει με τους περισσότερους συγγραφείς,έτσι και με τον Dahl εξελίσσεται και σε κάθε του βιβλίο αυτό θα είναι ολοένα περισσότερο φανερό. Πάω αμέσως στο τρίτο με τις καλύτερες προσδοκίες! :)
Profile Image for Cynnamon.
709 reviews129 followers
June 15, 2022
English version below


Auch Band 2 der A-Gruppen-Reihe lässt uns uns am Ende mit Resignation auf internationale politische Machenschaften und die damit einhergehenden gesellschaftlichen Verwerfungen blicken,

An einem amerikanischen Flughafen wird ein schwedischer Fluggast von einem amerikanischen Serienmörder auf brutalste Weise getötet.
Dieser Serienmörder reist dann in Schweden ein und begeht weitere Morde.

Der Kriminalfall wird für die A-Gruppe eine hart zu knackende Nuss und für den Leser eine äußerst spannende Angelegenheit.

Am Besten hat mir aber wieder der persönliche Blick auf die einzelnen Mitglieder der A-Gruppe gefallen. Arne Dahls Sicht- und Schreibweise ist sehr klar, oftmals auch sehr humorvoll und in der gesellschaftpolitischen Anlalyse sehr deutlich und realistisch.
Einen Cozy Krimi findet man hier allerdings nicht.

Aus meiner Sicht unbedingt empfehlenswert und auf jeden Fall 5 Sterne wert.


Volume 2 of the A-Group series also presents a resignating view at international political schemings and the associated social upheavals.

At an American airport, a Swedish passenger is brutally killed by an American serial killer.
This serial killer then enters Sweden and commits more murders.

The criminal case will be a hard nut to crack for the A group and an extremely exciting affair for the reader.

But what I liked best was the personal view at the individual members of the A group. Arne Dahl's perspective and way of writing is very clear, often very humorous and very transparent and realistic in the socio-political analysis.
However, you won't find a cozy thriller here.

From my point of view absolutely recommendable and definitely worth 5 stars.
Profile Image for Dimitris Passas (TapTheLine).
485 reviews72 followers
June 6, 2018
''Bad Blood'' is, in my humble opinion, one of the best books of ''A-Gruppen'' (or ''Intercrime'') saga even though it is only the second installment in the series. The elite team of policemen is facing a unique, for the Swedish standards, case involving an American serial killer known as ''The Kentucky killer'' who, according to strong evidence, is in the country wreaking havoc to the local community. This novel stands out, mainly, for the terrifying villain who uses a special instrument of torture, a type of pliers which squeeze the victim's vocal chords and finally kills them. The plot is compelling and the pace smooth, while the reader has the opportunity to delve once again to the minds of the team of protagonists that we are already acquainted with from the previous novel in the series (''Misterioso''). ''Bad Blood'' shifts the focus primarily to Paul Hjelm and Kerstin Holm who travel together to the U.S.A. in order to learn more about the ''Kentucky killer'' from the FBI agents who were on the case. The novel has a lot of, perfectly placed, twists and turns while another thing that Ι hugely enjoyed was the fact that we get to ''hear'' the killer's side near the end when he is interrogated by the arresting officers and explains his way of reasoning. In the majority of crime novels, the villain either dies or gets arrested and soon after that, the novel ends leaving the reader with a large number of questions concerning the real motives or the way with which a deranged killer rationalizes his actions. My rating is closer to 4,5/5 and I highly recommend the book to all avid crime fiction fanatics.
Profile Image for Angela.
513 reviews42 followers
August 4, 2013
Bad Blood is the second in the Intercrime series by Scandinavian crime writer,Arne Dahl. In this novel, we meet again the team of police officers featured previously, getting to know a little more of their characters and what “makes them tick”. They are an interesting, flawed and varied set of personalities, who gel into an effective crime- solving force.

Their task this time is to find the American serial killer, nicknamed the Kentucky Killer. This is a particularly unpleasant murderer, who uses pincers which enable his victims to whisper their secrets, but not scream under torture. Several problems arise in the course of apprehending the killer, not least being the fact that evidence suggests he died in a car crash fifteen years previously. However, the recently committed killing of a Swedish literary critic would indicate that the Kentucky Killer is alive and well, having moved from America to Sweden to carry out more dastardly crimes.

The task of finding the murderer before he continues his killing spree is a complex one. The plot twists and turns in many interesting directions, which made me want to keep reading to find the answers. Although I found the last half of the book to be enthralling and almost impossible to put down, I was disappointed with the opening section - apart from the first chapter - which seemed to drag and not hold my interest. I also found that the text did not always flow smoothly, possibly due to the translation. However, I shall certainly read more books by Arne Dahl and would recommend them to those who enjoy gritty, Scandinavian crime writing.

I received this book free from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jenny.
2,135 reviews66 followers
May 27, 2019
Bad Blood is book two in the Intercrime series by Arne Dahl. Detective Paul Hjelm and Detective Kerstin Holm of the Intercrime team caught a case of the death of Swedish literary critic. The plane ticket of the murdered victim was stolen, and the request by FBI to help in finding a serial killer Detective Paul Hjelm and Detective Kerstin Holm realise that the murderer is coming to Stockholm. The readers of Bad Blood will continue to follow Detective Paul Hjelm and Detective Kerstin Holm to see if they catch the killer.

Bad Blood was the first book I have read of Arne Dahl, and I did enjoy reading it. Bad Blood by Arne Dahl was well written and researched by Arne Dahl. Rachel Willson-Broyles did the translation of this book into English, and Rachel did a fantastic job. I love Arne Dahl portrayal of his characters and the way they intertwine with each other.

The readers of Bad Blood will learn about law enforcement procedures and cooperation between FBI and Sweden. Also, the readers of Bad Blood will learn about torture technique of squeezing the victims vocal cords shut developed during the Vietnam War.

I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Έρση Λάβαρη.
Author 5 books123 followers
February 13, 2021
Τον Νοέμβριο του 2017 ο Άρνε Νταλ εμφανίστηκε στην Αθήνα ως καλεσμένος των εκδόσεων Μεταίχμιο για την προώθηση του νέου του βιβλίου, και, απ’ όλα όσα συζητήθηκαν, αυτό που μου έμεινε περισσότερο ήτανε το εξής: όταν ερωτήθηκε πόσο δύσκολο του ήταν να γράψει το πρώτο του μυθιστόρημα (το Misterioso) και ποια ήταν η αντίδραση του κοινού (κριτικών και αναγνωστών αμφότερων) στην γραφή του, εκείνος απάντησε πως, ω, δεν υπήρχε κάποιο θέμα, ως δημοσιογράφος είχε ήδη γράψει πολλά μέχρι να αποφασίσει να ασχοληθεί με την μυθιστοριογραφία, οπότε ήταν εκ των πραγμάτων αρκετά καλός. Και, let me tell you, σε σύγκριση με τα κείμενά του ο ισχυρισμός αρκετά καλός παραείναι μάλλον ταπεινός.

Κι αυτό γιατί, παρά την όποια βαρβαρότητα του είδους (έγκλημα, θάνατος, αιματοχυσία, μυστήριο, αστυνομία), η ηπιότητα και κατά τόπους ο διακριτικός πλην σαφής λυρισμός της γραφής του, που κάνουνε πέρα την ωμότητα των σκηνών που αναφέρονται στην βία μ’ έναν πολύ έμπειρο τρόπο, αντισταθμίζουν πολύ ισορροπημένα την αποστροφή που προκαλούν οι περιγραφές μακελειών. Οι εικόνες, οι μυρωδιές και οι ήχοι, είτε ευχάριστα είτε δυσάρεστα, εμφανίζονται ευαίσθητα, εύθραυστα, συγκεκριμένα και μακρινά, πολλές φορές ακόμη χαριτωμένα. Για ‘μένα όχι, φίλε Γιαν Άρναλντ, όσον αφορά στην γραφή σου δεν είσαι απλώς αρκετά καλός.

Τώρα, στην πλοκή: Ο πολύ γνωστός κριτικός λογοτεχνίας Λαρς-Έρικ Χάσελ βρίσκεται δολοφονημένος σε μια από τις αποθήκες του αεροδρομίου της Νέας Υόρκης, και ο ομοσπονδιακός πράκτορας Ρέι Λάρνερ καταλαβαίνει, λόγω του τρόπου με τον οποίο έχει πρώτα βασανιστεί σκληρά κι έπειτα σκοτωθεί το θύμα, ότι ο φόνος πρόκειται για έργο του καθ’ έξη Δολοφόνου του Κεντάκι. Ο εν λόγω δολοφόνος βρίσκεται τώρα στο αεροπλάνο για την Στοκχόλμη στη θέση του άντρα που σκότωσε, και η Ομάδα Άλφα καλείται να αναλάβει την σύλληψη και την προσαγωγή του. Ο δράστης καταφέρνει να παρακάμψει την ενέδρα χωρίς δυσκολία, η αστυνομική μονάδα που επωμίστηκε την σύλληψή του καταντά κοινωνικός περίγελος, και, σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό, δυο καινούριοι φόνοι και μια διάρρηξη προστίθενται στην πρόσφατη αποτυχία και περιπλέκουν ακόμη περισσότερο τα πενιχρά δεδομένα που έχουν παραχωρηθεί στην Ομάδα Άλφα από το FBI. Ένα ταξίδι στην Αμερική, ένα παράνομο αντικλείδι, ένα ανώνυμο πτώμα, ένας επαγγελματίας εκτελεστής και μια νεαρή χήρα με πολλά μυστικά έρχονται στο προσκήνιο, και καθιστούν το έργο της ομάδας ακόμη δυσχερέστερο. Παράλληλα, ο Πολ Γελμ και η Σέρστιν Χολμ απομονώνονται ενθυμούμενοι τις τρυφερές στιγμές που μοιράστηκαν κυνηγώντας τον Δολοφόνο των Ισχυρών, και ο Γκούναρ Νιμπέργκ αποπειράται να αποκαταστήσει την επικοινωνία με την χαμένη του οικογένεια. Και, μέσα σ' αυτό το συνονθύλευμα από τυχαία γεγονότα και απρόσμενες εκπλήξεις, πλανάται παντού ένα προαίσθημα που προοιωνίζει καταστροφές.

Με τις συνεχείς ανατροπές, την εξέλιξη των χαρακτήρων, τα αεροπορικά πέρα-δώθε (που πολύ τα αγαπώ) και τις ενδιαφέρουσες –και αμφιλεγόμενες– ηθικές συλλήψεις του, το Μίσος και Αίμα είναι μια ακόμη περιπέτεια του Πολ Γελμ που σε χορταίνει και σε κάνει αν ανυπομονείς γι’ αυτές που έπονται.
Profile Image for Πάνος Τουρλής.
2,435 reviews146 followers
July 24, 2014
Ένα από τα καλύτερα αστυνομικά βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει. Ανατρεπτικό, αγωνιώδες, ανατριχιαστι��ό, άνθρώπινο, άμεσο, αναλυτικό...Στοκχόλμη και Κεντάκι, Σουηδία και ΗΠΑ, KGB και CIA και ντετέκτιβ και αστυνομικοί να κυνηγούν έναν κατά συρροήν δολοφόνο. Τι κρύβεται όμως πίσω από όλα αυτά; Και γιατί χρησιμοποιεί τις ειδικές τανάλιες που καταστρέφουν τις φωνητικές χορδές και ακρωτηριάζει τα θύματά του; Αλήθια, τι κοινό έχουν τα θύματά του; Και γιατί σώπασε για 15 χρόνια και μετά ξαναεμφανίστηκε, δύο χρόνια μάλιστα μετά τον...θάνατό του; :)

Προσοχή, η παρουσίαση μπορεί να περιέχει SPOILERS

Ένα δεμένο θρίλερ με πολιτικές προεκτάσεις. Πάρα πολύ καλό το δέσιμο των στοιχείων του παζλ και το σημείο έναρξης της ιστορίας. Τη στιγμή που ο δολοφόνος το σκάει στη Σουηδία αναστατώνοντας τις αστυνομίες και των δυο χωρών. Από κει αρχίζει ένα γαϊτανάκι γεγονότων, κυνηγού, αναζήτησης στοιχχείων και όλα οδηγούν σε μια αποθήκη εταιρείας. Ομολογώ ότι κατάλαβα από νωρίς πως έχουμε να κάνουμε με δυο δολοφόνους αλλά ο συγγραφέας τα παρουσιάζει και τα αιτιολογεί τόσο ωραία που αισθάνεσαι ότι δεν σου κρύβει στοιχεία αλλά δεν σου αποκαλύπτει τίοτα πριν την ώρα του! Ανθρώπινα αισθήματα όταν διαπιστώνουμε ότι έχουμε να κάνουμε με πατέρα και γιο που ο ένας τραυμάτισε οριστικά τον ψυχισμό του άλλου όταν τον ανακάλυψε κατά λάθος να βασανίζει ένα από τα θύματά του. Και το πραγματικόο αίτιο για τους φόνους του πατέρα που σκηνοθέτησε τον θάνατό του για να συνεχίσει ανενόχλητος το έργο του έχει πολιτικές προεκτάσεις και δεν είναι αυτό που φαίνεται με την πρώτη ματιά. Εντυπωσιακό που σου αποκαλύπτει συνέχεια στοιχεία αλλά οι εκπλήξεις δεν τελειώνουν ποτέ. Άντε μέχρι να βρεις την ταυτότητα του δράστη, άντε μέχρι να βρεις τα αίτια και τα κίνητρα των φόνων, άντε βρες τώρα και την αιτία των δολοφονιών και τον κοινό τους δεσμό! Δε σε αφήνει να ανασάνεις αυτό το βιβλίο. Κρίμα που είναι μια άτυπη συνέχεια του Μιστεριοσο αλλά διάβασα αυτό ως πρώτο. Αν και δεν έχει τρελές αναφορές στο πρώτο βιβλίο, η Ομάδα Άλφα επιτυγχάνει άλλον έναν άθλο! Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.

Στα ελληνικά από το Μεταίχμιο το 2012.
Profile Image for Panagiotis.
348 reviews91 followers
July 23, 2014
Ένα βιβλίο αντιπροσωπευτικό της σκανδιναυβικής σχολής αστυνομικού μυθιστορήματος, που δεν δίνει βάση μόνο στην αστυνομική πλοκή ενός κλασσικού who done it αλλά επιχειρεί να κάνει και ένα κοινωνικό σχόλιο.
Ο Νταλ τα καταφέρνει σ'αυτό πολύ καλά γιατί εκτός απο ένα σφικτό μυστήριο, με ένα από τους πιο πρωτότυπους τρόπους θανάτου που έχω διαβάσει,δίνει ζωή στο μικρόκοσμο και τη ψυχοσύνθεση των ηρώων βαζοντάς μας μέσα στη καρδιά της Σουηδικής κοινωνίας, μιας κοινωνίας που αποτελεί πρότυπο για το δυτικό κόσμο,η οποία όμως κάτω από τη glossy επιφάνεια κρύβει πολύ φασισμό και ρατσισμό.
Οι ήρωες είναι καθημερινοί με προβληματισμούς και ανασφάλειες που έχουμε όλοι και προσπαθούν να τα βγάλουν πέρα με όλα, οικογένεια, καριέρα, προσωπικές σχέσεις και μέσα σε όλα αυτά πρέπει να βρουν ένα serial killer που ταλαιπωρει τ�� FBI επί σειρά ετών, και τα βγάζουν πέρα βάζοντας τα γυαλιά στους αμερικανούς ομολόγους τους που τους αντιμετώπιζαν με υπεροψία.
Ο Νταλ γράφει στρωτά με ωραία γλώσσα και γρήγορο ρυθμό και δίνει ένα bittersweet τέλος που είναι πολύ ταιριαστό με το ομιχλώδες και βροχερό κλίμα της Στοκχόλμης.
Profile Image for Katy.
1,293 reviews298 followers
August 14, 2013
Book Info: Genre: Suspense/Thriller/Noir Crime
Reading Level: Adult
Recommended for: those who like darker crime thrillers, those who like Scandinavian crime novels
Book Available: August 13, 2013 in Hardcover and Kindle formats
Trigger Warnings: torture, murder, infidelity (flashback to first book), child abuse

My Thoughts: This is an absolutely brilliant book, like the first one. Again I am not surprised to find that Arne Dahl is a bestseller and very well-known elsewhere in the world. While it is very dark, it's also very well-written, and a highly enjoyable read.

This book mentions that the majority of serial killers—the vast majority—live in and operate in the USA. I did a little looking into it and saw that this is true, and it made me wonder: why? What in our society is feeding this sort of sick psyche? What is causing our children to grow up to want to murder people over and over again? This is nothing new, either; as long as records have been kept, the US has led the world. It is just that we keep better records? Consider that countries like India and China vastly outnumber us in population, yet we hold this record. It's very obviously not about being crowded, as this is one of the less-crowded countries in the world. It's very strange and, I think, a good subject for discussion. If anyone knows of any studies done to try to explain this, please comment with links.

Speaking of serial killers, one thing about them is you can never tell who they are.
Perhaps one could trivially conclude that he simply didn't stand out. An everyman, like so many serial killers. One might suppose that a man who, hardly an hour earlier, had carried out a bestial, tortuous murder would stand out in some day, perhaps not with large, wild eyes, bloody clothes, and a dripping ice pick, but at least something.
But of course, they usually don't.
However, ironically, as Kersten Holm says, “Serial killing is about being seen.” Not literally, of course, but about being noticed, confirming one's own reality through the actions of others. Power is gained through the public's reactions, through the attempts of the police to catch the killer, and through the distress caused to everyone around the situation.

There is a description of a literary critic in this book that really made me sit up and take notice. A colleague describes him thus:
Hassel had power. He was allowed to write about whatever books he wanted, and he always chose things he didn't understand, just so he could cut those authors off at the knees. He wrote... a few... novels in the seventies, but since then all his work has been based on raking people over the coals. It's almost impossible to count the promising authors he's single-handedly sunk.”
Is that what is meant when being a literature critic is mentioned? Is that why so many people who write reviews seem to revel in cruel and ranting “reviews” designed only to taunt and demean the author rather than explain why they didn't like the book in a way that actually refers to... the book? Well, that explains a lot of things...

Obviously this is not a humorous book. It's about a nasty serial killer. But there are some really funny moments. One of my favorites ran a couple pages, where the habits of each of the detectives in the morning, and during transit to work, are described. It made me snort repeatedly. The humor is a bit dry, but I think folks who like their humor dry—like they like their champagne or wine—will be similarly amused.

I think fans of noir, darker crime thrillers, and fans of other Scandinavian writers will find this to be a book they won't want to miss. There are almost a dozen novels in this series, but this is only the second to be translated into English. I very much hope the remainder of the series will follow in due time, as I definitely want to read them all. This book doesn't have a happy ending, but it does have a hopeful one; I am very happy the last two chapters were included to shine a light in the darkness as it were. Highly recommended.

Series Information: Intercrime/Unit-A series
Book 1: Misterioso, read and reviewed May, 2011, review linked here where formatting allowed.
Book 2: Bad Blood, available August 13, 2013
Books 3 – 11: Published in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe, but not translated into English at this time. Hopefully they will be translated into English and released here soon!

Disclosure: I received an ARC from the Amazon Vine program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Synopsis: In Arne Dahl’s riveting follow-up to Misterioso, the Intercrime team is assigned the task of tracking down an American serial killer on the loose in Sweden—quietly, and as quickly as possible.

When a Swedish literary critic is found tortured to death in a janitor’s closet at Newark International Airport, the police realize that the murderer made off with the victim’s ticket and boarded a flight to Stockholm. Swedish authorities are placed on high alert, but the killer manages to slip through the customs dragnet and vanishes into the night. 

With no clear motive in sight, Detectives Paul Hjelm and Kerstin Holm of Intercrime’s A-Unit take over the investigation. They learn that the method of torture used was not only a highly specialized means of extracting information secretly developed during the Vietnam War—allowing the victim to whisper, but not to scream—but also that it was the modus operandi of an allegedly deceased homicidal maniac known only as the Kentucky Killer. 

As additional victims are discovered on the outskirts of Stockholm and the terror grows, the team finds itself coming up empty-handed. Hjelm and Holm fly to New York, hoping to discover both the killer’s identity and the source of his interest in Sweden. What they quickly learn, searching through the past, is that bad blood always comes back around.
Profile Image for Luanne Ollivier.
1,885 reviews110 followers
August 19, 2013
3.5/5 It's no secret to faithful readers that I'm a crime fiction fan. I always enjoy discovering new authors in this genre.

Arne Dahl's latest North American release is Bad Blood. This is the second book featuring his recurring characters, the members of the A-Unit of the Swedish Intercrime Team.

The team is notified by the FBI that an American serial killer has eluded authorities and is on a flight to Sweden. Once the plane lands, the killer manages to again escape and the inevitable wait begins.....for him to kill again.

I felt a little behind as I got up to speed with who was who in the team. There are many players, each with their own strengths, foibles and backgrounds. There's a rich cast with enough personalities that every reader will come away with a favourite. (I'm partial to the old man of the team - Viggo) Dahl makes references to the first crime this team solved - in the book Misterioso. The allusions to the crime made it sound like a book I would also enjoy, but Bad Blood can definitely be read as a stand alone.

American crime novels are often direct and to the point. I find that foreign crime novels often take a different approach, with more conversation between the characters, more speculation and more discussion. This was the case with the first half of Bad Blood. But, the second half of the book really picks up the pace once the bodies (yes, plural) start piling up.

Dahl has created a serial killer with a really nasty way of doing away with his victims. (Fair warning to gentle readers) The plotting took off in directions I would not have imagined. A little bit of a stretch in places, but definitely original. Dahl manages to sneak in social commentary along side of his crime.

Rachel Willson-Broyles was the translator. There were a few wooden bits with some of the humour, but overall it was a smooth read. The book was originally published in 1998, so some of the references are dated. But, I would definitely read the next North American release from Dahl, as I really enjoyed the characters.
Profile Image for Richard.
927 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2013
The second in Dahl's Swedish special crime team novels, and pretty good. While there is a lot to groan about, the interesting plot and humor (when it works) more than make up for the odd moments and mistakes about America.

The plot involves the 'Kentucky Killer' traveling to Sweden. Since this was written pre-9/11, the ease with which K (as he is called) goes through the airports can be excused, even it gave me pause. What also stopped the flow for me was Dahl referring to Kentucky as being in the American Midwest several times. To a Swede looking at a map, this is understandable, but really, no research on this?

There were many references to American and British pop culture (much like Nesbo) that amused me, the Balls reference to the Pink Panther in particular. The Swedish pop culture references necessarily needed explaining, thus spoiling the jokes such as the names Hjelm and Holm sounding like an old Swedish comedy team. As with the first book, there are many odd passages in which I wonder what the translator was trying to convey.

I missed the jazz clues from MISTERIOSO, and thought the visit to New York City should have produced more jazz appreciation than it did.

If you like a combination of gruesome killing, humor and a devious plot, this book is worth your time.
Profile Image for Elif.
269 reviews51 followers
July 11, 2018
Bir polisiye seriye ilk kez sırasıyla başladım. Ölümün Sesi ilk kitaptı, Kötü Kan ikinci kitap. Başrol Paul Hjelm’i sevdim. Yüzündeki o garip pembe iz bütün seri boyunca olay olacak herhalde. Hjelm ile Holm tam Edi ile Büdü oldu. Ama bence iş arkadaşlıkları bozulmasaydı daha iyi olurdu. Bu kitapta aksiyon çok daha yüksekti. Yazar bayağı detay düşünmüş. Genel olarak sevdim. 👍🏻
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Crazytourists_books.
594 reviews60 followers
June 30, 2021
Δεν ήταν κακό αλλά δεν ήταν και σούπερ ουαου!
Αρκετά φλύαρο (όπως όλα της σουηδικής σχολής) και τελικά πιο αμερικανιά από ο,τι θα ήθελα.
Profile Image for Pamela.
1,538 reviews
March 24, 2019
Stockholm's A-Group, tasked with investigating crimes with international connections, are following the trail of an American serial killer, who appears to have murdered a Swedish citizen in New York and taken his seat on a flight to Sweden. The routine investigation of a warehouse break-in appears to throw up links to the killer, and the team have to pull together all the lines of enquiry to try to track down a vicious and ruthless killer.

This was an enjoyable read, combining a police procedural with elements of a thriller. It was a little slow to get started as there was quite a bit of scene-setting with the backstory of the serial killings and in introducing the team. A word of warning here - this is a series that really needs to be read in order, as there is a significant amount of reference to the previous book in introducing the team in the initial chapters.

The author likes to expound on social and political issues affecting Sweden, and this could have been better integrated into the story. However, once the different plot strands start to be identified, the action ramps up, and the final third of the book is very exciting with a dramatic conclusion. It certainly kept me reading on to find out what was really going on. The different characters in the team are also quite well developed, with flashes of their personal lives giving depth but not overshadowing their professional work.

Overall, I enjoyed Bad Blood and will be reading more from this series.
October 22, 2017
Take the late (and very great) Ed McBain's 87th Precinct series, move them to Sweden, particularly Stockholm, bring them into the world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, change all of the names of the characters to Scandinavian names and you have the Intercrime series of Arne Dahl. Well, sort of. (No one is Ed McBain except maybe Evan Hunter.)

But we have a group of detectives, all with particular talents who are assembled together in the Intercrime Group. None are perfect but they do have a synergistic effect when hunting down major criminals.

Sweden has been invaded by an American serial killer and so the group assembles to identify them and track them down and apprehend them. And so they do. . . sort of. What's that you say? What do you mean? Nope, read the book, you'll be glad you did. You'll enjoy these detectives, their lives, imperfect, real, good and bad.

And this story? It's a good one. I think Ed would appreciate the intricacies of the plot.
Profile Image for Denise.
7,114 reviews127 followers
November 20, 2021
I have absolutely no idea how I came by this book, just randomly found it on my Kindle. But why not - I do frequently enjoy nordic thrillers and have read another by this author that was pretty good. Not having read the first book in this series featuring an elite Swedish police unit dealing with serious crimes that go beyond Sweden's borders, I wasn't familiar with the characters but got to know them well enough as they are faced with the unprecedented threat of an American serial killer with a penchant for brutal torture on the loose in the country. The premise is fascinating, the story itself gripping, I just wish the pace hadn't dragged so much especially in the first half of the book.
Profile Image for Fenia Vazaka.
206 reviews14 followers
April 13, 2017
Μου άρεσε αρκετά. Θα έβαζα 3,5 αλλά θα είμαι λαρτζ και θα βάλω 4.
Δεν υπάρχει ένας πρωταγωνιστής, αλλά μια ομάδα, το οποίο ίσως και να είναι πιο ρεαλιστικό, γιατί γίνεται καταμερισμός εργασίας και υπάρχει συντονισμός και ομαδικό πνεύμα.
Η υπόθεση με τον κατά συρροή δολοφόνο εξελίσσεται με αγωνία, υπάρχουν ανατροπές και εκπλήξεις και στο τέλος επικρατεί ένα σενάριο που εκπλήσσει μεν τον αναγνώστη, αλλά ίσως είναι πιο κοντά στην πραγματικότητα.
Η δεύτερη υπόθεση, που σχετίζεται με την πρώτη, είναι λίγο τραβηγμένη, δεν είναι πολύ ξεκάθαρη η εξέλιξή της και μάλλον κουράζει τον αναγνώστη.
Σε γενικές γραμμές ήταν πολύ καλύτερο από ένα άλλο βιβλίο του Dahl που είχα διαβάσει. Θα μου άρεσε πολύ να το δω να γίνεται ταινία.
138 reviews
March 7, 2023
Another great Intercrime novel with Paul Hjelm and the others in the Swedish A-team as they call themselves. This time Paul and Kerstin travel to New York to try and track a serial killer that started in the US and apparently jumped onto a flight to Sweden. Particularly gruesome murders with a new device that was developed in secret during the Vietnam War. Fast paced to the end and we get to learn more about the members of the A-team and what makes them tick.
Profile Image for Kadi Viik.
106 reviews15 followers
June 25, 2017
Arne Dahl är riktigt bra, både litterärt och inom sin genre. Ont blod är dessutom oavbrutet intressant och spännande med en sorts lökeffekt - under varje skikt blottas ett nytt som vrider om historien ytterligare ett varv. Tänker tugga mig igenom hela serien nu.
Profile Image for Donna.
349 reviews
June 22, 2018
Another great police procedural from Mr. Dahl. I am enjoying the slow building rapport between the team of investigators first introduced in the beginning novel in the series 'Misterioso'.
Profile Image for Kostas Kanellopoulos.
654 reviews34 followers
July 18, 2021
Ο,τι κερδίζει με την ιστορία σίριαλ κιλερ το χάνει με την απλοϊκή προσέγγιση μπαμπούλα CIA
Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews

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