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Richard, a busy and preoccupied father, discovers a Christmas box full of love letters from an old woman to her dead daughter and, with the help of an angel, begins to learn the true meaning of Christmas

128 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1993

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About the author

Richard Paul Evans

196 books6,039 followers
When Richard Paul Evans wrote the #1 best-seller, The Christmas Box, he never intended on becoming an internationally known author. His quiet story of parental love and the true meaning of Christmas made history when it became simultaneously the #1 hardcover and paperback book in the nation. Since then, more than eight million copies of The Christmas Box have been printed. He has since written eleven consecutive New York Times bestsellers. He is one the few authors in history to have hit both the fiction and non-fiction bestseller lists. He has won several awards for his books including the 1998 American Mothers Book Award, two first place Storytelling World Awards, and the 2005 Romantic Times Best Women Novel of the Year Award. His books have been translated into more than 22 languages and several have been international best sellers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,618 reviews
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,842 followers
December 9, 2018
If you follow my reviews, you know that many of my nostalgic reflections involve my time working at Waldenbooks in the 1990s. That is no different with The Christmas Box. For those of you who might be familiar with the history of this book, that should come as no surprise. Released in 1995, this short hardcover was a staple stocking stuffer for many years (and may still be). We had stacks of copies a couple hundred high and kept a display at the registers to encourage add-ons. During the month of December almost every other sale included a copy. Sometimes people would by multiple copies of it at a time to make sure everyone in the family had one.

So, since it was a short book and very popular you would think I read it back then to see what all the hype was about. Alas, I did not - I was much more specific with my reading at the time (mainly Stephen King and required high school reading), so a flowery covered book about Christmas wasn't worth my time. This holiday season I decided to remedy that.

I am very glad I took the time! This book has so much heart! It is an engaging, one sitting read. You could probably even easily read it out loud to your family in a couple of installments. The prose was very nice and tears were jerked many times - I was sure someone was cutting onions! I think this book will really resonate with people who try to juggle family time with the rigors of day-to-day life.

Side note: The following bears no impact on my judgment of the book, I just want to make sure everyone is in the know. This is a very faith-based book. I am aware that not all of my Goodreads friends are religious. If you think you may not enjoy a story with a Christ-based focus, then it is likely you will not enjoy this. But if you do like faith-based stories or don't mind them, I can easily recommend this story to you.
Profile Image for Kay.
2,203 reviews1,135 followers
November 22, 2021
4⭐I finished book #2, in the Christmas Box collection, Timepiece and was very confused with the ending. The story itself was fine to read as a standalone until the very last chapter that ties to this book. It's been a long time since I read it so I decided to borrow it again through Hoopla.

I appreciate the story more the second time around. It's definitely a tearjerker about the spirit of Christmas. A little heavy on the religious side than most of RPE's Christmas stories.

3⭐ Richard Paul Evans Christmas novel is must-read during the holidays and a new release gets me excited every year! This year I chose his all-time classic, The Christmas Box, and will read his newest one as well. I have to admit this isn't my favorite (maybe I'll blame it on old audio book narration) although still a very inspiring Christmas short story.
Profile Image for Kimber Silver.
Author 2 books403 followers
December 14, 2024
The Christmas Box is a beautiful holiday story. 🎄

"The human life cycle no less than evolves around the box; from the open-topped box called a bassinet, to the pine box we call a coffin, the box is our past and, just as assuredly, our future. It should not surprise us then that the lowly box plays such a significant role in the first Christmas story. For Christmas began in a humble, hay-filled box of splintered wood."
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,582 reviews1,403 followers
January 6, 2021
Okay, here we dive into theology. If you happen to be Mormon, just know you’ll be okay with the content and move along. (I don’t mind quiet discussion, but attack-comments will be deleted. If you object, please make it constructive.)

I expected there to be a little "supernatural" stuff in the book when I started because of the terms the box is spoken of in. However, it had been very highly spoken of by friends, and I pressed on. It’s very high in sentiment and it is deliberately aimed at giving a warm, fuzzy feeling. It speaks of God and many people have shelved it as Christian and have gathered an inspirational message from it.

However, the theology in its message is anything but mainstream. By about the halfway mark we get into the angel-speak...but these are no Debbie MaComber angels, the type that is a visitation from above but is never confused with mortals. No, these angels were previously mortals, and had been angels before becoming mortals. My theology radar started buzzing. I knew the author was Mormon and I had previously heard that Mormons believe that humans become angels after death.

Just to be certain, I went to a Mormon got-questions site and confirmed that point. I got a bonus: it is their normal belief that all humans are angels any time they aren’t living a human life. I was surprised how much this paralleled with a couple other things in the book that didn’t add up. I wasn’t sure where some of the concepts came from but once I checked that site, everything made sense. The “first gift” of Christmas was focused more on a baby arriving and completely ignored the reality of Jesus’s destiny as savior of the world. A regular human baby is NOT just the same as Jesus coming because the purpose is completely different.

There is absolutely zero Biblical support for the idea that humans and angels are the same things in different forms. Mary’s daughter did not become an angel upon death and a new baby is not an angel sent to earth. There are several Bible verses that specify that angels are different beings and man is “a little lower than the angels” and that the angels were not given the gospel. (1 Peter 1:12)

I can neither support nor recommend a book that repeatedly cheapens the message of Christmas by making Jesus into just another baby and making the idea of meeting an angel at death, and having that specific once-human angel watching over you, more important than getting to meet Jesus face to face. A Christmas story that leaves out the real reason Jesus came to earth, while getting excited over angels and supernatural revelations, and mentioning God and Jesus as though they believe the God of the Bible...is not a Christmas story at all!
Profile Image for Angie.
151 reviews12 followers
December 17, 2009
Someone just dropped off my "present" from the Relief Society. It's a copy of The Christmas Box. This is almost as bad as when the "gift" distributed at church on Mother's Day is a pamphlet about how good mothers should behave and then the dads get Snickers bars on Father's Day. At least they didn't leave a candy bar for Dan along with The Christmas Box for me this time. I bought a copy to read for a book club (and when I expressed my opinion as to the merit of this book at said book club, I found myself in almost as much danger of being stoned as when I expressed a similar opinion of the Twilight series), so now I am the shamed owner of two copies of this wretched book. If I'd noticed what it was before the person left, I suppose I would have politely refused it. (Yes, politely. It would have been difficult, but I'd have refrained from mentioning that I am hard pressed to think of another book I despise as much as The Christmas Box and merely told her that I already own a copy.) Something in my soul rejects the idea of tossing even a book this lousy in the trash can, but it's time for a D.I. run because I gotta get both copies of this book off my shelves. I am annoyed by this book of little substance getting people thinking it's good because it made them cry with its sappy sentimentality. Yeah, it involves the death of a child, so it invokes tears, from me along with all the other suckers. I am offended at having had my emotions manipulated by the unadulterated drivel that is The Christmas Box.
Profile Image for Cindi (Utah Mom’s Life).
350 reviews73 followers
December 14, 2011
I read The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans yesterday afternoon. The best thing about it was that it was short. I feel a little like Elaine from Seinfeld when she hated the highly acclaimed "English Patient".

There must be something wrong with me. That's the only explanation, right?

Don't get me wrong. It's a sweet story. A sad story and a good reminder of what is really, truly important--especially at Christmas. I get the message. I gave my babies extra hugs last night.

So, maybe my real problem with the book is actually the length. There wasn't time to develop any of the characters very well. I don't care about them yet. It's hard to be too emotionally moved by a story if you just don't care about them.

Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,933 reviews37 followers
December 6, 2023
This year marks the 30th anniversary of this inspirational and healing holiday classic. How serendipitous to be reading it on the very same date as the important one mentioned in this story. I would never have known about it if it weren’t for my two friends, Darla and Tina, posting wonderful reviews after reading it this week.

🛒What you are going to get:
A heartfelt story with an underlying lesson about the first gift of Christmas and a reminder about how precious it is to spend time with loved ones.

This is book one of a trilogy about the Parkin family. It centers around a busy Utah businessman, Richard, and his wife, Keri, and their 4-year-old daughter, Jenna, who, due to financial struggles, move into a Victorian mansion to care for an aging widow in exchange for room and board. MaryAnne Parkin has many valuable lessons to teach this family and they unravel as her secrets come to light.

One of the main messages is that the holiday season can be a difficult time for those who are suffering or feeling loss. Loss is a thread running through the author’s personal life and he willingly commissioned an angel statute for the Salt Lake City Cemetary after readers of his book expressed an interest in an angel monument as a place to mourn. Every Dec. 6th candlelight vigils take place to honour children who’ve died.

"Grief is the truest evidence of love. We should always be grateful to have something to love, even if it means that we have to lose it."

Regardless of experiencing the loss of a child, this book will speak to those of us who are busy and who have the potential to lose sight of what really matters to their loved ones. I appreciated the warning.

This book may be small in size (very quick read) but will have a BIG tug on your heartstrings.

Keri, Richard’s wife, asks “Which of the senses do you think is most affected by Christmas?” What would you answer?

I love learning as I read and I couldn’t wait to Google the reference to the 1631 KJV of the bible and the printing mistake.

Thank you Darla and Tina! I loved your recommendation.
Profile Image for Kellie O'Connor.
329 reviews157 followers
December 11, 2023
This story deserves so very many more stars than 5! How about a hundred? 🌟

This short story is sure to fill your heart with warmth, love and healing. It'll also ask you an extremely important question, " What's the first gift of Christmas?" Do you know the true answer? You will find it in this incredibly beautiful story ✝️ It's not a hard question to ask you but many people in today's world truly don't know the answer. Look deep into your hearts and you will find it there!!

It's such a beautiful treasure of a book that was gifted to me by my good friend, Cheri. Thank you ever so much for sending me this amazing book as well as the other two, one more to read ... soon! I appreciate you sending me the 20th anniversary edition, Cheri... I'll treasure it for years and share it with my family and friends!

Richard Paul Evans said this, " It is my deepest hope that, for centuries to come, the message of The Christmas Box will endure as a reminder of the sanctity and holiness of a parents love. God Bless and Merry Christmas." It will, Mr. Evans, it will!

I really highly recommend this emotionally moving book and wish you all of you the joy and Miracle Of Christmas! 🌟🎄🎁
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,826 reviews6,705 followers
November 22, 2016
The Christmas Box is a moving story about the meaning of Christmas. In this tale, it is children and the time parents spend with their children. Time can never be replaced, and time itself is truly the most meaningful and memorable gift of all. This story definitely urges the reader to reexamine priorities in life. Very beautiful and heartfelt.
"When I wrote The Christmas Box, I never intended to publish the story-it was simply an expression of love for my two young daughters, Jenna and Allyson. Though I often told them that I loved them, I didn’t believe that they could ever really understand the depth of those feelings until they had experienced the joy of rearing their own children, and by that time our relationship would have already changed. Forever. In writing The Christmas Box, I hoped that at some future time they could read this book and know of their father’s love.

As I began to write, I was amazed at the inspiration which flowed into my mind and heart. I completed the book in less than six weeks and, when I had finished, I produced twenty copies to give as Christmas presents to my family and friends. In the next four weeks those twenty copies were shared from family to family, and friend to friend. I never imagined that what began as a tale for two little girls would spread to millions throughout the world."
-Richard Paul Evans, website
My favorite quote:
“The human life cycle no less than evolves around the box; from the open-topped box called a bassinet, to the pine box we call a coffin, the box is our past and, just as assuredly, our future. It should not surprise us then that the lowly box plays such a significant role in the first Christmas story. For Christmas began in a humble, hay-filled box of splintered wood. The Magi, wise men who had traveled far to see the infant king, laid treasure-filled boxes at the feet of that holy child. And in the end, when He had ransomed our sins with His blood, the Lord of Christmas was laid down in a box of stone. How fitting that each Christmas season brightly wrapped boxes skirt the pine boughs of Christmas trees around the world.”

The Christmas Box made publishing history when it simultaneously became both the bestselling hardcover and the bestselling paperback book in America. Suddenly, former advertising executive and clay animator Richard Paul Evans was a bestselling writer with a whole new career ahead of him.

Richard Paul Evans parlayed his self-published novel into a $4.25 million advance contract from Simon & Schuster and established himself as one of the most financially successful authors of the '90s.

The Christmas Box made history as the first self-published novel to hit #1 on The New York Times best-seller list as a self-published book.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in 1995, The Christmas Box had the highest one week sales of any book in their list's history.

The 1995 adaptation of The Christmas Box starring Maureen O'Hara and Richard Thomas snared an Emmy for best costuming in a miniseries or special.

In 1997, Richard Paul Evans founded The Christmas Box House International, a foundation responsible for building shelters for abused, neglected, and homeless children throughout the world.
Profile Image for Caroline .
464 reviews664 followers
September 20, 2019
I can't believe I read this corny book. When it was first published, someone gave it to me, and I must have been bored because...I actually read the thing. It's short and simplistically written, a very quick feel-good read. I forgot all about it until now, which really says it all: It's an unmemorable book, one of those Christmas stories dripping with sentimentality--exactly like the goofy Christmas movies the Hallmark channel airs every Christmas season. It's only goal is to warm the heart.
Profile Image for Christine.
619 reviews1,373 followers
November 30, 2014
The Christmas Box is a little story with a compelling message. One who waits too long to receive and embrace the message is risking a lifetime of regret. Richard Paul Evans conveys the tale simply yet elegantly; it can be read in an afternoon. I found The Christmas Box very inspirational and recommend it to all who celebrate Christmas.
Profile Image for Ray.
874 reviews60 followers
December 15, 2017
Another heart warming tale that touched me from Richard Paul Evans. I finished this book and then logged on to reserved the next one at my library. His writing style imparts a simple path to truths that we take for granted. His exposure of those truths provide genuine opportunities for emotional awakenings. I think his stories are amazing. I like his work as much as I have enjoyed Mitch Albom. Take an afternoon and reflect on the true meanings he shows us in one of his books. You will surely be so much better for the shared experience.
Profile Image for Chandler.
317 reviews
December 9, 2008
This was a really sweet book. I loved the lesson learned of the true gift of Christmas, and the love that was shared between these people. It was a really fast read and very touching, I thought that it depicted the true meaning of Christmas in a wonderful way. We have all been given a wonderful gift of eternal life, and we should all acknowledge that fact on more than the occasion of Christ's birth.
Profile Image for Benji's Books.
368 reviews6 followers
December 19, 2023
A heartwarming tale about the true meaning of Christmas (I cringed after typing that, but it's true). I've been looking for some actual Christmas novels to read this year and I figured I'd start with the bestselling Christmas Box Trilogy. The first entry in the series was a really quick read and is for anyone who likes a good old-fashioned Christmas story without all the gimmicks.

The story is about a family sharing a house with an elderly woman, Mary. When our main character finds himself going through her attic, he finds an antique box of sorts full of old letters written to perhaps an old lover. As the story progresses, the letters are not to an old lover, but to Mary's 3-year-old daughter, who passed away many years ago. Mary wrote to her, telling her of all the things she's wanted to tell her, in hopes that they someday reached her.

It's a really nice tale actually, told through faith and I think it did a wonderful job of putting Christ back into Christmas, but I believe even a non-Christian could find themselves enjoying the book.

Would recommend.
December 29, 2007
I'm aware that this is now some sort of Utah-Cult-Classic, but I hated this book. It was way too sappy and way to warm and fuzzy for my liking. I probably gagged all the way through it. No offense to the whole children-dying thing that the book was trying to portray, I'm super sad for dying children, but.....
Profile Image for Chris.
824 reviews160 followers
January 1, 2020
What a lovely sweet story about what is important in life. Love. God's love, familial love, friendship. Could be read in two or three hours if you had that block of time.
Profile Image for Donne.
1,384 reviews33 followers
December 6, 2023
This is a very short story about the meaning and gifts of Christmas. It’s a religious story, but, thankfully, nowhere near as preachy and religious as so many religious Chistmas stories can often be. I am not religious, at all, but am tolerant of modest religious tones in Christmas stories. I found this one actually got a little emotional at the end. Nice story.
Profile Image for Wadwilkins.
59 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2010
I'm a total sap and bawled through the whole ending. It was good, but I was glad it was so short! Nice for the holidays.
Profile Image for Nina.
64 reviews109 followers
December 10, 2015
Những tác phẩm mang tên Mùa Giáng Sinh thường mang đậm tính nhân văn trong cả cốt truyện, nhân vật và những gì có liên quan đến tác phẩm đó.

Chiếc hộp mở ra câu chuyện về cuộc sống giữa những ngày đông lạnh giá nhưng lại khiến lòng người ấm hơn khi trái tim người này ủ ấm trái tim của người khác.

So với những truyện khác viết cho thiếu nhi thì Chiếc Hộp Giáng Sinh cũng là một truyện nhẹ nhàng, nội dung giản dị. Nếu không kiên nhẫn đọc đến những trang sau của cuốn sách sẽ có cảm giác phần đầu hơi nhạt. Chỉ là một câu chuyện về một gia đình nhỏ có ba người với những khó khăn thường nhật là chỗ ăn chỗ ở và một công việc tốt để ông bố có thể nuôi sống vợ và một đứa con gái nhỏ.

Cốt truyện chỉ được đẩy lên khi có sự xuất hiện của một người phụ nữ lớn tuổi chủ của một căn biệt thự cổ trong vùng. Bà là một trong những nhân vật chính khiến tác phẩm trở nên nhân văn bởi chính tâm hồn và lòng khát khao yêu thương.

Sự ra đi của cô con gái nhỏ đã khiến bà thèm khát được sống và chia sẻ cuộc sống khá giả của mình với một gia đình nhỏ nào đó. Đặc biệt gia đình bà thuê phải là gia đình có con nhỏ. Dường như, vào đúng cái mùa Giáng Sinh ấy, Thượng Đế đã an bài để họ gặp nhau trong tình người, một bên là người sống dư giả về mặt vật chất nhưng thiếu thốn tình thân và một bên là những con người đang trong cảnh khó khăn nhưng lại đầy ắp tình thân thuộc.

Có phải mùa đông là mùa con người dễ yêu nhau hơn những mùa khác bởi không khí se lạnh bao trùm không gian ? Nó thôi thúc con người phải mở lòng mình để đón nhận một trái tim còn hằn bao vết thương của quá khứ nào đó. Để rồi, sự hiếu kì muốn hiểu về người phụ nữ già kia đã khiến nhân vật " tôi" trong tác phẩm âm thầm nén đọc những bức thư đầy xúc cảm mà Mary viết gửi đứa con gái quá cố Andrea. Rồi chính người bố kia lại nhận ra lời nhắn gửi yêu thương mà bà góa phụ dành cho anh, điều quý giá nhất trong cuộc đời anh chính là tuổi thơ vẹn tròn của con gái mình chứ không phải là việc quần quật kiếm tiền để chăm sóc gia đình.

" Con gái nhỏ quý giá của tôi. Tôi đã ngu ngốc làm sao, khi để tuổi thơ của nó, tuổi thơ quý giá thoáng qua của nó phải vô tình trôi đi. Mãi mãi. Trong cái đầu óc khờ khạo của tôi mọi thứ mới vĩnh cửu và bền vững làm sao. Con gái nhỏ của tôi sẽ mãi là con gái nhỏ của tôi. Nhưng thời gian đã cho thấy tôi mới lầm lạc biết nhường nào. Một ngày nào đó con bé sẽ lớn. Một ngày nào đó con bé sẽ ra đi, còn tôi bị bỏ lại với ký ức về tiếng cười khúc khích và những điều bí mật mà lẽ ra tôi đã được biết."

Tôi thích cách tác giả viết về cô bé Jenna với cả sự hồn nhiên ngây thơ của một đứa trẻ. Cô bé thích được nghe bố đọc truyện cho mỗi tối trước khi đi ngủ. Jenna bé bỏng với suy nghĩ non nớt trong đầu, thắc mắc hỏi bà Mary vì ghen tị với thời gian mà bố dành cho công việc bận rộn cuối năm. Đây có lẽ cũng là một trong những chi tiết đắt giá làm nên sự nổi tiếng của tác phẩm, để lại trong lòng người đọc những thao thức không nguôi về cuộc sống của chính mình.

Một tác phẩm xúc động làm nên phép màu diệu kì cho mùa Giáng Sinh mà tác giả viết tặng hai cô con gái nhỏ của mình.

Bạn nghĩ món quà Giáng Sinh đầu tiên mà bạn nhận được đó là gì ? Khi được hỏi về điều này, đa số chúng ta đều nghĩ ngay đến những món quà vật chất đắt tiền nào đó. Nhưng tác giả tin rằng: " Món quà Giáng Sinh đầu tiên, đó là tình yêu. Tình yêu của cha mẹ. Trong vắt như tuyết đầu mùa Giáng Sinh. Vì Thượng Đế yêu con của Người đến nỗi đã gửi Con trai của Người xuống đây, một ngày nào đó chúng ta sẽ trở lại bên Người."

Và tôi cũng tin như thế, tin rằng Thượng Đế yêu chính từng người trong chúng ta như chính Con của Người.

Truyện kết thúc đượm buồn với sự ra đi trong thanh thản của bà Mary nhưng chính sự ra đi ấy lại mở ra một cái nhìn chân thực và đầy ý nghĩa về cuộc sống này, giúp con người sống đúng là người hơn.
Author 3 books25 followers
November 20, 2013
Before I purchase or read a book that I purchased on a whim, I go to Amazon and read a few reviews. Typically, a couple of the five star as well as the one star reviews, getting a feel for both spectrums. The few negative/one star reviews that I read for THE CHRISTMAS BOX, didn’t deter me. Why they believe the book to not be good wasn’t concerning enough. The second thing I do is go inside the book and read a few paragraph to get a feel for the authors writing style.

If there was ever a book I was glad to have not been swayed by the bad reviews, it’s THE CHRISTMAS BOX by RICHARD PAUL EVANS. Wow! One would think it much easier to write a novella, but when in fact it’s harder. With a full-length novel, you have pages of words to convey your story. With a novella, not so much. It takes a skilled writer to pull off a novella that contains all the elements required to make a great story, and that’s exactly what RICHARD PAUL EVANS has accomplished in this wonderful short story.

Richard works hard to keep his family afloat with a shared business, while his wife cares for their soon-to-be four-year old daughter, Jenna. When his wife Keri spots an ad in the newspaper for a live-in family to make a lonely widow - Mary Perkins - meals, along with doing a few odd jobs, they are quick to apply, having outgrown their cramped apartment.

Richard and his family are quickly welcomed into Mary’s home where they soon become a family. There are secrets discovered in the attic, and even greater lessons to be learned.

THE CHRISTMAS BOX will keep your interest, wanting to read the next page before you’ve completed the one your reading. It will capture your heart, your soul, make you smile, and make you weep.

As I began to read THE CHRISTMAS BOX, I didn’t have high hopes for a well-rounded story with only 87 TINY pages. I certainly didn’t expect to be in awe of MR EVANS writing. But that’s exactly what happened. The way he strings words together with brilliant descriptions that flow naturally, is nothing short of amazing. RICHARD PAUL EVANS storytelling is of one that I will not only be reading to learn the craft of writing, but seeking out his future novels.
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,284 reviews
January 1, 2015
SUMMARY: Since it was first published, millions of people have been touched by the magic of The Christmas Box, a holiday classic that is as beloved in our time as A Christmas Carol was in Dickens's. When Richard Paul Evans wrote The Christmas Box, he intended it as a private expression of love for his two young daughters, Jenna and Allyson. Though he often told them that he loved them, he didn't feel that they could ever really understand the depth of his feelings until they had experienced the joy of rearing their own children, and by that time their relationship would have changed forever. In writing The Christmas Box, he hoped that at some time in the future they would read the book and know of their father's love. As Evans began to write, he was amazed at the inspiration that flowed into his mind and heart. He completed the moving story of a widow and the young family who comes to live with her in less than six weeks, and bound twenty copies to give as Christmas presents to family and friends. In the following weeks, those twenty copies were shared and passed along from family to family, from friend to friend, and what began as a tale for two little girls became a message of miracles, hope, and healing for people throughout the world.

REVIEW: First, I have to say I love Richard Paul Evans writing. Each book I have read is filled with emotion and tenderness. This novella touched my heart is such a way that I had tears in my eyes at the end. A sweet story that is filled with the spirit of Christmas, hope and belief. The idea of the Christmas Box was special and the mystery of the first gift of Christmas was intriguing. Every parent will love the gentleness and message of this story. I look forward to the next time I am in Salt Lake City visiting the Stone Angel.

FAVORITE QUOTES: "Though the cold winds of life may put a frost on the heart of many, that message (You'll have to read it to find out what the message is) will shelter the heart from life's storms."
Profile Image for Jenifer.
1,160 reviews28 followers
December 4, 2023
I'm clearing out some old books and decided to give this one a re-read before deciding weather to keep it. The writing was better than I had remembered. It has a solid and well-demonstrated Christmas message. It was blessedly short. It is set in and has a lot of references to Salt Lake City. I'm keeping it because of that local interest. And it's tiny. I'll also bump it up to Three stars.

From an old journal entry of mine; "This book was given to me by Elaine for Christmas - and I enjoyed reading it in one day. The thing I liked best, though, was the author's description of "a box" comprising the first section of chapter 2."
Profile Image for Raegan .
623 reviews29 followers
November 22, 2014
Anyone that can read should read this book. This book has changed my life in a way words can't describe. You will just have to read it and find out yourself.
This was the first and only book that has made me cry. I don't know whether it was tears of joy or sorrow. A little of both I think. Makes you think about life. This book teaches you the true meaning of Christmas. To love and to cherish your family while you still have one. For love is eternal.
Profile Image for Terry.
450 reviews100 followers
December 31, 2019
Beautiful and memorable. A repeat read for me every Christmas season. Small, yet packs a punch that will remain with you long after you've finished it.

Richard Paul Evans never fails to grab a reader by the heart. One of my, can always count on, go-to, feel good authors.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,618 reviews

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