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Falling for Nick

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It’s taken Clea Rose ten years to get over the one night she spent with bad boy Nick Lombard—a night of teenage passion that produced her son, and sent Nick to prison for murder. Now, with her life finally back on track, Clea’s about to marry a wonderful man and leave town for a promising career in New York. The last thing she expects is Nick’s return and the intense feelings he stirs within her.

Sent to prison for a murder he didn’t commit, Nick Lombard comes home to the tiny town of Port Bliss to attend his mother’s funeral, but he doesn’t count on running into Clea. Seeing her reminds him of everything he’s tried to forget, and everything he longs to remember. When Nick learns Clea is about to marry the man who sent Nick to prison, he knows he must stay and fight for the family he was forced to leave behind.

Against all odds, Nick and Clea must find their way back to the summer they were young lovers on the beach in Port Bliss, realizing that together their love is strong, strong enough to survive anything, even the web of lies that separated them ten years ago.

217 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 17, 2012

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About the author

Joleen James

16 books52 followers
A four-time Golden Heart finalist, Joleen James won the Golden Heart® Award in 2008 for her series contemporary book Under A Harvest Moon.

In August 2012, she became an Indie author with the launch of her short story Hostage Heart. Her contemporary romance novel Falling For Nick debuted in October 2012.

When she’s not busy writing, Joleen enjoys spending time with her family at her lakeside home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You can find Joleen James at www.joleenjames.com

And on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/JoleenJames

And Twitter, https://twitter.com/JoleenJames

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,111 followers
March 3, 2013

3 1/2 Stars!! I fell for Nick, but in some respects the story fell flat!

For the most part, this was a pretty good read with characters and a plot that I was invested in. Overall it was not unique, but had enough twists, turns, angst, and heart-ache that it held my interest. The writing was very simplistic, and I think if the author had ramped it up a bit, it would have set it apart from other books with this similar theme. She has potential, that much is clear. However, I will say that the author shocked me with a revelation concerning Nick, and I had no idea it was coming. I love when that happens!! Good job Joleen James!!

Considering the journey that the reader goes on with these characters, an epilogue would have wrapped the book up nicely and pushed this to a 4 star read. It ended a little too abruptly for me, and when you have issues as these people did, I think it's only fair to the reader to give them that HEA. Still, I would recommend this book, it's definitely worth taking a look into.

This was enjoyable freebie from a new-to-me author and I will definitely be checking out her other books.

Random thought here, I think this could be a brother's series, because Billy definitely piqued my interest and I think he would have a pretty good story to tell. Just my opinion...are listening Joleen James!
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,899 reviews539 followers
February 23, 2013
With a similar feel of “The Sweet Gum Tree,” the small whiff of déjà vu revved up good vibes for me on this one. And the fact that the hero was also named Nick just doubled the interest. Although it didn’t quite measure up to my love for TSGT, there was still enough good storyline and interesting characters to make it an enjoyable reading experience.

One night ten years ago, a teenage boy is sent to prison for murder – one he didn’t commit. And one night ten years ago, a teenage girl gave her body and soul to the boy she loved. And now, ten years later Nick is back to make a new beginning and set things right. Clea has already started to move on with her life – with Nick’s worst nightmare. Yep, Nick’s got some big hurdles to overcome but looking into the faces of those you love sometimes offers the motivation needed to conquer all.

A nicely written plot with a variety of well-crafted characters gives this story a “real” feeling. Coming to terms with mistakes and regrets of the past while holding on to hopes for the future. The touch of suspense and a whole bucketful of secrets keeps it all interesting for readers. The romance is tender, sweet with just a touch of sizzling spice. “Falling for Nick” leaves you feeling good.
Profile Image for Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer*.
484 reviews263 followers
May 4, 2013
3.5 Stars
This really was an intense read. Mainly because the whole book the characters kept hinting that there was more to the story that happened 10 years ago, and I kept waiting to find out what it was. But for other reasons as well.

"How can you love him and kiss me like that?"


Ten years ago Robert and Clea and were an item. But when he left town, Clea fell for the town bad boy Nick and started dating him. Nothing is revealed until the end, but the night Clea lost her virginity to Nick an accident happened, leaving Nick going to prison for ten years and Robert's brother Danny dead. Soon after Clea found out she was pregnant, but Nick told her, when she visited him in prison, he wanted nothing to do with her or her baby. This left Clea heartbroken and extremely confused.

"No one sets me on fire like you do, Nick, but I have to marry Robert."


Now Nick's back, but Clea is engaged to Robert and is about to move to NYC for her career. Nick is determined to get Clea back and meet his son he has always wanted. Robert and Clea's mom are determined to keep them apart but little by little Clea starts letting Nick back in and encourages him to get to know his son. John isn't exactly all about Nick at first, but eventually he starts to warm to him.


baby John, I couldn't resist, this baby is gorgeous and matched Baby John's description perfect. I had to put him on. :) Nick's mini me.

There were things I really liked about this book and others that could have been improved a little. Mainly Nick, I LOVED HIM. I hated that he had to go to prison over what happened. I loved the twist in the end. I never saw that coming. Like, I suspected that one little surprise with Robert, more or less, but that last twist, whoa. Actually The things I didn't like was sometimes, the story lulled a little bit. I also wish we could have had the whole conversation between Nick and Clea when she came to him while in prison. This isn't a huge deal, but it's a major part of their history and I kept wondering what all he said to her to push her away that hurt her so bad, and his thoughts after she was gone. But the major thing I was disappointed in was the ending. I wish there would have been an epilogue. It just sort of ended, and with the way things ended it left me wondering how it all worked out.


I feel like the story left a wide open opportunity for Billy's story. That would be cool and then maybe we could get a little more of Nick, Clea, and John. I do recommend the story. It was a nice read with intense moments. I was rooting for Nick the whole time, after all he had been through he deserved his own piece of happiness.

"I want you to remember how it was between us ten years ago. Remember the fire between us, the almost desperate hunger we felt for each other? Those feelings aren't dead, Princess. Like me, they've just been locked up. It's time to set them free."

Profile Image for Scott-robert Shenkman.
235 reviews75 followers
January 19, 2013
It takes place in Washington state. And I’m shocked – because with the amount of secrets and lies in this book, well, they’re usually set in the South.

I spent a good portion of this book angry – angry for Nick for losing ten years of his life, and he didn’t eve do it! Angry at Clea, because she’s too damned confused for most of the book. Angry at John for being a difficult child. Angry at Vivian for being an overbearing mother. Angry at Maude for being a horrible mother. Angry at missing Mr. Lombard – because he was missing. Angry at the Bloomfields for being a bunch of snobs. And especially angry at Robert, because as Ms. James introduces him, she mentions that he fixes his hair when a tiny bit gets out of place – and you know a guy who does that is going to be an ass.

So all this anger? It adds up to a pretty awesome read. It’s riveting. There’s mystery, there’s angst, there’s violence, there’s lots of love and a little bit of sex, and a BIG GIANT TWIST that I completely didn’t see coming (and I usually get those twists long before they happen, so kudos to Joleen James for pulling the wool over my eyes. I actually stayed home from all my annoying errands to read this. And if I give up doing annoying things, then you know the book is really good. Plus it’s well edited
Profile Image for Whit.
3,398 reviews43 followers
March 16, 2015
I absolutely loved this awesome story. It was a hidden treasure filled with engaging characters, duplicity, betrayal, suspense and surprises. Nick loves his family. He puts everyone's feelings before his own, even spending 10 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit. The chemistry between Nick and Clea was off the hook but his budding relationship with John, his nine year old son, whom he is meeting for the first time, is absolutely heart-breaking. I am so glad that Clea finally stood up to her over-bearing mother and pompous, future in-laws and fought for the love that she and Nick so richly deserve.
Profile Image for Emily.
1,261 reviews
February 27, 2013
I would have given this a higher rating had there been an epilogue to tie up all the loose ends. The ending of the book would be a great ending for a Hallmark movie, but as a reader, I needed just a little bit more.

I really liked this book, the story, and the characters. I'm just left with more questions than answers...it's slightly frustrating.

At the same time, it was really good. That's why it still gets a high rating.
Profile Image for littlebookbosomed bookreview.
209 reviews46 followers
Want to read
November 20, 2012
I was captivated just by reading the summary! Holy goodness, i can't wait to read this book.

It’s taken Clea Rose ten years to get over the one night she spent with bad boy Nick Lombard

Clea’s about to marry a wonderful man and leave town for a promising career in New York

Sent Nick to prison for murder a murder he didn’t commit

Nick learns Clea is about to marry the man who sent Nick to prison

Who doesn't want to read this kind of book?
Profile Image for Jax O.
1,737 reviews132 followers
November 24, 2012
I was so excited to hear from this author, and have the opportunity to have the first official review for this title. Falling For Nick is a tail spin of lies and betrayals all wrapped up into one love story. Clea and Nick were always fighting against all odds from the very start. Him being a rough neck from the wrong side of town, and her being the prestigious daughter that was born with a silver spoon. One night of unadulterated passion leads to wrong place at the wrong time. The result has left Nick with a ten year prison sentence, and Clea has spent the last ten years raising their son alone. What was once considered to be young and in love is about to be proven wrong yet again.Even with Clea engaged Nick is determined for fight for his family. What he felt ten years ago is no comparison to the love that he has discovered of the past ten years. Although, he didn't anticipate that years Clea has spent trying to get over the heart break that was left in wreckage, but she will soon learn that hiding from your feelings hasn't made them go away. This is an awesome read for mothers with our deep seeded love for family and children. Falling for Nick is a web of lies, and as they begin to unravel everyone and everything will be in touched as the debris settles.
~BookWhisperer Reviewer JO~
Profile Image for Diana Hockley.
Author 9 books46 followers
May 6, 2013
Another reviewer said it all - she is angry at all the characters for one reason or another and I agree!Congratulations Joleen James for stirring your readers up - anger is good!

This novel is different to the usual romance plots where the former lover comes back to the town after being in prison/making good/traveling the world etc and meets up with the woman who has his child. Nick in fact does know about his child and tries to make amends and support them both while he is in prison. Of course, Clea (and this is a bit of a cliche, the one weak part of the book IMO) tears up all his letters unread and sends back the money. That made me annoyed, purely because it was in the book, and showed Clea to be a bit of a twit.

However, I did enjoy the story and the twist at the end was very clever - outside the usual for this genre - and I certainly didn't see it coming. I also liked that Ms James has given good and bad characteristics to her characters, making them believable.

Lastly, the laddie on the cover is so hot, I couldn't resist buying this book!! I may be old but I'm not quite comatose yet LOL
Profile Image for Kelly.
163 reviews9 followers
August 24, 2014
I really enjoyed this book. The characters were great and there were a few unexpected twists in the story.....with lots of lies and deception that you don't realize the depth of until the end. And I loved that it was set in the Pacific northwest since I was in Ocean Shores, WA while reading the book. I have read a couple books lately, or tried to read, where I just could not get myself to care about the characters, even ones I love to hate but Ms. James does a great job with her characters and bringing out the emotions and feelings we want to have when reading a book.
Profile Image for Laurie.
194 reviews9 followers
September 16, 2015
There's no way this book is only 217 pages, the way that it dragged on and on. With this book, I started a new rating system that I've been toying with. I made a note every time that I rolled my eyes at the dialogue or story line. This book netted 22 eye rolls.

Everyone thought that Nick didn't deserve Clea. She was rich, he was the town bad boy. Nick's brother Billy was the only one who felt that Clea didn't deserve Nick. I think I'd hafta agree with Billy.
Profile Image for Mrs Darcy reads .
446 reviews11 followers
November 27, 2012

I love the pace of this book because to me it did not feel forced or rushed. It took Nick hard work, patience and time to win his family and he deserved it. You understand the decisions if all involved because they were just young teens and so you also understand their regrets as adults. Great plot and twists that kept you reading. This would make a great movie! Haha great read!
Profile Image for Soxie.
344 reviews
February 10, 2017
I am not sure what caught my eye first the name of the book or the cover, Maybe a bit of both who doesn't' like the sound of a bad boy? I loved this book from the start i didn't want to put it down to even sleep. I will be checking out other books from this Author
265 reviews
August 27, 2013
good book, did skip through a lot of the characters "repeat depressing feelings" the sex was good, and i knew from the beginning Nick didn't commit the crime, but the other twist well i did't see that one coming.
Profile Image for J.
3,082 reviews48 followers
April 17, 2015
I just saw that I never marked this book as read so I'm correcting my oversight. While it was probably two years ago that I read it, I still think about certain passages in it even today. That is very unusual for me and for that reason alone I'm giving it 4 stars.
2 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2015
What happens next ??

The story ends much too soon.... I love the idea of love winning and the story needs a follow-up. Talented Joleen James does a superb job writing this tale of family dynamics . Happy to recommend as a top shelf read... [email protected]
Profile Image for Season.
1,165 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2013
Could have been better. Predictable and not very well written.
Profile Image for Sam.
Author 46 books184 followers
April 20, 2013
And just like that I have been falling for Nick.
Profile Image for Mariann {at} Belle's Book Bag.
549 reviews167 followers
May 6, 2013
This was another book that surprised me in how much I LOVED it. Joleen is another new author to me and I will definitely be looking for more from her. 4 out of 5 rating.
Profile Image for Debbie.
353 reviews4 followers
November 25, 2019
A lot of these free romance novels don't have a lot of depth to them, but I really enjoyed this one. I liked that the story was told from two character perspectives, and I really enjoyed getting to know both Clea and Nick and the other supporting characters. The author does a really good job of setting up the storylines and developing the characters just as much as they need to be along the way, drawing you in and making you feel connected to them. There was mystery, romance (some steamy without being too revealing), plot twists, and a lot of emotional ups and downs. By the end of the story, I really liked these characters and was very happy with where the author took the storyline. My only criticism is that I just with there had been a little more to end of the story. One of the other reviewers said it best... the ending would be great for a Hallmark movie, but as a reader, I could have used a little more to the story. I do think this would make a good Hallmark movie!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
7 reviews1 follower
July 16, 2017
I really enjoyed reading the book. I didn't want to stop reading it, but if course you have to at some point. The story had me wanting to continue to find out more about the characters and what happens with their lives. I hope there is a possibility of a follow on story as to what happens in the next chapter in their lives together
Profile Image for Susan.
1,380 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2017
Im not sure why it took me so long to read this book, its been on my currently reading list for over a year but I am sorry I did not finish it sooner. Once I really got into it it was hard to put down. Will definitely read more from this author
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,559 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2017
Good book

You people should just read this book yourselves and write your own review on this novel yourself and I really enjoyed reading this book very much so. Shelley MA
Profile Image for afiadkay.
18 reviews
March 28, 2022
Must Read!!

Amazing read! Highly recommended. I really enjoyed Nick and Clea's story. I will definitely be checking out other books by this Author
3 reviews
February 27, 2024
Falling for Nick

It was a great book. Kept my interest. Overall great! I’d recommend it to anyone. In fact, I recommended it to my sister in law and she loved it too!
Profile Image for Al97.
56 reviews32 followers
October 7, 2015
I felt it was overall a feel good book even though it had its fair share of drama and secrets. I personally like books that make me go through a whole emotional turmoil and even though the conflicts in this book were designed to do that, it did not succeed. But I will give it brownie points for the shock in the end. I really did not expect that. That was one of the things I liked about it.

I also liked that Clea didn't give up of her dreams and that she had a strong character and even though she let robert and especially her mom push her around about her choices in her life she didn't let them interfere with Johns life. She stood her ground everytime they said they knew what was best for John. She even went out to say that they weren't really concerned John but themselves.

When I read in general I hope to make a connection with the main characters and I had made one with Clea but not with Nick. Yes I loved that he was that rugged bad boy driving his classic mustang but he didn't light any sparks in me. The idea of him was well thoughtout but his character was not.

Another thing I like about this book was that there wasn't a specific antagonist or bad guy. In the end the conflict were built upon misunderstandings. I really liked that part about it because it was realistic.

The world isn't filled with people that are wrong and right, it's filled with misunderstanding and miscommunication and mistakes that have consequences.


Danny didn't go to shoot Nick because he was his fathers dirty secret. He went because he was told by Robert that Nick had raped Clea.

Robert was in the wrong here and said that because he was blinded by infatuation and hate for his father for hiding his brother grom him.

Nick took the blame leaving his life and Clea behind not because he didn't love her and didn't want to accept his child. He took the blame because Billy was his baby brother and he was Nick was the only parent figure in his life.

Clea didn't just choose to marry Robert because she was pressured by her mother and she wanted the fame and money that came with. She married him because she was looking for a safe future for her son and a future for herself where she can stand on her own two feet and do something for herself for once.
Profile Image for Tonda Maurer.
220 reviews4 followers
August 26, 2015
From the beginning they were destined to be together. Fate wouldn't be so cruel as to pull them apart again.

Falling for Nick is the story of Clea Rose, a girl born into riches but who just wanted her happily ever after. It didn't matter how much money was involved. It didn't matter what "side of the tracks" it came from. She was born into the world of pearls and business suits and grew up to wear t-shirts and jeans.

She fell for Nick Lombardo when she was younger, fell both in love and into his bed [or mustang as the case may be]. Nick, the guy who just got out of prison for manslaughter. The guy who had told her he didn't want her or their unborn child. Nick, who only came back to town because his mother died.

When the two of them are brought back into each other's lives, the results are explosive. The sexual tension is thick enough to cut with a knife anytime they are in the same area, the anger and hurt isn't much better. And yet despite it all they are constantly being drawn to each other like moths to a flame.


I loved how there was an air of mystery around the death of Danny. I loved how possessive Robert was of Clea and John. And I loved seeing Nick try and get used to his role as John's father. A role that didn't just make him a little nervous, but outright terrified him. Would he be a good enough dad? Would he be able to get through to the boy with the anger issues? And did he have enough time to pull it off before Clea married Robert?

I was constantly going back to the kindle so I could read "just a little more." I wanted to know everything I could. I wanted to watch John learn that it was okay to be hurt and upset. I wanted to watch Nick realize how much he had missed out on. And of course.. the moments when Clea and Nick were alone together ;D

The overall reasoning for the mystery threw me more than I was expecting. Which of course was just a plus. I love it when the reasoning for things doesn't sink it right away. Nothing better than surprises in a book.
Profile Image for Marsha.
3,034 reviews55 followers
July 26, 2015
When I first read the summary for "Falling for Nick" I said, "Wait a minute, haven't I read this storyline before?" You know the one I mean, teen lovers broken apart when the bad boy goes to prison......
years later he returns. I decided to read it anyway and quite frankly I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't just that typical overdone storyline. This book is a study in what happens when we try to protect those we love from the actions that they alone must account for.

Nick Lombard went to prison for a crime he didn't commit. This one decision kept him from realizing his dreams of restoring vintage cars, marrying the woman of his dreams and being a father to the son he's never met. Now he back in town at the funeral of a mother who never really cared and reunited with a younger brother he loves dearly. It only takes one look at Clea Rose to remind him just how much he has lost and to strengthen his resolve to get to know his son and win Clea back before she makes the biggest mistake of her life by marrying his rival, Robert.

As Nick attempts to let go of the ghosts of his past and try to develop some semblance of a life, he is going to have to deal head on with Robert, the town's prejudice against him, his hurt and angered son, and the love her feels for Ckea, the woman he left behind. However, not all is what it seems and Robert is not about to give up Clea without a fight. The question is who will be the victor?

I really enjoyed this book, especially the characters, slow revelation of secrets and the sexual tension between the two main characters. I loved Nick and his strong desire to do right by the important people in his life. My only criticism is that I felt the ending was weak and rather anticlimactic. I just expected a little more. If you want a quick but wonderful romantic read with twists and turns, "Falling for Nick" just might be the book for you!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews

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