After suffering a near-death accident, Casper Brown awakens with a strange new connection to three stray dogs recently adopted by his family. Casper’s nights are filled with dreams of the dogs’ activities; at times he can even see through their eyes. And what he witnesses has him worried for his family’s safety.
The Pummels are the most beloved family in town. Though their wealth, philanthropy, and charisma form a cloud of mystery about them, their work with the town’s exotic cat rescue center has captured the heart of the people. But the Pummels are guarding a secret. One they will kill to keep quiet.
Shadeland is a town of shadows, where hunters hide in plain sight and prey scurry about unaware. But a new predator has been unleashed. One unlike any this world has seen.
No spoilers. 3 stars. It's really hard to know where to start with a rundown of this story because so many plots were at work...
You have the ex-marine living in Shadeland Indiana with his wife and three kids. The man has ESP powers and links minds with three dogs also with ESP powers... but the man hates the dogs?...
Next, you have an evil family taking over a big cat sanctuary to use the tigers and lions in their version of the Roman Coliseum games where the loser is fed to the cats...
Then you have a hive of giant scorpion-like creatures trying to colonize in the woods of Shadeland with their man-eating offspring...
Lastly is a scarred amish-looking man who randomly appears out of nowhere using secret doors in the atmosphere to impart his sage words of wisdom... then disappears again...
Oh, let's not forget the two local cops trying to get to the bottom of Shadeland's missing persons... one of which doesn't know how to fire a gun because, like Barney Fife (The Andy Griffith Show), he never carries one...
There were entirely too many plots going on in this novel, and they were really unconnected to each other. I found this story to be one jumbled mess, and many loose ends resulted.
After reading the synopsis, I knew I had to read this book. A near death experience and psychic connection to three mysterious dogs. A haunted forest where strange things stir. Disappearing people. And something evil in the mix. Right up my alley.
The mystery and magic behind the three dogs was probably my favorite part. When Casper Brown nearly drowns, he suddenly has a psychic connection to three dogs that mysteriously happen to follow each of his three children home on the same day. How strange! And these dogs are smart. They can do all kinds of things a dog shouldn’t be able to.
It’s simple for Casper to be curious about the recent disappearances. His life is already strange and he’s formed a bond with the two men who rescued him, one being a police officer. Not wanting to go into a lot of details, I’ll just say the two guys made this story even more entertaining.
And what’s a good horror story without some villains. This has some character’s you’ll love to hate. The Pummel family is the town’s staunchest benefactors and their large cat sanctuary is very popular, but they have some secrets. When Casper and his two friends threaten their nefarious endeavors,they show their true colors.
I want to talk about the cover art for this story too. The vibrant colors and shadowy figures are spectacular. Once you read this book, you”ll see how much the picture tells the story.
I could go on and on. What’s with the weird stand of pine trees and the strange noises heard there? And just who or what is Uriah? So many questions and so much nerve wracking suspense and action. There are so many things I wish I could share. You are in for some scary and amazing surprises in the town of Shadeland.
I received a complimentary copy. My review is voluntarily given.
A fast paced thriller. Not my usual genre but one I will be turning to more often from now on. The author has a way with words that draws you into his written world from start to finish.
I was gifted a copy for this book for an honest review. I actually finished this book a couple of days ago and it’s taken me a while to be able to write my review. This paranormal thriller pulled me in that deep I’m still having trouble letting go. During the first chapter I’ll be honest and say I really couldn’t get in to the book. I had to keep stopping and using Google to search the meaning of some words. I’m far from illiterate and think it could have been more of a language barrier. However, I’ve never had this issue before reading books from other American authors. Once I got past the first chapter I was hooked. What I like about this book is it’s not a ‘who’s done it’ book. You know exactly ‘who’s done it’ and there is plenty of ‘who’s doing it’ from different angles. The author has not only allowed us to see into the mind of Casper, the good guy, but also the Pummel family, the bad guys, the scorpion ‘the paranormal geezer’ and some of the victims. The relationship between Casper and his wife is very ‘real’ and not one of these relationships where because it’s in a book it’s perfect. It draws you in deeper because you can connect easier, because it’s more real. There was not a point in this book where I could of predicted what was to come next. It kept you on edge wondering exactly what the next move was and who was going to make it. Although this is a thriller I found some great one liners dropped in there and found humour in some of the traits of the characters. All in all a great read!
The story itself was rich in the plot. It was a beautiful blend of these 3 plots as the book progressed,
The book had several moments of suspense, some gory details of the alien transformation and feeding habits and endearing moments with the kids playing. We never get an explanation but maybe that's bread crumbs for a follow-up book.
It starts like a Stephen King novel with a supernatural event. Where King spends more time developing his characters, Beyers gives us 3 plot strings following three different people and throws us in with their stories. The strings disentangle slowly and we learn more about the people involved and the natural and supernatural events. The storyflow is good but a few times, the time passed too quickly with a bigger gap inbetween scenes. There is a lot of suspense right till the end and you don't know where all the players are and what will happen next. A very good story with some very intelligent animals. If you are a dog lover, you will like this story.
What a rush of action and horror! Cas is a man recently retired from the Marine Corps due to an injury. He and his family have moved to a new town to start over. Many things are happening that all converge on Cas and his family.
I don't want to say too much since it might spoil the book for future readers. The pacing is excellent and the horror is well-done. I do believe this would make a good movie as the action is almost constant and the book breaks naturally into scenes.
Predatory animals Recently retired Marine, Casper and his family have recently moved to small town Shadeland. Shortly after their move, Casper proves his heroism by attempting to make a save that he believes was unsuccessful in making, but actually was not. There are lots of characters in this story and we follow the paths of several of them. In doing this you get several points of view. Which is good as there are several plots and sub-plots. I felt that the author was a very clever storyteller, very descriptive and told a gripping story. There were a few things that left me wondering how they were connected to the rest of the story, but I didnt feel they were to the point of detracting from the overall story. I’ll definitely be considering a third dog ;). I rate this book 5 Stars. ***Reviewer for Romance Authors that Rock. I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*****
I had high hopes for this book in the beginning. The overall storyline is good, but the writing is mediocre at best. There was very little development of the main characters, no explanation or backstory of the antagonists origin or motivation, and significant aspects of the plotline that begged for more meat were left wanting. The author does not appear to feel the need for an editor, or even a competent proofreader, and it shows. There are numerous glaring errors such as using "Idol" when clearly "Idle" was intended as just one example, and quite a few instances of using a word that does not mean what the author intended to say. I have not read any other work by this author and probably won't, because although he has a great imagination he apparently is not willing to put in the effort to really learn the craft of writing and appears to value quantity over quality.
I love stories about ordinary people who face extraordinary situations and ultimately prevail. This book had plenty of suspense and several seemingly unrelated plots that all came together at the end.
There were some typos and misuse of words, which distracted from the reading experience and detracted from my rating. With better editing, this would have been a five-star read. It was still a decent read, with a unique plot. It sat unread on my Kindle for over a year - I have a super long list of books to read - but I'm glad I finally read this one!
This started off strong and quickly descended into too many characters, too many subplots, and not enough meaningful details. This was an Amazon first reads from a couple months ago. The book was originally published in 2012 and I thought, huh, maybe this isn't the best by this author, but certainly an introduction to his writing style and storytelling. It was tedious and slow, with cliched characters, dialog, and not that interesting of a plotline because the subplots were overbearing. It was ok, I finished the book by skimming over large sections of dialog. Don't recommend.
I was blessed with a free copy of this book, and I have chosen of my own volition to share my review with you.
Imagine moving to a new home, and life becoming like a science fiction movie. This book grabs your attention and doesn't let go. The main characters are easy to relate to. The story line moves along at a decent clip. Foul language and adult-situations are limited. Overall, an interesting escape from reality.
Very interesting story that has different threads running through it but extremely well written with well rounded interesting characters. This book kept me thinking about it in the times when I had to put it down to deal with real life! Reminds me a bit of Dean Koontz with a cross of paranormal, horror and dogs!
A gripping novel with weaving storylines masterfully connected and arriving at a thrilling conclusion. Professionally written, expertly delivered with three dimensional characters providing flowing dialogue. The story races along bringing you with it on a rollercoaster thrill ride. I'll be looking out for more from Mr Beyers.
An entertaining read from start to finish. Good characters and relationships. However, the supernatural seemed forced somewhat. It added an additional element to the story, but I felt the premise was compelling enough to not really need it to still be a compelling read.
I really enjoyed this story. The characters are really cool. The story is well done and exciting. It's a scary little tale with monsters, villains, and tigers. The heroes are human and canine. You won't want to put this down and will be sad to see it end.
A great book by a fantastic writer! Love this book and the people in it. Very well written and totally engrossing. You'll get entertained and enthralled. Watch out for this guy, he rocks your reading world. Thank you for sharing this book.
Great story, great plot and great writing. I enjoyed reading this story. It had everything to keep me interested and was understood easily. Thanks Gabriel Beyers for a truly remarkable read. Yea!!
I couldn't put it down. Just awesome! So good I bought more of his books want to read more by this author. Recommend this book to anyone that likes supernatural thriller! Absolutely awesome read!
This book certainly keeps your attention, keeps you second guessing, and keeps you satisfied with its conclusions. That doesn't mean it gets boring, it just means that for once, a horror story ends satisfactory.
This was a fascinating story of how one kind act by a man is paid back by love and protection of three dogs. Something evil has invaded a small town but a family has three dogs willing to protect their humans with their lives. No spoilers read the book it is worth it!
This book has me mad happy and sad. I cried and I squirmed. I hated it and I loved it. But it was almost 3 different stories rolled to one. I think it would make a great TV series.
I thoroughly enjoyed this little tale of horror and the supernatural. Otherworldly insects, super canines, and a big pussy cat named Penelope keep our trio of human heroes busy as little bees.