Usborne's First Thousand Words in English provides a treasury of learning opportunities that will appeal to a wide age range. It is exciting talk-about book for very young children just starting to say their first words, a stimulating picture-word book for pre-readers and a lively source of ideas and spellings for beginning writers. Stephen Cartwright's illustrations are full of amusing details that will give hours of valuable entertainment and constructive enjoyment.
Heather Amery was born and brought up in Bath, Somerset. Heather has written over a hundred books for children, including alphabet books, science and history books, craft books, classical fairy tales, a series for beginner readers called Farmyard Tales, Usborne Bible Tales, and Greek Myths.
This book holds plenty of fabulous pictures and useful words and phrases. There are many double-pages where the child gets to point and find different items and put word to what is depicted, so it is very useful when developing your child's vocabulary.
Tätä kirjaa ei pidä lukea kirjaston hiljaisessa lukusalissa. Viimeistään keŋŋuru, kurpicca ja pápukáijá (á = ä) alkavat hihityttää niin, että vakavamman kirjallisuuden lukijoiden työrauha häiriintyy.
Vuosmuš tuhháát säännid anarâškielân sisältää aukeaman kokoisia kuvia, joiden reunoille on ripoteltu aihepiiriin liittyviä pikkukuvia seliteteksteineen. Alkuteos on vuodelta 1979, joten aika on ajanut viime vuosituhannen tekniikan ihmeiden, kuten video- ja C-kasettien sekä kuvaputkitelevisoiden, ohi. Muuten kirja vaikuttaa oikein tuoreelta, ja painojälki on korkealaatuista. Kirja soveltuu myös inarinsaamentaidottomalle, koska kuvat auttavat tekstien ymmärtämistä. Lopussa on myös aakkosellinen inarinsaame–suomi-sanasto, josta voi tarkistaa epäselviksi jääneiden sanojen merkityksen.
Both of my children enjoy this book tremendously. We had the version with stickers, which make everything more fun. Used as a vocabulary building tool in a fun way. Each spread can be made into a seek and find for the vocabulary words, plus the little duckie is hidden on each spread as well. An easy enjoyable way to expand children's vocabulary and discuss new things.
I would have thought this book was too juvenille for my kids, or at least for my four year old but this might have been their favorite book. My two year old looks at it on a regular basis. They had a blast learning new vocabulary and finding the pictures.
This picture word book presents young readers with illustrations of familiar places: the kitchen, the yard, the street, the toy shop. Individual pictures of items surround each double-page illustration; the youngest readers can use these to find and identify items in the larger picture while older readers can read the word, helping to expand vocabulary and reading skills.
My job is to translate the words in Indonesian so she would learn more Indonesian words. We used it to play "I spy" as there is no story to it. Later, we would use it to introduce English words to her.