JESUS CHRIST ELF : The Faerie Foundations of Christianity , Book Two is the second book of our two book series about Jesus Christ who was/is, in our opinion as well as the opinion of other scholars, an Elven Lord. As we said in our first volume, we Silver Elves are not Christians ours'elves but we know of a number of elfin faerie folk who have expressed to us their wish to keep their Christian faith and yet integrate it with their elfin natures and fae understanding of thems'elves. These two books are an attempt upon our part to illuminate Jesus' teachings with the Elven Way (see our book of that title) and the Faerie Faith and show them in a harmonious light. We also seek to demonstrate the way Christianity has been influenced by and adapted itself to the Faerie world as well as show, in some cases, how Christianity has influenced modern images of we elfin. These realms are not separate but intimately connected. In this volume 2 of the series we continue to look closely from an elven perspective at Christianity to cover an elfin view of such topics Jesus and other sacrificed gods; Jesus and his coven; Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary; Christmas and Saturnalia; Christ Consciousness; St. Francis and St. Claire; Heaven and Hell; Valhalla and the Realm of Hel; Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ; Revelations, Osiris and Horus; Ragnarok; Gnostics and Gnomes; the Fairy Flag of the Clan MacLeod; prayers as spells; questioning why Christianity is against magic and witchcraft; self-flagellation; suicide; confession/atonement; Free Grace Theology; what Jesus would think about nudity and sexuality; protestantism; proselytizing; Fae as fallen angels; demons/daemons; body vs. spirit; Lord Elrond and Lord Jesus; the Four Horseman; the Seven Seals; Esoteric Christianity; Tolkien mythos; the Seven Deadly Sins; the Seven Virtues; the Seven Magical Virtues; and Christian Magic.
“Men tell us they were made in the image and likeness of their god; we elves say we were created from the spirit and soulfulness of the Divine Magic.” — The Silver Elves
The Silver Elves are a family of elves who have since 1975 been living and sharing the Elven Way or Elven spiritual path. We are the authors of 60+ books on elven magic, elven lore and enchantment, and the Elven Way including: The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie; The Magical Elven Love Letters, vol. I, 2, & 3; An Elfin Book of Spirits: Evoking the Beneficent Powers of Faerie; Caressed by an Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar; Eldafaryn: True Tales of Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves; Arvyndase (Silverspeech): A Short Course in the Magical Language of the Silver Elves; The Elven Book of Dreams: A Magical Oracle of Faerie; The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves, Vol. 1 & 2; What An Elf Would Do: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk; The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One’s True S’Elf; Magic Talks: On Being a Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Elf Queen’s Daughters — along with three other books in this series: Sorcerers’ Dialogues, Discourses on High Sorcery, and Ruminations on Necromancy; The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones; The Book of Elf Names: 5,600 Elven Names to Use for Magic, Game Playing, Inspiration, Naming One’s Self and One’s Child, and as Words in the Elven Language of the Silver Elves; Elven Silver: The Irreverent Faery Tales of Zardoa Silverstar; An Elven Book of Ryhmes: Book Two of the Magical Poems of Zardoa Silverstar; The Voice of Faerie: Making Any Tarot Deck Into an Elven Oracle; Liber Aelph: Words of Guidance from the Silver Elves to our Magical Children; The Shining Ones: The Elfin Spirits That Guide You According to Your Birth Date and the Evolutionary Lessons They Offer; Living the Personal Myth: Making the Magic of Faerie Real in One’s Own Personal Life; Elf Magic Mail, Book 1 & 2; The Elves of Lyndarys: A Magical Tale of Modern Faerie Folk; The Elf Folk’s Book of Cookery: Recipes For a Delighted Tongue, a Healthy Body and a Magical Life; Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine Magic; The Elements of Elven Magic: A New View of Calling the Elementals Based Upon the Periodic Table of Elements; The Keys to Elfin Enchantment: Mastery of the Faerie Light Through the Portals of Manifestation; Elf Quotes: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic and The Elven Way; The United States of Elfin: Imagining a More Elven Style of Government; Elven Geomancy: An Ancient Oracle of the Elfin Peoples for Divination and Spell Casting; Creating Miracles In The Modern World: The Way Of the Elfin Thaumaturge; The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path; Elven Psychology: Understanding the Elfin Psyche and the Evolutionary and Esoteric Purpose of Mental Disorders, The Complete Dictionary Of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver Elves (with over 30,000 words in our full magical elven language); Sticks and Stones, Feathers, Charms and Bones: An Original Oracle of the Elfin Peoples of the Ancient Future; Elven Hedgewitchery and Found Magic: Using Art-Making for Evoking Elfin Magic and Living the Elven Way; and An Elfin Book of Trees for the Elven Druid: The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script.