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Princess Sakura's memories are scattered across multiple dimensions - and now she and Syaoran are part of an unlikely group of friends traveling from world to world to find them. Unfortunately the memories have been transformed into immensely powerful magical feathers, and those who possess them are seldom willing to give them up without a fight. The quest takes Syaoran's odd bunch to a jungle world where helpless creatures are being terrorized by a sacrifice-demanding beast. When Syaoran, Mokona, and Sakura are separated from Fai and Kurogane, each group finds themselves on opposing sides of a conflict that threatens to destroy the future of a troupe of young women performers...and possibly the entire world!

194 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2004

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About the author


1,172 books3,062 followers
Ōkawa Nanase 大川七瀬
[born: 2 May 1967; Ōsaka, bloodtype: A]

Mokona Apapa もこなあぱぱ
[born: 16 Jun 1968, Kyōto; bloodtype: A]

Nekoi Mick 猫井みっく
[born: 21 Jan 1969, Kyōto; bloodtype: O]

Igarashi Satsuki 五十嵐さつき
[born: 8 Feb 1969, Kyōto; bloodtype: A]

CLAMP originally began in 1989 as a twelve-member dōjinshi circle, but by 1990, the circle had diminished from twelve to seven. Of the remaining seven, Tamayo Akiyama, Sei Nanao, and Leeza Sei left the group during the production of the RG Veda manga. Other former members of CLAMP also included Soushi Hishika, O-Kyon, Kazue Nakamori, Yuzuru Inoue and Shinya Ōmi. Currently, there are four members in the group.

In 2004, CLAMP's 15th anniversary as a mangaka group, the members changed their names from Nanase Ohkawa, Mokona Apapa, Mick Nekoi, and Satsuki Igarashi to Ageha Ohkawa, Mokona, Tsubaki Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi (her name is pronounced the same, but written with different characters) respectively. The August 2004 issue of Newtype USA, a magazine specializing in events of the anime and manga subcultures, reported that the members of CLAMP simply wanted to try out new names. In a later interview with Ohkawa, it was revealed that initially Mokona wanted to drop her surname because it sounded too immature for her liking, while Nekoi disliked people commenting that her name was the same as Mick Jagger's. Ohkawa and Igarashi, wanting to go with the flow of Nekoi's and Mokona's name changes, changed their names as well.

In 2006, they made their first USA public debut at Anime Expo in Anaheim, California. They were well received at the convention, with 6,000 fans in attendance at their panel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,510 reviews244 followers
November 22, 2020
Este volumen se divide en dos partes:
En la primera, después de que Mokona los transportara a otro mundo, sin aviso alguno, el grupo se separa: de un lado está Sakura, Syaoran y Mokona, mientras que Fai y Kurogane se hallan aparentemente cerca, así que no tardan mucho en encontrarse todos juntos.

Unas criaturas muy parecidas a conejos parlantes, atacan a Syaoran y la princesa, aunque después de ese pequeño malentendido, les explican que querían usar a Syaoran como sacrificio pues, aparentemente, hay una bestia de gran fuerza que ha ido mermando su comida y destruido sus hogares. Entonces él, pensando que se puede tratar de una pluma, decide ayudarles a derrotar a dicha bestia.

Sin embargo, y gracias a la ayuda de Sakura, pues ella puede escuchar los lamentos de quienes no tienen voz, se percatan de que en realidad nunca hubo una bestia, sino que se trataba de un tornado que atrapó la pluma sin querer.

Queda por demás decir que en estos capítulos no ocurre nada tan relevante, más que el hecho de que Kurogane y Fai, desde que han iniciado el viaje, saben que están siendo observados por alguien más que la Bruja de las dimensiones.

En la segunda parte, nuestro grupo llega al Reino de Shara. Aquí hay dos grupos que parecen traer pleito casado desde hace mucho tiempo, y es que, por un lado, tenemos a una compañía cirquera integrado únicamente por mujeres, que van dando espectáculo por todo el reino, pero que, al llegar a su pueblo natal, calamidades suceden, o eso es lo que alega el grupo contrario, integrado por hombres que parecen seguir algún tipo de culto.

Las chicas protegen la estatua del dios Ashura, y los chicos la del dios Yasha, quienes se dice eran eternos rivales de guerra. Sin embargo, este volumen termina con un cliff-hanger, pues Mokona de pronto los transporta a otro mundo, dentro del mismo mundo en el que estaban.

Ahora bien, como dije, este octavo volumen no aporta mucho a la historia. Más bien funge como el desempance entre dos arcos que, a mi gusto, resultan sumamente interesantes. Es un tiempo para relajarse y para que podamos entender un poco más la relación y el pasado de Sakura y Syaoran.

El siguiente promete ser mucho mejor, ¡así que no puedo esperar a leerlo!

Este volumen contiene los capítulos 50 al 57.

Volumen 1 | Volumen 2 | Volumen 3 | Volumen 4 | Volumen 5 | Volumen 6 | Volumen 7
Profile Image for Nərmin.
576 reviews166 followers
April 23, 2017
Reading with anime soundtracks.
New world with full of white speaking rabbits! Lol they were so cute!!
And then a diferent world with two God statutes and mysteries behind them. Also there is something going on with Fei. He is up to something. ..
I wish the plot would thincken more. The only adventure and battle things are becoming repetitive.
Profile Image for Becky.
865 reviews77 followers
July 1, 2018
The only ongoing female character is so pure and sweet that she can hear the cries of the lonely, even if the one who is lonely is the wind and wouldn't typically have feelings. 😒😒😒
Profile Image for Beth.
1,049 reviews13 followers
September 25, 2009
I don't usually post more than once when I'm reading a series, especially manga, because it all goes so fast and is usually pretty consistent.

But with this story, as with the parallel-universe story of Xxxholic, I find it gets better as it goes along. Volumes 6, 7 and this one have showed increasing originality and interest in the plots, as well as new insights into the characters--particularly our hero, young Syoran.

We learn a bit more about Syoran's history and his feelings about having no memories of his life before his mentor/adoptive father found him. Also, Sakura has evolved from a helpless female (admittedly, most of her memory was stolen and that's what they've been recovering) to helping out wherever she can (though not in war) and having insights and gifts no one else in the group has. Even Mokona's personality has developed (pretty impressive for a creature who's basically a sentient magical plushie)

Thus, I've bumped up my review from 3 stars to 4.
Profile Image for Zeph.
507 reviews10 followers
October 16, 2013
October 2013: 4 Stars
I didn't find the new worlds as interesting as the other ones, although Fai's remarks on the world of the whirlwind were interesting...
Favourite part was probably the short story at the end, the Mokona "Bonus Episode". Hilarious!! xD
Profile Image for Mads.
224 reviews3 followers
May 24, 2018
A bit of a weaker volume in my opinion, but still enjoyable enough to recommend. Kurogane remains my favorite character, if only because he acts as the most angry and gruff audience surrogate I've ever seen. I keep wondering where Sakura's power will cap, but I don't think that will happen until she reaches God status.
One of my two main complaints with this book is towards the very end. Souseki goes into detail regarding the Yasha and Ashura statues, and we are told later by Kurogane that Fai reacted to the name. Considering CLAMP's track record of showing not telling, I'm a little surprised this slipped by them. Being told of a character's actions after the fact is a big no-no in visual storytelling, and it definitely hurt that scene not to include anything.
My second complaint is with the translation - and it's not really that big of a concern, since most of the issues can be chalked-up to a difference in cultures/languages. However, there quite a few stilted sentences and one speech bubble that was missing part of the phrase. I really like the team that translated Tsubasa, as it's obvious how much work and effort they put into every volume. I just think that they should have gone over the volume one more time to make sure it flowed properly.
Other than the issues I mentioned above, it was a pretty great volume! The art style is still gorgeous, and is only going to get better as we move towards the Yama arc. I especially liked the world near the beginning that was populated by non-humoid creatures. I was expecting CLAMP to stick to only human-like worlds and inhabitants, so this was a pleasant surprise. Fai's armor is slowly cracking, even if we didn't get to see all of his character development here. We're getting more clues that the group is being followed, but the thread's often dropped so the main plot can take over, so we may not learn more about that for some time.
See you after the next volume!
Profile Image for Harumichi Mizuki.
2,058 reviews82 followers
March 11, 2024
Akhirnya di chapter ini ada penjelasan soal kenapa mereka bisa tetap komunikasi meski nggak ada Mokona. Kayaknya efek dari kemampuan translasi Mokona bisa mencakup jarak sejauh radius tertentu. Tapi jaraknya minimalnya nggak dijelaskan. Ya lebih baik gitu sih, daripada pusing. 😂 Dan ini kesannya kayak di-retcount ga sih. Soalnya beneran ditulis sampai dua kali ketika mereka di negara tropis dan di Negeri Shara.

Ketika mereka di negara tropis yang penduduknya adalah makhluk berbulu yang imut-imut kayak kelinci yang berjalan dengan dua kaki, kita diajari soal betapa stupidnya asal-usul sebuah rumor yang bahkan bisa berkembang jadi kepercayaan. Para kelinci ini tadinya mau mengorbankan Syaoran karena ada sosok misterius mengganggu desa mereka. Sosok misterius itu meminta kurban persembahan. Tapi ternyata ya rumor itu dimulai oleh para kelinci sendiri karena wujud asli sosok itu bahkan nggak bisa ngomong.

Sedangkan di negeri Shara, sepertinya CLAMP memasukkan alegori pertikaian dunia yang disebabkan oleh dua agama. Yuukaku District yang terdiri dari para wanita performer di sirkus memuja Patung Ashura. Sedangkan Shara Shrine yang terdiri dari para laki-laki memuja Patung Yasha. Mereka bertikai karena sama-sama menganggap pihak lain menimbulkan bencana gempa yang sering terjadi di negeri itu. Pola yang terdengar begitu familiar? Haha.
Profile Image for Mariana Arguello Galvez.
376 reviews20 followers
July 5, 2020
Capitulos 50 - 57
- Llegan a un mundo donde hay unas criaturas súper tiernas con orejas y colas, que secuestran a Syaoran con la finalidad de entregarlo como un sacrificio a unos demonios que se esconde en el bosque y que amenazan a la población con destruir sus hogares.
- Syaoran, Sakura y Kurogane encuentran que el demonio es un tornado, que apareció ya que la población de criaturas tenía una pluma de Sakura que produjo todo el desastre. Le entregan la pluma a Fye quien les revela al grupo que el pueblo tomo apresuradamente la decisión de entregar un sacrificio y la pluma llega a Sakura.
- Llegan al país de Shara el grupo se separa Syaoran, Sakura y Mokona llegan a un lugar en donde hay un circo. Mientras Fye y Kurogane llegan a un sitio en donde hay un templo. Ambos lugares están en conflicto debido a la creencia de que sus estatuas de los dioses Ashura y Yasha están causando terremotos, debido a la supuesta oposición de Yasha.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for S.M.M. Lindström.
Author 1 book13 followers
August 29, 2021
Once more in a new world, this one a jungle full of furry creatures fearful of a monster demanding sacrifices, the crew try to figure out how to deal with not getting the feather from the previous world along with finding the one in this new place. This place might be even less what it seems than usual.

A cute and fun entry that had deliciously dark undertones! Still very curious on where all this is going and what the whole deal with Fai & Syaoran's past & Sakura's magic is. Kurogane seems pretty straightforward, but who knows, he might be a part of some master plan too. On to the next volume!
Profile Image for Josh 谢翊杰.
314 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2023
I found the concept of the wind having a voice or soul intriguing and inspiring. When there something scary we don't understand, naturally we associate it with monsters and evil. But when we take the time to understand, it turns out differently than first assumed.

Loved this volume! Karogane's facials are a crack up! I found it hilarious when the women would swarm Syaoran in the background of panels. It reminds me in Disney's Hercules when he gets trampled by fans and is calling out for help. The best! Karogane is very observant when it comes to Fai, even when Fai thinks he's being clever to hide how powerful he is.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,187 reviews118 followers
March 24, 2018
Good story, love the characters and the idea behind it. Fai is becoming more and more mysterious. I love him! Kurogane is a quite interesting character as well, he has lots of strength and he does really care! Syaorian is cool, though I still want to know what happened to his eye and about his past, why he forgot it.
I highly recommend this series to any Clamp fans, and anyone who likes a good adventure.
Profile Image for Josué.
15 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2017
El omake de Mokona invitándolos a comer fue lo que salvó a este tomo de ser uno de los menos memorables dentro de la historia. La parte de los conejos, aunque sé que tendrá relevancia después por las palabras de Kurogane y Fye quienes se están dando cuenta que son observados por alguien con capacidades parecidas a Yuuko, se sintió bastante apresurada a mi gusto.
Profile Image for Joana Bookneeders.
759 reviews46 followers
August 17, 2023
In this book we actually visit two worlds. The first one was super cute, with rabbit people and it was super easy to figure out things and get Sakura's memories. The second world seems to be more complicated and our group is separated, which is a first. I wonder how they are going to solve both sides of this world.
Profile Image for Pink.
652 reviews41 followers
August 2, 2017
A lot of set up in this one, not a lot of substance...
Profile Image for Kirsten Simkiss.
851 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2018
I'm tired of writing these reviews, but I really am not loving the concept of this world so much. However, the art and the characters are great.
Profile Image for Bell Potter.
524 reviews3 followers
November 17, 2021
(Aviso: lectura hecha en ejemplar en español, publicado en México por otra editorial. La presente nota se modificará cuando se dé de alta en GR la edición correspondiente).
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,564 reviews37 followers
January 9, 2022
I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as previous volumes, but it was still an interesting continuation of the story.
Profile Image for R.
1,848 reviews5 followers
July 20, 2022
Love this series so much!! I hadn't read it in awhile but it's so easy to jump right back into the action!
Profile Image for Yenn Muñozz.
294 reviews
December 24, 2023
Me gustó mucho la historia corta del final. Pero vamos bien aunque pensé que seguirían el Seishiro pero no. Bueno seguiremos la historia pero me va gustando.
Profile Image for Chivitouille.
286 reviews13 followers
April 1, 2014
Me ha costado trabajo terminarlo, es un tomo bastante tedioso y un poco aburrido, tiene unas cuantas partes graciosas pero no me parecieron suficientes como para que destaque de los tomos anteriores.
Consta de dos aventuras, la primera es cuando llegan a un lugar habitado por extrañas criaturas parecidas a conejos.
Que a pesar de ser una historia muy corta ha tenido partes que me han gustado mucho, tiene bastantes situaciones graciosas y nos presenta otra cualidad de Sakura, que seguramente servirá más adelante. Pero admito que se me hizo un poco tediosa, entiendo que de vez en cuando deben intercalarse este tipo de historias más calmadas para explicar algún dato importante pero si sentí el cambio algo drástico en comparación a cómo termina el tomo anterior.
En la segunda historia los protagonistas se ven separados temporalmente, Sakura y Syaoran quedarán de un lugar del pueblo, en donde al pobre Syaoran lo harán pasar unas cuantas vergüenzas muy graciosas y Fye y Kurogane quedan del otro lado, la parte de la historia de ellos me ha gustado más, Kurogane le empieza a preguntar de manera directa a Fye por su historia y por lo visto éste aún no esta listo para contar más cosas de él.
Y como es obvio, las situaciones en las que se encuentran por separado terminarán por unirse y tener relación.
Ya quiero saber que más sucederá en esta parte de la historia y si Fye se decidirá por contar algo más de él, puesto que de los cuatro es del que menos información tenemos.
Para terminar una cosa que me ha gustado y me ha resultado interesante es que nos presentan un poco del pasado de Syaoran, del cual no sabemos prácticamente mucho.
No queda más que seguir con la historia aunque este tomo no ha sido mi preferido.
Profile Image for Harumichi Mizuki.
2,058 reviews82 followers
March 11, 2024
Akhirnya di chapter ini ada penjelasan soal kenapa mereka bisa tetap komunikasi meski nggak ada Mokona. Kayaknya efek dari kemampuan translasi Mokona bisa mencakup jarak sejauh radius tertentu. Tapi jaraknya minimalnya nggak dijelaskan. Ya lebih baik gitu sih, daripada pusing. 😂 Dan ini kesannya kayak di-retcount ga sih. Soalnya beneran ditulis sampai dua kali ketika mereka di negara tropis dan di Negeri Shara.

Ketika mereka di negara tropis yang penduduknya adalah makhluk berbulu yang imut-imut kayak kelinci yang berjalan dengan dua kaki, kita diajari soal betapa stupidnya asal-usul sebuah rumor yang bahkan bisa berkembang jadi kepercayaan. Para kelinci ini tadinya mau mengorbankan Syaoran karena ada sosok misterius mengganggu desa mereka. Sosok misterius itu meminta kurban persembahan. Tapi ternyata ya rumor itu dimulai oleh para kelinci sendiri karena wujud asli sosok itu bahkan nggak bisa ngomong.

Sedangkan di negeri Shara, sepertinya CLAMP memasukkan alegori pertikaian dunia yang disebabkan oleh dua agama. Yuukaku District yang terdiri dari para wanita performer di sirkus memuja Patung Ashura. Sedangkan Shara Shrine yang terdiri dari para laki-laki memuja Patung Yasha. Mereka bertikai karena sama-sama menganggap pihak lain menimbulkan bencana gempa yang sering terjadi di negeri itu. Pola yang terdengar begitu familiar? Haha.
Profile Image for Conan Tigard.
1,134 reviews5 followers
August 3, 2016
Can we all say this together? "Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE is totally awesome!" This series is just one big adventure traveling from world to world looking for Sukura's memory feathers. The stories are always highly interesting all five of the main characters are wonderful.

I love the comic relief of Mokona. At first he was a rather minor character, but now he mostly torments Kurogane, which makes me laugh.

Sukura's memory is slowly coming back and she is starting to remember he past with Syaoran. Yea! I cannot wait until she realizes how important he is to her. The bunnies were a nice touch and I found them to be quite enjoyable. They were funny, and quite absent-minded.

As for the artwork, once again it is spectacular. I don't know if I can say enough about this series. Each book is quite excellent and I have thoroughly enjoyed the series so far.

Overall, Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Volume 8 is another totally excellent manga book and that explains its popularity. I'll bet their further adventures in Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Volume 9 will lead us to even more interesting worlds. I can't wait!

I rated this book a 9 out of 10.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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