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The Amazing Spider-Man (1999) (Collected Editions) #23

Spider-Man: New Ways To Die 2009 New York Comic-Con (NYCC) Exclusive Variant Anti-Venom Cover HC - LIMITED TO 200 COPIES WORLDWIDE

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New Ways To Die 2009 New York Comic-Con (NYCC) Exclusive Variant Anti-Venom Cover HC - LIMITED TO 200 COPIES WORLDWIDE


First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

Dan Slott

1,914 books442 followers
Dan Slott is an American comic book writer, the current writer on Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man, and is best known for his work on books such as Arkham Asylum: Living Hell, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, The Superior Spider-Man, and Ren & Stimpy.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews
Profile Image for Subham.
2,991 reviews83 followers
June 25, 2021
This was a long one but quite fun!

Its about Peter as he is settling into new jobs when he is attacked by Norman Osborn and his Thunderbolts and he has to dodge them and also deal with the drama that brings about Bullseye and others after him. There is the Eddie brock story where he becomes the Anti-Venom and its a big one and the best part where he and Spidey team up to take down Norman Osborn who has become Green Goblin again, Scorpion Venom meanwhile finding what Oscorp and Harry at large have been doing.

Its a great volume with so many revelations, twists and turns and change the character of Harry and Eddie a lot and I love their team up and Lily with Peter, what she does. Plus Peter put in the middle of it having to fight his archenemies and save Aunt May too at FEAST. Its a good story and lots of moving parts and make way for a big fight coming in the future for sure.

Slott balances things perfectly and keeps the humour intact as much as he can and the art not the best though.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews962 followers
February 27, 2018
A really fun Spidey story with some great-looking art by Romita Jr. The story has a classic feel to it, with Peter still working as a photographer, fighting against Venom, Norman Osborn and his team of Thunderbolts, but it also has some interesting plot twists and intriguing new characters to mix it up a bit. This is the kind of storytelling I like to see in a Spider-Man book, and it looks like Dan Slott's earlier work on the character has some of that unique energy. It made me nostalgic for the animated series I used to watch as a kid, and for Sam Raimi's movies, too — in fact, I feel like with some adjustments, this story could have made a great foundation for a better Spider-Man 3 (although it came out a few years after the movie — oh well). Now I am really curious to check out some of the other Spidey books from that time period.
Profile Image for Dani Wladdimiro.
847 reviews3 followers
June 11, 2023
Sinceramente Marvel Saga lo estaba siguiendo para continuar la colección de Spiderman, y también porque sabía que iba a encontrar grandes historias, pero lamentablemente los últimos cuatro volúmenes se me habían hecho cuesta arriba y prefería leer otro tipo de historias, como también comprar otro tipo de libros. Pero este volumen me trajo ese aire fresco que necesitaba, y lo agradezco muchísimo, porque sé que Dan Slott me dará grandes momentos.

Aquí tenemos una historia bastante interesante, porque no sólo es el hecho de traer demasiados personajes a un arco que dura 6 capítulos, con la vuelta de Romita Jr., sino también reordenar las piezas en el mundo de Spiderman. Dado lo ocurrido en el reboot del trepamuros, quedaron muchas dudas sobre las consecuencias de Civil War, por lo que aquí se tocan, y si bien, quizá siguen quedando incoherencias, lo importante es que se trata de continuar ese arco utilizando los Thunderbolts. Pero no sólo este grupo de villanos hace interesante la obra, sino que se toman dos componentes muy potentes: Norman y Harry Osborn. Tanto el padre como el hijo tienen una dualidad muy fuerte sobre cómo hacer las cosas, y también como afrontar a nuestro querido vecino, por lo que hace tremendamente dinámica la historia. Pero por si no fuera ya entretenido todo esto, porque Peter debe lidiar con muchas cosas de su doble personalidad, donde Norman trata de ir siempre un paso adelante, se nos ha introducido el personaje de Anti-Venom, quién nació de Eddie Brock, cuyas respuestas a las incógnitas serán más adelante relevadas. Por ahora, entendemos que Spidey tiene un pseudo-amigo con quién luchar codo a codo para tratar de hacer lo correcto, dado que se dan cuenta que Norman estuvo involucrado en experimentos con personas, por lo que tratan de destapar toda la tapadera. Y por si no fuera poco, porque ya son demasiadas las cosas tratas en este arco, también tenemos la participación importantísima de Martin Li, quién sabemos que es Mister Negative, pero aquí va a jugar un rol tanto con Eddie como con las personas experimentadas de parte de Osborn. Nota especial para Freak, encuentro que fue tan ingenioso la forma en como Norman lo utilizó, y tiene toda la lógica del mundo, por lo que de esa manera analizaba la sangre y utilizaba anticuerpos ya sea para el Anti-venom como para otro tipo de acciones más “nobles”. Realmente el Duende Verde cuando apreta el acelerador es imparable.

Definitivamente es un tremendo arco, donde se nota que trató de planificarse de principio a fin, tratando de darnos distintos puntos para ir cocinando a fuego lento la trama. Peter así mismo, tiene que lidiar con muchas situaciones, el hecho que ya no quiere seguir trabajando en el DB y ahora está con el Front Line, el mismo que estuvo involucrado en Civil War. Por lo que sí, es bastante potente todo lo que se va tejiendo y sólo no para de subir, por lo que lo disfruté muchísimo. El único punto en contra es que son tantas tramas, tantas situaciones y tantos personajes, que a veces la lectura se hace muy pesada, por lo que necesitas tomarte una pausa para tomar atención a todos los detalles, porque a veces hay pequeños giros que debes estar muy atento para apreciar su magnitud.
67 reviews3 followers
March 11, 2021
Brand new day éru nemám moc načtenou, ale tohle bylo dost fajn. A řekl bych, že to funguje dost dobře i samostatně. Celé je to vlastně taková velká mlátička, avšak Slottovi Spidey jde a charaktery jak kladné, tak i záporné jsou dobře napsány. Jenom si myslím, že příběh neměl zas až tak velký dopad, jak to na první pohled mohlo vypadat.
Profile Image for Riccardo Caputi.
126 reviews5 followers
March 7, 2023
The plot is well planned, and we get to see that many characters here have skeletons in their closets. Generally the characterization worked as well, although I'd say there was too much text in some pages. Some of the action scenes, like the ones between Anti-Venom and Gargan, went on for way too long and got a bit boring.
Profile Image for Rafal Jasinski.
903 reviews49 followers
May 19, 2022
Pierwsza odsłona zbiorczych wydań Hachette z serii określanych legendarnymi historii z uniwersum Marvela jakoś we mnie większego zachwytu nie wzbudziła. Ta opowieść, mimo tego, że tworzy autonomiczną całość, jest ściśle umiejscowiona w ramach większych wydarzeń z życia Spider-Mana / Petera Parkera, które przetoczyły się i nadchodzą w przyszłości.

Wszelkie wskazówki względem tego, co było i będzie, sygnalizują że do czynienia mieliśmy / będziemy mieli z dużo głębszymi i bardziej przełomowymi historiami - wątki Osbornów, Menace, Eddiego Brocka i Mistera Negative'a wybrzmiewają gdzieś na uboczu "New Ways to Die", które w ogólnym rozrachunku sprowadza się do atrakcyjnych wizualnie i dających jaką taką radość, potyczek bohaterów, łotrów i anty-bohaterów (w tym komiksie zostaje wprowadzony Anty-Venom, z którym jakimś zrządzeniem losu nigdy wcześniej się nie zetknąłem).

No i właśnie, wątki poważne jakoś nie wybrzmiewają do końca, bo nawet takie tematy, jak przeżycia związane z utratą źródła dochodu przez Parkera, w związku z rebrandingiem i nowym kierownictwem The Daily Bugle, te związane z wydarzeniami z "One More Day", czy byciem wrogiem publicznym numer jeden, ukazane są w sposób dość powierzchowny, bardzo w cieniu akcji i wątków, które skupiają się bardziej na wyżej wspomnianych postaciach.

Prawdziwą perełką jest bonusowa, ale niezwykle istotna historia "Piąte stadium", napisana przez Marka Waida i narysowana przez Adiego Granova, która znacząco pogłębia rys psychiczny Eddiego Brocka, przechodzącego gehennę związaną z traumą po Symbioncie i rakiem trawiącym niepowstrzymanie jego ciało.

Podsumowując, historia ciekawa i mimo, iż ogólnie nie poczułem ciężaru "legendarności", to lekturę uważam za całkiem przyjemną i sprowadzającą apetyt na sięgnięcie po komiksy kontynuujące niektóre z zapoczątkowanych tu wątków.
Profile Image for Kyle Berk.
643 reviews10 followers
June 3, 2021
New Ways to Die is a hallmark of Spidey's Brand New Day era. It's also probably my own personal favorite Goblin story Dan Slott wrote. I think everything in this story comes together in the end. Not everything is paid off as the identity of the menace isn't revealed explicitly here but overall it's one in a long line of many classic Spider-Man stories Dan Slott wrote.

And it's illustrated by John Romita Jr who is always in top form on Spider-Man.

The issue with this story that has me cautious to recommend it to just anyone is just how steeped in continuity it is, a lot of these elements are years removed at this point. Harry is doing something very different in the year 2021 then he was here as is Norman and Peter. Readers will know Carlie Cooper but she has a very different set of circumstances.

When I first read this I'd been reading issue to issue continuity wise on Marvel Unlimited from 1999 until here so I knew all the pieces offhand but now I'm a few years from that first reading and read everything after this so readjusting myself to those details took a bit of time, and for a new reader it'd be jarring in some of these details, like for example the scorpion is venom at this point in time.

Though despite this all the elements for a classic Spider story are all still in place. He's down on his luck, pursued by authority forces, identity is secret, and the bad guys get multiple one ups because of Spider-Mans own screw ups. All very centered and enjoyable from page to page.

It all works very well if you let it.

5 stars.
Profile Image for William Thomas.
1,231 reviews2 followers
October 16, 2011
I'm going to say one embarrassing thing here. You decide which of these things is that thing. Comic books ruled my life from age 8 until 14. Magic: the Gathering took over that role from 14-17. Comic books have once again become a prominent part of my life, and thankfully Magic has not.

In all my years reading and collecting comics, I've never been a big fan of Spider-Man.

Scratch that. I was at one time a very big fan of Spider-Man. During the McFarlane years.

I just realized I associate comic book time the same way most old folks associate real-time. Like the Reagan years of the Truman years. Only I'll talk about the stint of a specific artist or writer. "Ah, boy, those were the good old days, we had McFarlane and Michelinie in there doing a bang-up job." And they were. McFarlane was a damn good man to put on the spider-books. Stylistically it was the perfect fit. I read Spider-Man all through his run and into the 'Maximum Carnage' and 'Separation Anxiety' storylines. And even though every crossover that came after McFarlane left the spider-books, I read them. Until they regained their hokiness and became intolerable.

Damn this team for drawing on my nostalgia and bringing back the symbiotes and Eddie Brock. But damn them for doing a terrific job and making it something I want to read instead of feeling like I just have to read it to be up to par.

Grade: B
Profile Image for Gavin.
1,228 reviews90 followers
August 3, 2013
As a Spider-Man story, it was OK, but way too much going on, too many characters. Norman Osborn is back and nutty as ever with his Thunderbolts and Law and Order in his pocket. Harry yawn, more Goblin types...Peter having issues working. However, there is one thing that elevates this right up there for me: the return of Eddie Brock. Having seemingly wasted away, he reappears and what ends up happening to him in this story is nearly as poetic and great as comics can be sometimes. For that alone it elevates an otherwise over-crowded and muddled story. The Eddie parts kept me glued to the pages.
Profile Image for Roman.
97 reviews6 followers
December 8, 2019
Не дуже розумію феномен захоплень малюнками Роміти молодшого, але враховуючи попередньо прочитані мною комікси (не тільки Павучка), то ця історія динамічна, вражаюча та захоплююча. Подекуди не так переймався ��ртом, як самим сторітелінгом, завдяки котрому прокинулась зацікавленність та переживання сюжетом. Багато напхано, багато чого відбувається і це круто.
Profile Image for Μιχάλης.
Author 21 books136 followers
November 10, 2015
That one was quite a ride, reminding me of good old 70's spidey. Plotlines running all the time and quite some tention.
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews33 followers
May 26, 2018
Wow quite unexpected.

World: The art is good. It's beautiful, characters are distinct just pure goodness. The world building really surprised me. With Slott coming unto the book the pieces have been iffy and I was wondering why people liked him so much. Well the world building here is much more focused and thought out the pieces from the past and the new ideas he brings to the world is very impressive and pulled me in.

Story: The pacing was good, the drama was on point, the pieces of character hit the right emotions, it was good. I really was surprised by this arc. So far I've not been impressed but with the Thunderbolts and Brock and Osborn this was a very strong and impactful arc. Sure we are heading to familiar territory with Osborn and the girlfriend is clearly the one we've been wondering about but it's well done. Good job.

Characters: Not a lot of development for Peter this arc but Slott picking up the Osbornes and doing his own thing is familiar but also very well written. Some villain reveals are very obvious especially the Goblin wannabe at the moment but it's good. Slott also writes good Spidey dialog so I like that too.

Solid arc from Slott. More of this please.

Onward to the next book!
Profile Image for Elliot.
19 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2022
Pretty generic. Quite corny and poor tropsey character arcs. Mr Negative from Spider-Man PS4 seems to take inspiration from his appearance here but the game does the story much better. The thunderbolts aren't great here either unfortunately and the dialogue between spiderman and anti venom is clunky. Not the spider-man charm I like unfortunately
Profile Image for Tesutamento.
768 reviews1 follower
January 5, 2023
Yepyeni Bir Gün hikayesinin etkileri halen güçlü bir şekilde hissediliyor. Çok güzel bir hikaye olabilecekken çok fazla şey sıkıştırılmaya çalışılmış ne yazık ki. En azından belediye başkanlığı yarışı konusu olmayabilirmiş. Okurken o kısımları biraz atlamak istemedim değil. Tam tarihler tutuyor mu emin değilim fakat Gizli İstila sonrasında geçiyor olsa gerek ki Norman Osborn bir halk kahramanı ve devletin adamı olmuş. Norman ve Thunderbolts ekibi Spider-Man'i kovalarken bir yandan Norman'ı tehdit eden Menace adlı goblin çakması kötü ortaya çıkıyor, öte tarafta da Eddie Brock Anti-Venom olup kafayı herkesi iyileştirmekle kırıyor. Dediğim gibi çok fazla şey var bir sığdırılmaya çalışılan. Daha Harry Osborn meselelerine girmiyorum bile. Bir yerden sonra olayların akışına kendinizi kaptırıyorsunuz elbette fakat bu kadar dağınık olmasına gerek var mıydı gerçekten?
Profile Image for Mike.
1,540 reviews143 followers
March 10, 2013
The New Ways To Die story by Slott and JRJr is really solid Spidey tale-telling. With great, classic art, lots of quipping, a little intrigue, and lots of A- and B-lost villains to keep Spidey busy.
Profile Image for Soobie is expired.
6,812 reviews131 followers
January 12, 2023
L'ho comprato solo perché costava 1,99€. Non perché voglio imbarcarmi nella collezione completa da cento volumi... 1300€ in totale...

Soobie e la Marvel? Bah, ho letto qualcosa. Tipo tutte le raccolte di Repubblica che presentavano i diversi personaggi, ad esempio. Qualche altro fumetto tipo Civil war. Ho ancora qualche vecchia collezione da edicola letta a metà.

Quindi, diciamo, che le cose principali le so. Per quanto non sia Marvel, ho addirittura visto il Joker incinto. Devo ancora riprendermi dalla cosa, però.

Nuovi modi per morire è ambientato dopo Civil war e quindi sapevo più o meno cos'era successo e com'era messo il mondo dei supereroi. Però non conoscevo la maggior parte dei nemici del mio ragnetto preferito e non so che dinamiche ci siano tra di loro. Beh, non conoscevo neanche tutte le ragazze che gli girano attorno, a dire la verità.

Questo per dire che il dossier finale ha un po' aiutato a inquadrare la situazione.

Ma quelli che per me sono i difetti del mondo Marvel rimangono: storie infinite e convoluta che si sviluppano in più collane e sono talmente aperte che è praticamente impossibile stare dietro a tutto quello che succede; cosa che, per una che tende al completismo come la sottoscritta, fa girare le scatole. Personaggi che muoiono, per qualche arcano motivo resuscitano e si torna da capo. Oppure poteri che cambiano persone così. Un cast troppo ampio che, secondo me, non aiuta chi frequenta di rado il mondo dei supereroi. Ovviamente parlo dalla mia prospettiva di lettrice di manga prima di tutto.

Per quel che riguarda questa storia... È partita molto lenta e ho fatto fatica a entrare in quello che stava accadendo. Però alla fine il ritmo è aumentato e mi son divertita di più.

La storia bonus, credo possa intendersi così, dedicata alla prima incarnazione di Venom è fantastica. I disegni e i colori sono favolosi, quasi meglio di quelli di John Romita Jr., per quanto lui si uno dei disegnatori di fumetti americani che mi piacciono (più o meno) e che riconosco facilmente.

Non farò tutta la collana, ma ogni tanto potrei vedere dove siamo arrivati. Anche per rinfrescare le mie conoscenza sul mondo Marvel.
Profile Image for Gil.
213 reviews4 followers
February 10, 2018
Every so often comic books have to reboot the storyline yet still keep in mind all continuity. Think about it, Peter Parker/Spider-Man has been a teenager since 1962. So the story has to be changed a little each time. This reboot, while being a soft reboot, will keep some of the old ideas and for an old fan may even turn some on their head. The gist of this book in particular is to create another character, Anti-Venom.

Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) is head of the group known as the Thunderbolts, a group of villains that have somewhat reformed and are fighting crime. One of the members of the Thunderbolts, Max Gargan, was formerly known as the Scorpion, one of Spidey's enemies, now takes the mantle of Venom, and to become even cooler Gargan in his Scorpion suit takes on Venom. You have to know symbiotes to know how cool this is. Spider-man is the hated criminal, at least hated by Osborn, and is constantly trying defame the Spideman.

While the Venom symbiote latches on to every cell of its host, when it originally bonded with Eddie Brock it gave him cancer. While battling cancer Brock's white blood cells/anti-bodies fight off the symbiotes lingering effects they combine with the symbiote remnants to create the killer of all symbiotes, Anti-Venom.

It's great to get the comics in one story arc instead of having to wait month to month. That is why you'll catch me always checking out these trade paperbacks and graphic novels.
Profile Image for Max Libros.
18 reviews
November 5, 2023
GODDDDD no me acordaba que esta wea fuera tan buena. Siento que realmente parte a unir todas las tramas que han ido apareciendo a traves de los 20+ numeros de Brand New Day, lo que hace que todo sea muy climatico (climactico?). Weas que antes estaban de fondo resultan estar conectadas, y las pistas que van apareciendo me hacen estar mucho mas metido en los misterios al fondo de esta era de Spider-man. Aparte siento que que todos los arcos de BND hasta este hayan sido de maximo tres numeros y este sea de seis le da una importancia mucho mayor, pasan un monton de weas y todo tiene suficiente tiempo para desarrollarse bien.
Tambien, opinion no tan popular pero me rebanco a John Romita Jr. se que hay gente que no es fan de como dibuja, pero a mi me encantan sus personas cuadradas. Puto god, lo pase muy bien, lo lei de una, y el back up sobre Eddie Brock que escribe Mark Waid es muy muy bueno, gracias Mark Waid te quiero mucho.
Profile Image for Adam Stone.
1,867 reviews27 followers
July 5, 2021
I'm reading this as part of my Venom/Carnage/Anti-Venom/symbiotes read-through of the spider-verse.

This was a solid story that took a bunch of post-Civil War storylines and wove them around Peter Parker. We see him battle The Thunderbolts, as led by the former(?) Green Goblin, Norman Osborn. We get another glimpse of the new Venom/previous Scorpion. We even see the previous Venom, Eddie Brock get new powers thanks to the mysterious Mr. Negative, who is a newer, intriguing spider-villain(?)

There's a lot of cross-plotting but it's all fun, and none of it felt dependent on non-Spider-Man books. I think this is a pretty good spider-story on its own, but as a part of the symbiote storyline, it's even better. It's been pretty rare that we've seen A Very Important Plot Moment for the symbiotes written as well as it is in this collection.
Profile Image for Carlos Eguren.
Author 20 books151 followers
June 12, 2020
Spiderman siempre ha sido un culebrón y aquí se pone auténticamente interesante con el Antiveneno, el cáncer de Eddie Brock, Amenaza y el ataque de los Thunderbolts dirigidos por el psicópata de Norman Orborn (que visto como funciona EEUU, ahora sería presidente del país). El concepto del Antiveneno, que a simple vista parece una tontería, ha dado muchísimo juego como ese sanador monstruoso capaz de curar al simbionte o arrebatarle los poderes a Spiderman. Tan genial que hasta el trabajo de John Romita Jr. me ha encantado. Lástima que hayan dejado muchos cabos sueltos, pero por algo es un culebrón.
Profile Image for Kris Shaw.
1,375 reviews
July 26, 2024
New Ways To Die was great, although Klaus Janson is not the guy to ink John Romita, Jr.’s pencils. JRJr’s pencils have gotten “blockier” over the years, and Janson’s loose inking style does not help out any. Still, the pairing of Dan Slott and John Romita, Jr. is not one to be missed. These issues take more than 10 minutes to read and offer a lot of story in comparison to many modern comics. Stuff actually happens in every single issue! Things can be part of a larger tapestry and yet other things can be resolved in one or two issues. All in all I am loving the new direction for Amazing Spider-Man and hope that it continues!
Profile Image for Rocky Sunico.
2,255 reviews25 followers
June 24, 2019
So this is the volume where Slott covers the creation of Anti-Venom, which always felt a little silly but does make sense in the longer term as connected with Martin Li's fate as revealed later on. Throw in the Thunderbolts under the command of Norman Osborne and we have quite the interesting little story, especially given in this post Brand New Day world even Norman Osborn no longer remembers who Spider-Man really is. I really enjoyed that side of things and this story really plays to the strengths of Slott when it comes to making this feel in-sync with the prior stories. Good stuff.
Profile Image for Amanda Shepard (Between-the-Shelves).
2,070 reviews44 followers
March 26, 2023
Quite honestly, I have always enjoyed Dan Slott's writing. After all, Superior Spider-Man is probably one of my favorite comic runs. This volume gives us a little glimpse in Peter Parker's life after the spell that erased everyone's knowledge that he was Spider-Man. But you know, not nearly as devastating as No Way Home.

We get to see the Thunderbolts in this one, and a little bit of the Green Goblin. The storyline moves forward at a good pace, and I really enjoyed the artwork in this one. All in all, not a bad Spider-Man volume.
Profile Image for Joel Rosario.
83 reviews
March 25, 2021
I'm not a fan of John Romita Jr's art. But this story was pretty good. The last arc I read from the Amazing Spider-Man was the Civil War tie-in. So I didn't really know much of what was going on in the history of this one. And I think that hurt my enjoyment of it a bit. But, Dan Slott is a good writer. There were many great moments. I just feel like, unlike Coming Home, this is one you want to go in with some context. Also, the art is not for me but many people love it for that reason.
Profile Image for Roman Colombo.
Author 4 books36 followers
June 27, 2019
Well, this was an intense story line, and the first BIG arc since Brand New Day started. This had almost everything you'd want. John Romita Jr's pencils, classic Spidey villains such as Venom and Norman Osborne, new villains like Freak, Menace, and Mr. Negative. And Marvel's newest symbiote, Anti-Venom--Eddie Broc.
Profile Image for Muzaffer Gümüşsu.
110 reviews5 followers
October 12, 2019
Keşke örümceği sonsuza kadar John Romita JR çizse. Eski usul çizgi tadını neredeyse sadece ondan alabiliyorum (belki biraz da Lee Weeks'ten). Hikayeyi gözardı edersek, Romita JR çizince Brand New Day hiç yaşanmamış, Straczynski dönemi devam ediyormuş gibi hissettim. Hikayenin ilerleyişinde de taze ayrıntılar vardı denebilir ufak ufak.
Profile Image for Crazed8J8.
648 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2022
An interesting story that introduces a new character, Anti-Venom.
I've never loved JRJR artwork, but it is decent and straightforward.
The writing is good, and the storytelling is pretty fluid.
I liked seeing the growth in Eddie Brock, and Spidey continues his life's struggles.
all-around solid story and art, good read, part of a much bigger storyline.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Soobie is expired.
6,812 reviews131 followers
May 25, 2023
Letto per la seconda volta nel giro di un paio di mesi e...

Diciamo che la storia finale di questo volume non è la stessa che si trova alla fine del volume della Hachette, che era favolosa. Per questo il voto scende a due stelline.

Il mio interesse per le raccolte di copertine diverse alla fine del volume è sempre pari a zero.
Profile Image for Vittorio Rainone.
2,082 reviews30 followers
September 28, 2017
Bella storia del ragno, che affronta Osborn e Thunderbolts (Venom, Songbird, Uomo Radioattivo), lotta al solito per mantenere l'identità segreta, lotta al solito per la sussistenza. Insomma, solite cose, ma raccontate molto bene, con i soliti splendidi disegni stilosi di Romita
Profile Image for Kieran Westphal.
193 reviews2 followers
January 3, 2020
One of the better stories Dan Slott crafted during his tenure on Spider-Man... but that's not saying a whole lot. The art is all that elevates this from average to exceptional; by this point JRJR was a seasoned spider-professional and it really shows.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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