Determined to find a husband, Miss Eleanor "Ellie" Bowman attends a ball put on by the Duchess of Greycliffe, fondly referred to as the Duchess of Love. But she roundly dismisses the suitors the matchmaking hostess has invited on her behalf. For it's the duchess' dashing son, Ned, Lord Edward, who long ago captured Ellie's heart—and roused her desire. All it takes is a pair of conveniently misplaced silky red bloomers to set the handsome widower's gaze on this unusual girl who is clearly more than meets the eye.
After four years of mourning, Ned must find a wife. At first glance, the birthday ball his mother has thrown in his honor is decidedly lacking in suitable mistresses. But he senses something unexpectedly alluring beneath the veil of Ellie's plain exterior—and suddenly she's invading his dreams in a decidedly scandalous manner.
Sally MacKenzie decided to become a writer in grade school when she read one of her stories to the class. Her classmates laughed and she was hooked. She sat down immediately to pen her first novel.
Well, not exactly.
The hooked part is right--cursed might be a better description--but the sitting down and writing part came later. Much later.
Sally eventually went on to college, majoring in English, and, upon graduation, did what many English majors do--she went to law school. But she still couldn’t shake her dream of writing fiction. Midway through law school, she faced the fact that she really did not want to be a lawyer. She took a permanent leave of absence, came home to the Washington, D.C. area, and sat down to type her first novel.
Well, not exactly.
She did come home and write, but mostly she wrote regulations for the United States government’s school nutrition programs. (Ketchup as a vegetable, anyone?) When her law school sweetheart graduated, he moved to D.C. and they got married. A couple years later, the first of their four sons was born, and Sally “retired” to manage their family. She wrote a story or two and some picture book texts, all now stored away in a filing cabinet, but she spent most of her energies on baby tending which rapidly evolved into carpool driving. She became an extremely skilled scheduler, getting all four boys to soccer, basketball, baseball, track, swimming, piano, scouts, and birthday parties without ever losing one. (Okay, she did lose the youngest for a few minutes, but she found him before he’d toddled into the parking lot.) And she did more writing--school newsletters, auction programs, class plays, swim league guidance, and the acclaimed annual MacKenzie family newsletter--but no fiction.
Finally, the boys started driving (Eek!) and leaving for college. The nest was emptying and she wasn't getting any younger. The time had come to chase the dream or let it go for good, so she sat down at the computer and wrote. And rewrote. And rewrote again until she had a polished manuscript. She joined the Romance Writers of America, and when the plea went out for Regency manuscripts for the 2004 Golden Heart contest, she sent in The Naked Duke. The stars aligned. She made the final round, and one of the judging editors liked the manuscript and offered to buy it.
Yee haw!!
When not writing or obsessing over the various mysteries of book promotion, Sally can be found at the gym working hard to age gracefully, at the pool on the SLOW side of the Masters swim practice, or at one meeting or another volunteering at the helm of the summer swim league.
Here's Sally with her family--she's 5 ft. 8 in. tall, but she's short in this crowd.
This was a 5 star book up until the very end. Sadly, the ending was completely flat, and you got the feeling that somebody deleated the last pages of the book by mistake.
A little introduction: Ned- the widowed hero, and childhood friend of the heroine. Ellie- the heroine who is hiding her looks ever since the hero married her best friend- the blond and retarded English rose that died in childbirth. Facts: Ned’s brother Ash is separated from his strong-willed wife. Ned was horrified by this, and by the fact that somebody could step all over your love that way. After that, just like the doctor ordered, he is promptly infatuated with the quiet and biddable Cicely. She is in awe of him and it pumps his ego. She is not his equal, and she needs him to make even the smallest decision. They marry. He then discovers that his new wife is horrified by sex. She falls pregnant right after the honeymoon, and is later too sick or to big to have any more relations. She then dies. He is still in ‘love’ with her for the next four years and is completely miserable and pretty much celibate. But now, the time has come for him to marry again…
And so starts our story.
It was packed full of drama. We have two other women that are in the running for marrying our hero. One is the prototype of his late wife and the other is just looking for a husband. We got drama, angst, and a real fun rollercoaster of events/matchmaking during the days of the house party given by the heroe’s mother. There was a fabulous scene where the hero proposes a marriage of convenience and the heroine has a hissy fit before she throws brandy in his face. We have only one sex scene, but never has a sex scene been more perfect! Etc, etc, etc…
And then…I turn the page - only to encounter the hero's and heroine's mothers talking. The heroine’s mother tells the hero’s mother she wishes she let the heroine get dressesed in a provocative red dress to the hero’s betrothal party years back (this was talked about before)– so this whole thing might have happened sooner. The hero’s mother answers her that that would have still not changed anything because the hero was so horribly in love with his first wife, even thou she was wrong for him. The end.
What? No really…what? First off, where is the hero’s epiphany about never really loving his first wife? During his whole life his best friend and confident was THE HEROINE. He stopped feeling lust for his wife after their first time and he was a virgin up till then so we can pretty much assume he was horny for anything. We know he was feeling emasculated by the fact that his wife had meltdowns over them being naked and that their sex life was horrible. As I said, I left my hero and heroine after they had marvelous sex for the first time. Sure, they kind of just blurred out they love each other without any real rime or reason, but I could have forgiven that. There was so much passion, it was all ok! So where the hell is the part where the hero musses about having great sex? Or how about…being naked with a woman for the first time in his life? No? No? Well, then. How about the standard HR epilogue in which the heroine is giving birth? You know…just to prove to us the hero should not be worried any more. I mean, he almost gave up on sex with the heroine form fear she will die from having the child. No to that also? Oh! You gave me a random dialogue between the mother and father of the hero…and then I turn the page and it shows ZEBRA BOOKS are published by…? Well…**** you Mrs. Author! And be happy I did not bump more stars off this review!
Me ha parecido un libro divertido y aunque Ned es demasiado mojigato y a veces me ha sacado de quicio, el gato me ha conquistado y ha hecho que me riese en muchas ocasiones.
This book was just not for me. It hit all my dislikes. Some will like it and others may love it, but for me it was like nails on a chalkboard to read. I feel bad for my harsh opinion of this book it did have some things going for it.
Ellie was my worst idea of a leading lady and I tried to like her. She wasn't unlikable as a person, but she seemed like a doormat. She pined after this guy for years. He chose someone else she settles for not marrying assuming they will have a long happy marriage. Why? This drives me crazy. Well fate steps in and she has another opportunity to win the man of her dreams. Years later she still has done nothing about it and is pining for a man who thinks of her like a dear sister. Again why? This is torture. Now he is choosing anyone but Ellie to be his possible wife love or otherwise. He never shows any indication he has more feelings for her, unless you consider his sudden curiosity with these red bloomers. It didn't seem enough for 90% of the novel. That was a good start, but not enough to hold for nearly the whole book.
Then add the rushed ending. I just couldn't like it. My last irritation was the obviouse disregard for expectations of the time. This whole thing didn't suit. I have at times disregarded inaccuracies of such obviouse nature, but the story line has to be entertaining enough for me to just not care any more. With this one it was just one more of my pet peeves which added to my irritation. One saving grace was my curiosity about Ash. His and Jess' story seems to keep me interested. I was waiting on clues to their situation. Unfortunately I'm not sure I will read another of these stories.
Ned and Ellie. I don't know what possessed me to get this one. It was amazingly unromantic. In fact, Ned wouldn't know romance if it sat on his face. Actually, that's pretty much happened and even then, she had to practically strong arm into bed. I also don't understand why Ned was so heartbroken when Cicely died. WHY??? Their marriage sounded luke warm at best. Ned was just this awful stuffy prig and Ellie was just a pathetic doormat. If ever a book could have used an epilogue it was this one!!!
No conocía a la autora, me la recomendaron, y debo decir que he encontrado una historia fresca y divertida.
La trama se desarrolla toda en un único espacio, la mansión de los duques de Greycliffe, durante la fiesta de celebración de cumpleaños de la duquesa y sus hijos, que dura varios días. La autora ha sabido sacar partido de esta limitada ambientación introduciendo la figura de Sir Reginald, el gato de la duquesa, y un consumado ladrón. Las situaciones disparatadas se suceden, así como las escenas cómicas, gracias a las actividades de diversión organizadas por la duquesa, que son, de alguna forma, las que llevan la trama adelante.
No sé si hay una historia anterior a esta, pero lo cierto es que se nos presentan varios personajes de golpe: los duques, los tres hermanos, Ellie, Percy, los asistentes a la fiesta y aquellos personajes que no aparecen pero se mencionan. Al principio de la historia me sentí un poco perdida o confundida, pues tenía la sensación de que los personajes hablaban de cosas que todos conocían, pero yo, lectora, no; como si hubiese entrado a la mitad de una película. Esto me desconcertó al principio, pero luego la historia me fue atrapando.
Ned, el segundo hijo de los duques, es viudo. Amaba mucho a su mujer, Cicely, y aún se culpa por no haber podido salvarle la vida -cosa imposible puesto que murió en el parto-; por eso mismo, ha vivido alejado de las mujeres, hasta que comprende que necesita volver a casarse para tener un heredero. Es un personaje atípico, quizás porque se casó muy joven, pero ni es un libertino, ni un mujeriego, ni un truhán encantador, ni siquiera experimentado en las lides del amor. Es más bien una persona reflexiva, responsable, de carácter serio... quizás por eso no terminó por atraparme del todo. A pesar de que más adelante, poco a poco, va mostrando más su carácter pasional.
Ellie es un personaje extraordinario. Amiga de Cicely, la difunta esposa de Ned, siempre ha estado enamorada de este, pero se ha mantenido siempre en un segundo plano, conformándose con su suerte, aunque sin aceptar otros pretendientes, como si no quisiera perder la esperanza. Finalmente, se ve derrotada, y en la fiesta de la duquesa, acepta fijarse en otros hombres -cosa difícil cuando Ned está de por medio, y cuando Sir Reginald se dedica a hacer de las suyas-. Me gusta su carácter fuerte, a pesar de que no lo saque a relucir muy a menudo, y la mezcla de arrojo e inocencia. Tiene una relación preciosa con los hijos de los duques, y los trata como a iguales, como a hermanos. Al final, empujada y alentada por uno de ellos, se decidirá a decirle la verdad sobre sus sentimientos a Ned.
Con el estilo propio de una comedia romántica de época, una narración fluida, y unos personajes secundarios algo caricaturizados, la autora logra una historia muy entretenida, con toques de humor. Para mi gusto, faltó un poco más de romance o, al menos, que fuese más profundo, ya que en ningún momento te deja suspirando, aunque sí te atrapa para querer seguir leyendo las historias de Ash y Jack.
This was a confusing book to review. I actually really enjoy most of it. House party shenanigans are always fun. But there was zero romance until the very end. Hero friend-zoned her so hard throughout the whole book, I kept getting second hand embarrassment on her behalf.
I listened to this one and really enjoyed the audiobook. I need to look into other books with this narrator.
Could Ellie be any more clumsy or so easily startled? I lost count the number of times she tripped or said "Eek!" (or a different equivalent). Much of the book is spent with Ellie pining for Ned and Ned thinking of Cicely and feeling guilty. It got tiring reading how perfect for Ned Cicely was. I. Get. It. I also thought Ned had moments where he was too controlling (must tell those stupid females what is good for them!). That being said, it was still well written and an engaging story. I am intrigued by both brothers (mainly Ash) and am interested in reading their stories. I loved Reggie and his stealing ways.
Those red drawers were going to be the death of her.
Ellie had made them for herself to go with a beautiful, if slightly scandalous, dress for a ball. Her goal had been to capture Ned’s heart. Unfortunately though, her mother made her change. It turned out that Ned and her best friend are announcing their engagement. Within the year, her best friend dies, and she of course, stands by Ned and offers her friendship. It’s said many times that he wouldn’t have made it through if it weren’t for Ellie.
4 years later, Ned’s mom, The Duchess of Love, is throwing her annual Valentine’s Ball and has brought together some men hoping not so much to turn Ellie’s eye, but maybe to give Ned the kick in the pants he needs to see that Ellie is pretty and eligible and absolutely perfect for him.
And then he sees her red drawers.
The family cat likes to pilfer things and hide them in Ned’s room. What does he leave behind, but her red undies. And sure enough, Ned walks into his bedroom to find a lovely round bottom poking up from beneath his bed, and then he realizes the cat stole her drawers. Her red drawers. His imagination goes wild. His stable, predictable friend wears red?
Ellie is mortified. She’d grabbed them by accident thinking it was her red shawl, and next thing you know her underpants become a constant thorn in her side. At one point, Ned’s former brother-in-law actually tries to blackmail Ellie and Ned using her drawers!
I liked this author’s voice. I liked Ellie a lot. At one point, Ned says to her, “What's the matter, Ellie? You really aren't yourself this evening." She bit her lip and then shook her head and looked away. "Or perhaps I finally am.”
I loved this part because she finally admits to herself that she changed her behavior to fit what she thought Ned wanted. And Ned was stunned to see her acting more carefree. It bothered him to see Ellie in a different light, but he couldn’t figure out why. I liked their romance, but it’s very slow. Like seriously slow. I loved all the characters a lot, Jack especially, and can’t wait for Surprising Lord Jack. I want to know more about Ash and why he and his wife aren’t together, and even the villain of the piece may have an interesting story for us.
I didn’t like, however, that Jack realized maybe he wasn’t as in love with his first wife as in love with the idea of her. That bugged me because I wanted to shout “It’s okay to have loved your first wife! There’s nothing wrong with that!” Other than that, I did enjoy it. The best parts were when Ned’s brothers talked some sense into him after he did something stupid. It just seemed to end very quickly after that. But it was still a fun and sweet read, and I look forward to more by Sally Mackenzie.
This was a horrible horrible book. Usually I'm too lazy to review a book, no matter how much I might like it. But for this book I moved myself to review it because of how much I hated it.
1. I thought drawers in the regency era were ugly pant crotchless things like chaps. They were not lacy tiny underwear things that the author was insinuating....
2. MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE - THE AUTHOR TOLD US INSTEAD OF SHOWING US. The idea of Ned loving Ellie popped out randomly when Jack mentioned it. The author didn't evolve Ned's feelings into love for it to be believable for the reader. For 90 percent of the book he's like, "I have to protect her from this creep and I have to find a bride." And from there it jumps directly to: "I love her."
I hated it.
3. Why was there more romance between the mother and father than there was between the main characters? Whose story are we even reading?
This book had so much potential and I'm so sad the author screwed it up.
Una lectura entretenida, exactamente lo que voy buscando con este tipo de libros.
Los protagonistas se hacen de querer, especialmente ella y la familia de él son todos un amor. Incluído el gato Reggie que tiene un papel importante en la historia con sus habilidades cleptómanas. Desde luego, es el compañero ideal de la Duquesa del amor. Bien orgullosa que puede estar ella de su queridísimo minino.
Redondeando el 3.5 Una historia súper rápida de leer, entretenida, que me saco varias carcajadas. Una historia dulce para disfrutar en un día lluvioso y mucho café.
Este libro llevaba en mi estantería casi un año y ya era hora de leerlo, la verdad estaba a la expectativa, no pensé que me fuera a gustar ni poquito y para mí sorpresa me lo termine leyendo en menos de dos días, para ser sincera, logre pasar un buen rato con Ellie y Ned.
Me gustaría leer los siguientes libros para saciar mi curiosidad, quiero saber que va a pasar con los otros hijos 'La duquesa del amor’. (Quiero el libro de Jack)
No estamos ante una historia inolvidable, el argumento es bastante típico, los personajes no tienen nada destacable, si no tenemos en cuenta la venda que lleva en protagonista en sus ojos, pero resulta una lectura entretenida, con algunas escenas divertidas y escrita de una forma que me ha gustado. Tengo muchísimas ganas de leer la historia de Ash
3,5 entretenido, ha habido momentos en los que me reía imaginándome las caras de unos y otros. Me han encantado los hermanos, tirándose tiritos los unos a los otros. Con Ellie me he reído bastante.
. Other readers may realy enjoy this, but my aattention was really not captured.
So, I skipped the remainder of the series and moved forward to another one, determined to find something among new choices thast would provide more interest and marvel me they did.
I purposely did not rate this. My personal opinions do not need to cause a negative
I listened to the audible version of this booked, provided by Hoopla via my local Public library. .
I was really disappointed with this book. The writing style was great and had a smooth flow. However, I didn't like the characters or the story that much.
I could sense the romantic attachment Ellie possessed toward Ned. However, I never felt his toward her. Ellie was too submissive and Ned too domineering for my tastes. In addition, their personalities were too staid. They didn't click as a couple. I kept waiting for a spark between the two that never ignited. Even their solitary sex scene was a disappointment. The ending was a downer, as well. It didn't leave me with that happily-ever-after feeling.
Also, I found the scenes between Venus and Drew annoying. I mean, they had more of a connection -- not to mention, more sex scenes -- than Ned and Ellie. This irritated me. I didn't pick up the book to read their story; I wanted Ned and Ellie's. Moreover, Ned and Ellie's journey didn't carry any angst or real hardship; it was quite boring.
The only characters I thought held promise were Ned's brothers, Ash and Jack; Ash's elusive wife, Jess; and the whiskered thief, Reggie. Taking into account that I enjoyed the author's writing style, I'm hoping my reaction to this story was an aberration. I would definitely be willing to give this series another chance.
This book made me feel like a crotchety old woman yelling, "Get off my lawn, you little cretins!" Except instead of kids on my lawn, it's old people fornicating in my book.
(Pause a second. I have no issue with old people having sex. Sometimes you have to say things for effect.)
A few scenes -- a few sexy scenes are not of Ned and Ellie, our protagonists. No, they're of the Duke and Duchess of Love. Who already have an established relationship and their own novella.
(Which I read twice. Accidentally. Which I didn't think could happen, but apparently it can.)
And you know what? Those scenes didn't do anything to add to Ned and Ellie's story. I wanted more Ned and Ellie. Because it was one of those stories where I didn't quite get enough of either character to fully get attached to either. Ned was dense, both about his first wife and Ellie. Ellie was... I don't know. No idea why she'd loved Ned for so long.
THAT SAID. I admit it was a cute story, and I like the meddling duchess. I'm kind of curious about what happens with Ned's brothers. But also the meddling duchess. Minus the meddling duchess's sex scenes. Not because old people sex is gross, but because it's gotta matter to the story.
Sally MacKenzie is one of my all time favorite historical romance authors. Her books are a combination of sweet and funny with so many endearing characters. I was sad to hear she had ended her Naked series, but I'm overjoyed she has a new series called the Duchess of Love series.
Bedding Lord Ned is the first book about Lord Ned Edward, son to Venus, the Duchess of Greycliffe, who is fondly called the Duchess of Love. Venus is still madly in love with her husband Drew, the duke, who she has been married for almost thirty years. She wants her three sons to find happiness and love like her and Drew, but unfortunately her eldest son’s marriage is on the rocks and Ned’s marriage ended when his wife died in childbirth, which he blames himself for. Years later, Ned appears to still be in mourning to the dismay of Miss Eleanor Bowman and Venus. Ellie was good friends with Ned’s wife, Cicely who was everything Ellie wasn’t. Ellie feels plain and uninspiring, and her wardrobe doesn’t help either. She suffers silently because she’s been in love with Ned for what seems like forever, but Ned only thinks of her as a sister and a good friend.
What Ned doesn’t know is that Ellie is hiding a passionate woman who owns a pair of red silk drawers, but ones she never wears. Unfortunately while staying as a guest at the Greycliffe estate for Venus’s annual Valentine’s Day party, Venus’s naughty cat, Reggie sneaks off with her drawers and hides them in Ned’s room. She tries to get them back before Ned can notice, but he catches her under her bed. She makes her excuses hoping Ned thinks the red drawers are some other woman’s. Ned is shocked, but not for the reasons Ellie may think. Ned has always found Ellie to be a rational woman and someone he can count on. But the moment he figures out the red drawers belong to Ellie, he can’t stop thinking about them on her, as well as her naked.
Ned isn’t thrilled by the idea that his mother is matchmaking. She has big plans for Ellie to get married and catch the eye of one of the single gentlemen who have been invited to the house party. Ned doesn’t like any of the men; even his own single brother Jack sniffing around Ellie. He’ll take it upon himself to keep a close eye on Ellie to make sure she isn’t seduced. Ellie doesn’t know what game Ned is playing at, but she doesn’t like it. He’s driving her crazy because he’s going out of his way to be very possessive and make her believe he’s as attractive to her as she is to him. But how can she tell him how she feels when he’s still mourning the loss of his beautiful wife he loved deeply?
Bedding Lord Ned is a barrel of laughs. Ellie and Ned are so perfect for one another. Their inner monologues and thoughts will make you chuckle, especially as Ned loses all control the moment he visualizes the button up Ellie in her scandalous red drawers. You can’t help but feel for Ellie because she has a small self-esteem problem and thinks she isn’t good enough for Ned because of his devotion to Cicely. Watching these two banter back and forth and come to the conclusion they love one another as more than just friends was lovely. There's only one sex scene between Ned and Ellie, which doesn't disappoint. What's important here is the build up of passion and the falling in love factor between these two.
Ned’s mother Venus is a real firecracker. I loved the scenes with her and her husband Drew, mainly in their bedroom, where they talk about their sons. It was also nice to see a passionate relationship between a long lasting married couple in their later years. I do hope we see more of Drew and Venus together in the future Duchess of Love books that will show Ned’s brother Jack and that of Ash, the heir who has been separated from his wife for reasons not yet revealed.
Every Sally MacKenzie book I’ve read has given me the warm fuzzies. Her books are such a treat, and Bedding Lord Ned is another example of this. If you haven’t read a Sally MacKenzie romance, you’re losing out. Do pick up Bedding Lord Ned as soon as you can.
Fun book, involving a matchmaking Duchess, a thieving cat, an oblivious hero and a heroine who has all but given up. The Duchess gives a Valentine ball every year at the end of a week long house party. She always invites a variety of people who she thinks will match well with each other. This year she really wants her middle son, Ned, to move on with his life and find a new love. She has the perfect woman in mind, but he is oblivious.
Ned had been very much in love with Cicely. He feels responsible for her death since he had gotten her pregnant. Now he tries to control everything in his life, trying to minimize any kind of risks. He has finally gotten to the point where he is ready to look for a new wife, but he isn't looking for a great love. Finding Ellie in his room looking for her bloomers startles him. He suddenly sees her differently than his good friend. He can't stop picturing her wearing those bloomers and it's freaking him out. She is also acting differently than she usually does at these get togethers. He sees her being pursued by a couple gentlemen and he doesn't like it but can't figure out why. He gets over protective with her and is stunned when she tells him to back off. Ned makes a really stupid proposition to her and is really surprised when she not only turns him down but tosses a brandy in his face before storming out. He was so confused and even more so when his brothers confront him and explain what an idiot he is to him. He has to decide if he can face his fears and open himself up to love again or go through life without the love that he needs.
I really liked Ellie. She has been in love with Ned since she was a child. She wasn't really surprised when he married her best friend Cicely, a girl who was the perfect society bride. When Cicely died in childbirth Ellie was there for Ned as a friend, but still hopeful that he would eventually see her as a woman. After four years she has decided that it will never happen. If she wants to be a wife and mother she'll have to settle for someone else. She's looking at the single gentlemen at the house party but she's not impressed. She has noticed that Ned is actually looking at the other women this year and fears that once again he'll overlook her. She's trying to get up the courage to go after him herself. Aiding her in this effort is Reggie the family cat, who likes to steal things and hide them in Ned's room. Ellie accidentally brought along a pair of red silk bloomers that Reggie seems particularly attached to. She is horribly embarrassed when Ned finds her searching his room for those bloomers. The cat steals them several times, forcing Ned and Ellie into contact with each other. She finally admits to herself that she changed her ways to become more like what she thought Ned wanted and is tired of hiding her true self. I loved the way that she starts to stand up for herself and push back against Ned's attempts at control. It was fun to see her really go after him at the end and overcome all his objections.
I enjoyed the Duchess's attempts to get Ned to open his eyes. She uses the presence of the single men and their interest in Ellie as a way to show him what he's missing. Though it was pretty devious of her, I liked the way that she finagled Ellie into a much better ball gown and the effect it had on Ned. I also loved the example that she set for her family with the obvious love that she and the Duke still share. I also enjoyed seeing her manage all the various couples and lead them where she wants them to go.
There were some really funny parts, often involving the cat and his propensity to take things and hide them in Ned's room. There are a couple people there that have hidden agendas and their downfalls are also pretty amusing. Percy comes off as a real jerk, but with something the Duchess said there may be redemption in his future. I also enjoyed Jack's attempts to avoid the lady pursuing him and am really looking forward to reading his book soon.
Trope: The secret crush Setting: A triple birthday party at a country estate Male Protagonist: Clueless Female Protagonist: Helplessly in love Helping Along: A thieving cat, a misplaced pair of red silk drawers, two brothers, and matchmaker extraordinaire, the Duchess of Love
Nell's secret crush on Ned has lasted a lifetime, literally, but Ned chose to marry her best friend instead. He has been a widower for three years and Nell has been turning away all suitors in hopes that someday Ned will turn to her and see her as a woman and not a friend, with no results. During this year's birthday ball she's determined to let him go and allows the Duchess' help to find another.
Ned grieved for his dead wife for three years and is not interested in his mother's matchmaking efforts. However when he arrives at his mother's country estate for the birthday party and retires to his room only to find a woman, rump in the air, digging under his bed, unbelievably his body comes back to life. Except that the woman turns out to be 'good old Nell.' Ned then decides that maybe it is time to look for a wife to fill his nursery and agrees to his mother's matchmaking plans, and those plans don't include Nell.
Bedding Lord Ned by Sally MacKenzie was fun, funny and sweet. Ned needed a few fights, a thieving cat, a shot of brandy to the face, a whole household, plus I believe a few shots to the head to see what was in front of his face. Nell should have used the red silk drawers earlier and more fun would've been had all around!
The cat was priceless, the red silk drawers excellent bait, and the Duchess of Love and her Greycliffe stole more than a few pages in bedroom scenes, while Ned thoughtlessly bumbled his way around and Nell worked up the nerve to fight for her man. The secondary characters helped to establish the fun atmosphere and Ned's brothers were wonderful. Ash's story about a failed marriage that lasted only one night promises to be a good one, and Jack! Now there's a fun young man with a bit of insight about females. These two brothers stole the spotlight and I look forward to reading their stories.
It all started with a silky pair or red knickers. Ellie knows they are scandalous and no one expects that from the very proper spinsterish Miss Ellie Bowman, but she has them anyway. Unfortunately a very mischevious cat keeps finding them and bringing them to his master, the man Ellie has been in love with since she was a child, Lord Edward, Ned. Seeing Ellie's scandalous bloomers has had an odd effect on Ned, he can't help imagining her in them...and nothing else. But he tries to push these thoughts out of his head and concentrate on finding himself a wife, after all he loves Ellie as a close friend would...right?
I really enjoyed this book, it contained two things that is almost always guranteed to make me like a book, a plain Jane heroine and humour. The humour was helped along by a very naughty cat named Sir Reginald and a pair of red silk bloomers two very unusual but entertaining plot devices.
The romance in this is fun and a little sneaky with Ned's mother a famous matchmaker nicknamed the Duchess of Love tries to pair of all the guests in her house party, especially Ned, her middle son, and Ellie. Although it was a little slow as Ned's thick male mind takes a while to realize that Ellie may be the woman for him, it was still entertaining to read, espcially as there were a few secondary romances going on as well.
I would recommend this book, the characters were all very likable, the romance was sweet and it made me laugh. I know can't wait to read the next book in the series.
This book was just too slow for me. The two main characters, Ellie and Ned, don't have any "romantic" interaction until the last chapter. Not even a kiss!
I would have enjoyed the book more if they had gotten together earlier..and then we could watch them struggle with their relationship. There were so many times in the first 80% of the book.. when I thought they'd at least fact so did Ellie! While I realize that Ned was supposed to be a bit dense as far as how Ellie felt about him, and he about her.. it just took up too much of the book getting past that.
The house parting setting was fun, with a lot of interesting characters and developing relationships, however, I read romance novels for romance between the two main characters and this book just didn't deliver.
This is a sweet, light-hearted friends-to-lovers story set at a country houseparty. There's not much action -- not in the bedroom or anywhere else. In fact, the hottest scenes are between the hero's mother and father -- a rather refreshing change for this aging reader.
First of all, Ellie should have burned the infamous red bloomers in the fireplace when she first got it back. Instead she keeps tucking them somewhere in her bedroom and the cat, Reggie, keeps stealing them. Then when she catches Reggie she decides to wear them. Just burnt the darn things!
So many eye rolling moments:
Ned kept giving his ex-BIL, Pursey, money and finally cut him off. Then Pursey tries to blackmail him. Why was he constantly enabling him? Ned is NOT his BIL anymore....his wife has been dead for 4 years.
Pursey is angry at Ned because his sister died in childbirth. It was Neds fault he "rutted" with his sister. Really? They were married, why wouldn't they have sex. 🙄
Ned feels responsible for his wife's death because he couldn't protect her. She died in childbirth....that's not his fault. Sad yes, but that happened during that wasn't something Ned could "prevent".
She wants to tell Ned she wants to marry him and she just can't do it. Then when he offers in the most clinical way and she refuses. Good grief...both the MC's are just TSTL. 🤦🏻♀️
The sex scene at the end was nothing but a way to wrap a story.....and the HEA was rushed. 🏎️..zoom
No me gustó mucho, la verdad no me agrado ningún personaje, no me gustó que el protagonista no hizo absolutamente nada para merecer el amor de la prota y lo que menos me gustó fue que durante todo el libro la protagonista se comportó como una mojigata y al final de la nada se convirtió en una experta en seducción y en la cama que hasta sabe dar mamadas!!! Y hasta la declaración de "amor" se sintió tan fría y falsa. Y tampoco me agrado que se incluyera el punto de vista de la mamá del protagonista, fue totalmente innecesario.
No sentí el amor verdadero de Ned 🥺 Wl final fue decepcionante. Las cuatro estrellas son por Ellie, una increíble protagonista. Era que lo hagas sufrir más, bb.
It has been four years since Ned lost his wife, and he loved her and still at times mourns her loss when she died at childbirth. Ned knows that it is up to him to marry again. Ellie is 26 years old and is still single and has yet to find a husband. Ellie has always been in love with Ned since she was a girl, he was the only one that never knew. Ellie has known the Greycliffe's all of her life. She was raised alongside the Duchesses boys, especially Ned. She knows that Ned just see's her as a friend and a sister, not someone to love and marry and share a bed with. Ellie knows that it will be up to her to turn the tide where Ned is concerned. When she is invited to a house party that Ned's mother is hosting, she starts to realize that this is her chance. Only seducing Ned is harder than she thought, she doesn't want to scare him off but at the same time doesn't want to lose him. Ellie will have to use anything at her disposal to weaken his defenses and show him what true love is all about. I have heard some good and some average things about this series, but I really wanted to give it a shot. Bedding Lord Ned is the first in the series and I have to say I am excited to read the second one now. There were so many things that I enjoyed about this story. It definitely was different and unique and had its own style and even though at times it was a bit predictable, there was enough delights and surprises that made up for it. I wouldn't say that this is my favorite romance by any means, but it was full of hilarious moments and scandalously entertaining. I really liked the characters in the story. Ned is very protective of his feelings and his heart, its like a iron shield and doesn't let anything or anyone in. I found him to be a bit arrogant yet so appealing to my senses. Ellie, I eventually liked when she got spine in the end, but for most of the book, we see how much she cares for Ned but refuses to do anything about it. I wished that she would have been more forward and blunt with him at times, it got annoying a little, but she did have some other qualities that I liked and made up for it in the end. Ned's parents were so fun and delightful and I just can't wait to read their novella, which is up next to read. I have to say that the Mother's interfering ways in getting Ned and Ellie together were beyond amusing and she was very confident and I found that I just loved her from the first. I do want to say something about the Duchess's Cat, who was probably my favorite. Now this cat is not normal, he tends to steal items from guests constantly and no one has any idea how. The only complaint I had is I wish that the romance between Ned and Ellie was a bit more fast paced than it was, but overall a fun and sexy read. Bedding Lord Ned is full of a sexy writing style that completely captures the readers attention and doesn't let go until the end. A Lovely story that warmed my heart and stirred up the senses in such a way that it will take your breath away. RECOMMEND IT!!!