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Precinct #6

Phoenix Precinct

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Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matters of business or pleasure-or on quests. The hard-working, under-appreciated officers of the Cliff's End Castle Guard work day and night to maintain law and order as best they can.

A fire in the neighboring city-state of Barlin has resulted in hundreds of refugees pouring into Cliff's End, forcing the creation of a new neighborhood-Albinton, which everyone calls "New Barlin"-and a new police precinct-Phoenix Precinct. Violence against the refugees is on the rise. Lieutenants Danthres Tresyllione and Torin ban Wyvald are called to the latest act of brutality, which has resulted in a vicious murder. But what appears to be a simple hate crime turns out to be far more complicated, as Danthres and Torin's investigation leads them to corruption in the Castle Guard-and in the castle itself!

An all-new adventure of the Cliff's End Castle Guard!

211 pages, ebook

Published March 1, 2023

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About the author

Keith R.A. DeCandido

335 books804 followers

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
Profile Image for Julian White.
1,577 reviews6 followers
November 26, 2022
ebook ISBN: 9781956463170 (on kobo)

The City Guard has an unenviable job, policing the multiracial city state of Cliff's End: overcrowded even before the influx of refugees from Barlin after a disastrous fire. This book served to introduce me* to the city and the Guard in the new Phoenix precinct, established in the new neighbourhood created for those refugees. A series of attacks leading to a murder prompt a sweeping investigation which has enormous repercussions at all levels in the city.

An intriguing creation - this was a Kickstarter project so this is technically an ARC. It includes several short Patreon puffs that serve to flesh out some of the background.

* Actually book six in a series - which I'll be tracking down.
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.9k reviews153 followers
March 19, 2023
When I find a book I love and discover it's part of a series I usually say something like AHIA because I willl surely want to read the series.
This is one of those book: entertaining, gripping, fascinating world building and good storytelling.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine
1,447 reviews7 followers
January 5, 2023
I love this series! Somehow I missed seeing the Mermaid Precinct come out but I own the rest of the books. If I’d seen the crowd funding for it I’d have thrown some money at this book with enthusiasm. As is I’ll have to wait for Powell’s to have this and the Mermaid Precinct and complete my set.
It’s several books into the series so I wouldn’t recommend starting with this one but I do recommend the series if you like fantasy with a detailed setting that isn’t too heavy a read, The series I’d most compare it to is the Maradaine books by Marshall Ryan Maresca because they’re both set in a confined setting of a city where the author takes the time to flesh the world out with interesting characters. This series is more focused because it’s about the city guard only but they both give me the impression the author just really wants to see the reader have a good time. Despite having missed a book I was able to follow the story easily and I look forward to my reread once I get my hands on a physical copy and a copy of the book I missed buying. I’m grateful I got a chance to read the ARC. I may have squeed just a little when I saw the chance to ask to read it…. Thanks NetGalley and publisher!
Profile Image for Angela.
1,142 reviews10 followers
May 31, 2024
The first new (at least to me) book in this series that I had thought ended years ago.
A nice blend of fantasy and police procedural. I had thought to reread the earlier books first before reading this one, except I got impatient and ended up diving right in. and it was okay to do that, because as the book went along the author gave little bits of knowledge to help remind or tell me about stuff and I remembered some things on my own.

The stuff at or near the end seems to imply that there is at least one more book to come in the series.
138 reviews5 followers
April 9, 2023
I’ve been reading Keith R.A. DeCandido’s reviews on Tor dot com for years and I’ve loved them. His Trek rewatches and superhero reviews are excellent. So when I saw one of his novels on NetGalley I was curious to see what his fiction was like. The answer: not bad? It’s a police procedural in a generic D&D-esque fantasy kingdom. The mystery is cookie cutter, the characters interchangeable- and the plot by the numbers. But the writing is adequate and it was a pleasant way to pass the time.
1,311 reviews7 followers
April 6, 2023
Keith R.A. DeCandido has a new police procedural set in a world of magic in the Phoenix Precinct (paper from eSpec Books) Someone is attacking the new refugees from the nearby city of Barlin which was destroyed by fire. A murder makes it more important to calm the situation, especially since it turns out the the victim was killed by mistake, fun.
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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