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Artemis Fowl #2

Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident

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Artemis's father has been missing for almost two years. His location? The Arctic Circle, where the Russian Mafiya are holding him prisoner. Now Artemis must execute a daring rescue operation to get his father back.

But that's not his only problem. Since abducting one of an underground race of armed and dangerous fairies, Artemis has become their prime suspect for any human wrongdoing. Elfin Captain Holly Short has accused him of supplying illegal human power cells (aka AAA batteries) to the goblin gangs. There's going to be a terrifying uprising – but at least it will get Artemis away from his computer and he'll meet some new people.

It's just a pity most of them want to kill him.

288 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2002

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About the author

Eoin Colfer

130 books11.6k followers
Eoin Colfer (pronounced Owen) was born in Wexford on the South-East coast of Ireland in 1965, where he and his four brothers were brought up by his father and mother, who were both educators.

He received his degree from Dublin University and began teaching primary school in Wexford. He has lived and worked all over the world, including Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Italy. After the publication of the Artemis Fowl novels, Eoin retired from teaching and now writes full time. He lives in Ireland with his wife and two children.

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Profile Image for Jayson.
2,926 reviews3,726 followers
October 11, 2024
(A-) 82% | Very Good
Notes: Wherein former foes go quid pro quo—to boot, two villains team—it's a do-or-die trust exercise: misgivings to esteem.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,154 followers
July 5, 2020
Organized crime, hostages, contraband, a junior criminal mastermind, those are the elements for becoming the stuff of legend.

It´s great how it dealt with the nuclear theme and critical topis in general, describing things commonly avoided in this genre and even in some adult genres, making it the perfect read for progressive little bookworms.

The author uses many MacGuffins and Chekhovs, giving the whole thing an extra layer next to the suspenseful and quick main plot, leaving the reader asking what this funny thing might still get used for. I´m wondering why technology besides fantasy and superhero abilities tends to have so less space in general YA fiction.

The main protagonist is slowly developing away from the ingenious badass supercriminal to a more realistic and less arrogant person, which could get interesting in the following parts as it expands the options. An emo teen Artemis, an infatuated Artemis, a pro environmental protection eco hippie Artemis? And still criminal of course, for the contrast and exaggeration, and always followed by the mighty shadow of his bodyguard.

I did already blather enough about why this series is so unique in the review of the first novel, but I have to repeat that more unconventional, critical, and subtle literature like this would be an immense enrichment in the reading habits of young people, instead of all that stereotypical, quite always the same, mainstream stuff. And I still love how adults reading children's books and YA are ranting about authors brainwashing and indoctrinating their kids. Sure, they should read the newspapers and watch TV newsflashes instead, that will certainly help, lol.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
Profile Image for Baba.
3,873 reviews1,359 followers
October 14, 2023
This wonderful series continues to entertain me at a high-level, surprisingly so, for a book very much targeted at children / younger adults! The People (fairies, goblins, trolls, sprites, dwarves etc.) have barely recovered from their disastrous first contact with Artemis Fowl when they find evidence of humans working with, and arming Goblins! Guess who their number one suspect is?

Meanwhile, much the richer from his run-in with The People, Artemis has the money to really step up his search for his missing, presumed dead Father. These two goals see Artemis and Butler working with The People. But is it genuine? And can either side trust one another? Continuing this ongoing coming-of-age-drama, of the likes that you have never read before! This series is banging! Not only do we have innovative ideas like where and how The People live - we also now see, what now seems like common sense, that magical beings would also use, and better wield technology than humans! Upped from 8, to 9 out of 12, super strong Four Star read.

2023 and 2019 read
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews808 followers
November 24, 2021
"Code 14, repeat code 14. Fairy down. Fairy down."

"That pixie Koboi is one pretty sharp female."

The second book kind of started looking like it was the second half of the first book, with Artemis going after his father, but it was not to be so. Now that Artemis is no longer the villain, the author introduced probably the most hilarious villain of all time with Opal Koboi. The writing was as good as the first, if not better, and the characters were much more fun. I was well over the 13-year old master mind's over-powered nature at this point, so this was a very fun read.

"Northern Russia is not good for us. We can't shield there because of the radiation."

"Kidnapper looking for help with a kidnapping."
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews565 followers
March 7, 2022
The Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl, #2), Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident is a young adult and fantasy novel written by Irish author Eoin Colfer, published in 2002. It is the second book in the Artemis Fowl series, preceded by Artemis Fowl and followed by Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code.

It follows the adventures of the thirteen-year-old criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl II, as he thwarts a goblin rebellion and rescues his father, Artemis Fowl I. The third-person narration switches back and forth constantly, allowing the reader to understand more of what is going on.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «آرتمیس فاول و ماجرای شمال - کتاب دوم»؛ «آرتمیس فاول: حادثه شمالی - کتاب دوم»؛ نویسنده: ایون کالفر؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز دوم ماه ژانویه سال2006میلادی

عنوان: آرتمیس فاول و ماجرای شمال - کتاب دوم؛ نویسنده: ایون کالفر؛ مترجم: شیدا رنجبر؛ تهران، افق؛ سال1383، در402ص؛ چاپ سوم سال1386؛ شابک9789643691441؛ چاپ چهارم سال1387؛ چاپ پنجم سال1389؛ چاپ هفتم سال1392؛ موضوع داستان پریان؛ داستانهای نوجوانان - از نویسندگان ایرلند - سده21م

عنوان: آرتمیس فاول: حادثه شمالی - کتاب دوم؛ نویسنده: ایون کالفر؛ مترجم: حسین قنبری؛ تهران، شریعه توس؛ سال1384، در347ص؛ شابک9648557071؛

هشدار اگر میخواهید خود این داستان را بخوانید از خوانش چکیده تا انتها خوداری کنید

آرتمیس‌ فاول‌، پسری سیزده‌ ساله‌ ی نابغه‌، و ماجراجو، در مدرسه‌ شبانه‌ روزی، ای.میلی دریافت‌ ميکند؛ مافیای «روسیه‌» پدر «آرتمیس‌» را ربوده‌، و برای آزادی او، پول‌ هنگفتی از «آرتمیس‌» میخواهند؛ «آرتمیس‌» که‌ با همگی وجود، به‌ پدر خویش‌ عشق‌ میورزد، بیدرنگ‌ دست‌ به‌ کار نجات‌ او میشود؛ اما دشمن‌ دیرینه‌ اش‌، سروان‌ «هالی شورت‌»، نیروی ویژه‌ ی پلیس‌ در سرزمین‌ جن‌ها، مانع‌ اوست‌؛ ...؛ پدر «آرتمیس» نزدیک به سه سال است که همراه با کشتی «ستارهٔ فاول» که حامل قوطی‌های «کوکاکولا» بوده‌، ناپدید می‌شود، و «آرتمیس»، رسماً بی پدر می‌گردد؛ اما او باور دارد که پدرش نمرده؛ پس به عمارت «فاول» برمی‌گردد، تا همراه نگهبان وفادارش «باتلر»، به سوی «شمال روسیه» و ساحل «کولا» حرکت کنند؛ در زیرزمین، در کلان شهر «اجنه» یعنی «هِوِن»، «گابلین»ها شورش کرده‌ اند، و «اجنه» به «آرتمیس»، بدگمان هستند؛ پس بهترین یار پلیس یعنی سروان «هالی شورت» را، که با شیوه ی کار پسرک نابغه ی «ایرلندی» آشنایی دارد، برای دستگیری او می‌فرستند؛ در زیرزمین، فرمانده «روت»، «هالی شورت» و «فُلی» از «آرتمیس» و «باتلر»، داستان را می‌پرسند، و با فناوری‌های «فُلی» و نوآوریهایش، آن‌ها باور پیدا می‌کنند، که «آرتمیس» گناهکار آشفتگی‌های «هِوِن» نیست؛ پس آن‌ها با یکدیگر داد و ستدی می‌کنند؛ «آرتمیس» و «باتلر» با هوش «آرتمیس» و تواناییهای «باتلر»، به اجنه یاری می‌کنند، تا پرده از شورش‌های «هِوِن» بردارند، و به جایش، «جن» و «پری‌»ها به آن‌ها برای پیدا کردن پدر «آرتمیس» یاری کنند؛ آنها سپس درمی‌یابند که پشت داستان شورشها، «اُپال کوبویی» یک نابغه دیگر، و «پیکسی» روانی، و سروان پیشین پلیس زیرزمین، یعنی «برایر کادگیون» هستند، که دشمن پلیس زیرزمین بودند؛ پس از درگیری‌های فراوان، در صنایع «کوبویی» که از آن «اُپال» بوده، «هالی» و فرمانده «روت» به یاری «آرتمیس»، «باتلر» و «مالچ دیگامزِ دورف» مبتلا به جنون دزدی، می‌توانند «کادگیون» را بکشند، و «اُپال کوبویی» را دستگیر کنند؛ سپس نوبت اجنه‌ است که به «آرتمیس» یاری برسانند؛ آن‌ها به قطب شمال می‌روند، و با نقشه موذیانه‌ ای که «آرتمیس» کشیده، می‌توانند، «آرتمیس پدر» را در حالیکه یک پایش از زانو بریده شده، پیدا کنند؛ «هالی» زخم‌های «آرتمیس فاول پدر» را شفا می‌دهد، و پس از آن او را ناشناس به بیمارستان دانشگاه «هلسینکی» می‌برد؛ اما هنوز تنها «آرتمیس»، «باتلر»، و «ژولیت -خواهر باتلر» تنها آدمیزادهایی هستند که از وجود اجنه باخبرند؛ در پایان، اجنه با نوجوان «ایرلندی» و نگهبانش آشتی می‌کنند و سروان «شورت» و «آرتمیس»، کدورت‌ها را کنار می‌گذارند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 06/11/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 15/12/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Jason Koivu.
Author 7 books1,356 followers
December 19, 2014
Action! Action! Action! That's the name of the game in Eoin Colfer's The Arctic Incident.

Child prodigy and criminal mastermind, Artemis Fowl is searching for his kidnapped father. He needs the help of the fairy police, and as it so happens, they need him. Law and lawbreakers work together in this fast-paced, humorous action-fantasy.

Eoin Colfer has created fun fairyland for the 21st century. It's a nice, soft blend of technology and fantasy, not too heavy on either count. The scope of his world is rather limited to Fowl's criminal human underworld and a sort of cartoonish MI5/police bomb squad fairy agency. We're talkin' smart pixies with fire-power!

Though the scope may be narrow, it helps to keep the plot super tight, and I ain't complaining about that. I could however complain that constant Go! GO! GO!!! can be just as bad as a book that goes nowhere. Too much of anything often dulls the senses. Later on in the book I found myself zoning out during the non-stop action.

This is book #2 in Colfer's Artemis Fowl series and many of the same characters reappear. That's understandable...to a point. For instance, the ground munching dwarf Mulch Diggums, a character I thought fresh and inventive when reading the first book, is used again and I felt it was unnecessary. You expect the main characters to return, but Diggums is not a principle player in the grand scheme of things. He's a fun character, but I think Colfer should've come up with something new there, otherwise it's like a comedian coming back for an encore and repeating the same jokes.

Perhaps I could've given this 4 stars for the fun factor, but aside from the complaints above, I also felt that the repetitious feel of the plot from book one to book two was too much. However, if you loved book one and are yearning for more of the same, you'll find it in spades in The Arctic Incident.

Profile Image for Louie the Mustache Matos.
1,258 reviews113 followers
March 31, 2023
In an earlier review, I discussed that the Artemis Fowl books were one of the ways that I was able to connect with my most brilliant and precocious middle son, who reflected some of the behaviors evident in this fictional character. The Arctic Incident is the second of the Artemis Fowl fantasy series and builds on some of the minor story arcs and characters from the first book. Artemis Fowl is an adolescent rogue attempting to free his father from the Russian Mafiya (Colfer's spelling). Holly Short believes that Artemis is selling human technology to the goblins, and in an ironic turnabout kidnaps him in order to compel him to help her recover the technology. He agrees to help her if she helps him recover his dad. In the meanwhile, Foaly, the technologically savvy centaur LEP administrator, must determine who has sabotaged LEP Recon weapons and tech, pointing the finger of guilt squarely at him. The result is a funny and moving story that hints at a growing affection between the human and fae characters. When my son was younger, I read these books for him. Now, I read them for my own enjoyment and OMG! I really loved this story!
Profile Image for Dean Ryan Martin.
293 reviews39 followers
December 10, 2022
"Sometimes, plans don't translate smoothly from paper to real life (page 80)."


Yay: It entertains me how fun to re-read it from start to finish. Nay: Though the writing technique is science fiction heavy. It is filled with magical jargons and advance technologies that might only have existed in the imagination of the author himself.


Yay: I love Artemis Fowl as the lead. He is way different from all the fantasy lead characters I've read. Artemis Fowl is a genius. He talks with substance and depth. He plans well and he articulates his extraordinary ideas well. Nay: This is supposed to be a father and son story, but his dad only receives a chapter of a page time. It seems frustrating, but I get the point.

PLOT: 4 stars!

Yay: Nice and sweet ending. Re-reading this sequel makes it as my new favorite in the series. The flow of the story is straight forward. Artemis needs to rescue his dad kidnapped by the Russian Mafiya. The proactive rescue mission is impressive and thorough - like I am watching an episode of CSI Vegas. Every step of the plan is followed. The process is crystal clear. There are surprises along the way, but Artemis Fowl takes a risk to fix it immediately. Nay: I don't know if this is the fantasy sci-fi story for everyone.

* * *
Done reading THE ARCTIC INCIDENT - Book 2 in Artemis Fowl octalogy. Here, Artemis Fowl wants to rescue his father from a Russian mafia but to do so, he needs to work hand in hand with Butler, Commander Root and Captain Holly - the fairy he kidnapped in Book 1. I love the ending though the entire narration feels jumpy. All chapters have two to three subplots with different characters. There's nothing wrong with it, just that it works like an episode of a drama show. Good in TV but in writing, my mind forces to visualize too many pictures without a pause. On to Book 3, THE ETERNITY CODE!
Profile Image for Nicky.
4,138 reviews1,087 followers
April 8, 2011
The Artemis Fowl books really are perfect for a quick, easy read. Which is good, because I'll be doing the twenty-four hour readathon tomorrow, and I really don't want to get burnt out on reading!

The Arctic Incident develops Artemis as a more sympathetic figure, having left behind his attempts to exploit the People (the fairies), and feeling some remorse over how he handled things in the first book. He's also focused on rescuing his father, missing for two years, convinced he's still alive. Meanwhile, the fairies are in trouble because of a plot from within their species. Artemis is suspected to be involved, and is taken in for questioning. The result? He and the fairies become allies both in dealing with the threats and rescuing his father.

There's none of the slightly patronising 'this is not an adult book' stuff, so it ends up being a purely fun adventure story with all our favourite characters from the first book.

I think my favourite part was getting to see Grub and Trouble again -- it's nice that he doesn't create more background characters that would, in effect, people the book with Redshirts! It'd be easy to do if you weren't keeping track of characters -- it doesn't seem that important...
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,887 reviews212 followers
September 20, 2020
Okay, so re-reading this series has been super fun. I mean the books just fly by which doesn't mean much to me because the audios felt the same way. Now in this, you still get the same gang from the first book.

One, I was super happy Mulch is still alive because I have no idea what I would do without that little thief. Second, ever since we found out his dad was missing in book 1 I have been waiting for a little reunion! Not sure how I feel about what happened when they rescued his dad but maybe I'll get more interaction between them. Just so I can see Artemis react to anything.

Ah reaction.. my little cold blooded robot genius child. I need some emotions. Or at least more of them. I did like that this time around it seemed that he was becoming more human in a way? So I definitely want more of that in the next book.

I also really love Holly and Butler. Ugh, they are such bad asses and can I ship them?
The Arctic Incident was a really fun read! I can't believe I've never read this series before because it's really interesting. I can't wait to start the third book now.

Okay, so in this book Artemis is trying to find out what happened to his dad .. and, well he needs to save his ass too. The day he finds out his dad has been held captive in Russia for two years.. he gets himself captured by the Faerie police. Enter Holly and Root, two adorable and one hundred percent likable characters. They have Artemis under suspicion because they believe he's been in talks with the goblins.

Of course they make the wrong assumption and they need Artemis's help. However, Artemis caught onto all of this because he woke up there instead of in his bed. So he makes a deal with them that if he helps them.. well, they have to help him get to Russia. Artemis wanting to rescue his dad was really sweet of him.. but I was also scared because what if everything goes wrong?

Throughout the book I loved the friendship that was forming between Artemis, Holly, and Root. I really liked Holly and Root in this book two. They just always made me smile or laugh when they were together.

Overall, I'm really happy for the happy ending. Artemis and his mom are reunited with his dad and they are a family again. However, what's going to happen next? I feel like something is going to happen. Whether is major or not, I just have a feeling. I need book ASAP.
Profile Image for Ahmed  Ejaz.
549 reviews369 followers
March 11, 2017
SPOILER FREE review if you will not open spoiler tags
Remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn

Artemis' Father was missing for almost two years. He went missing when the Russian Mafia attacked him for the the reason:
But his father was found by Russian Mafia, alive, even after the attack which was kind of stupid to me and they demanded ransom from Artemis, a criminally-good 13 years old.
In the fairies world, Haven City, LEP (police) found that some of the Goblins are dealing with humans as they found batteries, which are humans' source of power, from them. As LEP had faced Artemis before in the first book, so their first doubt was Artemis that he might be the human dealing with goblins.
But they soon found out that he was innocent.
So the question arises who is helping goblins in smuggling?
Or how Artemis will use fairies to rescue his Father?


Overall , the book was a good read. Liked it!

My Rating:
**3.5 Stars**
Wanted to give more but it was not as interesting as the first book.
I rated it 4 just because of Artemis' reformation.
Profile Image for Olivia-Savannah.
994 reviews558 followers
April 11, 2022
This was such a solid sequel to the first book in the series.

One of the things I really liked about this book was that it really became an enemies to co-workers kind of story. The fairies do not like Artemis Fowl. While Artemis Fowl may not like them, he definitely sees how he could use fairies and magic to his advantage. But in this book, the fairies and Artemis Fowl are forced to work together. I loved seeing the dynamic they all had when forced into a partnership. It was also so nice to see the character reflections and contradictions. Butler and Root seemed to have some similarities, and Holly and Artemis were uncannily alike in some ways. The funny thing is that they could not help but be contradictions to each other as well!

I really like when books have two plots running alongside each other which may eventually blend into one. I was all the more impressed because this is a middle grade book, and it shows that the author understands children are smart enough to grasp the duality of the plot. Which they definitely are. Work with children for two minutes and you’ll see how intelligent they are.

As for the plot itself, it was exciting and there was plenty of suspense. Enough to keep me wanting to read and turning those pages. I also felt like Root was a lot less annoying in this book. He seems to have developed as a character and learned to listen to his team!

I did feel like Butler and Artemis were both a bit more peripheral in this book. Butler felt a bit more like a 2D character than he did before. I didn’t mind this too much as in this book we are following an array of characters and the shift is less human focused and more on the fairy world. But I did find it noticeable.

I did feel like one thing happened a bit too conveniently or easily at the end of the book. I didn’t mind too much, again, because nothing else in the plot had been easy up until that point. Throughout the whole book the situation was high stakes and difficult to face, so I’ll let the book get away with one minor easy point.

Lastly, why are the epilogues to this series always so perfect and on point? I am always left wanting more!
Profile Image for Rossrn Nunamaker.
212 reviews6 followers
December 6, 2008
For me, as an adult, the Artemis Fowl series is a guilty pleasure.

I get a kick out of Artemis, smart beyond reason youth he is, and like the relationship between him and his bodyguard, Butler.

Throw in the fantastical underworld of fairies, dwarfs, and other magical creatures and there are a lot of options for a fast-paced, fun story.

In the second installment, Artemis finds himself in boarding school now that his mother has recovered and begun to assert rules on the boy.

Not to be stopped, Artemis works to frustrate those who try to control or understand him. The book, though, is about Artemis trying to find his father and he has a strong lead - in arctic Russia.

As he plans to set out, the Fairies capture him in an attempt to learn who on the above ground world is smuggling weapons. Artemis, after book one antics is the prime suspect.

The two groups work together to help one another and another great adventure is had.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,716 reviews6,470 followers
August 28, 2009
Eoin Colfer has done it again. I loved the sequel to Artemis Fowl. How could I not, being a combinations of things that fascinate me: Russia, antiheroes, faery, and cold environments (arctic/North Pole). Yes I was very much enjoying this book.

The action is great, tempered with the laugh out loud humor. Artemis is up to his usual machinations, and exhibiting his snarky sense of humor, often at the expense of elder authority figures. I don't normally like precocious, know-it-all kids, but something about Artemis that I just love. He's got a weary soul and a sadness for his young age, but it's no wonder since he is pretty much supporting his family since the disappearance of Artemis Fowl, Sr.

In this installment, Artemis gets to rescue dear old dad from the Russian Mafiya (okay I probably shouldn't be such a Russian Mafia fiction fangirl but I am). It's a kid's book, no question. But it's so well-written that an adult can fully enjoy it. The menace of the Russian Mafiya is apparent although not too intense for young readers. Artemis has to deal with these bad guys, possible exposure to nuclear waste, harsh cold, and formulate a plan to get his dad back.

He calls in a favor with his old acquaintance Captain Holly Short of LEPrecon for assistance on this caper, so she's along for the ride on some death-defying adventures. She might even come home a few digits lighter. And we know that Artemis goes nowhere without his bodyguard and sidekick, the gargantuan Domovoi Butler.

This was a great second installment in the Artemis Fowl series. If you want to know how this one ends, read the book. 'Cause I'm not telling.
Profile Image for C.P. Cabaniss.
Author 8 books115 followers
April 14, 2018
"Deep beneath the layers of deviousness, you have a spark of decency. Perhaps you could blow on that spark occasionally."

This has been one of my favorite series since I started reading it as a child, so I'm glad to say that it lives up to my memories on rereading.

The story is well written, the characters are fun and distinct, and the pacing is perfect for a middlegrade story. In this installment we get to see Artemis working somewhat nicely with others. He still has his schemes, but he's on a mission that is bigger than his plans to grow his fortune.

The villains are probably one of my favorite parts of this. They are so distinct and real. I'm not going to say names, because I don't want to spoil anyone, but there is one villain that when introduced materialized fully in my mind. That's the kind of character writing I like to see.

If you haven't read this series and you enjoy middlegrade stories and fae, I would say give it a read. And if you've already read it, read it again.
Profile Image for Stephen Paul.
64 reviews68 followers
July 28, 2023
Really enjoying the storylines. Great imagination. The writing style also picked up a lot from the first book. I've started number 3 already.
Profile Image for Jasmin.
366 reviews79 followers
June 27, 2010
There's nothing that attracts me more, than a genius without the glasses. Especially if the geek looks like this

(For those who don't know this hottie, he's Chuck/Zachary Levi) However, if the geek involved is 13 years old and is a criminal mastermind, plus fantasizing that he would grow up faster than a normal human being would, well thats just plain pedophilia. :))

Well it's not actually that bad, if you'll become an instant billionaire and with him you could rule the world together. But still it's no excuse to commit pedophilia.

I bet Artemis Fowl would look exactly like a younger version of Chuck, but take off the sneakers and make him wear loafers.

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, is the second book of the Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer. The Artemis Fowl is more milder and more caring in this series. Well, he doesn't actually like death on his hands, but, the means were unavoidable to achieve the goals. Last book, his goal was to restore the family's billionaire status. However, this book, he just wants to find his father. Alas, an email arrives wanting five million dollars in exchange for his father. Well, him and Butler, his large and bulky bodyguard (he's no butler despite his name being Butler), devise a plan to go to Russia and save his father.

However, underground, the People (fairies) are being attacked by gremlims (who are undeniably very very stupid), who are armed with weapons energized by batteries. So Commander Julius Root, Holly and Foaly instantly suspect Artemis Fowl behind it.

They instantly bring Artemis and Butler for questioning. However, with the super-advanced techies the People have, they deduce that Artemis Fowl is really innocent. The People instead ask Artemis for his assistance to find the human behind all this. Artemis agrees, however, he asks for something in return. He asks that the Fairy People help him retrieve his father.

But just as Artemis and the fairy people reach ground, everything begins to unravel.

Artemis Fowl is a really good book. I believe if I have read this when I was a bit younger, I would have given this book 5 stars instead of 3. But unfortunately, I'm already 22. But still its good :)
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,394 reviews
April 14, 2019
And so on to the second of the Artemis Fowl series and I must admit there is no change in the same frenetic fun that there was in the first. From the play on works to the ever gathering mythology of those above and those below (I suspect that there is a whole book - no pun intended for those who have read the the series - of material that could be written about this world, how it came about and how it all works).

As usual the challenge is to talk about the book without giving away spoilers -not easy considering that a lot of what goes on in this book is related to the first in the series - so technical double the need to avoid spoilers. However it does give some closure to what is going on - which is rather strange considering currently there are 8 books in the series (not counting short stories, specials and I believe a return to the series later in the year although with other members of the family).

However I can say that rather than seeing the same story re-hashed you actually get to see the characters develop - something you would not have achieved without the first book. For me this is the sign of potentially good series in that all the time you invest reading the various volumes sees you rewarded with the characters becoming more appealing and enjoyable. In short you want to read more to see where they go next just as much as wanting to find out what happens next.

The series has quite a few more volumes to go so I guess I need to settle down and add them to my TBR pile while I work on finishing some I already have under way.
Profile Image for Farzana Raisa.
491 reviews182 followers
August 19, 2020
ফেয়ারি, বামন, ট্রল, গবলিন, পিক্সি ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি জাতদের মাঝে সবচেয়ে 'গাধা' বলে পরিচিত গবলিনরা, আর এরাই কি না পাতালের চোরাচালান ব্যবসাটা রীতিমতো দখল করে নিয়েছে। অবশ্য দক্ষ লেপ অফিসারদের কারণে গবলিনদের এই দুষ্টু বি-ওয়া-কেল গ্যাংটা শহরের মাঝে তেমন কোন ঝামেলা না করলেও ভিতরে ভিতরে প্রচুর শক্তিশালী হয়ে গেছে। কিন্তু প্রশ্ন হলো যেই গবলিনদের কি না একটা বোতাম টিপতে ঘাম বের হয়ে যায় তারা এতো অর্গানাইজড হলো কিভাবে! নিশ্চয়ই অন্য কোন ইন্ধন আছে। আর গবলিনদের একটা গ্যাঙের কাছে আদমজাত মানে মানুষের ব্যবহার্য কিছু জিনিসপত্র পেয়ে লেপ অফিসারদের দৃঢ় ধারণা এর পিছনে কোন আদমজাত জড়িত থাকলে সে ব্যক্তি দুষ্টু জিনিয়াস কিশোর আর্টেমিস ফাউল না হয়ে যায়-ই না। এমনিতে��� কমান্ডার রুট আর হলি শর্ট মাস্টার ফাউলের উপর প্রচন্ড ক্ষেপা তাদের কাছ থেকে ১০০ টন স্বর্ণ হাতিয়ে নেওয়ায়। এখন সময় এসেছে বদলা নেবার।

ওদিকে ঝামেলায় আছে আর্টেমিস ফাউল নিজেও। রহস্যময় এক ইমেইল আসে তার কাছে। যেখানে দাবী করা ওর বাবা সিনিয়র ফাউলকে অপহরণ করে রেখেছে ভয়ংকর রাশিয়ান মাফিয়া দল। মুক্তিপণ হিসেবে পাঁচ মিলিয়ন ডলার চাই। ছক কষতে বসে সে বাটলারকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে। সেই মুহূর্তে ফেয়ারীদের হাতে অপহৃত হয় ফাউল। খেলা জমে উঠে চরমে!

আইসসালা!! আর্টেমিস ফাউল সিরিজের প্রথম বইটার মতোই দুর্দান্ত। প্রচন্ড মজা পেয়েছি.. এই হাসতে হাসতে গড়াগড়ি খাচ্ছি তো আবার সেই মুহূর্তেই সিরিয়াস হয়ে যেতে হচ্ছে বেচারাদের আসন্ন বিপদের কথা ভেবে। হ্যাটস অফ ওয়েন কোলফার ❤ যেমন জোস বই তেমনি জোস অনুবাদ। অনুবাদক ফুয়াদ আল ফিদাহ ভাইকে কৃতজ্ঞতা, কৃতজ্ঞতা ❤ আর হ্যা, চিরকুটের বইগুলা এত্তো সুন্দর! ডি'আরভিট! এই সিরিজের তিন আর চার নাম্বার পর্বটা হাতে নাই, পাঁচ আছে শুধু 💔
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews58 followers
April 10, 2018
This is such a fun series for middle grades.

Artemis is still on a mission to find his father who disappeared two years ago. Just when he gets proof that his father is alive and being held as a prisoner in Russia, Artemis is captured by the Faerie police force under suspicion for colluding with a goblin gang.

Artemis grows up a bit in this book. Not only does he have to choose to put his own plans on hold for the greater good (not easy for someone who usually gets his way), but he also realizes during this journey that he respects Holly, Root and some of the other faeries from the underworld. They may not be his equals in intelligence, but perhaps they are equals all the same.
Profile Image for Niloo N.
262 reviews468 followers
November 30, 2020
مرداد 1390 تو هواپیما شروع کردم به خوندنش و به قدری هیجان‌زده شده بودم که همون لحظه که به پایان رسید، دوباره شروع کردم به خوندنش. :))
حالا، نه سال و چهار ماه بعد، همونقدر هیجان و استرس رو دریافت کردم از این کتاب؛ جوری که انگار اولین باره.

* بارها فراتر از پنج ستاره *
Profile Image for Lurva.
290 reviews88 followers
August 3, 2021
Finish in one sitting! Hope this will boost me out of the reading slump. Ah the nostalgia
Glad to see my feelings hasn't changed. Artemis Fowl will forever be one of my favorite series xoxo
339 reviews5 followers
October 6, 2020
My favourite book from Artemis Fowl series. Very interesting and well-written for children's fantasy book.
Profile Image for Aleshanee.
1,590 reviews116 followers
July 16, 2019
Artemis´ Vater war ja ein Anführer eines mächtigen Verbrecherimperiums, der sich nach langen Jahren skrupelloser Geldmacherei jetzt mit legalen Geschäften zur Ruhe setzen wollte. Die russische Mafija allerdings verübte einen Anschlag auf Fowl senior, der seither als verschollen gilt.

Artemis indessen, ein junger Teenager mit extrem hohem IQ und ebenso großem kriminellem Potenzial tritt tatkräftig in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters. Dabei entdeckt er die Existenz der unterirdisch lebenden, magischen Völker. Während er jetzt endlich einen Hinweis auf den Verbleib seines Vaters entdeckt, den er unbedingt befreien will, machen ihm die Unterirdischen einen Strich durch die Rechnung

Währenddessen braut sich in Haven City im Erdland eine Verschwörung zusammen. Captain Holly Short, die einzig weibliche Agentin der ZUP (Zentrale Untergrund Polizei) muss einem gefährlichen Schmugglerring auf die Spur kommen, hinter dem die B´wa Kell steckt, die Koboldmafia.

Meine Meinung

Ich lese die Reihe ja grade zum zweiten Mal und es hat wieder eine Menge Spaß gemacht! Ich kann mich ja kaum noch an die Handlung erinnern, aber die Charaktere waren mir noch gut im Gedächtnis geblieben - einfach weil sie wirklich ausdruckstark und ungewöhnlich sind: im positiven Sinn!

Die Handlung von Band 1 liegt ein Jahr zurück. Artemis ist jetzt 13 Jahre alt, aber man darf diesen jungen Burschen wirklich nicht unterschätzen. Durch seine hohe geistige Genialität fehlt es ihm (natürlich) an dem Gefühl der Zwischenmenschlichkeit, aber man merkt schon immer wieder, dass da sehr wohl auch Potenzial vorhanden ist. Was ihn noch sympathischer macht :)
So sehr er in geschäftlichen Dingen und seinen gesetzeswidrigen Coups rein strategisch denkt, hängt er gefühlsmäßig an seiner Familie und deshalb möchte er auch nicht wahr haben, dass sein Vater tot sein soll. Die Rettung, die jetzt endlich zum Greifen nahe scheint, stellt ihn allerdings vor schwerwiegende Probleme.

Die zackige Elfin Holly Short mag ich auch total gerne. Sie hat den Willen, sich in der Männerdomäne der Unterirdischen im Polizeidienst durchzusetzen und hat zum Glück auch einen Fürsprecher durch Commander Root - der das allerdings niemals öffentlich zugeben würde. Ihre Jagd auf die Koboldmafia bringt Artemis mit ins Spiel, was ihre beiden Rettungsmissionen miteinander verbindet.

Dadurch ändert sich auch merklich das Verhältnis gerade von Artemis und Holly, die sich ja eher als Feinde gegenüberstanden und je besser sie sich kennenlernen spürt man, das daraus doch vielleicht auch eine Freundschaft erwachsen kann.

Der Schreibstil ist an sich einfach und flüssig zu lesen, aber er fordert schon auch etwas heraus, denn grade die verzwickten Ideen von Artemis, aber auch die technikaffine Unterwelt hat viel Komplexität und Wissen zu bieten. Das erste Drittel fand ich noch etwas dahinplätschernd, aber dann war Tempo und Spannung da und das Buch kaum mehr aus der Hand zu legen.

Besonders toll finde ich die vielen Ideen, die der Autor in die Beschreibung des Erdvolkes steckt und da auch ganz außergewöhnliche Charaktere herausgearbeitet hat. Aber er flechtet auch immer wieder eher subtil kleine Bemerkungen über die Umwelt(verschmutzung) ein ohne direkt mit dem Finger drauf zu zeigen, genauso wie auf die Vertreibung der magischen Wesen von der Oberwelt unter die Erde, was durchaus Anregungen zum Nachdenken geben kann.

Fazit: 4.5 Sterne

Profile Image for Samuel.
19 reviews2 followers
May 9, 2012
Of course like the first one it rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for সালমান হক.
Author 62 books1,729 followers
December 31, 2015
So the second book of the ARTEMIS FOWL. It was a pretty light, funny read actually.
This time the focus is on the faerie people . And Artemis is basically on the subplot, but its important nevertheless. It was really funny to see how captain short cope up with artemis and his body-guard. :p Looking forward to more actions in the next books.
Profile Image for Lisachan.
328 reviews32 followers
June 10, 2017
Also non so come si possano leggere questi libri da bambini e non restarne profondamente traumatizzati. Colfer writes some fucked up shit, sometimes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,824 reviews

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