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Manager Manage Thyself

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The purpose of this book is to take the seemingly complex subject of management and make it practicable i.e. able to be put into practice successfully. It approaches management from a different point of view - one that defines management as a career each individual practices whose success is measured by the organizational capability they create in their wake. It is designed to give the practicing manager an understanding of the management tenets of the past, a glimpse into their organization through the lens of its organization's life cycle, and the predictable stages of one's management career. It is a view that emanates - the work one manages where the technical, financial, social, and customer furtherance domains constantly compete for their attention - the simple, complicated, complex or chaotic nature of their issue - the performance they seek, the results they measure, and the decisions they make - by themselves, with or without input from others, by using time-bound consensus practices or by delegating authority to others. Someone once said, 'There are no perfect solutions, only intelligent choices." Informed practice makes for intelligent choices that lead to organizational capability, sustainability, and a rewarding career - the purpose of this book.

88 pages, Paperback

Published August 10, 2021

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About the author

Pat Olliffe

478 books7 followers
Olliffe is best known for his work for Marvel Comics on Untold Tales of Spider-Man (1995) and Spider-Girl (1998). Pat Olliffe is a published author and an illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Pat Olliffe include Spider-Girl Volume 8: Duty Calls Digest (Spider-Girl), Spider-Man: Saga of the Sandman, JSA Classified: Honor Among Thieves, and Avengers: Galactic Storm, Vol. 2. Other titles he has worked on include New Excalibur (2007), Last Planet Standing (2006), Last Hero Standing (2005), Nomad (1992), Thor (1991) and Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1994). At DC Comics, he worked on a three-issue arc of JSA Classified with Jen Van Meter, and was part of the artist rotation for 52. He is currently working on 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen with Keith Giffen.

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