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Memoirs of a Houseboy #3

Achilles and the Houseboy

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If Achilles, ancient hero of the Trojan War, had worn proper footwear then Gillibran Brown, modern hero of the Domestic Empire, would get into a lot less trouble, or so he believes.

A kiss heralds the arrival of a most unwelcome and troublesome visitor who throws Gilli out of kilter with life and his Daddies.

Take another journey with Gillibran Brown.

143 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2011

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Gillibran Brown

10 books264 followers

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
4,026 reviews6,340 followers
September 26, 2015
I am emotional wreck right now from this book. I don't know if it is just me or if this book is really that intense but I was near tears for most of the story, from about 30% on. I went back and forth in my rating everywhere from 1 star to 5 stars because I HATED what my poor Gilli was going through but I am obsessed with Gilli's writing.

This book is much more emotional than the two books that lead up to this one. For the first time, I really thought that this menage relationship was damaging to Gilli. I honesty don't think that he is getting any portion of the love he deserves from Dick or Shane. Sure, Gilli is a brat but here he was treated like a piece of garbage. Honestly, I was BOILING mad at Shane during this book. Earth to Shane: Gilli is a person too and he is entitled to feelings! Gilli is excluded and not consulted about major, life-changing events and then made to feel like a spoiled brat for wanted to be included in the discussion. I wanted to hug Gilli and steal him away. I don't remember the last time I was so upset reading a book.

I want to read the next book to see if the guys redeem themselves but, honestly, this book put me in a funk.

Do you think I can take on two burly Daddies in a fight???
Profile Image for Julia.
2 reviews
September 27, 2012
First off...I LOVED THIS BOOK! I fell into this series by accident and have basically inhaled it over the past two days. I'm a tough audience, and I can safely say I haven't laughed as hard in years as I did with books 1 and 2. Gilli is a wonderful, complex, brilliant personality under construction and I would be happy to spend any amount of time between his pages.

However, I spent most of the time welling up in book 3.


That said, it's now safe to say that I pretty much loathe Shane. I didn't want to. I really didn't. I quickly saw Gilli's faults and flaws, both those he tells us about and those he reveals simply by walking us through his days. I could see what a handful he must be, and I appreciated Shane and Dick's apparent willingness to take on a raw sub with more than the usual delayed adolescent issues, and to provide some badly needed boundaries, limits, and protection. What I also expected to appear with time was the counterbalance of affection, affirmation and rewards that are implicit and expected in a healthy dom/sub relationship.

Instead, this book was really about reading someone starving to death inside. Someone dying by inches. Someone bright and clever and most of all, someone young, being squashed and smothered, marginalized and infantilized. It was hard to read and yet I couldn't stop reading because I almost felt like, if I did, I'd be leaving Gilli alone and hopeless forever. I OWED it to this young man to keep reading, just to make sure he made it out the other side okay. And if it didn't look like he was going to, I was going to get my car keys and go find him myself.

Shane is as, if not more, emotionally damaged than his boy, in my opinion. He rules from the worst possible place: an assumption that the world is only and always as he sees it, and that everyone in it is wired and therefore should respond the same way he does. His way is right because it's HIS way...not because it's best for his subs. Gilli's love languages are clearly physical touch and words of affirmation. He watches Shane touch Dick, craving it, noticing every nuance. It's what he needs most of all, as well as words of approval and appreciation...not because he's earned it, but because he's Gilli and he has a perfect right to expect his basic emotional needs to be met by his dom and by his lovers.

Instead, he gets tied up and f*cked.

Shane is frankly Sh$t in this department. He's utterly inelastic, and apparently completely lacking in imagination. I"m trying to pinpoint exactly when he lost me for good...there are so many moments to pick from. Was it the decision not to include Gilli in the process of bringing the civil partnership to pass? Was it utterly failing to defend Gilli against Leo's arrogant and intrusive comments, and in fact LAUGHING at the disparagement? Was it in choosing to eviscerate any joy from Gilli's birthday gift to Dick literally within seconds of Dick leaving the room...in failing to have the maturity and insight to see the possible problem in Gilli's gesture while choosing a better moment later to deal with it? Was it the countless instances of pinpointing Gilli as emotionally weak and juvenile simply for feeling his feelings? Was EVERY negative feeling Gilli had or was ever going to have solely a failure on Gilli's part?? Shane's idea of care for his sub is basically animal husbandry, as far as I can tell.

Name your moment...it's clear that Shane's only sense of obligation to Gilli is on the negative side. He counts a roof over the head, food, and a small salary is sufficient positive that Gilli should require nothing more of him. Yeah, he makes inquiries to Gilli's mom in order to suss out what's wrong with the boy...why he is as spastic and prone to impulse as he is...but does he use that information for anything other than to confirm what he already believes he knows...that Gilli is nothing but a "bane" and someone he "desperately needs time away from?" Hell, no.

Dick basically has his cake and is eating it too. He's got no complaints. This makes him come across as something of a complacent wuss in my book. If I were Dick, watching what was going on, I'd be looking to set Gilli free any way I could, even if it hurt me. A Dom's responsibility to a sub is almost a sacred thing to me. It's such a huge act of trust and indication of a willingness to learn about oneself at any cost for a sub to place him/herself in the hands of someone else. It's an act of both supreme need and supreme courage. How can a sub like Gilli react other than as he does...with jealousy, anger and dull depression...when his Dom is so utterly failing to meet ANY of his emotional needs?? When his Dom doesn't even have a clue what his needs are? When his Dom doesn't even seem to get that they legitimately EXIST??

Argh! I am so upset by this book, I"m quivering with indignation. And that's what makes the book so GOOD! It really got to me. Made me feel it. Made these people real to me (whether they are or not is almost beside the point).

I realize this purports to be a diary. I realize that this is one point of view. But damn! unless Gilli is outright lying about certain dialogue, there are plenty of scenes in this book that simply CAN'T be spun far enough around to make Shane come up smelling even remotely like a rose. There's perspective, and there's enablement.

Gilli deserves a Daddy who knows a cry for help when he sees it. Gilli deserves a Daddy who will actually hurt when his boy is hurting, and who will hurt when he's doing the hurting. Gilli deserves a Daddy who will at least let him know what his value is in the relationship, why he matters, and how life would be less without him. Gilli deserves a Daddy who will beat him within an inch of his life when he's being a colossal brat, but who will take the time to show him how to be a better man, not just tell him over and over to do so. Gilli deserves a Daddy who will take the time to manage his time split between his subs, because it's his obligation to both of them to give them the best of himself. Gilli deserves a Daddy who will create spaces for his sub to move into...emotional safe spaces for his sub to grow within. Gilli deserves better than a Daddy who only opens his mouth to warn or criticize or lecture.

In short...in getting a "bane," Shane has gotten exactly what he's created. He deserves that Gilli. Gilli deserves better.

I...wow...can you tell I care??

Gilli, I'll go with you anywhere you want to take us...just keep writing, please. Don't let the light go out.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 84 books2,659 followers
September 5, 2012
For the first time in this one, I really wonder if this relationship can work and feel like Shane is failing in his position as Dom to the trio. He and to a lesser extent Dick treat Gilli like a child or a pet, not like an adult sub in this one. Major decisions are made not just without consulting him but without even telling him in advance. There are times when it would be a small effort to assure him of his worth and solicit his opinion and help, but Shane seems unwilling to take the time or make the effort. He tends to Gilli's physical welfare but gives no time or consideration to his emotional well-being.

In the past, I felt Gilli brought a lot of the conflict on himself, and that some of it was attention-seeking. (And while Shane could have alleviated it by some well-chosen attention, Gilli was sometimes being childish.) In this one, Gilli's issues seemed justified and predictable, and Shane's lack of interest in them beyond trying to smack him out of bad moods was short-sighted and lazy. Gilli is a lot of work, no doubt, but if Shane didn't want to make the emotional effort, he should have left him as a houseboy and not opened a relationship.

The writing is as always engaging and humorous, but the tone is more melancholy and there is a sense of lost opportunity here.
Profile Image for Fangtasia.
565 reviews45 followers
November 9, 2011
A missing chapter from the 2007 story, More Fun With Dick And Shane, this novella is about Gilli's reaction to his partners Dick and Shane getting married, signing a Civil Partnership agreement. Even though it retained some of the funny writing style that characterizes the previous books, this one is a painfully emotional look at Gilli's jealousy and insecurity in the face of what he views as a threat to the menage he lives in.

Typical of him, the name of the book comes from his convoluted way of blaming anyone and everyone for his problems, except himself. That is, until he gets a "good hiding" as he calls it, then he allows himself to recognize that it can all be laid at his own feet.

Though I sympathized with Gilli for feeling left out, I also understand Shane and Dick's handling of the situation. Throughout the stories, all we've read is Gilli's POV. In this book, we get a much better understanding of how very invested the Daddies really are with Gilli. The scene where Shane talks about having spoken at length with Gilli's mother shows how deeply Shane understands his boy and confirms to me that he is a true and accomplished Master Dom. Shane knows Gilli and Dick better than they probably know themselves, and he takes his responsibilities as their alpha Daddy very seriously.

It is clear that during the time up to the CP ceremony if either Dick or Shane had pandered to Gilli's insecurity and jealousy, all they'd accomplished is to make those feelings into bottomless wells. There would have been no words or actions that Gilli would have believed or that would have been enough to satisfy his need. Gilli himself, when he eventually gets clarity on the matter, says so. He's pushing for more than he should have or the others can give, and if the Daddies had given in to his demands, it would have unbalanced the relationship. Likely fatally. Jealousy has no place among the members of a menage, it cannot be allowed to take root. It is the antithesis of what a polyamorous relationship lives on, which is self-less sharing for the health and satisfaction of all involved.

Gilli cannot claim to be 'an equal part of the relationship', because he is not. There is past history between Shane and Dick, over ten years of it, there is no way around that. There doesn't need to be equality or ignorance of previous history, because both the agreed-upon hierarchy and the existing past history are essential parts (along with each of their personalities) of what makes their relationship possible and successful.

There are a couple of lines, spoken by Shane, that cleared up something I'd been thinking about since I started reading this series. Talking to and about Gilli, Shane says:
"What you crave is to be dominated, to be taken charge of, but submitting to authority doesn't come naturally or easily to you. It leaves you feeling conflicted and that's when the verbal challenges come into play."

This, then, explains why Gilli gets himself into trouble with such regularity. It helps me understand why, after getting into said trouble, he's scared sh*tless of the punishment. It clears up why, during the confrontations caused by his misbehavior he is sexually aroused along with his fear. Though his mind and body contradict each other in their desires, Gilli is exactly where he wants and needs to be. His Daddies, both of them, are also exactly where they want and need to be. All three of them are.

The blog/journal continues, so I have high hopes of continuing to read about these guys in the future. No doubt about it, I am hooked with Gilli the houseboy and his Daddies, beyond redemption.
Profile Image for Sunne.
Author 4 books23 followers
August 23, 2014
I can't rate this book. After reading "Fun with Dick and Shane" I wasn't sure I'd be ready for "More Fun with Dick and Shane" but I was curious if their relationship gets better. So I decided to read about this very important part, the Civil Union between Dick and Shane. One reason was that it shows not spotlights concentrating on the negative but a constant period of time. I hoped to see some positive.

Let's get this straight - I love Gilli and in my opinion he has matured a lot. More than once he keeps his fears, insecurities and hurt inside to present what his "Daddies" expect of him. More than once he weeps inside and smiles outside. It hurts me to see it.

Let's face it: Gilli is insecure, he needs guidance, reassurance and love. That is what his daddies should be for. They should provide him with a secure surrounding, in which rules, praise and love completes him. By agreeing to have a hierarchical relationship Gilli has agreed to follow their rules and command – but under the premise that they know what’s good for him. They don’t fulfill that part.

Fact is, he is surrounded by rules. And that’s it most of the time. They actually treat him like a houseboy and regard him as inferior in their relationship – especially Shane. They might say otherwise but their actions speak for themselves. They have no time for him but for each other, they order and expect obedience but show him not very much love. They exclude him out of decisions, of their daily life, of family events and expect him to act like a responsible grown up when they still treat him like a petulant child. They often treat him like a third wheel and accuse him of acting like one. They should know that they have to include him. Saddest sentence of the book: “I just want a portion of your time.”

In my opinion this story shows that Shane tolerates Gilli because Dick wants to have him around. Gilli is Dick’s “pet project”, the balance for him because Dick is not a total Sub. None of Shane’s behavior in that book proves me otherwise. Some might say “but the bondage scene”? Crap, that was sex and Shane showing Gilli how great he is as dominant person – that was a show off. Gilli had accused him rightly of putting everything and everyone before him (first long phone calls with Dick, work and then planning to go to Leo) and Shane needed to prove himself that of course Gilli was wrong. And he wanted to prove that he knew what Gilli needed. “Your only role was to take what I chose to give without question and one day, my lad, you’ll learn to let that happen outside of sex…” Duh..that would be nice if Shane actually knew what Gilli is needing. But – ignoring him even when he does everything right, talking bad about him and accepting that Leo talks bad about him, showing Dick his affection but never him, even dragging him to the civil union without telling him (which Shane hadn’t wanted to do but Dick insisted that Gilli needed to be included)?

So – Shane is the best example of a guy doesn’t realizes that pressure results in pressure…we reap what we saw. If I treated my kids like brainless beings I would have brats, too.

It’s sad how in the end of the story Gilli tries to accept that Shane doesn’t love him as much as Dick, tries to understand that he will never be what they are to each other. He argues that he still has to earn Shane’s love. That’s crap – love is to be given, not earned. He says to himself that Shane has some kind of feelings for him otherwise he wouldn’t put up with him. Duh – I think the reasons are
that Shane keeps Gilli for Dick,
that he doesn’t want to accept that he can’t control him as his boy and therefore is a failure as a daddy,
that he feels responsible for the guy without job chances and physical restrictions
and that he actually is convenient.

For the writing style, the quirk humor and the flow of the story I would give 5 stars if I would rate it.
If it is a real story - which means, these people are real people as the author claimes they are - I want to give him an address of a therapist and go in search for another daddy for him because his Alpha-daddy is sh**. I can't rate if they are real. I dislike Shane and even Dick for making up excuses for Shane. Sorry, the one who is ruling has not only the rights but also the responsibilities.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,889 reviews473 followers
July 15, 2013
Well this one is tough. A lot less humorous as Gilli feels sidelined with everything going of with Dick and Shane that he can't participate in. I can understand all three points of view and none of them are wrong, but they are not working well together.

Shane, my way or the highway

Gilli, me, me...ME!

And Dick, hello gorgeous

It's really hard because this book, Shane and Gilli are really out of sync. When one is leaning in the other is pushing away and it is T-O-R-T-U-R-E to watch unfold. Dick is ancillary as he briefly appears, but for the main part you see how dysfunctional Shane and Gillibran can be. It is not fun. And while Gilli is still funny, it is heartbreaking funny. The kind where you laugh at yourself because it's all you have.

Favorite quote:
"I was jealous of their core emotional relationship, that's what I wanted a true share of."

*A MUST READ for Gillifans, but wear your mouth guards for you'll be gritting your teeth.*
Profile Image for A.B. Gayle.
Author 16 books195 followers
October 13, 2011
This is a fabulous book about the nature of jealousy and insecurity, and the way the two are married, but as others say, you should read the other two books in the series first.

The Quaker, William Penn, is quoted: 'The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.'

The story sure illustrates that, but just as much, it explores the vicious cycle between feeling envious of not getting the love from Shane that Gilli craves, and fearing, for different reasons, he is unworthy of that love. At the same time, he pushes and pushes the boundary, wanting the reassurance that he is loved. The Daddy/boy theme is perfectly explored.

His actions can be seen to be immature and some readers may be impatient at his lack of growth, but I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a small amount of the immaturity present in all of us. My question is that given this insecurity and lack of self-worth are the people who believe they know what is best for him going about fixing this problem the right way?

Is this internal monologue:'They don't love you, that document they've just signed is proof of it. It's an exclusive bond. They only love each other. You've got nothing of lasting value to offer them. One day someone younger and more attractive will come along and they'll discard you without any bother. They won't have to annul anything, it'll just be a case of a week's notice.'
Adequately addressed by this: "Let's get a few facts straight shall we, my eavesdropping child. Yes, you're a bane. Yes, you're high maintenance. In fact you're fucking exhausting because everything has to be about you, that's what this paddy is in aid of - you being the centre of attention at any cost."

In Gilli's mind, being a part of the discussion and being treated like an adult and included in the preparation for the wedding would have made him feel part of the picture. In their mind, they couldn't trust him not to over-think things and go barking up the wrong tree.

Instead of encouraging him to be better, they are threatening him with retribution if he isn't. The story wouldn't be the same without it, but long term it's not solving the problem. If a person has to push boundaries to be noticed and acknowledged, sooner or later, they will push through a weak spot none of them knew existed.

No doubt, to keep readers happy, the trio will continue on the same way. Our hero wouldn't be a Houseboy and they wouldn't be his bear daddies otherwise.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,970 reviews230 followers
February 26, 2013
These stories are told by Gilli so some may argue that you only get his POV and that's true , its Gillis voice we hear but usually its interspersed with hilarious incidents and snarky comments to balance the poignancy and sometimes heart rending moments that are always based around his interactions with Shane, his Alpha daddy and other daddy Dick. So getting back to the POV argument, yes it is all told in a one sided way but Gilli never downplays his own petulance, childishness and disobedience, in fact he paints it for us so brightly, that we see his tantrums and childishness in technicolor, therefore it stands to reason that if if he's prepared not to sugarcoat his own downfalls then we're seeing Shane and Dicks true colours too. If that's the case then its never more apparent than in this emotionally charged novella.

I was warned that this would be a hard one to read, so I entered into it knowing that I'd be hitting the tissue box but what I didn't expect was to get SO angry at Shane ( the bad tempered git ) and also Dick, who normally redeems himself by being more thoughtful and affectionate with Gilli, but who in this episode also ticked me off because he acts almost as dismissive at times, as his horrible controlling partner.

Gilli's inner light shines so brightly you know that if you ever met him you'd be drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he's funny, endearing and loveable and he's the reason people want to read and continue reading these books! He's also that exhausting, annoying child who crashes into your life, full on! The one who makes you roll your eyes and sigh because he demands nothing less than your full attention, but who, when he's gone makes you realise that your life is suddenly a little less fun, a little more dull and certainly a lot more empty! It's the way that in this story Shane and Dick's decision causes Gilli to once again question his role in their relationship. All he wants is for Shane to show him the love and affection that he gives to Dick but what does Shane do, he dismisses Gillis affection, accuses him of petulant jealousy, flaunts his love for Dick in front of our lovely boy and practically punishes him every five minutes for anything and everything that he deems to be non kosher in Shane's cold and perfect world- so Gilli spends most of this part of the story with a sore, aching arse, looking in from the outside and carrying a heart that's on the verge of breaking! I actually hated Shane at the end of this book, not because of his hands on punishments but because he slowly and methodically wears Gilli down to a shadow of his former self with his dismissive, cold, mental bashings. The birthday incident,the Lee episode ( I dislike that smarmy SOB as much as Gilli does ) and the unloving way he uses Gilli sexually as a way of staking his ownership shows him up for what he truly is... a selfish, hard hearted, cold man who doesnt care about anything but the power he wields over his subs and his own needs. Not a caring Dom in my opinion!

The one true voice of reason was Gilli's jealous alter ego who he should have listened to because if he had he would have left the two callous love birds to themselves and gone on to find a Daddy who would not only cater to his submissive needs but who would also love and cherish him for the quirkily fabulous person that he is! However Shane uses the jealousy thing as yet another weapon against Gilli, twisting it to make him look and feel even more childish, small and stupid! My heart bled for him as I watched his light slowly dim over the course of the story. I was desperately hoping that the true HEA he wanted would happen and Gilli would finally hear the words he's been waiting for but yet again he is left wanting.

I still absolutely love this series, I'm in it all the way for Gilli and I want to see this so called more caring side of ' Mr nasty ass ' thats supposedly shown in Gilliflowers... I'm holding judgement on that because that man has a lot of redeeming to do in my eyes! Gilli you have touched me deeply and my heart is yours! Shane at the moment you're a pig! Dick man up!

Profile Image for Trio.
3,418 reviews192 followers
October 15, 2017
Best one yet. While I like the diary form of the first two books I really appreciated the more novel like structure of this one, plus it expanded on several of the issues brought up in the 2nd book.

My heart always breaks for Gillie, but damn this one sure got me - and if I start talking about Shane I might not stop. I wish he would write a book.

The references to the Greek Gods was perfect... how they're flawed and not above the humans, and how GB kept tying them in to what was happening in the book. Bravo!
Profile Image for Chelsea.
925 reviews7 followers
March 3, 2024

Re-read - March 24 - i think it might be my age. Now being closer in age to Dick than Gilli when I first read this, but I think I was pretty harsh is my assessment of Shane. I kind of get it? Gilli is... Difficult. Completely agree about the conversation with Leo though, seriously Shane, not cool! I'm really enjoying this series this time round!

This was the book of how Gilli copes with the announcement and proceedings of Shane and Dick getting married. I knew it would be an emotional ride from everything I had read about it and I was also aware everyone hated Shane is this book, so I wanted to read it with that in mind while trying to see a different perspective.

Gilli does go through a lot of emotions in this book and has a really difficult time dealing with his insecurities. I felt really sorry for him and wished he would talk to someone about how he was feeling.

Shane didn't feel anymore nasty than previous books, remember this book is a short story about a very hard time in their lives so Shanes patience was going to be shorter than it already was. I do admit that conversation with Leo was really Un called for, even if leo is known for his insensitive sense of humor, you don't let someone talk about other people like that.

I was glad it was relatively short, it made the emotional and stressful journey easier to deal with.
Profile Image for Josephine Myles.
Author 63 books646 followers
September 28, 2011
This book is a much more sombre affair than the previous two, being an extended examination of Gilli's attack of jealousy over Shane and Dick's civil partnership. It takes place during the year of More Fun With Dick and Shane, and there's no point dipping into the series at this point - you need to have been reading Gilli's journal from the start to make sense of it all.

I was moved, I sympathised with Gilli because I could see why Dick and Shane's actions hurt his feelings so badly, and I was intensely frustrated by the way he chose to deal with it. However, it was all perfectly understandable and I think he shows great maturity in analysing why he acts like such a brat when under the influence of jealousy.

There's a happy ending, though, and definitely a few smiles to be had along the way, although not the belly laughs of the other two books.
Profile Image for Claudia.
742 reviews5 followers
December 22, 2021
This one was tough. I know we are just getting Gilli's side of the sotry but it bothers me that Shane seems to think he is beyond committing any mistakes. It really REALLY bothers me. I guess we still don't know what Gilli accepted at the beginning but I feel that he's expecting to be a part of a polyamourous relationship and Shane has other ideas. At least that's what I get from Gilli's POV. I love Gilli to pieces and I want him to get everything he wants.
Oh... And don't get me started on Leo. I HATE HIM.
Profile Image for Emanuela ~plastic duck~.
805 reviews121 followers
March 1, 2012
Now I know what happened on the fateful days of Shane and Dick's civil partnership. I can see that Shane and Dick didn't want to give it too much importance to make Gilli understand that nothing would change, but: 1 - I think Gilli was entitled to his anger, because even if they didn't mean to, they ended up treating him like the lesser part of their menage and simply they chose not to make him deal with his disappointment and jealousy, because it was too hard; 2 - I don't remember what I wanted to say... yes, well it's clear that Gilli is a burden for Shane and since Shane is the mighty lord and master of their menage, HE should deal with it honestly and not demand Gilli to accept it. On the other hand it's true that Gilli wants to be at the center of attention, but he is insecure of his place and he should be encouraged, not only reprimanded. Things are not always dismissable because Shane thinks they are of no importance if someone else instead feels they are important. Where is the real discussion? Shane is only and always imparting his will. Whe I re-read it, I'll try to see it under a different light. Go Gilli!!!

ETA: Dick is disappearing a bit. Or does Gilli feel too sure of his affection and therefore he doesn't pay too much attention to him? I think if Gilli wasn't so self-centered, he'd probably see more of the clashes between the other two and that Dick is probably only more graceful in bearing his punishments.
Profile Image for Trix.
1,335 reviews115 followers
July 19, 2016
"The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves."

The very quote that sums up the book. I'm off to read the next book.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,318 reviews154 followers
April 6, 2013
My my, poor Gilli. I'm so addicted to his little stories, even though his extreme brattiness and tantrums can be quite grating. He consistently struggles with jealousy, self consciousness or low self esteem, whether it be from the medication side effects or his job. My heart breaks for him at times, yet others, I am appalled by his immature behavior. I keep waiting for a time when Shane will finally have enough, yet I fail to understand why Shane isn't able to control the situation a bit better. This segment gets a bit intense at the end and I just couldn't put it down.

I love Gilli's way of story telling. The writing is extremely enjoyable, and I look forward to the funny and cute recollections.
Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,603 reviews28 followers
February 19, 2015
This installment had a different feel. It wasn't as funny and light hearted as the last. But it was worth the read, it is an important part of their life together.

I still like Shane. When Gilli finally opened his mouth, and told Shane a little bit about how he was feeling, Shane dropped everything to show him that he was important....ya he might have used sex, but he still expressed how he felt about Gilli.

I think if Gilli didn't stew so much, and communicate better, he would soften up Shane a little more. And, yeah....he does get jealous a little to much....it's not all Shane's fault.

I love Gilli, and both Shane and Dick. I can't wait to read the next one.
24 reviews1 follower
May 3, 2011
I must confess, I have a soft spot for Gilli´s bratiness and smart mouth, which probably appeals to my own inner brat, and therefore was thrilled to see a new or rather (as we are revisiting 2007) additional chapter of Gilli´s account of "this boys life". It is not all laughs and jokes, as the time revisited was a heavily emotional one for Gilli, but the author´s irrevent humor still shines through. I for one was left looking forward to more of Gilli, Dick and Shane (and dare I say it - even Leo).

Profile Image for Julia.
408 reviews10 followers
April 11, 2015
Please, please, please let the next book have some moments where I don't want to kill Shane. I would love to hear his side of things because right now, I just don't get it.
Profile Image for Kristan.
379 reviews39 followers
October 7, 2015
WARNING: spoilers ahead.


I hate you Shane. If Gilli was your only sub and this is how you treated him, it would be the furthest away from a healthy D/s relationship as you could get. You never bend. You laugh at Gilly, allow Leo to tear him down, agree with him, then add your own disparaging remarks on top of it. You ruined Gilli' s birthday gift to Dick by taking all the joy from it the moment Dick left the room. You seem to think that Gilli isn't entitled to have feelings or any input into a relationship that he is a part of. In fact, you're such an asshole, that you blatantly trick him into attending your wedding, then outright tell him you didn't want him there and he had no right to an opinion on the matter, or the right to feel upset and hurt.


My poor heart. I hurt so badly for Gilli that I feel sick.

I hate the fact that their relationship now reads like Gilli is barely tolerated by Shane and is only a play toy for Dick. It's only because of Gilli's reassurance that the relationship is good, that nothing has changed and my burning desire for Shane to redeem himself in some small way, that is keeping me going onward to the next installment.

Seriously Shane, I don't even need an I love you at this point, any amount of affection towards Gilli will do.
Profile Image for Lisa.
18 reviews
January 22, 2014
You know, I don't think I've ever been this emotional after reading a book. I read the three other books before I read this one and although I though Gilli was being unfairly treated by Shane in the other three it didn't bother me NEARLY as much as this one did. I was actually temted to tag this book under ¨emotional abuse¨. In the previous books I guess you could excuse the way Shane treats Gilli and I get that it is apart of their relationship dynamic. Mabye they even need to do things like that to make their menage work.

But for me everything in this book was just simply hard to read. I spendt the better part of the book whising that Gilli would pack his bags and leave. Either that or that Shane could at least stop being such a s*** and give Gilli some proof of his affection for him.

And although I love Dick his silence in this matter just makes me mad.

Really the only feeling im left with after reading thees books are sadness for Gilli. I really should have saved Gilliflowers for last..

But the books are wonderful and I don't think I've ever gotten so involved before, I hope he continues to write and that Shane will have gone and gotten himself a heart for the next one.

One can only hope!
Profile Image for Addicted2M/M.
979 reviews236 followers
June 13, 2012
Rough. Had me welling up often. The humor is what I liked best in the previous two books. This lacked humor almost entirely; however, I really could not put this down. I love Gilli. I almost hate Shane, though I am certain I shouldn't. (Just an FYI-Dick has a reduced presence in this book.) I came away completely understanding why Gilli thinks the things he does in regards to their relationship; and certain I'd feel the same, regardless of the rules previously established. And now I am rambling, so I'll finish with: I need more; I need to get to the point where I believe he is truly not an expendable toy for the Daddies.
Profile Image for FlibBityFLooB.
944 reviews154 followers
July 30, 2011
This is a few missing chapters from the previous year of Gillibran's life with Dick & Shane. In wasn't as humorous as his previous entries, mainly because it was capturing a very emotional time in his life that year. I have to say that I really emphathize with Gilli and his jealousy as I can relate to his insecurities. I shed tears while I read his shared thoughts. I am sad to see this is the last journal book of his that he has published. I dearly hope he will publish some more. I will miss the Cub and his Dick & Shane. *sniffle*
Profile Image for Jiji Jidapa.
334 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2022
4.5* stars

Wow.. whereas the two prequels are humorous with a splash of angsts, this book is quite the opposite. It still has its laugh-out -loud moments but hurt and pain that were hiding in the background prior to this book has been brought to spotlight. I wasn't happy at how it got resolved at the end. Hurtful words from Leo and Shane regarding Gil still clings to me and i wonder which direction this threesome relationship is heading. But i guess i have to be content to what i get now and keep reading- hopefully I'll have all the answers in the next sequels.

The writing is so good - i have conflicted feeling for Gil...actually for all three. I can relate to Gil's insecurity and jealousy. I wanted him to get somewhat of what Shane had given Dick, but at the same time an idea that Dick always held a special place in Shane's heart, a place above all others, warmed me. And Gil just needed to accept this and carried on as he knew what was on the table coming in. Still I truly wished Gil his HEA but I doubted it now that he would find his in this relationship. Emotionally wrecked - that what i felt after finishing.
Profile Image for Doujia2.
231 reviews28 followers
July 21, 2024
3.5 stars

Partly endearing and partly frustrating, this volume suffers from the same problems as the last one. The repetitive cycle of jealousy, temper, and discipline continues, and there is no character development to speak of. However, I guess that's the point of it being a memoir rather than fiction, as conflicts in real life seldom resolve as neatly as we might hope.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,294 reviews33 followers
May 10, 2014
I like this series alot but I can't say it is one I always enjoy. This book was painful and sad in a lot of way even with Gilli's sarcastic humor. This book mainly focuses on Dick and Shane's wedding and the events that lead up to it. Where the other books you can see times where Gilli really is being a brat and selfish this book highlights the things that make me dislike this menage relationship. There just isn't alot of affection for Gilli outside of occasional sex and the more nebulous things of making sure he physically takes care of himself. Shane has zero communication skills. It is do what I say or get spanked. Most of Gilli's anxieties and jealousy could be taken care of by non sexual affection and actually talking with him instead of to him. Asking what is wrong with no follow up or actually persisting with getting him to talk is just being lazy on both Dick and Shanes's part. They know something is wrong but don't pursue it. The call him a brat then spank him when he acts out yet do nothing to fix the underlying reason for him acting out. This book was painful in that very little affection show to Gilli at all and there were more than a few things for him to be legitimately angry for. Way to many important decisions are being made within the relationship that he has no idea about and no input in. He is dealing with alot of emotions basically on his own because his Dom do not take the time to help him at all.

For a menage relationship this one is completely unbalanced in so many ways it is very painful to read at times and this book really pushes the envelop for me on enjoyment. Do I love it, yes the writing is engaging and it provokes very intense emotions but they are not the hearts and flowers kind for this book.
Profile Image for Sucajo.
739 reviews64 followers
September 18, 2012
This book covered a really emotional time for Gilli and although it had some humour it also dealt with some serious situations. I had mixed feelings about this book. In the past, I think Shane has been harsh but fair with Gilli. The specific nature of their relationship gives him the right to make decisions which Gilli has to accept. This time though, I don't think he made the right decisions. It was inevitable that Gilli would feel slighted and insecure after the way Dick and Shane handled their announcement and everything that followed. Gilli can be a brat at times but I think that most people would feel the same things he did if they found themselves in his situation. For the first time, I found myself agreeing with Gilli that Shane does not have as strong feelings for him as he does for Dick. I found the ending quite sad as Gilli ponders the depths of Shane and Dick's feelings for him and for once I didn't think he was being overly dramatic.
Profile Image for La*La.
1,912 reviews43 followers
December 6, 2014
4.5 stars.

So that's why the second book was relatively light-hearted. Gillibran just omitted all the heartbreak..and then poured it all into this book. We get the whole range of emotions Gilli went through because of the decision made by his lovers. Damn, I wanted to strangle Shane. He didn't seem so bad in the previous book, and I even started to warm up to him..but considering both books take place at the same time, Shane hasn't changed much. He is still that overly strict and heartless jerk. And Dick was no better, either.

Sure, Gilli is all about jealousy and self-pity when it comes to dealing with Shane and Dick's love for each other, BUT he's totally entitled! He feels like a lesser part of the relationship, something of a boy-toy.

I really hope there's improvement in the next books. Or the heartache will kill me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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