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Positive Thinking Made Easy/Instant Mood Brightener

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Two bestesllers in one set!

Positive Thinking Made Easy: The benefits of having a positive mindset are well-documented Those who think positively tend to be happier, healthier, and more successful. Nevertheless, many people find it difficult to be positive when they encounter negative situations and individuals. This guided meditation/self-hypnosis program will help you protect yourself from negativity. You will learn how to think, feel, and be more positive every day in any situation. It will help you feel and be positive and change your whole world for the better. And it really is easy!

Instant Mood Brightener: Everyone experiences bad moods now and then. The things we think, feel, say and do while in these moods can have long lasting negative consequences. This enjoyable program provides you with techniques to help you get out of a bad mood quickly and naturally. It's certain to put a smile on your face!

Bob Griswold, the author and voice on this program, has created hundreds of audio programs and served as a consultant to many corporations and government organizations. Through his classes, audio programs, books and music, he's helped hundreds of thousands of people live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. As Founder of Effective Learning Systems, he has worked with some of the greatest minds in the fields of psychology, medicine, education, and human potential development. World-famous leaders such as Buckminster Fuller, Norman Cousins, Bernie Siegel, Carl Simonton, Norman Shealy, Raymond Moody and Lawrence LeShan have worked with ELS over the past several decades. Many of these illustrious people have served as members of the ELS Board ofAdvisors.

In addition to the great benefits you'll derive from listening to this program, what you'll probably notice most is what Bob's students usually refer to as "That Wonderful Voice." His calm, soothing voice and comfortably friendly delivery convey a loving sincerity that makes listening to this program a true pleasure.

This program is designed to help you eliminate old, negative habits and replace them with positive, healthy habits. And, as with any learning process, repetition and consistency are important. Therefore, to achieve the full benefits of this program, it is recommended that you listen to this program at least once or twice a day for 30 days. You can certainly listen to it more if you have the opportunity, but once or twice a day will help you start realizing the benefits very quickly. So, plan on enjoying this program over and over again. You'll be glad you did.

MP3 Book

First published November 1, 1993

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About the author

Bob Griswold

127 books2 followers
Robert E. (Bob) Griswold is an American author, educator, composer and business leader. He earned a BS in Urban Land Economics from the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois. He founded Effective Learning Systems, Inc. and has authored over one hundred self-help audio programs.

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178 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2021
This book is short and to the point. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this isn’t going to help me. It does go over some meditation & positive affirmations, but nothing that I will be using in my daily life.
1,326 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2023
Works best as guided meditation for me and it shows its age.
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