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The Richest Man in Babylon

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Beloved by millions, this timeless classic holds the key to all you desire and everything you wish to accomplish. This is the book that reveals the secret to personal wealth.

The Success Secrets of the Ancients—
An Assured Road to Happiness and Prosperity

Countless readers have been helped by the famous “Babylonian parables,” hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. In language as simple as that found in the Bible, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Acclaimed as a modern-day classic, this celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of—and a solution to—your personal financial problems that will guide you through a lifetime. This is the book that holds the secrets to keeping your money—and making more.

The Richest Man in Babylon
Read it and recommend it to loved ones—
and get on the road to riches.


194 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1926

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About the author

George S. Clason

106 books801 followers
George Samuel Clason was an American author. He is most often associated with his book The Richest Man in Babylon which was first published in 1926.

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Profile Image for William Beesley.
61 reviews138 followers
July 9, 2012
Books like Richest Man in Babylon, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Millionaire next door will never go away unfortunately. There is too much money to be made in writing them. Richest Man in Babylon combines a simple premise with a mysterious title to drag the reader through 150 pages of drudgery that could be summed up in a couple of sentences:

1. Save 10% of everything you make.
2. Be smart not dumb
3. Invest the money you save.

Despite George Clason's (the author) best, somewhat self serving, intentions America has clever and deeper pocketed interests such as Capital One Master Card, Retailers, Payday Loan Centers, and the Brick and Mortar of the American Economy, Capitalism and Consumerism that are determined in showing us that being broke and having things is better than being the Richest man in Babylon and suffering our old acquaintances showing up at high school reunions in fancier cars than our mid 90's Toyota 4Runner.

For those that find Richest Man in Babylon persuasive, putting forward novel concepts that will motivate them to straighten out their finances, I've got bad news. The hounds of consumerism will put out an equally persuasive message which will financially pull in the other direction and it will be back to potentially suffering from Aflatoxin poisoning while eating dry cat food to knock out this month's rent.

45 reviews9 followers
November 28, 2008
Redundant? Yes. Simplistic? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely. Reading the book changes one's perspective on personal finances.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews807 followers
February 8, 2022
"Wealth that comes quickly goeth the same way."

The Richest Man in Babylon is one of those books that has been on my TBR forever. The only reason I finally picked this up was to catchup with my non-fiction reading goals. Turns out, this is actually a fantastic read!

"No man's family can fully enjoy life unless they do have a plot of ground wherein children can play in the clean earth."

The Riches Man in Babylon is of those books like Alchemist: A simple story is being narrated with the aim of delivering a strong underlying idea (but unlike Alchemist, there's no multiple interpretations here). And that underlying concept here is the basic financial management. While it might seem too simple to warrant writing an entire book about it, I think this would be a nice eye-opener for many.

The core principle moves around each person paying himself/ herself at least one tenth of monthly earnings as a means to ensure future happiness. Again, though it might seem trivial, the author's subtle way of drawing the reader's attention towards the importance and methodologies are very effective in my opinion.

"Thy desires must be strong and definite. General desires are but weak longings."

This is a very short book. And give how short it is, I cannot help but recommend that this should be read by everyone, irrespective of the reading preferences. The little time you invest will leave you with some messages worth remembering throughout entire life!

"Opportunity waits for no man. Today it is here; soon it is gone. Therefore, delay not!"
Profile Image for سماح عطية.
647 reviews2,254 followers
November 13, 2015
بعض الرغبات تظل في حيز الأمنيات حتى تجد من يحولها إلى واقع
فيصبح لها قيمة ومعنى .
من هذه الرغبات ؛ الرغبة في الثراء ،
فإن كان الراغب فرداً من عائلة فقيرة أو متوسطة الحال أو حتى موظف حكومي
فحينها ينظر البعض إلى رغبته تلك على أنها خيالية!
أو يمكن تحقيقها فقط بأن يتحول إلى لص، أو أن تهبط عليه ثروة من السماء !
وكأن طرق الثراء الحلال انقطعت أسبابها !

بهذا الكتاب يشرح المؤلف لمن استحوذت عليه تلك الرغبة فسعى مثابراً لأن يكونها؛
كيفية تحويلها إلى واقع ملموس ، بأسلوب قصصيّ استرسلت الأحداث
لتحوّل العقل الاستهلاكيّ إلى عقل استثماري ..
خطوة خطوة عن طريق خطة عمل اهتم المؤلف بجميع تفاصيلها من محفزات أو معوقات ..

فقط مأخذي الوحيد على الباب المعنون بـ
(تاجر الجواهر في بابل)
حيث اختلط فيه الحابل بالنابل ..
لأن المؤلف غير مسلم لم يأبه باختلاط المعاملات المالية من قرض ،رهن ، شراكة.
أما الإسلام فيفصل بين هذه المعاملات؛ إذ لكل منها طريقة وحكم .

جذبني بالكتاب طريقة التخلص من الديون المتراكمة ،
طريقة سأعمل بإذن الله على شرحها لكل من شكى إليّ من تراكم همّ الدين عليه .
Profile Image for Mayar Hassan.
180 reviews275 followers
June 17, 2019
في جو قصصي بسيط، يقدم لنا الكاتب مجموعة من النصائح المالية على لسان بعض الشخصيات الغنية في مدينة بابل، والتي حازت الثروة بعد ط��ل عناء، بهدف الوصول إلى اسرار الثراء
بشكل عام يمكن تلخيص تلك النصائح فيما يلي:
1- مهما كانت مصاريفك، احتفظ ب 10% من دخلك للاستثمار، وحاول أن تقلل من تلك لمصاريف الفرعية التي تستنفذ الأموال بلا فائدة
2- دع نقودك تعمل عنك "عبيدك الذهبيين" .. استثمر نقودك كي تأتي بالمزيد
3- لا تلجأ إلا لأهل التخصص والثقة
4- لا تقرض مالك إلا بدون ضمان .. الدين قد يفسد أواصر القربي والصداقة
5- استثمر كل فرصة .. اصنع حظك بنفسك فالفرص الكبيرة لا تأتي كثيرا
كتاب يستحق القراءة على أي حال لكني لا تتوقع منه الكثير
Profile Image for Tamsyn.
122 reviews35 followers
September 3, 2009
This book was absolutely fantastic! It really opened my eyes to finances and has changed the way I view them. One of the biggest things this book teaches is that no matter what size your income is, 10% of it is yours to keep. Another is that debt is an enemy to conquer, not a necessary evil. One of the families in the story did this, and had to pay rent on top of it. We have long realized that renting and paying interest on a mortgage is about the same. Michael and I came up with a spending plan that allots 20% of our income to actually paying off our debt, and we will be completely debt free in 9 years, and in that time we will also have allotted 10% to savings. 10% of our income goes to tithing as well, so this gives us 60% of our income to live off of. But we took that figure and created a plan based on that amount. We're not going to starve on that figure.
This plan gives us less money for other things that we're used to buying, and starting out we realize that we're going to have to sacrifice to make this work, but we figure that now while our family is young is the best time to establish these habits. To be completely debt free with our home before we even have teenagers will be a powerful thing. We just need to focus on this master plan.
This book was highly motivating for me, and I recommend it to anyone who ever uses money.
Profile Image for Liong.
246 reviews383 followers
August 28, 2024
This book was recommended by my youngest uncle, who is only a few years older than me.

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason offers timeless financial wisdom through simple stories set in ancient Babylon.

I bought and read it right away many years ago. 😍 Here are the key lessons:

Save money by at least 10%: Set aside part of your earnings every time you get paid.

Spend less than you earn: Avoid spending more than what you make.

Make your money work for you: Invest wisely to grow your wealth.

Be cautious with investments: Only invest in things you understand.

Own a home: Buying a home helps build wealth over time.

Plan ahead: Save for retirement and emergencies.

Keep learning: Improve your skills to increase your income.

These tips can help you save money, spend wisely, and grow your wealth over time. 🦾
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews563 followers
October 1, 2020
The Richest Man in Babylon, George S. Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables in ancient Babylon.

تاریخ نخستین خوان: سال 1997میلادی

عنوان: ثروتمندترین مرد بابل؛ ن‍ویسنده‌: ج‍ورج‌ اس ک‍لاس‍ون‌؛ مت‍رج‍م: م‍ه‍دی‌ م‍ج‍ردزاده‌ ک‍رم‍ان‍ی‌؛ 1374؛ در 167ص؛ چاپ دیگر تهران، راه بین، 1375؛ در 167ص؛ چاپ چهارم 1378؛ شابک 9646276172؛ چاپ پنجم 1380؛ چاپ ششم 1381؛ چاپ هشتم و نهم 1384؛ چاپ دهم 1386؛ چاپ هجدهم 1392؛ شابک 9789646276178؛ موضوع: اخلاق کسب و کار از نویسندگان امریکایی - سده 20م

سرفصلها: مردی در آرزوی طلا؛ ثروتمندترین مرد بابل؛ هفت راه برای رفع مشکلات مالی؛ به پر کردن کیسه خود آغاز کنید؛ مخارج خود را تنظیم کنید؛ اندوخته خود را چند برابر کنید؛ از گنجینه خود حفاظت کنید؛ سرمایه گذاری در زمینه مسکن؛ تامین آتیه؛ توانایی خود را برای کسب درآمد افزایش دهید؛ دیدار با فرشته خوشبختی؛ پنج قانون طلایی؛ صراف بابلی؛ دیوارهای بابل؛ شتر فروش شهر بابل؛ لوحه های گلی بابلی؛ خوشبخت ترین مرد بابل؛ تاریخچه شهر بابل

راهنمای درک مسائل مالی ست هدف واقعی آن ایجاد بینشی ست تا علاقمندان به موفقیتهای مالی به یاری بینشی که در این کتاب است، ثروتمند شوند و از ثروت خود نگهداری کنند، و از محل درآمدهای ناشی از آن ثروت نیز، ثروت بیشتری بیندوزند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 09/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
5 reviews6 followers
August 30, 2012
My brother passed me this book many years ago. His instructions were simple: Read it. It'll change your life.

I read it. Did it change my life? Yes, in a manner of speaking.
There are many of out there who desperately want to learn the basics of handling money. But, pick up the latest drudgery from your local bookstore on the subject, and you'll find yourself wading through terms and calculations that may as well be a foreign language.

The Richest Man in Babylon takes a different approach. It puts the base concepts of your handling money, and puts them in a story format, whose principles are extremely easy to comprehend (at least as compared to the overblown rationale behind the other financial books) for the layman. Due to their simplicity, the concepts are very memorable and consequently easily recalled after 10 years. The last time I read this book was in 2002, and I can still remember the base concepts from the book:
1. Pay yourself first (Save at least 10% of your paycheck)
2. Don't trust a bricklayer to buy jewels (Don't get caught up in other people's excitement. Go see the experts instead)
3. Don't put all of your eggs in a single basket (Diversify your portfolio).
4. Control thy expenses. (Even the richest man has a time constraint on his life. Do what you enjoy, but don't overdo it)
5. Increase your ability to earn (That one is self-explanatory)

Keeping these base principle in mind has helped me through these economic hard-times. To me, this book has become required reading for my children and my nephews.
Profile Image for Michael Atkinson.
78 reviews18 followers
November 28, 2008
Read it 4 years ago, LOVED it, I should read it again. Fun to read, interesting, though provoking and but mostly just plain inspiring. If you don't have problems with spending too much money no need to read it. If you have tons of money and it's not a problem no need to read it. If you live on a budget like most of it, enjoy. Deserving of its well-regarded status of one of the classics of personal finance.
Profile Image for Aakanksha Jain.
Author 6 books723 followers
May 12, 2021
The central aim of the story is to save 10% of your saving for investments. Do not invest without prior knowledge, seek advice from those who are in those fields. This book does not just show the way to clear all your debts, but also how you manage your finances, so you don't need any further loans. George S. Clason mentioned the importance of gold and how a person can prosper, including a slave.

All we know is wealth that comes quickly goes the same way, so it is vital to make priorities. Being prosperous is a long-term process, one has to be patient and take the right decisions, grab the opportunities, whenever they appear.

The book is written in a simple style, but the content is repetitive, that's why so many people don't like it. Despite its flaw, The Richest Man in Babylon has some valuable lessons to offer. Don't forget the book is a classic written in 1926, so give it a try.

Read more here - Books Charming
Profile Image for Shannon.
921 reviews269 followers
May 26, 2014
This is a great starting item for someone who is pressed for time and doesn't want to read a ton of financial books. While some of the ideas are archaically written, they remain timeless. An obvious one: as a person's wealth rises, so do their expenses.

Translation, if you want to have money, learn to discipline yourself now and not later. Studies show that most lottery winners are bankrupt within a few years and mostly because they lacked self discipline. Therefore, the problem is not the lack of money but how it is managed. Any accountant worth his salt will tell you that.

Keep in mind the story is set in ancient Babylon so if you want something more contemporary, while learning, try RICH DAD, POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki.
Profile Image for Aravindh R.
47 reviews44 followers
October 18, 2022

This book was really good! Loved some of the short stories in it. I hope I can follow whatever mentioned in this book, not just for a week, but a lot longer xD!!!
Profile Image for محمد الملا.
133 reviews44 followers
February 10, 2017
ما جعلني أصل لهذا الكتاب هو عملية البحث التي كنت أقوم بها لأجل تطوير دورة الميزانية .. شهرة الكتاب وانتشاره وموضوعه الخاص بالثقافة المالية جعلني أضعه على رف القراءة

الكتاب فعلاً اثبت استحقاقه للسمعة المشتهر بها، فاجئني بكونه كتاب قصصي وهذا يضيف للكتاب ميزة المتعة في قرائته، وهو ما تحقق فعلاً، إذ إني كنت أتجاوز في بعض الأحيان فترة الوقت المتاح لي للقراءة

القصص التي في الكتاب تتنوع شخوصها وتتنوع أحداثها بتنوع الموضوع الذي تتناوله القصة، الكتاب به عشر قصص وبه عشر دروس وإن تكرر المحتوى في بعضها وخصوصاً قاعدة ادخار 10% من المدخول الشهري

أتى الكتاب بلغة قديمة ... وأتت النصائح أيضاً بشكل قديم وبدائي وفيها الكثير من البساطة إلا إن فيها الكثير من العمق أيضاً للقارئ المتأمل المطلع على بعض قواعد الاقتصاد والتجارة

الكتاب رائع ... ملهم ... يفيض بالحكمة بين جنبيه حتى في المواضيع التي ليس لها علاقة مباشرة بالمال (أثارت بعض قبسات الكتاب التي نشرتها في حسابي بالإنستقرام انتباه المتابعين)، ولغته رغم قدمها إلا إنها سهلة وسلسة وجميلة

هذا الكتاب الشهير تم تأليفه في سنة 1926 بينما صدرت النسخة العربية منه في سنة 2012، إي بفارق زمني مقداره 86 سنة ... هذا قد يعطي مؤشر لسبب تراجع الثقافة المالية لدينا وبروزها أكثر لدى الغرب

في جميع القصص ... هناك خلاصة بارزة وهي:
إن النجاح المالي مرتبط بالمعرفة والحكمة والنباهة والمهارة والرجولة .... والخسارة والفقر مرتبط بالجهل والانفعال والعبودية

من الملاحظ أيضاً إن جميع قصص الكتاب أبطالها هم رجال ... المرأة تلعب أدوار ثانوية في مسألة التكسب والتجارة

الكتاب جعلني أبحث في الإنترنت عن حال مدينة بابل الآن لأجد إن الحال لا يسر

هل أنصح به ؟
نعم بكل تأكيد، أنصح به ليكون كتاباً لبسط الثقافة المالية والتجارية لدى عموم الناس .. فلغته بسيطة، وقواعده واضحة، وبه الكثير الكثير من التحفيز غير المباشر وهذا سر استخدام الكاتب للأسلوب القصصي
الكتاب كفيل بأن يجعل الشخص الذي لا يعطي بالاً لأمور المالية بأن يعيد حساباته وتفكيره ... ولربما يكون سبباً في الدفع بأحدهم للدخول في عالم التجارة

كم نجمة أعطيه ؟
بلا تردد ... أعطيه خمس نجمات
Profile Image for Constantine.
1,008 reviews292 followers
February 21, 2022

Rating: 3.0/5.0

Nonfiction + Business

I picked up this one because I heard many good things about it. I might be a bit late because I feel the majority of the points and lessons discussed in this book are very familiar to me. I found it very interesting to see this book reads more like fiction. I feel this is good for someone who wants to read and know about all the basics in finance and economics in a simple easy way. One of the main tips that the author insisted on is saving 10% of whatever you earn, and then making that saved amount earn further by investing it wisely in something you are aware of. Don't invest your money in something you have no knowledge about or give it to someone to invest it in something he has not enough knowledge about.

“Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.”

Another piece of advice the author gives is to control the expenditure in different ways. One way is to own your own home instead of living in a rented property and paying the rent. Then there is an important tip of building yourself and your abilities because the more educated and experienced you are the higher will be the chance that you will earn more in the future.

The book is old, written a long time ago. Most of the lessons and advice are still very much valid until this day. But all this is definitely not enough to cover the complex economics of today. You will not find it covering everything that relates to our times. Do I recommend it? Well, yes but not alone. You need to read more books about finance and investments because basics alone are not enough for you to gain the knowledge and expertise that you aim for. I give The Richest Man In Babylon 3.0 stars out of 5.0.

“THE FIVE LAWS OF GOLD I. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. II. Gold labor the diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field. III. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling. IV. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep. V. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.”
Profile Image for Prithviraj.
140 reviews36 followers
August 30, 2021
What in the name of crap was that?!

Why does this book have such a high rating on Goodreads? How can a person who's read literally any other book, fiction or otherwise---even a school textbook, really---want to give it a rating any higher than 1?

It has such basic financial advice. Here, let me save you the trouble of reading this book:
1. Control your unnecessary desires
2. Save a portion of your income
3. Protect it from bad investments
4. Invest your money wisely
5. Let your money multiply
6. Don't borrow more than you can repay
7. Don't spend more than you earn (already a repetition of the second idea)

Just these seven basic ideas are repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again throughout this book. Maybe the author didn't want it to be too short; but it still is. It's much shorter than its *epic* 155-page length. As short as an average Goodreads review.

And I don't know what the original reason was to give this financial advice via a story, but thank god for that! Without the story what would have this book even been about?! And the story is just used to make points. Ugh, why oh why.

Don't waste your time reading this book. There's plenty good academic as well as non-academic finance books out there.

Profile Image for Masoud Irannejad.
189 reviews125 followers
May 21, 2019
این کتاب شامل مجموعه داستان کوتاه خیالی در رابطه با روش کسب و نگهداری ثروت در شهر بابل در هزاران سال پیش است ،روش هایی که در جامعه ی امروزی هم قابل استفاده اند
من تعریف این کتاب رو زیاد شنیده بودم ولی حقیقتا من رو زیاد راضی نکرد ، با اون همه تعریفی که ازش شنیده بودم انتظار کتاب بهتری رو داشتم.

بخشی از کتاب:

خیلی از مردم بابل خانواده های خود را در محل های ناشایست نگهداری می کنند.آنها اجاره بهای سنگینی را به صاحب خانه های سخت گیر برای خانه هایی می پردازند که حتی همسرانشان در آن خانه جایی برای پرورش چند گلدان گل که باعث شادی دلشان شود ندارند و بچه هایشان جایی جز کوچه های کثیف برای بازی کردن ندارند... داشتن یک خانه از حد و توانایی یک انسان با ارداه خارج نیست .آیا شاه بزرگمان دیوار های بابل را انقدر تا دوردست نکشیده که زمین های خالی با قیمت مناسب برای خرید در آن پیدا شود؟ همچنین به شما میگویم شاگردانم که وام دهندگان از تصمیم کسانی که قصد خرید خانه را دارند،استقبال می کنند و به آنها وام می دهد...بعدا وقتی که خانه ساخته شد شما می توانید اقساط وام دهنده را به جای کرایه ای که قبلا به صاحبخانه می دادید،بپردازید.به خاطر هر پرداخت به وام دهنده مقداری از بدهی شما به او کم می شود و پس از چند سال اقساط شما تمام می شود. آنگاه قلب شما شاد می شود زیرا شما خودتان برای خودتان یک ملک ارزشمند دارید و تنها هزینه ی آن مالیات ب�� پادشاه است...واین امر به طور قابل توجهی هزینه های زندگی شما را کاهش می دهد .وباعث تخصیص بیشتر درآمد هایتان به خوشی های زندگی و برآورده ساختن آرزو های بزرگتان میشود.این پنجمین درمان جیب خالی بود:صاحب خانه خودتان باشید
Profile Image for Sonja Arlow.
1,167 reviews7 followers
June 19, 2016
I have always found books on personal finance exceptionally boring and have avoided reading them because of this.

This book however takes the form of stories from Babylonian citizens each touching on an aspect of personal finance (save 10% of your earnings, don’t rent but rather own property and invest your money wisely so it may grow etc etc)

None of this is new to me however sometimes you need a reminder to jolt you out of bad financial habits.
I can highly recommend this and will be buying it as a Christmas present for a few people this year.

Thanks for the recommendation Linda

Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,147 reviews649 followers
May 13, 2020
Al empezar a leerlo, no tenía muy claro lo que iba a encontrarme. Sabía que el libro trataba de economía, pero no cómo iba a enfocar su mensaje. Y la verdad es que me ha gustado, sobre todo porque está narrado como pequeños cuentos. Es verdad que el mensaje no es nuevo, pero aún así se agradece esta manera de explicar algo que a estas alturas, todos tendríamos que saber. Ahora, la parte histórica de la ciudad de Babilonia es fascinante.
Profile Image for nouf abdullaziz.
101 reviews83 followers
December 30, 2010
ابتسامة علقت على صغري حينما انتهيت من قراءة الكتاب، هذا النوع من الكتب، هو كتاب يجعلك تشعر بالفخر لأنك قرأته، لأنك قرأته حتى النهاية وحينما تصل للنهاية تصدم من كم الفائدة الذي حصلت عليه من خلال هذا الكتاب.
قبل التحدث عن الكتاب دعوني أخبركم عن سبب قراءتي له، أنا مبذرة وحينما أستخدم هذه الكلمة أعنيها، جميع الأموال التي أحصل عليها من عملي ومن مصروفي الخاص يذهب دون رجعة، وفي ماذا ؟ في أشياء سخيفة وليست مفيدة، وعلى الرغم من هذا أعترف بذنبي وأشعر أنه يجب أن يكون لي مال مدخر، ولو قليلًا من أجل المستقبل، ومن أجل حالات الطوارئ والأزمات، يجب أن أتعلم الإعتماد على نفسي وأن أشكر نعمة الله علي بعدم الإسراف في ما يأتيني من مال، فحينما تنتهي السنة وأقوم بحساب ما كسبته من مجالات عملي أصدم بالمبلغ الذي ذهب خلال سنة دون أن أشعر أني حقًا إستفدت مما كسبت، حدثت الكثير عن رغبتي بالإدخار عبر تويتر، وبالفعل نصحني أحد الأصدقاء بهذا الكتاب وكان يصر كثيرًا علي من أجل قراءته وأنا ممتنة له ومدينة كونه عرفني على هذا الكتاب.
الكتاب يأتي بغلاف أنيق من الحجم الصغير عدد صفحاته 151 صفحة، ليس كثيرًا كما تتوقعون، كما يأتي مقسمًا لأحد عشر فصلًا في قالب قصصي ممتع عن بابل القديمة، وكيف أصبحت بابل من أغنى دول العالم في ذلك الوقت .
الكتاب يقدم نصائح مالية وإستثمارية، واستشارات في مجال المال ليس بأسلوب كاتب اقتصادي ممل، بل بأسلوب روائي قصصي، فيه الكثير من المتعة وأخبار القدماء، وهو مبني حقيقة على قصص ظهرت في ألواح صلصالية من عهد بابل القديمة، حتى أن القارئ لا يشعر بالملل وهو يقرأ الكتاب، بل ستنتهي من كل فصل وتذهب للآخر، حتى تنتهي منه ربما خلال ساعة ونصف.
هذا الكتاب مهم لكل شخص يريد أن يوفر من مدخوله الشخصي، ويطمح لتعلم طرق الإدخار والإستثمار المالي، وهو كما كتب على غلافه الخلفي :
يقدم لك هذا الك��اب الطريق نحو ما ترغبه وكل ما تتمنى أن تحققه. إنه الكتاب الذي يكشف سر تحقيق الثروة الشخصية.
أنصح بقراءته وبشدة ولو كان هناك أكثر من 5 نجوم لمنحته
يباع الكتاب في مكتبة جرير بسعر زهيد أظن أنه 20 ريال

إقتباسات من الكتاب :
*التعليم نوعان : النوع الأول هو الأشياء التي نتعلمها ونعرفها، والنوع الآخر هو الممارسة التي تعلمنا كيف نكتشف ما لا نعرفه ؟
*إنك تدفع لكل الناس فيما عداك أنت
* إن الثروة مثل الشجرة تنمو من بذرة ضئيلة
* تأكد من أنك لا تأخذ من النصائح إلا ما يستحق أن تأخذه
*إن قوة الإرداة ليست سوى التصميم الذي لا يلين في أداء مهمة قد أخذت على عاتقك أن تنجزها
* من الخطر إقراض البشر الذين يعيشون في خضم إنفعالات كبيرة، لأنهم لن يستطيعوا الوفاء بديونهم
Profile Image for Apoorva.
164 reviews803 followers
January 22, 2022
"The Richest Man in Babylon" is one of the most interesting and valuable books on financial planning I came across. I'm on this journey to discover some good books on finances, and its definitely worth a read. This is coming from someone who has no idea on how to manage money, but the lessons mentioned in the book are great for people who don't know where to begin!

This book combines fine storytelling with sound financial advice, which is one of the most fascinating aspects of it. The book draws inspiration from the ancient city of Babylon, which used to be the wealthiest city in its time. The people in Babylon used to be clever and wealthy financiers and merchants.

While digging up the remains of Babylon, archaeologists found clay tablets that had writings that explained how people lived back in the day. It also mentioned rules that the ancient people used to gain control of their finances. These rules or laws applicable six thousand years ago in Babylon can be used even today as the basic principles regarding money don't change.

The best part about this book is that it doesn't have any technical jargon or complex ideas about how to manage your money. What you get are simple and easy to implement rules or habits you can integrate into your life that will benefit you in the long run. Combine that with exciting storytelling, you get an excellent value-for-your-money guide on finance.

All in all, I highly recommend this book!

Profile Image for C.
1,171 reviews1,028 followers
May 10, 2011
This book teaches timeless financial wisdom in the form of fictitious parables set in ancient Babylon. I found the stories entertaining and the financial lessons as valid today as they were in Babylon millennia ago.

There’s nothing groundbreaking here, but that doesn’t lessen the value of the simple financial basics: pay yourself first (at least 10%), live on less than you earn, get advice from financially competent people, and put your money to work through cautious investing.

The book recommends enjoying life, and not working so hard to amass wealth that you become miserly. It says that to succeed, you must have strong, definite desires and ambitions, not vague dreams. The story of the goddess of good luck teaches that you must always be prepared for opportunity, because luck rewards men of action.

I first heard about this book on the Open for Business podcast. When an investment manager recommended it too, I decided to read it. I'm glad I did!

My favorite chapter was Seven Cures for a Lean Purse. Here are the lessons:

• Start thy purse to fattening: save 10% of all you earn
• Control thy expenditures: budget 90% of earnings to cover necessities and luxuries
• Make thy gold multiply: put money to work by investing
• Guard thy treasure from loss: seek financial advice and make wise investments
• Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment: own your home to decrease living costs and increase enjoyment (compared to renting)
• Ensure a future income: plan for the future financial well-being of yourself and family
• Increase thy ability to earn: increase your skills through study and practice
Profile Image for Anthony Fox.
Author 5 books9 followers
May 18, 2012
"...I made a million,today. What did you do?..."

A book review of “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason

Have you heard about The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason first published in 1926, it’s a story that maybe you should read? When I first read this story I was just a young boy, but it still fascinates me now.

My grandfather had given a copy to me to read, and after I finished reading it, I can remember him asking me what I had learnt. I can also remember what I said in reply.

I explained to my granddad that I understood the wisdom of saving and how Armad the richest man in Babylon acquired his wealth that had spent much of his time teaching others how to become wiser, and I guess wealthier?

You might consider that Arkad was lucky in his life that he was able to accumulate such wealth, but you would be wrong in your thinking. He had a simple philosophy save ten per cent of what you earn and invest, and this is what he did. Every day he taught to the crowd who would gather to listen that his fortune didn’t depend on lady luck, but on wise investment of one’s earnings.

Those bankers which lost billions for their banks recently and had to be bailed out by governments around the world they should read the story about Arkad, but I guess they would be too busy spending their bonuses. I find it difficult to multi-task as well. Even computers cannot multi-task it just appears so.

I wrote an article some moons ago called “Adding Alpha - Do computers have the alpha edge” that discussed how investment banks and institutions in today’s cyber space currently rely heavily on ‘algo trading’ to make money trading in stocks, shares, commodities, currencies. Algo trading is a term used to describe the algorithmic software which is used to gain that alpha edge against an increasing frenetic trading market where milliseconds can mean millions in buy and sell decisions in veiled trading markets. In a previous life, a trader said to me “… I made a million, today. What did you do?” I replied, “I’ve fixed the computer.”

Anyhow, my grandfather said you need to read it again, because you have missed the most important point. This is what I did. Essentially, it’s easy to miss the opportunities that come our way which is the moral of the story.

There’s a Jewish proverb that says, “You don’t need intelligence to have luck, but you do need luck to have intelligence.”

It wasn’t until I understood the importance of critical thinking that I really appreciated the truth in this book. When we make assumptions, we often make the wrong ones.

I hope you enjoy it.
Profile Image for Patrick Peterson.
501 reviews259 followers
September 26, 2019
25 Sept. 2019 - Finally read this little classic. It had been on my "To Read" shelf for over 30 years, but a combination of factors finally got me to read it. Very glad I did. What a great little gem. So many people over the years had referred me to this, that I am embarrassed to say it took me so long to get to. However, fortunately, I had read other books and taken other wise soul's advice that covered much of this book's wisdom previously, that I was not unduly harmed by putting it off.

However, for younger readers, or for those who may not have been so lucky as me to have received such good advice early, I highly recommend this easy to read, yet full of profound guidance book and it's simple lessons.

The style may be a bit quaint for some, but I found it very helpful and fun, even in this day and age.

There may be some better arguments for some of the principles, but that is a minor thing.

There may be some arguing with some of the scope or applications of the principles, around the edges, but the basics are solid and will serve as excellent guides through life.

Should be especially good for teenagers and 20-somethings who may never have received these excellent guides to financial independence and success, but if you are older or younger and have the opportunity and desire to check this out -go for it for sure!

Let me just give you the first guide, since it is so important, and leads to the others:

"A part of all you ear is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth no matter how little you earn. It can be as much more as you can afford. Pay yourself first."

Simple. Difficult at first to implement. But the more it becomes a simple habit, the easier and more rewarding it gets. Go for it.
229 reviews8 followers
September 13, 2021
Meh , that is the best way to describe this book. This may be due to the fact that everything that was disucssed is fairly common knowledge and most people practice these concepts or know to practice these concepts. They may not have been common at the time, but doent explain how this book has such a high rating. The concepts being wrapped in a 'theme' of sorts just made it harder to follow along at times since the style or writing is quite old. The age of this book shows it self even more by the fact that it doesnt address any of the issues that people face in our current age (an example of this is rampant consumerism and excesive use of interest based finance).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elliot Brent.
Author 3 books118 followers
February 7, 2022
This is an excellent read. I see why this book is a classic. While purchasing this book, the cashier shared that this book is a top one for financial gurus.

It is an easy read, informational, and appealing. I like history and learning in general, so this literature caressed my interests. The content of this book is delivered through dialogue between characters and parables. Many life lessons concerning money management and philosophies concerning wealth, its apprehension, and attitudes towards it is addressed. This book itself is plentious of rich nuggets.

I did not waste my time flipping its pages. Truly, I was enriched.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,220 reviews3,238 followers
February 26, 2022
I didn't think I would love this book this much! Time to apply it. And keep learning. And keep rereading the book and apply the basic lessons as much as I can. They are reasonable. They are practical. As long as you understand the language and the way it is written, this book will do everyone good.

This book surprised me.
At first I thought it would be a book that would take time for me to understand it’s contents.
But how wrong was I?!

Absolutely entertaining and almost like a folk tale, this book gives simple and meaningful tips on how to

☑️save money
☑️make money
☑️make money grow
☑️make meaningful investments and partnerships


💯the writing is so beautiful! For a business book, I really wasn’t expecting it. The language is lyrical and yes, totally pretty!

💯take home message at the end of each chapter

💯 the five laws of gold

💯short with short chapters

You might take more time while getting into the book but as soon as you get into the second chapter, you will fly through the entire book.

Give this book a try and it’s worth the hype. I would recommend this book for the beginners as well as the teenagers and those in their early twenties.
Profile Image for Claudia.
44 reviews
January 5, 2008
Lo, Money is Plentiful For Those Who Understand The Simple Rules of its Acquisition

$even Cures for a Lean Purse

1. Start thy purse to fattening
For every ten coins thou placest within thy purse take out for use but nine

2. Control thy expenditures

3. Make thy gold multiply
Not only did my capital increase, but it's earnings likewise increased

4. Guard thy treasures from loss
It is wise to be intrigued by larger earnings when thy principal may be lost? I say not

5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
Every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his

6. Insure a future income
A man to make preparation for a suitable income in the days to come, when he is no longer young, and to make preparations for his family should he be no longer with them to comfort and support them

7. Increase thy ability to earn Cultivate thy own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skillful

Read the book! it's an excellent financial advisor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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