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5 pages, Audio CD
First published January 1, 2009
"What would you like to be called in my book? Lucille the nasty older sister?"
"I'm fine with everything except Gertrud. Buy a thick notepad, or rather five of them. [The therapist] will be surprised by how much you'll have to say, once you start."
"Lucille trying to staple a daisy crown to my head, will definitely fill several pages. Or was it with a hot-melt gun?"
"Puh-leese, it was duct tape!"
"Yesterday someone showed me a medicine capsule and said they wanted the exact same one, only in red. They actually roared! People across the street could hear about me being the most incompetent quack in the entire city."
"Sounds like a real dream job."
"Oh yes. But it's not just the senior citizens who get ticked off. There's even very young people who do. Last week one got really mad, because we don't sell 100-piece condom packs. I mean, dear Lord, what did they even want with it?!"
6.5 out of 10