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Denis Diderot
Author of including
Work on the Encyclopédie (1751-1772), supreme accomplishment of French philosopher and writer Denis Diderot, epitomized the spirit of thought of Enlightenment; he also wrote novels, plays, critica…

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Milan Kundera
Milan Kundera (1 April 1929 – 11 July 2023) was a Czech and French novelist. He went into exile in France in 1975, acquiring citizenship in 1981. His Czechoslovak citizenship was revoked in 1979, but …
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Author of including
Genevan philosopher and writer Jean Jacques Rousseau held that society usually corrupts the essentially good individual; his works include The Social Contract and Émile (both 1762).

This import…
Victor Hugo
Author of including
After Napoleon III seized power in 1851, French writer Victor Marie Hugo went into exile and in 1870 returned to France; his novels include The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) and Les Misérables…
Charles Baudelaire
Author of including
Public condemned Les fleurs du mal (1857), obscene only volume of French writer, translator, and critic Charles Pierre Baudelaire; expanded in 1861, it exerted an enormous influence over later sym…
Author of including
Sophisticated comedies of French playwright Molière, pen name of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, include Tartuffe (1664), The Misanthrope (1666), and The Bourgeois Gentleman (1670).

French literar…
Jean Genet
Jean Genet was a French novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, and political activist. In his early life he was a vagabond and petty criminal, but he later became a writer and playwright. His work, muc…
Claire de Duras
Author of including
Claire de Duras left her native France for London during the French Revolution in 1789, and returned to France in 1808 as the Duchess of Duras. She maintained a famous literary salon in post-Revolutio…
Carlo Ginzburg
Born in 1939, he is the son of of Italian-Ukranian translator Leone Ginzburg and Italian writer Natalia Ginzburg. Historian whose fields of interest range from the Italian Renaissance to early modern …
ابراهیم گلستان
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Ebrahim Golestan (also spelt Ibrahim Golestan, Persian: ابراهیم گلستان , born 1922 in Shiraz, Iran) is an Iranian filmmaker and literary figure with a career spanning half a century. He has been livin…
Alfred de Musset
Alfred Louis Charles de Musset-Pathay (11 December 1810 – 2 May 1857) was a French dramatist, poet, and novelist. Along with his poetry, he is known for writing La Confession d'un enfant du siècle (Th…
Honoré de Balzac
Author of including
French writer Honoré de Balzac (born Honoré Balzac), a founder of the realist school of fiction, portrayed the panorama of society in a body of works, known collectively as La comédie humaine .

Olympe de Gouges
Olympe de Gouges, born Marie Gouze, was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached a large audience. She became an outspoken advocate for ameliorating …
David Foenkinos
Author of including
David Foenkinos (born 28 October 1974) is a French author and screenwriter. He studied literature and music in Paris. His novel La délicatesse is a bestseller in France.A film based on the book was re…
Jean-Luc Lagarce
Author of including
Dramaturge français du XXe siècle, Jean-Luc Lagarce réalise d'abord des pièces proches du théâtre de l'absurde de Samuel Beckett et Eugène Ionesco, puis évolue vers un théâtre autofictionnel largeme…
Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos (1741-1803) was a French novelist, official and army general, best known for writing the epistolary novel Les Liaisons dangereuses.

A unique case in French …
Author of including
Complete works (1880) :

In 1694, Age of Enlightenment leader Francois-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire, was born in Paris. Jesuit-educated, he began writing clev…
Madame de La Fayette
Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de la Fayette

Christened Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne, she was born in Paris to a family of minor but wealthy nobility. At 16, de la Vergne became t…
Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Le Barbier de Séville (1775) and Le Mariage de Figaro (1784), the comic plays, best-known works of French writer Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, inspired Gioacchino Antonio Rossini and …
Pierre de Marivaux
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, commonly referred to as Marivaux, was a French novelist and dramatist.
He is considered one of the most important French playwrights of the 18th century, writing…
Antoine François Prévost d'Exiles
Antoine François Prévost d'Exiles (April 1, 1697 – December 23, 1763), usually known simply as the Abbé Prévost, was a French author and novelist.

He was born at Hesdin, Artois, and first appears with …
Morgane Moncomble
Author of including
Morgane Moncomble est née en 1996 à Argenteuil et est une auteure française spécialisée dans le genre de la romance. En 2016, elle se fait connaître sur la plateforme d’écriture Wattpad avec son premi…