The King Stone
by Stephen McKay
for square SP2930
Seen here on a fine autumn day in 1997, the King Stone is one of the standing... (more)
St Conval's Chariot and the Argyle Stone
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4967
There are already several images of these stones on this site, and I would not... (more)
Boscawen-ûn - "The Mother Stone"
by Rob Farrow
for square SW4127
Old Hartley Blue Stone
by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NZ3475
The Old Hartley Blue Stone is situated outside the Delaval Arms at Old Hartley,... (more)
Stones at Avebury
geograph for square SU1069
Matthew Whitson Memorial, Ashway Gap
by David Dixon
geograph for square SE0204
Memorial stone above Dove Stone Reservoir. The distinctive shape of... (more)
Donald's Grave near Esper Shields
by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NZ0054
Donald's Grave is apparently the name of this boundary stone on the south... (more)
Kilmartin Stones
by David Dixon
for square NR8398
The largest group (23 stones) lies in the Campbell burial aisle, built for... (more)
Kilmartin Stones in the Neil Campbell Tomb
by David Dixon
for square NR8398
The largest group (23 stones) lies in the Campbell burial aisle, built for... (more)
Standing stone at Stones Lane, Todmorden
by Catherine Chatham
for square SD9223
One of three standing stones near Stones Lane, Todmorden. There is some debate... (more)
Standing Stone at Stones, Todmorden
by Catherine Chatham
geograph for square SD9223
One of three standing stones near Stones Lane, Todmorden. There is some debate... (more)
The Swindon Stone, Avebury Stone Circle
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SU1070
Stone in the North West Sector of Avebury Stone Circle, part of the Neolithic... (more)
The Argyll Stone and St. Conval's Chariot
by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS4967
Two moss-covered stones, thought to be originally part of a cross, in the... (more)
The Argyll Stone and St. Conval's Chariot
by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS4967
Gothic-styled railings surround two stones, thought to be originally part of a... (more)
Unmapped Boundary Stone
by Ian Dodds
geograph for square NT0864
This stone isn't shown on any current maps, or even in the vast... (more)
Havelock Stone
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ6512
In 1716 the Lord of the Manor of Gisborough, Edward Chaloner, ‘perambulated’... (more)
The Clogh-Oir or Golden Stone, Clogher Cathedral
by Kenneth Allen
for square H5351
Text copied from an adjoining panel:
This stone is known as the Clogh-Oir or... (more)
Sarsen Stone
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square TQ1376
Stone Circle at Brockholes
by David Dixon
geograph for square SD5831
Stone circle created in 2014 using different stones to reflect the wide variety... (more)
Barnet: Ravenscroft Park Boundary Stone
by Nigel Cox
geograph for square TQ2496
On the right the brick pier marks the entrance to Ravenscroft Park, while the... (more)
Stone near Elland FP01 and Sowerby bridge FP149
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SE0722
This seems to be an old gatepost with slots for removable bars. It is inscribed... (more)
Sheriff's Stone, Nookton West Fell
by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NY9047
A large stone on the County Boundary between Northumberland and Durham, now east... (more)
Kilmartin Graveyard, The Poltalloch Enclosure
by David Dixon
geograph for square NR8398
Seven memorials lie in the Poltalloch burial enclosure, built for the Malcolms... (more)
Blue Lias Quarry Westfield Farm
by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square ST5431
This is a view of the new quarry from the public road showing the access road... (more)
Avebury Stone Circle
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SU1070
Stones in the North West Sector of Avebury Stone Circle, part of the Neolithic... (more)
Aiggin Stone
by thejackrustles
geograph for square SD9717
Stone, Limefield Recreation Park
by Ian Dodds
for square NT0364
This stone is just under four feet high, and has a cross-section measuring a... (more)
Turf Stone
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square SE5496
Stone at the Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SO3098
In the distance is Upper Stapeley Farm.
Witches Stone
by Mick Garratt
for square NC9003
"Massive stone unearthed at Seabreezes Caravan Site. The stone was... (more)
The Order Pot Stone (Witches Stone)
by thejackrustles
geograph for square NJ2262
Elgin Moray, Schottland. The Order Pot Stone. The Order Pot Stone (Witches... (more)
"Stone", Bisley Rd, Bisley
by Mr Red
for square SO9006
In front of the boundary wall to modern houses. At ½ mile from Bisley on the... (more)
The Hall Cliff Boundary Stone, Lord Stones Country Park
by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square NZ5203
This stone is shown and named on the 1890 1:2500 map. It also shows the next... (more)
Turf Stone
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square SE5497
The Bull's Track ancient stone at Ballymacnab
by Sean Davis
for square H8938
"The Bull's Track" or "The Bull's Stone", as... (more)
Small white stone on the fenceline near Foel Wen
by Richard Law
geograph for square SJ1033
Possibly Foel Wen Stone I... (more)
White stone at a fence junction
by Richard Law
geograph for square SJ1033
Old maps (particularly those recording the surveys of the 1870s - 1890s) mark a... (more)
Inscription on Brahan Seer Stone, Craig Wood
by Julian Paren
for square NH7155
The inscription reads: The shadow over Culloden will rise, and the sun will... (more)
Boundary stone, Ryston Bank
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ5812
Or perhaps better known as Newton Moor. The boundary stone is inscribed “T.K.S.... (more)
Standing Stone
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ6613
Sans le chien so went off piste, exploring the little visited fragments of Open... (more)
Pictish symbol stone
by Tiger
for square NN8065
The stone formerly stood against the south wall of the Church of Scotland at... (more)
Sarsen Stone
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square TQ1376
Boundary stone, Woodhead Road
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SE1510
This stone was puzzling at first. It is listed, Grade II, and is called a ward... (more)
Gatton Park; Millennium Stones
by Dr Neil Clifton
geograph for square TQ2752
These stones were erected in 2000. Each stone bears a philosophical... (more)
Boundary stone on Oakworth Moor
by Kevin Waterhouse
for square SD9938
This boundary stone has inscribed initials whereas the immediate neighbours in... (more)
The Ballaharra Stones at St John's
by David Dixon
geograph for square SC2781
The Ballaharra Stones are located in the village of St. John's alongside... (more)
Broomend of Crichie
by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NJ7719
The two more distant stones are all that remains of an old stone henge. The... (more)
Half Milestone between Milestones 08-49 and 09-48, Lancaster Canal
by Cactus Chris
for square SD5382
There are apparently twelve stones on the upper reaches of the Lancaster Canal... (more)
Stone on Sion Hill
by Neil Owen
for square ST5673
A small stone stands opposite Sion Hill and the houses. It is an ancient stone... (more)
Taunton Turnpike Trust terminus stone
by Marika Reinholds
for square ST1032
The photograph shows the condition of the metal plate on the terminus stone... (more)