Walking with the Snowman™#5, Five Gold Rings
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
The fifth snowman on the “Walking with the Snowman™” trail is “Five Gold Rings”.... (more)
The Snowman™ at MediaCityUK
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
The fifth snowman on the “Walking with the Snowman™” trail is “Five Gold Rings”.... (more)
Ten Lords a-Leaping (Walking with the Snowman™ #10)
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Snowman number 10 on the Walking with The Snowman™ sculpture trail was situated... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #12 Twelve Drummers Drumming
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
The twelfth, and final, snowman on the trail is on the MediaCityUK Piazza.... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #8, Eight Maids a-Milking
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Snowman number 8 is situated at the corner of the ITV building on Trafford... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #7, Seven Swans a-Swimming
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Snowman number 7 stands outside the Imperial War Museum North on Trafford Wharf.... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #6, Six Geese a-Laying
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Snowman number 6 is situated outside the back of the Lowry Centre, with the... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #4, Four Calling Birds
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Snowman number 4 on the trail is at the end of the path between the Detroit... (more)
You Won’t Forget; I Won’t Forget; He Won’t Forget
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
The learners at HMP Manchester chose the 2018 First World War commemorations as... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #3, Three French Hens
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Snowman number 3 is on the path at the side of Huron Basin, behind the Lowry... (more)
Nine Ladies Dancing, Walking with the Snowman™#9
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Lizzie Rose Chapman covered her Snowman™ sculpture with a Christmas landscape.... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #10, Ten Lords a-Leaping
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Snowman number 10 is situated at the side of ThePitch@MediaCityUK, behind the... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #2, Two Turtle Doves
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Snowman number 2 on the trail stands outside the front of the Lowry Centre.... (more)
Walking with the Snowman at The Quays
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Six Geese a Laying, one of the sculptures on the Walking with the Snowman trail,... (more)
A Partridge in a Pear Tree, Walking with the Snowman™ #1
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
The first sculpture on the trail, the iconic “Partridge in a Pear Tree” was... (more)
The Greatest Snowman
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
One of the smaller snowmen sculptures; this one, on display in the Lowry Mall,... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™#9, Nine Ladies Dancing
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8097
Lizzie Rose Chapman covered her sculpture with a Christmas landscape. Nine... (more)
Walking with the Snowman™ #11 Eleven Pipers Piping
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Inspired by themes of cultural diversity, Lois Cordelia’s design for Eleven... (more)
One Lord a-Leaping
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
Swans a-Swimming
by David Dixon
for square SJ8097
A tall snowman
by Malcolm Neal
geograph for square SK3133
The snowman is about eight foot tall which is approximately 2.6 metres. Quite... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Twelve Drummers Drumming", decorated snowman number 12 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - "The Snowman"
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Flying in the Air" - figure from "The Snowman" story by... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Flying in the Air" - figures from "The Snowman" story by... (more)
Intelligent snowman
by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU5886
An intelligent looking snowman along Kennedy Crescent in Cholsey.
Snowman off Honey Lane
by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU5886
Someone has been hard at work building a snowman by the houses off Honey Lane in Cholsey.
Hard hats are this season's choice
by Neil Owen
for square ST6268
A suitably equipped snowman stands opposite the new development along Stockwood... (more)
Pillmawr Road snowman, Malpas, Newport
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3090
Made from snow which fell on March 1st-2nd 2018, the snowman wearing a red scarf... (more)
Snowman, Lingmoor Fell
by Michael Graham
geograph for square NY3004
First Snowman of the winter seen on the fells. Wetherlam in shot.
A Snowman in a garden in Miswell Lane, Tring
by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9111
Quite a lot of houses had strips of fairy lights to celebrate Xmas and sometimes... (more)
Snowman at Barony Castle
by Jim Barton
geograph for square NT2347
A traditional snowman with carrot nose on the lawn in front of the hotel.
A very rotund snowman, Almond Drive, Malpas, Newport
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3091
Viewed looking towards the Claremont junction. At the left edge of the view is a... (more)
One snowman and his dogs
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3978
A variation in the usual snowman - a sitting one. The dogs were more... (more)
Good morning, Mr. Snowman
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK6041
Probably the first snowman this young person has ever encountered, and a fine,... (more)
Giant snowman, Belvedere Road
by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3370
Category: Snowman
Sudden heavy snow immobilised London on this day and the heaviest snowfall was... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
geograph for square SU9941
"Eleven Pipers Piping", decorated snowman number 11 on the popular... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Eleven Pipers Piping", decorated snowman number 11 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Ten Lords a-Leaping", decorated snowman number 10 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Nine Ladies Dancing", decorated snowman number 9 on the festive trail... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Eight Maids a-Milking", decorated snowman number 8 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Seven Geese a-Laying", decorated snowman number 7 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Six Swans a-Swimming", decorated snowman number 6 on the festive... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Five Gold Rings", decorated snowman number 5 on the festive trail for... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Four Calling Birds", decorated snowman number 4 on the festive trail... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"Two Turtle Doves" decorated snowman, number 2 on the festive trail... (more)
Winkworth Arboretum - Snowman Trail
by Colin Smith
for square SU9941
"A partridge in a pear tree" decorated snowman number 1 on the festive... (more)
Snowman, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3178
Snowman on a trail at Cavehill Country Park, Belfast.
Snowman in Front Garden, South Lodge Drive, London N14
by Christine Matthews
for square TQ2995
I liked this snowman with the pumpkin for a hat.
Snowman on Peakirk Road, Glinton
by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This snowman was built in the traditional manner with a carrot for his nose,... (more)
Snowman, Bangor
by Rossographer
geograph for square J5080
There was a brief snowfall in Bangor on the 24th January 2021 - only a few... (more)