Church of St Mary, Berrow: reading desk date panel
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of St Mary, Berrow: reading desk
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Mentioned in the listing... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Loyal Crest
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of St Mary: Description on north wall
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
A detailed architectural description, by a local architect which is rather oddly undated.
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Font
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
The 14th century font with its cover propped on the pew behind.
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Statuette
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
An adult male carrying a Christ child on his shoulders can only be an image of... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Loyal Arms
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
The arms of Charles 1st, bearing the date 1603. The church guide book... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Western Arch
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Seen from within the tower this enormous arch separates the 15th century tower... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Box Pews
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
There are 3 rows of pews in the church. One in the south Aisle, a central one... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Piano
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Medieval niche
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Believed to have been a niche for a statue Of the Virgin this was filled in... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Organ
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Organ installed in 1974 by George Osmond & Co of Taunton.
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Tower screen
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Late 20th century commemorative screen at the base of the tower.
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Chancel door
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
This might be called a Priest Door, but there are notices asking visitors to... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Window in South Aisle
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Window to the right of the main porch
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: North window
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: East window tracery
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Grotesque
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Not quite a Gargoyle, but decoration on the corner of the porch.
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Sundial
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
This little sundial is inserted in the castellations on the South Aisle of the... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Finial
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Decorative feature at the eastern end of the chancel roof. The slate roof dates... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: Top of the tower
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Top of the tower showing the gargoyle, lightning arrestor, and the closed... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: West window legend
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: West window
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
This is probably my favourite stained glass window in the whole world.... (more)
Church of Saint Mary, Berrow: North window
by Bob Harvey
for square ST2952
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
Detail of the unique alabaster order of the west doorway. It comprises triple... (more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
Detail of the Norman arcading alongside the west window. Note the detailing of... (more)
Detail on St Lawrence's church
by Philip Halling
for square SP0343
Detail on east wall of St Lawrence's church.
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
West window detail (see Link ). The stones... ( more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
Detail of the west wall showing the zig-zag moulding of the west door surround... (more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
North aisle arcade capital. A typical simple scalloped capital of the Norman period.
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
The main west window with its flanking arcades is part of the Norman front of... (more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
The upper part of the west front.
Part of G E Street's restoration of 1867... (more)
Church of St Mary: Pulpit and Lectern
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
The Pulpit is Victorian, of stained pine. The Lectern is of Oak and rather... (more)
Church of St Mary: South window
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
Like the west window, this is 20th century glass
Church of St Mary: Chancel Arch
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
The chancel arch is fascinating, with its pointed form and chevron carving - it... (more)
Church of St Mary: Doorway and Tympanum
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
Church of St Mary: Pillar of doorway
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0412
Some of the carving around the south door
St Buryan - Church - Rood screen detail
by Rob Farrow
for square SW4025
Malmesbury Abbey - Detail of carving - South Porch
by Rob Farrow
for square ST9387
A detailed view showing some of the magnificent C12th carving on the external... (more)
St John the Baptist - Wall paintings - detail
by Rob Farrow
for square SU9298
St Mary Magdalene, Taunton - tower detail
by Stephen Craven
for square ST2224
Near ground level on the west side of the tower is what I presume is a stoop for... (more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
The east end of the north aisle. The aisle was added in 1829 by Joshua Bennett... (more)
Church of St Mary, Tutbury
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK2129
The lintel over the south door is possibly Saxon and depicts a boar hunt,... (more)
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Stafford
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SJ9223
North aisle arcade, c.1190, Early English. Detail of capitals in crocketed style.
Bruce chapel effigies, Ss Peter & Paul church, Pickering
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SE7984
Effigies of Sir David (d. 1406) and Margery Roucliffe. Sir David was son of Sir... (more)
Church of St Mary: ballflowers
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8613
The decorated gothic era loved these, and they have been faithfully recreated in... (more)
Church of St Mary: 14th century window
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8613
A splendid example of a 14th century "Decorated Gothic" window,... (more)
Church of St Mary: Banded stonework
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8613
The exterior of much of the church is formed of these alternate bands of... (more)
Church of St Mary: Chalked code
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8613
St Piran's Oratory - Arch detail
by Rob Farrow
for square SW7656