NS3882 : A lichen - Pertusaria amara
taken 17 years ago, near to Balloch, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
A lichen - Pertusaria amara
The title refers to the white lichen in the upper half of the image (the green lichen to the lower left is a different species of the same genus, Pertusaria pertusa).
Taste is not a test that would normally be applied to lichens, but the species Pertusaria amara is an exception. If a moistened finger is applied to the small white spore-producing discs on its surface (these can be seen in the photo), and then to the tongue, an extremely bitter taste will be experienced after a few seconds.
[The species name "amara" comes from a Latin word meaning "bitter" or "pungent". The equivalent Greek word is πικρός (pikros): appropriately, then, the chemical causing the bitter taste is called picrolichenic acid.]
This lichen was growing on the north-facing side of a tree.
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