NR8396 : Dunchraigaig Cairn - Cist at side of cairn
taken 6 months ago, near to Baluachraig, Argyll And Bute, Scotland

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A cist (pronounced 'kist') is a small stone-lined coffin-like subterranean structure found in Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites. Usually cists contain human remains, either entire skeletons or dismembered bones. They may also contain grave goods, with high status individuals often being buried with fine treasure, ornaments or weapons.
In some places many cists are found together, either collectively under a barrow or cairn, or scattered over an apparent burial ground.
An exception to this inhumation purpose is the cist which forms part of the Meur Burnt Mound on the Orkney island of Sanday which, being part of a Burnt Mound contained no human remains as this was never apparently the purpose of Burnt Mounds - its existence there being something of a mystery.