SO8276 : Blue plaque on a former workhouse, Kidderminster
taken 4 years ago, near to Blakebrook, Worcestershire, England
Blue plaque on a former workhouse, Kidderminster
This is the only surviving part of the former workhouse and was erected in 1874 as a reception for vagrants. The first floor housed the board room for the Poor Law Guardians. Although not used, it has received some recent conservation work and carries a blue plaque. It is alongside the Kidderminster Treatment Centre that is a former district general hospital.
SO8276 : Slingfield Mill Remains of Brinton's carpet factory. There was a more modern group of buildings nearby with a tall round chimney servicing "Super-Lancashire" boilers with mechanical stokers. There was also a disused steam turbine-alternator set. I had a very enjoyable Saturday morning there in the 1990s.