NY6735 : Featureless moorland north of Cross Fell
taken 4 years ago, 4 km NE of Kirkland, Cumbria, England
Featureless moorland north of Cross Fell
Departing from the bridleway to head north into this square, the ground was, if anything, less squelchy than on the path. Across the hillside, however, peat hags suggest that the going would get tougher if one ventured any further than necessary to get the square, which is perhaps why it is so little visited. The path has just climbed up onto the lowest beds of the Millstone Grit series, as it is still called on the most recently published geological map (BGS sheet 24, Penrith, 1974) which, being mostly impervious sandstones, support a thick build up of cold, wet peat colonised mainly by tussocky sedges and sphagnum moss.
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