SO7844 : Demolition excavators
taken 5 years ago, near to Lower Wyche, Worcestershire, England

During the Second World War Malvern was selected by the government as the location for TRE – (Telecommunications Research Establishment), known for its role in the history of the development of radar. ADRDE (Air Defence Research & Development Establishment), renamed RRDE (Radar Research & Development Establishment) in 1944, also moved to Malvern around this time.
TRE and RRDE were amalgamated in 1953 to form RRE (Radar Research Establishment) and were involved in research on anti-aircraft guided weapons and guidance radar and anti-aircraft missile systems.
Non-military research was named RSRE (Royal Signals & Radar Establishment) which was partially privatised in 1991 as DRA (Defence Research Agency), before becoming DERA (Defence Evaluation & Research Agency) in 1995.
In 2001 the organization was split into QinetiQ and DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory).
QinetiQ still have an albeit reduced presence on this site in Malvern, much of it has been sold off for housing and development. Having been unused for a number of years demolition work is now taking place.