A trip to the supermarket was a very different experience during the spring of 2020, when the global coronavirus pandemic led to a 'lockdown', with only essential journeys allowed and social distancing being required – this means that one must keep 2m apart from other people.
Tesco, along with all retail outlets that were allowed to remain open during the pandemic, took reasonable measures to ensure that its staff and customers adhere to social distancing. Numbers of shoppers in the store at any one time were restricted, and the aisles and outside areas marked with tape at 2m intervals.
Here, we have finished our shopping and are waiting for a checkout to become free. The tills are ahead and to the left, and we have been directed to queue around the small clothing section rather than clog up the front and the ends of the goods aisles. Once a shopper leaves the till, the next (it's now our turn) will be directed to the relevant checkout.
SZ0796 : Kinson: entering Tesco during coronavirus restrictions for a view of our entry into the store earlier, and
SZ0796 : Kinson: social distancing in the fruit and veg aisle for detail of some of the taped markings.