NS3550 : DM Beith from the air
taken 6 years ago, near to Barrmill, North Ayrshire, Scotland

The following was taken largely from the wikimappia article about the depot Link
Beith was established in 1943, as an MoD Munitions Depot during World War II. The site has facilities to store, maintain, modify, refurbish, produce and test weapons for all the armed services. As a result of the range of services it offers, the site has grown over the years, occupying almost 1,000 acres of rural land, and employing over 400 non-military staff.
Now known as DM Beith (Defence Munitions), the name of the site has changed over the years, most recently known as DSDA Beith (Defence Storage and Distribution Agency), and before that as RNAD Beith (Royal Naval Armament Depot). The site is reputed to have some 21 miles of internal roads, and almost seven miles of perimeter fence. The depot's storage capacity is some 18,000 cubic metres, with the buildings designed to implode in the event of an accident; the walls are intended to collapse inwards, while the roofs are intended to blow off, directing the main effects of any blast upwards, rather than sideways towards neighbouring stores. The site also includes not one but two Integrated Weapons Complex (IWC) buildings, which are capable of the most sophisticated sensitive weapons assembly and refit tasks.
Munitions handled at Beith include the ALARM (air launched anti-radiation missile), Tomahawk, Storm Shadow, and Brimstone missiles, and the Spearfish torpedo.