NS4274 : Rust fungus on Ramsons
taken 7 years ago, near to Milton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Rust fungus on Ramsons
The plant is on NS4373 : Ramsons (Allium ursinum), also called Wild Garlic.
The rust fungus Puccinia sessilis (Arum Rust or Ramsons Rust) has caused the yellow patches on the leaves; closer inspection reveals each patch to consist of many much smaller yellow reproductive structures called aecia (singular aecium): NS4274 : Ramsons Rust (Puccinia sessilis).
The plant is beside the footpath (part of cycle route NCN 7) between the Milton Animal Home and the railway line. The path has been included in the view for context. For more context, see NS4274 : Cycle path crossing the Milton Burn, in which this area is just to the right of the path, not far beyond the point where it crosses the burn.
The rust fungus Puccinia sessilis (Arum Rust or Ramsons Rust) has caused the yellow patches on the leaves; closer inspection reveals each patch to consist of many much smaller yellow reproductive structures called aecia (singular aecium): NS4274 : Ramsons Rust (Puccinia sessilis).
The plant is beside the footpath (part of cycle route NCN 7) between the Milton Animal Home and the railway line. The path has been included in the view for context. For more context, see NS4274 : Cycle path crossing the Milton Burn, in which this area is just to the right of the path, not far beyond the point where it crosses the burn.
National Cycle Network Route 7 :: NX7662
The Lochs and Glens (North) route covers 214 miles from Inverness to Glasgow. The Lochs and Glens (South) covers 193 miles from Glasgow to Carlisle via the Ayrshire coast, Kirkcudbright and Dumfries. It continues east as the Coast to Coast C2C route to Sunderland.