SJ8990 : Wellington Road South closed

taken 8 years ago, near to Stockport, England

Wellington Road South closed.
Wellington Road South closed.

The A6 through Stockport is closed for roadworks. Buses on the 192 service southbound are being diverted through Mersey Square and St Peter's Square with separate temporary bus stops provided for alighting and boarding. Northbound buses however are travelling through the bus station but not stopping in the bus station. There are barriers across the road between the Garrick Theatre and the Hat Museum.
Garrick Theatre, Stockport

The Stockport Garrick is the oldest Little Theatre in the country and has staged plays continuously since it was formed in 1901.

The Stockport Garrick Theatre was founded on 24th of October 1901 by engineer Edwin Heys and his fellow actors: fugitives from the disbanded dramatic society of the Stockport Unitarian Church. They met in what was then The Church Coffee Tavern on St Petersgate. Heys and his friends resolved to found a new society "to perform the best plays by the most capable amateur actors and with the finest scenic effects". The new society was named after the great actor David Garrick and has remained in the centre of Stockport ever since.

The theatre kept its doors and its curtains open throughout both World Wars, and attracted the admiration and support of numerous luminaries in the world of professional theatre. Garrick productions have been performed in venues around the country and The Garrick's first production, The Merchant of Venice, in 1901, internationally over the decades.

The society has also run a thriving Youth Theatre for over half its life, which currently produces a full show each winter.

The society purchased its current building, an old mill occupied by an assortment of small businesses, in 1920. Since then, the building's labyrinthine interior has undergone various refurbishments to enhance the society's ability to produce theatre to the highest standards possible.

It is the Garrick's early ownership of its own theatre space that qualifies it as England's oldest Little Theatre, a status that was celebrated in 2008 by the unveiling of a plaque by President of the Little Theatre Guild, Sir Ian McKellen. This plaque can be seen on St Petersgate, at the site of the coffee house in which the society was founded, within sight of the building where the ambitions of Edwin Heys and his co-founders continue to inspire a full season of high quality drama every year.

LinkExternal link

Stockport Hat Museum

The Hat Works is a museum in Stockport. The museum opened in 2000.
The museum is located in the Wellington Mill, which was originally a cotton spinning mill built in 1830–1831 before becoming a hat works in the 1890s. It is a Grade II listed building (LinkExternal link ) and is situated on the A6 Wellington Road South, between the town centre and the railway station.
Wikipedia: LinkExternal link
Website: LinkExternal link

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   © Copyright Gerald England and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
Geographical Context: Sport, Leisure Roads, Road transport City, Town centre Road: A6 other tags: Theatre Hat Museum Museum Roadworks Road Closed Click a tag, to view other nearby images.
This photo is linked from: Automatic Clusters: · Stockport [818] · St [357] · Wellington Road [309] · Mersey Square [199] · Bus Station [193] · Wellington Road South [102] Title Clusters: · Wellington Road South closed. [3] ·
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1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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Grid Square
SJ8990, 2349 images   (more nearby 🔍)
Gerald England   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Wednesday, 23 August, 2017   (more nearby)
Wednesday, 17 January, 2018
Subject Location
OSGB36: geotagged! SJ 8935 9018 [10m precision]
WGS84: 53:24.4995N 2:9.7002W
Camera Location
OSGB36: geotagged! SJ 8939 9015
View Direction
Northwest (about 315 degrees)
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Image Type (about): geograph 
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