Plaque on
SW8033 : Operation Chariot Memorial, Falmouth.
Operation Chariot was the name given to the raid by British forces on St Naziare, and specifically its huge dry dock, on 28 March 1942. It was one of the most daring, courageous episodes of World War II. Out of 611 Commandos who entered the Saint-Nazaire harbour, around only 200 succeeded in landing at the docks; all but 27 were either killed or captured.
Five Victoria Crosses were awarded to men involved and, despite the heavy casualties suffered by the British raiders, the St Nazaire raid was judged to be highly successful with the dock severely damaged and remaining unusable until 1947. This memorial, on the Prince of Wales Pier in Falmouth was unveiled by the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall on 11 July 2008 (
Link Discover Falmouth).